From 184ada1b7fa287d9c08de9b6dd4440f20b659510 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sven <>
Date: Tue, 8 Aug 2023 17:45:15 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Added properties.hpp for statistics

 include/teqp/algorithms/properties.hpp |  639 +++++++++++++
 include/teqp/algorithms/vle_trend.hpp  |  558 ++++++++++++
 include/teqp/models/mie/mie.hpp        | 1164 ++++++++++++++++++++++--
 include/teqp/types.hpp                 |    6 +
 interface/CPP/teqp_impl_factory.cpp    |    2 +-
 5 files changed, 2305 insertions(+), 64 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 include/teqp/algorithms/properties.hpp
 create mode 100644 include/teqp/algorithms/vle_trend.hpp

diff --git a/include/teqp/algorithms/properties.hpp b/include/teqp/algorithms/properties.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5813fce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/teqp/algorithms/properties.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,639 @@
+#pragma once
+#pragma once
+#include "teqp/types.hpp"
+#include "teqp/derivs.hpp"
+#include "teqp/algorithms/VLE.hpp"
+#include "teqp/models/multifluid_ancillaries.hpp"
+#include <Eigen/Dense>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <vector>
+#include <iostream> 
+#include <string>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <teqp/models/cubics.hpp>
+#include "teqp/algorithms/vle_trend.hpp"
+#include "teqp/cpp/teqpcpp.hpp"
+#include "teqp/json_builder.hpp"
+#include <teqp/cpp/deriv_adapter.hpp>
+#include "teqp/ideal_eosterms.hpp"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace teqp;
+using namespace Mie;
+namespace teqp {
+    namespace cppinterface {
+        std::unique_ptr<teqp::cppinterface::AbstractModel> make_SAFTVRMie(const nlohmann::json& j);
+        using makefunc = std::function<std::unique_ptr<teqp::cppinterface::AbstractModel>(const nlohmann::json& j)>;
+        using namespace teqp::cppinterface::adapter;
+        static std::unordered_map<std::string, makefunc> pointer_factory = {
+            {"MieElong", [](const nlohmann::json& spec) { return make_owned(Mie::MieElong("model_path"),"components"),"combination"))); }}
+        };
+        std::unique_ptr<teqp::cppinterface::AbstractModel> build_model_ptr(const nlohmann::json& json) {
+            // Extract the name of the model and the model parameters
+            std::string kind ="kind");
+            auto spec ="model");
+            auto itr = pointer_factory.find(kind);
+            if (itr != pointer_factory.end()) {
+                return (itr->second)(spec);
+            }
+            else {
+                throw std::invalid_argument("Don't understand \"kind\" of: " + kind);
+            }
+        }
+        std::unique_ptr<AbstractModel> make_multifluid_model(const std::vector<std::string>& components, const std::string& coolprop_root, const std::string& BIPcollectionpath, const nlohmann::json& flags, const std::string& departurepath) {
+            return make_owned(build_multifluid_model(components, coolprop_root, BIPcollectionpath, flags, departurepath));
+        }
+        std::unique_ptr<AbstractModel> make_model(const nlohmann::json& j) {
+            return build_model_ptr(j);
+        }
+    }
+namespace teqp {
+    struct data_point {
+        double T, P, D, SND;
+        std::vector<double> x;
+        std::string author, mix_name;
+        int nr;
+        int id;
+        double dense_v, dense_l, snd_l, snd_v;
+        std::vector<double> dense_v_pure;
+        std::vector<double> dense_l_pure;
+        double x1, x2, y1, y2;
+        // excess volumina of vapor and liquid phase
+        double ve_v, ve_l;
+        double deviation;
+    };
+    inline auto get_compare_settings(std::string& path) {
