diff --git a/gaussian.go b/gaussian.go
index c74798d4aea2bbdccb9b416f1f16853b044f5718..caf9c434f867db174ea028c7143d48cd5a455b98 100644
--- a/gaussian.go
+++ b/gaussian.go
@@ -35,6 +35,8 @@ func (f *F2) GaussianElimination() {
 				f.Rows[rr].Xor(f.Rows[rr], f.Rows[pivotBit])
+		//TODO: detect linear dependency
 	// do the same thing backwards to get the identity matrix
@@ -126,6 +128,88 @@ func (f *F2) partialDiagonalize(startRow, startCol, stopRow, stopCol int) {
+// PartialGaussianWithLinearChecking performs a partial gaussian elimination
+// This function performs a gaussian elimination on the matrix and calls the
+// check callback after each iteration in order to verify that linear
+// dependencies in the code could be resolved easily.
+func (f *F2) PartialGaussianWithLinearChecking(
+	startRow int,
+	startCol int,
+	stopRow int,
+	stopCol int,
+	linearCheck func(*F2, int, int, int, int, int) error,
+) error {
+	// iterate through all possible pivot bits
+	for pivotBit := startCol; pivotBit <= stopCol; pivotBit++ {
+		// intialize the pivotbit indicator
+		foundPivotBit := false
+		// iterate through the rows
+		for rowCounter := startRow + pivotBit - startCol; rowCounter <= stopRow; rowCounter++ {
+			// if the pivotbit of this row is 0...
+			if f.Rows[rowCounter].Bit(pivotBit) == uint(0) {
+				// ...check the next row
+				continue
+			}
+			// if the row with a valid pivot bit is not the first row...
+			if pivotBit-startCol != rowCounter {
+				// ...swap it with first one
+				f.SwapRows(pivotBit-startCol, rowCounter)
+			}
+			// iterate through all other rows except the first one
+			for rr := startRow + pivotBit - startCol + 1; rr <= stopRow; rr++ {
+				if f.Rows[rr].Bit(pivotBit) == uint(0) {
+					continue
+				}
+				// subtract the 1 from all other rows with the pivotBit
+				f.Rows[rr].Xor(
+					f.Rows[rr],
+					f.Rows[startRow+pivotBit-startCol],
+				)
+			}
+			// indicate the pivotbit is found
+			foundPivotBit = true
+			// break out of the loop
+			break
+		}
+		// if a pivot bit was found...
+		if foundPivotBit {
+			// ...skip to the next row
+			continue
+		}
+		// detect linear dependencies and try to resolve them
+		err := linearCheck(
+			f,
+			startRow,
+			startCol,
+			stopRow,
+			stopCol,
+			pivotBit,
+		)
+		// check the error
+		if err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+		// process the same row again
+		pivotBit--
+	}
+	// do the same thing backwards to get the identity matrix
+	f.partialDiagonalize(startRow, startCol, stopRow, stopCol)
+	return nil
 // CheckGaussian checks if the given range in the matrix is the identity matrix
 // @param int startRow The row where the check starts
diff --git a/gaussian_test.go b/gaussian_test.go
index 6a83b3c0e6b1183e05f6a6192fb353aac8136cc6..3aca9bc796ee343555460e2892eafcdf579af8f3 100644
--- a/gaussian_test.go
+++ b/gaussian_test.go
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 package gomatrix
 import (
+	"fmt"
@@ -103,12 +104,166 @@ func TestPartialGaussianElimination(t *testing.T) {
-		test.matrixA.PrettyPrint()
 		assert.True(t, test.matrixA.IsEqual(test.expectedMatrix))
+func TestPartialGaussianWithLinearChecking(t *testing.T) {
+	tests := []struct {
+		description    string
+		matrix         *F2
+		startRow       int
+		startCol       int
+		stopRow        int
+		stopCol        int
+		linearCheck    func(*F2, int, int, int, int, int) error
+		expectedResult *F2
+		expectedError  bool
+	}{
+		{
+			description: "4x4 with one swap",
+			matrix: NewF2(4, 4).Set([]*big.Int{
+				big.NewInt(10),
+				big.NewInt(13),
+				big.NewInt(12),
+				big.NewInt(14),
+			}),
+			startRow: 0,
+			startCol: 1,
+			stopRow:  2,
+			stopCol:  3,
+			linearCheck: func(f *F2, startRow, startCol, stopRow, stopCol, pivotBit int) error {
+				// create a bitmask for the row check
+				bitmask := big.NewInt(0).SetBit(big.NewInt(0), stopCol-startCol+1, 1)
+				bitmask = bitmask.Sub(bitmask, big.NewInt(1))
+				bitmask = bitmask.Lsh(bitmask, uint(startCol))
+				foundValidRow := false
+				// iterate through the rows
+				for index, row := range f.Rows {
+					// skip all rows, that are processed by the gaussian elimination
+					if index >= startRow && index <= stopRow {
+						continue
+					}
+					// get the bits to check
+					bitsToCheck := big.NewInt(0).And(
+						bitmask,
+						row,
+					)
+					// if the bits are 0...
