#include <cstddef>
#include <etl/string.h>

 * A fixed-size string
 * This class implements a string (i.e. an array of bytes) that has a maximum size (\p MAX_SIZE)
 * known at compile time. As such, we can predict how much space the string will take, and prevent
 * memory issues.
 * Even though the maximum size (capacity) of the script should be specified beforehand, the size
 * of the actual content is variable, and can be accessed quickly using the `String::size()`
 * function.
 * This class is a child of etl::string that provides some extra functionality that might be
 * useful to us. For the full documentation, look at https://www.etlcpp.com/string.html
 * Strings defined using the String class <b>do NOT have a null-terminating byte</b>
 * @tparam MAX_SIZE The maximum size of the strings
template <const size_t MAX_SIZE>
class String : public etl::string<MAX_SIZE> {
	 * String constructor from a uint8_t array, with a length equal to \p MAX_SIZE
	 * The array does NOT need to be null-terminated.
	 * @param data The array of uint8_t data
	String(const uint8_t* data) // NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
	    : etl::string<MAX_SIZE>(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(data), MAX_SIZE) {}

	 * String constructor from a uint8_t array
	 * The array does NOT need to be null-terminated.
	 * @param data The array of uint8_t data
	 * @param count The number of bytes to include
	String(const uint8_t* data, size_t count) : etl::string<MAX_SIZE>(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(data), count) {}

	 * Declaration of the constructor from const char*s that calls the parent constructor
	 * This is required for some reason, so that C++ recognises and converts string literals
	 * automatically
	 * @param text The pointer to a null terminated string
	String(const char* text) // NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
	    : etl::string<MAX_SIZE>(text) {}

	using etl::istring::append; // Use the append function from the parent

     * Append a specified number of bytes from a uint8_t array to the String
     * @details The array does NOT need to be null-terminated
     * @param data The characters to append
     * @param n The number of characters that \p data contains
     * @return This string
	String& append(const uint8_t* data, size_t n) {
		etl::string<MAX_SIZE>::append(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(data), n);
		return *this;