+        std::string filepath = std::filesystem::is_regular_file(path) ? path : path;
+        nlohmann::json j = load_a_JSON_file(filepath);
+        compare_settings set;
+        auto spec ="model");
+        set.model_path ="model_path");
+        set.srk_path ="srk_path");
+        set.BIPcollection ="BIP");
+        set.depcollection ="departure");
+        set.coolprop_root ="coolprop_root");
+        std::vector<std::string> mixture ="components");
+        std::vector<std::string> dev_files ="dev_files");
+        set.dev_files = dev_files;
+        set.mix = mixture;
+        set.combination ="combination");
+        set.dev_dir ="dev_dir");
+        return set;
+    }
+    template <typename ModelType>
+    inline auto check_phase(const ModelType& model, const double& T, const double& rho, const std::vector<double>& molefrac, teqp::phase& phase_est) {
+        // Check if pressure is positive (phase doesnt matter)
+        auto is_correct_phase = false;
+        using tdx = TDXDerivatives<ModelType, double, decltype(molefrac)>;
+        auto p = 0.0; auto dpdd = 0.0; auto d2pdd2 = 0.0;
+        auto ar01 = 0.0; auto ar02 = 0.0; auto ar03 = 0.0;
+        ar01 = tdx::get_Ar01(model, T, rho, molefrac);
+        ar02 = tdx::get_Ar02(model, T, rho, molefrac);
+        ar03 = tdx::get_Ar03(model, T, rho, molefrac);
+        p = (1.0 + ar01) * T * rho * model.R(molefrac);
+        dpdd = (1.0 + 2.0 * ar01 + ar02) * model.R(molefrac) * T;
+        d2pdd2 = (2.0 * ar01 + 4.0 * ar02 + ar03) * model.R(molefrac) * T / rho;
+        if (p > 0.0 && dpdd > 0.0 && d2pdd2 < 0.0 && phase_est == teqp::VAPOR) {
+            is_correct_phase = true;
+        }
+        if (!(is_correct_phase) && p > 0.0 && dpdd > 0.0 && d2pdd2 > 0.0 && phase_est == teqp::LIQUID) {
+            is_correct_phase = true;
+        }
+        return is_correct_phase;
+    }
+    template <typename ModelType>
+    std::tuple<double, double, double, double> get_rho_bounds(const ModelType& model, const double& T, const double& rho_est, const std::vector<double>& molefrac) {
+        using tdx = TDXDerivatives<ModelType, double, decltype(molefrac)>;
+        auto rhomax = 1.100 * rho_est;
+        auto rhomin = 0.900 * rho_est;
+        auto rhomax_allowed = 2.0 * rho_est;
+        auto rhomin_allowed = 0.70 * rho_est;
+        auto ptest = 0.0;
+        ptest = (1.0 + tdx::get_Ar01(model, T, rho_est, molefrac)) * T * rho_est * model.R(molefrac);
+        if (ptest < 1E-12) {
+            rhomax = (rhomin_allowed + rhomax_allowed) / 2.0;
+            rhomin = rhomax * 0.80;
+        }
+        else if (isnan(ptest)) {
+            rhomax = rhomax * 0.70;
+            rhomin = rhomax * 0.50;
+            rhomin_allowed = rhomin * 0.10;
+        }
+        return  std::make_tuple(rhomin, rhomax, rhomin_allowed, rhomax_allowed);
+    }
+    template <typename ModelType>
+    std::tuple<double, double, double, double> get_rho_bounds_extended(const ModelType& model, const double& T, const double& rho_est, const std::vector<double>& molefrac) {
+        using tdx = TDXDerivatives<ModelType, double, decltype(molefrac)>;
+        auto rhomax = 2.00 * rho_est;
+        auto rhomin = 0.500 * rho_est;
+        auto rhomax_allowed = 3.0 * rho_est;
+        auto rhomin_allowed = 0.2 * rho_est;
+        auto ptest = 0.0;
+        ptest = (1.0 + tdx::get_Ar01(model, T, rho_est, molefrac)) * T * rho_est * model.R(molefrac);
+        if (ptest < 1E-12) {
+            rhomax = (rhomin_allowed + rhomax_allowed) / 2.0;
+            rhomin = rhomax * 0.80;
+        }
+        else if (isnan(ptest)) {
+            rhomax = rhomax * 0.70;
+            rhomin = rhomax * 0.50;
+            rhomin_allowed = rhomin * 0.10;
+        }