+					if bitsToCheck.Cmp(big.NewInt(0)) == 0 {
+						// ...skip the row
+						continue
+					}
+					// swap the rows
+					f.SwapRows(pivotBit-1, index)
+					foundValidRow = true
+					// exit the loop
+					break
+				}
+				if !foundValidRow {
+					return fmt.Errorf("cannot resolv linear dependency")
+				}
+				for i := startCol; i < pivotBit; i++ {
+					if f.Rows[pivotBit-startCol].Bit(i) == uint(0) {
+						continue
+					}
+					fmt.Printf("%d xor %d\n", pivotBit-startCol, startRow+i-startCol)
+					f.Rows[pivotBit-startCol].Xor(
+						f.Rows[pivotBit-startCol],
+						f.Rows[startRow+i-startCol],
+					)
+				}
+				return nil
+			},
+			expectedResult: NewF2(4, 4).Set([]*big.Int{
+				big.NewInt(3),
+				big.NewInt(4),
+				big.NewInt(9),
+				big.NewInt(1),
+			}),
+			expectedError: false,
+		},
+		{
+			description: "4x4 with error",
+			matrix: NewF2(4, 4).Set([]*big.Int{
+				big.NewInt(10),
+				big.NewInt(13),
+				big.NewInt(12),
+				big.NewInt(14),
+			}),
+			startRow: 0,
+			startCol: 1,
+			stopRow:  2,
+			stopCol:  3,
+			linearCheck: func(f *F2, startRow, startCol, stopRow, stopCol, pivotBit int) error {
+				return fmt.Errorf("testfoo")
+			},
+			expectedResult: NewF2(4, 4).Set([]*big.Int{
+				big.NewInt(3),
+				big.NewInt(4),
+				big.NewInt(9),
+				big.NewInt(1),
+			}),
+			expectedError: true,
+		},
+		{
+			description: "4x4 with error",
+			matrix: NewF2(4, 4).Set([]*big.Int{
+				big.NewInt(13),
+				big.NewInt(10),
+				big.NewInt(12),
+				big.NewInt(14),
+			}),
+			startRow: 0,
+			startCol: 1,
+			stopRow:  2,
+			stopCol:  3,
+			linearCheck: func(f *F2, startRow, startCol, stopRow, stopCol, pivotBit int) error {
+				return fmt.Errorf("testfoo")
+			},
+			expectedResult: NewF2(4, 4).Set([]*big.Int{
+				big.NewInt(3),
+				big.NewInt(4),
+				big.NewInt(9),
+				big.NewInt(1),
+			}),
+			expectedError: true,
+		},
+	}
+	for _, test := range tests {
+		err := test.matrix.PartialGaussianWithLinearChecking(
+			test.startRow,
+			test.startCol,
+			test.stopRow,
+			test.stopCol,
+			test.linearCheck,
+		)
+		test.matrix.PrettyPrint()
+		assert.Equalf(t, test.expectedError, err != nil, test.description)
+		if err != nil {
+			continue
+		}
+		assert.Truef(t, test.expectedResult.IsEqual(test.matrix), test.description)
+	}
 func TestCheckGaussian(t *testing.T) {
 	tests := []struct {
 		description    string
diff --git a/resolver/lineardependency.go b/resolver/lineardependency.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..96e6397431639f473153930830e19804180b3e38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resolver/lineardependency.go
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+package resolver
+import (
+	"fmt"
+	"math/big"
+	"git.noc.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/danieljankowski/gomatrix"
+// LinearDependenciesInGauss tries to resolve linear dependencies in the gaussian
+// elimination.
+// This function is used in order to try to resolve linear dependencies while
+// using the function PartialGaussianWithLinearChecking as linearCheck-function.
