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Hausaufgaben Vertiefungspraktikum Wireless Physical Layer Security.
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Adam Roussel / vsa-wn
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterUpdated -
Sven Michael Pohl / teqp_fork_old
NIST Public Domain Notice with license fallbackUpdated -
Plotting Serial (from a microcontroller) like in the Arduino IDE
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Niklas Ferdinand Heyne / ss15
MIT LicenseRepository for the Python course in summer term 2015
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Frederik Schaff / SoftwareDevWorkshopGTrenschFZJ
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterUpdated -
This class give a simple control interface in Python to the Dewesoft Data Acquisition (DAQ) like Sirius Mini.
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Nico Schiller / Sileo-AFLplusplus
Apache License 2.0Updated -
Daniel Möller / RUBmensabot
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Adam Roussel / pywebanno
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterUpdated -
Markus Stricker / Pyiron_demonstrator
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterTestbed for using pyiron as a driver for optimizing the number of measurements in an experiment using a Gaussian Process.
Data and template code were provided by Lars Banko. Refactoring to object-oriented design by Markus Stricker.
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tp2-projects / pyDMAnalyzer
MIT LicenseThe aim of this project is to have a tool, which connects properties of dark matter on the highest scale to observables like cross sections.