From e01e3fb21627c772c11300a3d09a5d6291c6fc3a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ernesto Oquelis <>
Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2018 20:25:49 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] update

--- |   9 +++-- | 107 +++++++++++-------------------------------------------
 2 files changed, 27 insertions(+), 89 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index 639c6c0..d065e10 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -11,11 +11,11 @@ mesh_points = np.array([[0. , 0. ],
                         [1. , 1. ],
                         [0. , 1. ],
                         [0.5, 0.5]], dtype='float64')
 STR = Structure2DPlaneStress(mesh_elements, mesh_points,
-                              elastic_modulus = 10e6,
-                              poisson_ratio = 0.3,
-                              thickness = 0.1)
+                             elastic_modulus = 10e6,
+                             poisson_ratio = 0.3,
+                             thickness = 0.1)
 STRUCT = list()
@@ -30,3 +30,4 @@ STR.solve()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ b/
index 574aa29..dad79ed 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -62,29 +62,6 @@ class Node2D:
         self.displacement = np.zeros((2,))
         self.constraint_2d = None
         self.force_2d = None
-        self.dof_numbers = np.zeros((2, 1))
-    def enumerate_dofs(self, start):
-        """
-        Enumerates dofs. All restricted movements are saved as -1. The dofs are
-        numbered instead.
-        """
-        current_dof = start
-        if self.constraint_2d is None:
-            self.dof_numbers = np.array([current_dof, current_dof + 1],
-                                        dtype='int32').reshape(2, 1)
-            current_dof = current_dof + 2
-        else:
-            for i in range(2):
-                if self.constraint[i]:
-                    self.dof_numbers[i] = -1
-                else:
-                    self.dof_numbers[i] = current_dof
-                    current_dof = current_dof + 1
-        return current_dof
     def print_details(self):
@@ -111,7 +88,6 @@ class Element2D:
         self.node_2 = node_2
         self.node_3 = node_3
         self.node_ids = node_ids
-        self.dof_numbers = None
         const_a = np.linalg.norm(self.node_1.position - self.node_2.position)
         const_b = np.linalg.norm(self.node_2.position - self.node_3.position)
@@ -121,7 +97,7 @@ class Element2D:
                             (const_s - const_b) *
                             (const_s - const_c))
-    def get_k_mat(self, thickness, c_mat):
+    def get_k_e_mat(self, thickness, c_mat):
         Computes the local stiffness matrix of the element.
@@ -138,24 +114,16 @@ class Element2D:
         return self.area * thickness *, c_mat), b_mat)
-    def enumerate_dofs(self):
-        """
-        Enumerates the dofs and concatenates the results on a single array.
-        """
-        self.dof_numbers = np.concatenate([self.node_1.dof_numbers,
-                                           self.node_2.dof_numbers,
-                                           self.node_3.dof_numbers])
     def print_details(self):
         Pritns details of the element object.
         print('\nDetails of node 1:')
-        self.node_1().print_node()
+        self.node_1().print_details()
         print('Details of node 2:')
-        self.node_2().print_node()
+        self.node_2().print_details()
         print('Details of node 3:')
-        self.node_3().print_node()
+        self.node_3().print_details()
 class Structure2DPlaneStress:
@@ -164,26 +132,9 @@ class Structure2DPlaneStress:
     def __init__(self, mesh_elements, mesh_points, elastic_modulus,
                  poisson_ratio, thickness):
-        self.nodes_list = list()
-        self.elements_list = list()
-        self.number_equations = int(0)
-        nodes_array = mesh_points
-        self.num_nodes = nodes_array.shape[0]
-        self.num_eq = 2 * self.num_nodes
-        for node_id in range(self.num_nodes):
-            self.nodes_list.append(Node2D(nodes_array[node_id, :]))
-        elements_array = mesh_elements
-        self.num_elements = mesh_elements.shape[0]
-        for element_id in range(self.num_elements):
-            element_nodes = elements_array[element_id, :]
-            self.elements_list.append(Element2D(self.nodes_list[element_nodes[0]],
-                                                self.nodes_list[element_nodes[1]],
-                                                self.nodes_list[element_nodes[2]],
-                                                element_nodes))
-            self.elements_list[-1].node_ids = element_nodes
+        self.node_list = list()
+        self.element_list = list()
+        self.k_es = None
         self.thickness = thickness
         self.structure_displacement = None
         self.c_mat = (elastic_modulus / (1 - poisson_ratio ** 2) *
@@ -191,46 +142,32 @@ class Structure2DPlaneStress:
                                 [poisson_ratio, 1, 0],
                                 [0, 0, (1-poisson_ratio)/2]]))
-    def enumerate_dofs(self):
-        """
-        Enumerates the dofs of all nodes on the structure.
-        """
-        current_dof = int(0)
-        for i in range(self.num_nodes):
-            current_dof = self.nodes_list[i].enumerate_dofs(current_dof)
-        for j in range(self.num_elements):
-            self.get_element(j).enumerate_dofs()
-        return current_dof
+        for el in mesh_elements:
+            ke = 
     def solve(self):
         Solves linear system of equations.
         # Defines empty k matrix and r vector
-        k_global = np.zeros((self.num_eq, self.num_eq))
-        r_global = np.zeros((self.num_eq, 1))
+        k_global = np.zeros(((2 * self.mesh_points.shape[0]),
+                             (2 * self.mesh_points.shape[0])))
+        r_global = np.zeros(((2 * self.mesh_points.shape[0]), 1))
         # Assembles load vector
-        for node_id in range(self.num_nodes):
+        for node_id in range((2 * self.mesh_points.shape[0])):
             if self.nodes_list[node_id].force_2d is not None:
                 r_global[node_id * 2] = self.nodes_list[node_id].force_2d.value[0]
                 r_global[node_id * 2 + 1] = self.nodes_list[node_id].force_2d.value[1]
         # Assembles stiffness matrix
-        for element_id in range(self.num_elements):
-            k_g_ix = list()
-            node_ids = self.elements_list[element_id].node_ids
-            k_e = self.elements_list[element_id].get_k_mat(self.thickness,
-                                                           self.c_mat)
-            for i_x in node_ids:
-                k_g_ix.append(i_x * 2)
-                k_g_ix.append(i_x * 2 + 1)
-            for i in range(6):
-                for j in range(6):
-                    k_global[k_g_ix[i], k_g_ix[j]] = ((k_global[k_g_ix[i],
-                                                                k_g_ix[j]]) +
-                                                      k_e[i, j])
+        for row in self.mesh_elements:
+            k_e = elementStiffnessMatrix(self.mesh_points, row, dummyMaterial)
+            for i in range(len(row)) :
+                for j in range(len(row)):
+                    K_global[2*row[i], 2*row[j]] += G[2*i,2*j]
+                    K_global[(2*row[i] + 1) ,(2*row[j] + 1)] += G[(2*i + 1) , (2*j + 1)]
         self.structure_displacement = np.linalg.solve(k_global, r_global)
@@ -242,7 +179,7 @@ class Structure2DPlaneStress:
             disp = self.structure_displacement[(2 * node_id):(2 * node_id + 1)]
             self.nodes_list[node_id].displacement = disp
     def select_displacements(self):
         Sets displacements on the nodes according to solution of linear system.