+func LinearDependenciesInGauss(
+	f *gomatrix.F2,
+	startRow int,
+	startCol int,
+	stopRow int,
+	stopCol int,
+	pivotBit int,
+) error {
+	// create a bitmask for the row check
+	bitmask := big.NewInt(0).SetBit(big.NewInt(0), stopCol-startCol+1, 1)
+	bitmask = bitmask.Sub(bitmask, big.NewInt(1))
+	bitmask = bitmask.Lsh(bitmask, uint(startCol))
+	foundValidRow := false
+	// iterate through the rows
+	for index, row := range f.Rows {
+		// skip all rows, that are processed by the gaussian elimination
+		if index >= startRow && index <= stopRow {
+			continue
+		}
+		// get the bits to check
+		bitsToCheck := big.NewInt(0).And(
+			bitmask,
+			row,
+		)
+		// if the bits are 0...
+		if bitsToCheck.Cmp(big.NewInt(0)) == 0 {
+			// ...skip the row
+			continue
+		}
+		// swap the rows
+		f.SwapRows(pivotBit-1, index)
+		foundValidRow = true
+		// exit the loop
+		break
+	}
+	if !foundValidRow {
+		return fmt.Errorf("cannot resolve linear dependency")
+	}
+	for i := startCol; i < pivotBit; i++ {
+		if f.Rows[pivotBit-startCol].Bit(i) == uint(0) {
+			continue
+		}
+		fmt.Printf("%d xor %d\n", pivotBit-startCol, startRow+i-startCol)
+		f.Rows[pivotBit-startCol].Xor(
+			f.Rows[pivotBit-startCol],
+			f.Rows[startRow+i-startCol],
+		)
+	}
+	return nil
diff --git a/resolver/lineardependency_test.go b/resolver/lineardependency_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5d03ebc659987dcd098c4606e4bbc0d6ccb9b248
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resolver/lineardependency_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+package resolver
+import (
+	"math/big"
+	"testing"
+	"git.noc.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/danieljankowski/gomatrix"
+	"github.com/stretchr/testify/assert"
+func TestLinearDependenciesInGauss(t *testing.T) {
+	tests := []struct {
+		description    string
+		matrix         *gomatrix.F2
+		startRow       int
+		startCol       int
+		stopRow        int
+		stopCol        int
+		pivotBit       int
+		expectedError  bool
+		expectedResult *gomatrix.F2
+	}{
+		{
+			description: "simple swap and postprocessing of the row",
+			matrix: gomatrix.NewF2(4, 4).Set([]*big.Int{
+				big.NewInt(10),
+				big.NewInt(13),
+				big.NewInt(1),
+				big.NewInt(14),
+			}),
+			startRow:      0,
+			startCol:      1,
+			stopRow:       2,
+			stopCol:       3,
+			pivotBit:      3,
+			expectedError: false,
+			expectedResult: gomatrix.NewF2(4, 4).Set([]*big.Int{
+				big.NewInt(10),
+				big.NewInt(13),
+				big.NewInt(9),
+				big.NewInt(1),
+			}),
+		},
+		{
+			description: "no row to swap with",
+			matrix: gomatrix.NewF2(4, 4).Set([]*big.Int{
+				big.NewInt(10),
+				big.NewInt(13),
+				big.NewInt(1),
+				big.NewInt(1),
+			}),
+			startRow:      0,
+			startCol:      1,
+			stopRow:       2,
+			stopCol:       3,
+			pivotBit:      3,
+			expectedError: true,
+			expectedResult: gomatrix.NewF2(4, 4).Set([]*big.Int{
+				big.NewInt(10),
+				big.NewInt(13),
+				big.NewInt(9),
+				big.NewInt(1),
+			}),
+		},
+		{
+			description: "simple swap and postprocessing of the row + continue",
+			matrix: gomatrix.NewF2(4, 4).Set([]*big.Int{
+				big.NewInt(10),
+				big.NewInt(13),
+				big.NewInt(1),
+				big.NewInt(10),
+			}),
+			startRow:      0,
+			startCol:      1,
+			stopRow:       2,
+			stopCol:       3,
+			pivotBit:      3,
+			expectedError: false,
+			expectedResult: gomatrix.NewF2(4, 4).Set([]*big.Int{
+				big.NewInt(10),
+				big.NewInt(13),
+				big.NewInt(0),
+				big.NewInt(1),
+			}),
+		},
+	}
+	for _, test := range tests {
+		err := LinearDependenciesInGauss(
+			test.matrix,
+			test.startRow,
+			test.startCol,
+			test.stopRow,
+			test.stopCol,
+			test.pivotBit,
+		)
+		assert.Equalf(t, test.expectedError, err != nil, test.description)
+		if err != nil {
+			continue
+		}
+		assert.Truef(t, test.expectedResult.IsEqual(test.matrix), test.description)
+	}