+        return  std::make_tuple(rhomin, rhomax, rhomin_allowed, rhomax_allowed);
+    }
+    template <typename ModelType, typename ScalarT, typename ScalarP>
+    auto get_rho_from_t_and_p(const ModelType& model, psrk& psrk_s, ScalarT& T, ScalarP& P, const std::vector<double>& molefrac) {
+        auto rho_est = 0.0;
+        using tdx = TDXDerivatives<ModelType, ScalarT, decltype(molefrac)>;
+        // Assume phase is liquid
+        teqp::phase  phase = LIQUID;
+        // Get estimate from pressure srk model
+        rho_est = psrk_s.get_density(T, P, molefrac, model.R(molefrac), phase);
+        // Define deviation pressure function
+        auto p_diff = [T, P, molefrac, model](double rho) {
+            auto A01 = 0.0;
+            A01 = tdx::get_Ar01(model, T, rho, molefrac);
+            return P - (1.0 + A01) * T * rho * model.R(molefrac);
+        };
+        // Initialize the iteration parameters
+        auto iter = 0;
+        auto max_iter = 50;
+        // Get bounds for regular falsi
+        auto b = get_rho_bounds(model, T, rho_est, molefrac);
+        auto rho_l = 0.0;
+        rho_l = regular_falsi(p_diff, std::get<0>(b), std::get<1>(b), 1E-8, std::get<2>(b), std::get<3>(b), max_iter, iter);
+        auto is_correct = check_phase(model, T, rho_l, molefrac, phase);
+        //if (!(is_correct)) {
+        phase = VAPOR;
+        rho_est = psrk_s.get_density(T, P, molefrac, model.R(molefrac), phase);
+        b = get_rho_bounds(model, T, rho_est, molefrac);
+        auto rho_v = 0.0;
+        rho_v = regular_falsi(p_diff, std::get<0>(b), std::get<1>(b), 1E-8, std::get<2>(b), std::get<3>(b), max_iter, iter);
+        is_correct = check_phase(model, T, rho_v, molefrac, phase);
+        if (!(is_correct)) {
+            b = get_rho_bounds_extended(model, T, rho_est, molefrac);
+            rho_v = regular_falsi(p_diff, std::get<0>(b), std::get<1>(b), 1E-8, std::get<2>(b), std::get<3>(b), max_iter, iter);
+            is_correct = check_phase(model, T, rho_v, molefrac, phase);
+        }
+        //}
+        return std::make_tuple(rho_v, rho_l);
+    }
+    auto get_fluid_model(compare_settings& s) {
+        /*   if ("Pohl") == 0) {*/
+        const auto mix_residual = MieElong(s.model_path, s.mix, s.combination);
+        // get all pures a seperate fluids
+        std::vector<MieElong> pures_residual;
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < s.mix.size(); i++) {
+            pures_residual.push_back(MieElong(s.model_path, { s.mix[i] }, s.combination));
+        }
+        auto pure_data = nlohmann::json::array();
+        for (auto f : s.mix) {
+            std::string path = s.coolprop_root + "/dev/fluids/" + f + ".json";
+            auto j = convert_CoolProp_idealgas(path, 0);
+            pure_data.push_back(j);
+        }
+        IdealHelmholtz mix_ideal(pure_data);
+        return std::make_tuple(pures_residual, mix_residual, mix_ideal);
+        //return
+// //nlohmann::json fluid_i = load_a_JSON_file(s.model_path);
+        //// get ideal contribution from Multifluid coolprop files
+        //pure_data = ideal_term(s.mix, fluid_i);
+    //}
+    //if ("Multi-Fluid") == 0) {
+ //const auto mixture_model = build_multifluid_model(s.mix, s.coolprop_root, s.BIPcollection, s.depcollection);
+ //auto jj = nlohmann::json::parse(mixture_model.get_meta());
+ //auto ancillaries ="pures")[0].at("ANCILLARIES");
+ //teqp::MultiFluidVLEAncillaries anc(ancillaries);
+ ////return build_multifluid_model({ mixture[1] }, coolprop_root, BIPcollection, depcollection);
+ //return mixture_model;
+ //}
+    }
+    struct vle_info
+    {
+        std::vector<double> pvap, pliq, xL_0, xV_0;
+    };
+    class data_set {
+    private:
+        std::vector<data_point> points;
