From 6107ee67754fa98fa554ffa5e20d2fb60eaf3925 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ernesto Oquelis <>
Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2018 23:58:08 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] last update of today, life is good

---    | 65 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------- | 13 ++++++-----  | 29 ++++++++++++-----------
 3 files changed, 60 insertions(+), 47 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index 2c64e8e..eb062c5 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ Written on:     15.Sep.18
 Last edited on: 25.Sep.18
 import numpy as np
@@ -164,7 +163,9 @@ class Structure2DPlaneStress:
     def reduce(self, k_global, r_global):
-        import numpy as np
+        """
+        Missing docstring...
+        """
         to_delete = list()
         to_keep = list()
@@ -173,9 +174,9 @@ class Structure2DPlaneStress:
         for node_id in range(num_nodes):
             constr = self.node_list[node_id].constraint_2d
             if constr is not None:
-                for ix, con in enumerate(constr.value):
+                for i_x, con in enumerate(constr.value):
                     if con:
-                        to_delete.append(2 * node_id + ix)
+                        to_delete.append(2 * node_id + i_x)
         to_keep = np.arange(2 * num_nodes)
         to_keep = list(to_keep)
         for element in to_delete:
@@ -187,11 +188,10 @@ class Structure2DPlaneStress:
         self.kept = to_keep
-        for ix, i in enumerate(to_keep):
-            r_new[ix] = r_global[i]
-            for jx, j in enumerate(to_keep):
-                k_new[ix,jx] = k_new[ix,jx] + k_global[i,j]
+        for i_x, i in enumerate(to_keep):
+            r_new[i_x] = r_global[i]
+            for j_x, j in enumerate(to_keep):
+                k_new[i_x, j_x] = k_new[i_x, j_x] + k_global[i, j]
         return k_new, r_new
@@ -231,7 +231,6 @@ class Structure2DPlaneStress:
                              (2 * element_node_ids[j])] += k_e[(2 * i + 1), (2 * j)]
                     k_global[(2 * element_node_ids[i]),
                              (2 * element_node_ids[j] + 1)] += k_e[(2 * i), (2 * j + 1)]
         k_global, r_global = self.reduce(k_global, r_global)
         self.k_global = k_global
@@ -242,10 +241,10 @@ class Structure2DPlaneStress:
         Sets displacements on the nodes according to solution of linear system.
-        for ix, for_node_id in enumerate(self.kept):
+        for i_x, for_node_id in enumerate(self.kept):
             node_id = int(for_node_id/2)
             even = bool(for_node_id%2)
-            disp = self.structure_displacement[ix]
+            disp = self.structure_displacement[i_x]
             if even:
                 self.node_list[node_id].displacement[1] = disp
@@ -291,8 +290,8 @@ class Structure2DPlaneStress:
         for element_id in range(len(self.element_list)):
             area = self.element_list[element_id].area
             ids = self.element_list[element_id].node_ids
-            print('{:<10}{:>10.2E}{:>10}{:>10}{:>10}'.format(element_id, area, 
-                                                          ids[0], ids[1], ids[2]))
+            print('{:<10}{:>10.2E}{:>10}{:>10}{:>10}'.format(element_id, area,
+                                                             ids[0], ids[1], ids[2]))
     def print_results(self):
@@ -304,7 +303,7 @@ class Structure2DPlaneStress:
         for node_id in range(len(self.node_list)):
             displacement = self.node_list[node_id].displacement
             print('{:<10}{:>15.6E}{:>15.6E}'.format(node_id, displacement[0],
-                                                             displacement[1]))
+                                                    displacement[1]))
 class Visualizer:
@@ -460,29 +459,41 @@ class Visualizer:
 def round_trip_connect(start, end):
+    """
+    Missing docstring...
+    """
     return [(i, i+1) for i in range(start, end)] + [(end, start)]
 def refine_grid(vertices, area):
+    """
+    Missing docstring...
+    """
     max_area = 1  ########################################################################
-    return bool(area>max_area)
+    return bool(area > max_area)
-def createMesh(vertices, edges) :
+def create_mesh(vertices, edges):
+    """
+    Missing docstring...
+    """
     from meshpy import triangle
-    gridInfo  = triangle.MeshInfo()
-    gridInfo.set_points(vertices)
-    gridInfo.set_facets(edges)
-    mesh  =, refinement_func=refine_grid)
-    mesh_points   = np.array(mesh.points)
+    grid_info = triangle.MeshInfo()
+    grid_info.set_points(vertices)
+    grid_info.set_facets(edges)
+    mesh =, refinement_func=refine_grid)
+    mesh_points = np.array(mesh.points)
     mesh_elements = np.array(mesh.elements)
     return mesh_points, mesh_elements
-def plot(mesh_points, mesh_elements):
+def plot_2d(mesh_points, mesh_elements):
+    """
+    Missing docstring...
+    """
     import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
     plt.triplot(mesh_points[:, 0], mesh_points[:, 1], mesh_elements)
-    for x,y in enumerate(mesh_points) :
-        plt.text(y[0] - 0.01, y[1] + 0.01, x, ha='right')
+    for x_plot, y_plot in enumerate(mesh_points):
+        plt.text(y_plot[0] - 0.01, y_plot[1] + 0.01, x_plot, ha='right')
diff --git a/ b/
index e4c1cbe..694397b 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
 This is a missing docstring...
-from fem_2d import createMesh, round_trip_connect
+from fem_2d import create_mesh, round_trip_connect
 def simple_square():
-    vertices = [(-1,-1),(1,-1),(1,1),(-1,1)]
-    edges = round_trip_connect(0, len(vertices)-1)
-    return createMesh(vertices,edges)
+    """
+    Missing docstring.
+    """
+    vertices = [(-1, -1), (1, -1), (1, 1), (-1, 1)]
+    edges = round_trip_connect(0, len(vertices) - 1)
+    return create_mesh(vertices, edges)
diff --git a/ b/
index 3bf2e27..1841903 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,27 +1,28 @@
+Missing docstring...
-import numpy as np
-import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
-from fem_2d import Structure2DPlaneStress, Constraint2D, Force2D, plot
+from fem_2d import Structure2DPlaneStress, Constraint2D, Force2D
 from models_2d import simple_square
 # This test the simple square model
-SQ_mesh_points, SQ_mesh_elements = simple_square()
-STR = Structure2DPlaneStress(SQ_mesh_elements, SQ_mesh_points,
-                             elastic_modulus = 10e6,
-                             poisson_ratio = 0.3,
-                             thickness = 0.1)
+                             elastic_modulus=10e6,
+                             poisson_ratio=0.3,
+                             thickness=0.1)
 STRUCT = list()
-STR.node_list[0].constraint_2d = Constraint2D([1,1])
-STR.node_list[1].constraint_2d = Constraint2D([1,1])
-STR.node_list[2].force_2d = Force2D([1,1])
-STR.node_list[3].constraint_2d = Constraint2D([1,1])
-STR.node_list[4].constraint_2d = Constraint2D([1,1])
+STR.node_list[0].constraint_2d = Constraint2D([1, 1])
+STR.node_list[1].constraint_2d = Constraint2D([1, 1])
+STR.node_list[2].force_2d = Force2D([1, 1])
+STR.node_list[3].constraint_2d = Constraint2D([1, 1])
+STR.node_list[4].constraint_2d = Constraint2D([1, 1])
\ No newline at end of file