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Administr[AI]tor - The bot for our Discord server. https://ai-rub.de/discord
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Thomas Wöhlke / flask-covid19
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyCovid19 Data Aggregation - also a Project to learn Python Flask, SQLAlchemy, Celery et al.
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Florian Farke / my-activity-extension
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Campus Rallye WS 19/20; Cyberpunk; Arturcoins
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Niklas Ferdinand Heyne / gcode-composer
MIT LicenseCARE! PROTOTYPE! The gcode composer is a tool to plan experiments with the nydus one open source bioprinter.
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Kassensystem und Shot-O-Mat interface fuer das Campusfest
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Abstimmungstool. Genutzt auf VV fuer Arbeitsauftraege.
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Digital edition of the Kitāb ʿAyn al-Naẓar.
The edition is encoded in TEI P5 and visualized using XSLT and Bootstrap.