# ECSS-E-ST-70-41C Services

In this repository you can find the implementation of the ECSS services, based
the [ECSS-E-ST-70-41C](https://ecss.nl/standard/ecss-e-st-70-41c-space-engineering-telemetry-and-telecommand-packet-utilization-15-april-2016/)

## Documentation

You can read the complete documentation of this project at https://acubesat.gitlab.io/obc/ecss-services/docs/.
This includes installation instructions, a usage guide, and detailed descriptions of all public functions and

## Directories

- **ci**: GitLab CI configuration files
- **docs**: Source code usage and development documentation
- **inc**: All headers and libraries used in the code
- **lib**: External libraries used in the code
- **src**: All source files are included here
- **test**: Unit test implementation

## Implementation status

| Service Type | Service Name                   | Implementation   |
| ST[01]       | Request Verification           | Full             |
| ST[03]       | Housekeeping                   | Partial          |
| ST[04]       | Parameter Statistics Reporting | Partial          |
| ST[05]       | Event Reporting                | Partial          |
| ST[06]       | Memory Management              | Partial          |
| ST[08]       | Function Management            | Full             |
| ST[11]       | Time-based Scheduling          | Partial          |
| ST[12]       | On-board Monitoring            | Work in progress |
| ST[13]       | Large Packer Transfer          | Partial          |
| ST[15]       | On-board Storage and Retrieval | Work in progress |
| ST[17]       | Test                           | Partial          |
| ST[19]       | Event-action                   | Partial          |
| ST[20]       | Parameter Management           | Partial          |
| ST[23]       | File Management                | Work in progress |

## Build

The `ecss-services` repository can be built and tested without any access to specialised hardware. We provide build
instructions for Linux (or WSL) command-line, and the CLion IDE.

The dependencies of this repository are managed through the [conan](https://conan.io/) package manager, with repositories
from [ConanCenter](https://conan.io/center/) and [SpaceDot's packages](https://artifactory.spacedot.gr).

For more detailed installation instructions, including how to integrate with a microcontroller, visit the
[corresponding documentation page](https://acubesat.gitlab.io/obc/ecss-services/docs/md_docs_installation.html).

### From the Command Line (CLI)

1. Install a modern C++ compiler, CMake, and Conan.  
   CMake >= 3.23 and Conan >= 2.0 are recommended.
   <summary>Getting conan</summary>

   You can install [conan](https://conan.io/) following the instructions [from here](https://docs.conan.io/2/installation.html).
2. Clone the repository and enter the directory:
   git clone https://gitlab.com/acubesat/obc/ecss-services.git
   cd ecss-services
3. (If you haven't already) create a conan profile for your system:
   conan profile detect
4. (If you haven't already) add the SpaceDot repository to conan:
   conan remote add spacedot https://artifactory.spacedot.gr/artifactory/api/conan/conan
5. Download all dependencies and build the project through conan:
   conan build . --output-folder=build --build=missing --update --settings=build_type=Debug
6. Run the tests or the produced executable:

### From CLion

CLion will automatically try to set up a CMake project for you. However, without the conan packages installed, this
will quickly fail. Follow these steps to set up the conan project:

1. Follow steps 1-4 from the CLI instructions above.
2. Run the following command to install relevant packages and create the CMakePreset.json files
conan install . --output-folder=cmake-build-debug -u --build="*" -pr conan-profile --settings=build_type=Debug
3. Add the following to the CMake Options (File -> Settings -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> CMake -> CMake Options):
4. If your CMake project doesn't reload automatically, reload it manually (Tools -> CMake -> Reload CMake Project).

We do not recommend using a Conan plugin for your IDE, as it may tamper with the default configuration for this repository.

## Static Analysis
Before pushing online, you can run the static analysis tools locally to avoid waiting for the CI jobs to finish.
You can do so by running `.ci/clang-tidy.sh` and `.ci/cppcheck.sh` from the root of the repository.
This will create two output files, `clang-tidy-output.log` and `report.xml`, which you can inspect to see the results.
You have to search for errors in `clang-tidy-output.log`, as it includes warnings and notes.
The `report.xml` is a cppcheck report, which you can convert to HTML with `cppcheck-htmlreport`, or open locally.
Any item in that file will cause failure of the pipeline.

## Tests
Before pushing online, you can run the tests locally to avoid waiting for the CI jobs to finish.
You can do this by running:


### clang-tidy
Make sure clang-tidy is installed. It can be installed with the following command:
sudo apt-get install clang-tidy

For clang-tidy to run according to the set configuration in `ci/.clang-tidy`, follow these steps if you use CLion:
Settings -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> CMake -> CMake Options. In case you use CLI, add it as argument to the 
   `cmake` command.
2. Reload the CMake project in CLion (Tools -> CMake -> Reload CMake Project), or run the `cmake` command again in the 
   CLI, with all the needed arguments.
3. Run the following command from the root of the repository:

./ci/clang-tidy.sh <build-directory>
where the `<build-directory>` is the directory where the `compile_commands.json` file is located. This is usually 
the `cmake-build-debug` directory if CLion is used, or the `build` directory if the CLI is used.

Finally, check the output files for errors. The `clang-tidy-output.log` file will contain all the warnings, notes 
and errors. Any error in that file will cause failure of the pipeline.