# ECSS-E-ST-70-41C Services

In this repository you can find the implementation of the ECSS services, based
on the [ECSS-E-ST-70-41C](https://ecss.nl/standard/ecss-e-st-70-41c-space-engineering-telemetry-and-telecommand-packet-utilization-15-april-2016/)

## Documentation
You can read the complete documentation of this project at https://acubesat.gitlab.io/obc/ecss-services/docs/.
This includes installation instructions, a usage guide, and detailed descriptions of all public functions and definitions.

## Directories
- **ci**: GitLab CI configuration files
- **docs**: Source code usage and development documentation
- **inc**: All headers and libraries used in the code
- **lib**: External libraries used in the code
- **src**: All source files are included here
- **test**: Unit test implementation

## Implementation status

| Service Type | Service Name                   | Implementation   |
| ST[01]       | Request Verification           | Full             |
| ST[03]       | Housekeeping                   | Partial          |
| ST[04]       | Parameter Statistics Reporting | Partial          |
| ST[05]       | Event Reporting                | Partial          |
| ST[06]       | Memory Management              | Partial          |
| ST[08]       | Function Management            | Full             |
| ST[11]       | Time-based Scheduling          | Partial          |
| ST[12]       | On-board Monitoring            | Work in progress |
| ST[13]       | Large Packer Transfer          | Partial          |
| ST[15]       | On-board Storage and Retrieval | Work in progress |
| ST[17]       | Test                           | Partial          |
| ST[19]       | Event-action                   | Partial          |
| ST[20]       | Parameter Management           | Partial          |
| ST[23]       | File Management                | Work in progress |