nav: - Startseite: '' - Makerspace nutzen: '' - Wiki: - Wiki: '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - Organisation und Team: '' - Kontakt: '' copyright: <a href=""><img class="copyright1" alt="Logo und Link Website RUB" style="width:250px; padding-right:20px; padding-bottom:20px;"></a> <a href=""><img class="copyright2" alt="Logo Worldfactory" style="width:200px; padding-right:20px; padding-bottom:20px;"></a> <a href=""> <img class="copyright3" alt="Logo Excellent Startup Center" style="width:200px;"></a> <br> <a href="">Startseite</a> | <a href="">Kontakt</a> | <a href="">Impressum</a> | <a href="">Datenschutz und Cookies</a> site_name: 'RUB-MAKERSPACE' site_url: site_description: 'Die offene Werkstatt an der RUB' use_directory_urls: true #repo_url: #repo_name: "Open Source" #edit_uri: ./-/blob/main/docs/ theme: name: material custom_dir: docs/overrides icon: repo: "fontawesome/brands/gitlab" admonition: abstract: fontawesome/solid/circle-exclamation tip: fontawesome/solid/screwdriver-wrench failure: material/hospital-box quote: fontawesome/solid/triangle-exclamation favicon: medien/favicon.ico features: # - toc.follow #toc is the right side navigation (navigation within one page) # - toc.integrate #if activated, right side navigation would be included in the left side navigatoin - #integrates a back-to-top button that appears after the user starts to scroll up the page # - navigation.sections #if activated, left side navigation-sections would always be "expanded" and couldn't be "collapsed" # - navigation.instant #works neither with i18n (language-plugin) nor with our new "fancy" elements that rely on javascript # - navigation.indexes #if activated, top-page of a left side navigation-section would shown again as the first page of its section - search.suggest - search.highlight - navigation.tracking # - navigation.tabs #this is the navigation bar at the top of the page. Only visible when there is enough width available # - navigation.tabs.sticky #this locks the navigation bar at the top of the page. Otherwise, it would disappear when the user scrolls down # - announce.dismiss - content.action.edit - content.code.copy # - navigation.footer - navigation.prune language: de logo: medien/makerspace-weiss.svg palette: - media: "(prefers-color-scheme: light)" scheme: default toggle: icon: material/lightbulb-outline name: Switch to dark mode - media: "(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" scheme: slate toggle: icon: material/lightbulb name: Switch to light mode font: false #to prevent loading fonts from google markdown_extensions: - meta - toc: # permalink: true toc_depth: 3 - pymdownx.tabbed: alternate_style: true - pymdownx.emoji: emoji_index: !!python/name:material.extensions.emoji.twemoji emoji_generator: !!python/name:material.extensions.emoji.to_svg options: custom_icons: - docs/overrides/.icons - def_list - pymdownx.tasklist: custom_checkbox: true - admonition - pymdownx.details - pymdownx.superfences: custom_fences: - name: mermaid class: mermaid format: !!python/name:pymdownx.superfences.fence_code_format - pymdownx.critic - pymdownx.caret - pymdownx.mark - pymdownx.tilde - footnotes - attr_list - pymdownx.snippets: base_path: "docs" plugins: - search - glightbox: skip_classes: - skip-lightbox - i18n: languages: - locale: de name: Deutsch build: true default: true - locale: en name: English build: false nav_translations: Startseite: "Start" Aktuelles: "News" Kalender: "Calendar" News aus 2023: "News from 2023" News aus 2022: "News from 2022" News aus 2021: "News from 2021" News aus 2020: "News from 2020" Sensordaten: "Sensor Data" Unterweisungen: "(Safety) Instructions" Makerspace nutzen: "Using the Makerspace" Bereiche und Ausstattung: "Space and Equipment" Übersichtskarte: "Makerspace Map" Organisation und Team: "Organization and Team" Partner*innen: "Partners" Kontakt: "Contact" Anreise: "Journey to the Makerspace" Öffnungszeiten: "Opening Hours" Unterstützung: "Support, Partnership and Fundraising" Quelldaten dieser Website: "Source Data" - table-reader: data_path: "tables" - git-revision-date-localized: enable_creation_date: true fallback_to_build_date: false type: iso_date timezone: Europe/Berlin exclude: - - - news/* - news-entwuerfe/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - footermatter: key_created: "date" # date_format: "%Y-%m-%d" locale: "de" default_author_url: "../../team" - mkdocs-video: css_style: max-width: "90%" width: auto height: auto max-height: "80vh" is_video: true video_autoplay: false video_muted: false video_controls: True - rss: match_path: "news(/|\\\\).*" abstract_chars_count: -1 date_from_meta: as_creation: date as_update: date datetime_format: "%Y-%m-%d" image: length: 40 - rss_deduplicate - exclude_snippets extra: social: - icon: fontawesome/brands/instagram link: - icon: fontawesome/brands/x-twitter link: - icon: fontawesome/brands/youtube link: - icon: fontawesome/solid/square-rss link: alternate: - name: English link: en/ lang: en - name: Deutsch link: ./ lang: de translations: en: nav_startpage: "START" nav_makerspace_nutzen: "USING THE MAKERSPACE" nav_wiki: "WIKI" nav_team: "TEAM" nav_contact: "CONTACT" nav_small_impressum: "Legal Notice" nav_small_cookies: "Privacy Policy and Cookies" settings: "Settings" close: "Close" select_language: "Select Language" select_color_scheme: "Select Color Scheme" select_color_scheme_light: "Light" select_color_scheme_dark: "Dark" change_font_size: "Change Font Size" increase_font_size: "Increase Font-Size" decrease_font_size: "Decrease Font-Size" reset_font_size: "Reset Font-Size" settingsET: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. This text is displayed to help you preview the font size settings. Adjust the font-size with the buttons above to see how the text size changes. settingsETH: Example Heading noJsWarning: <strong> Warning! </strong> It seems you have deactivated JavaScript. The design and functionality of this site might be broken or limited. de: nav_startpage: "STARTSEITE" nav_makerspace_nutzen: "MAKERSPACE NUTZEN" nav_wiki: "WIKI" nav_team: "TEAM" nav_contact: "KONTAKT" nav_small_impressum: "Impressum" nav_small_cookies: "Datenschutz und Cookies" settings: "Einstellungen" close: "Schließen" select_language: "Sprache auswählen" select_color_scheme: "Farb-Schema auswählen" select_color_scheme_light: "Hell" select_color_scheme_dark: "Dunkel" change_font_size: "Schriftgröße ändern" increase_font_size: "Schriftgröße erhöhen" decrease_font_size: "Schriftgröße verkleinern" reset_font_size: "Schriftgröße zurücksetzen" settingsET: Der schnelle braune Fuchs springt über den faulen Hund. Dieser Text wird angezeigt, um Dir eine Vorschau der Schriftgrößeneinstellungen zu zeigen. Passe die Schriftgröße mit den Buttons oben an, um zu sehen, wie sich die Textgröße ändert. settingsETH: Beispiel Überschrift noJsWarning: <strong> Warnung! </strong> Es scheint, dass Du JavaScript deaktiviert hast. Das Design und die Funktionalität dieser Website sind dadurch möglicherweise fehlerhaft oder eingeschränkt. extra_css: - 'stylesheets/main.css' extra_javascript: - javascripts/header.js - javascripts/img.js - javascripts/fontsizeslider.js