+        std::vector<string>     head;
+        prop_t prop;
+        std::vector<double> isotherms;
+        std::vector<vle_info> vle;
+    public:
+        // get dev file PVT for mixtures and add to data points
+        void get_pvt_mix_line(std::string& line) {
+            std::stringstream ss;
+            data_point p;
+            double x1 = 0.0; double x2 = 0.0;
+            std::string name_mix, add_info;
+            ss << line;
+            ss >> p.P >> p.D >> p.T >> x1 >> x2;
+            std::stringstream rest_line;
+            if (line.length() > 6) {
+                add_info = line.substr(51, line.length());
+                rest_line << add_info.substr(7, add_info.length());
+       = add_info.substr(0, 7);
+                rest_line >> >> p.mix_name >>;
+                p.x.push_back(x1);
+                p.x.push_back(x2);
+                if (p.P > 0.0 || (p.D > 0.0 && p.T > 0.0)) {
+                    points.push_back(p);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        void get_snd_mix_line(std::string& line) {
+            std::stringstream ss;
+            data_point p;
+            double x1 = 0.0; double x2 = 0.0;
+            std::string name_mix, add_info;
+            ss << line;
+            ss >> p.P >> p.T >> p.SND >> x1 >> x2;
+            std::stringstream rest_line;
+            if (line.length() > 6) {
+                add_info = line.substr(62, line.length());
+                rest_line << add_info.substr(7, add_info.length());
+       = add_info.substr(0, 7);
+                rest_line >> >> p.mix_name >>;
+                p.x.push_back(x1);
+                p.x.push_back(x2);
+                if (p.P > 0.0 || (p.SND > 0.0 && p.T > 0.0)) {
+                    points.push_back(p);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        void get_vle_mix_line(std::string& line) {
+            std::stringstream ss;
+            data_point p;
+            double x1 = 0.0; double x2 = 0.0;
+            std::string name_mix, add_info;
+            ss << line;
+            ss >> p.P >> p.T >> p.x1 >> p.x2 >> p.y1 >> p.y2;
+            std::stringstream rest_line;
+            if (line.length() > 6) {
+                add_info = line.substr(51, line.length());
+                rest_line << add_info.substr(7, add_info.length());
+       = add_info.substr(0, 7);
+                rest_line >> >> p.mix_name >>;
+                p.x.push_back(x1);
+                p.x.push_back(x2);
+                if (p.P > 0.0 || (p.SND > 0.0 && p.T > 0.0)) {
+                    points.push_back(p);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // read dev file by path and assign data
+        void read_dev_file(std::string& path) {
+            std::ifstream file;
+            std::string line;
+  ;
+            bool head_end = false;
+            prop = PVT;
+            if (path.find("PVT") != std::string::npos) {
+                prop = PVT;
+            }
+            else if (path.find("VE") != std::string::npos) {
+                prop = VE;
+            }
+            else if (path.find("SND") != std::string::npos) {
+                prop = SND;
+            }
+            else if (path.find("VLE") != std::string::npos) {
+                prop = VLE;
+            }
+            while (std::getline(file, line)) {
+                if (line.find("@PCL5") != std::string::npos) {
+                    head.push_back(line);
+                    head_end = true;
+                }
+                else if (!(head_end)) {
+                    head.push_back(line);
+                }
+                else // numbers
+                {
+                    if (prop == PVT) {
+                        get_pvt_mix_line(line);
+                    }
+                    else if (prop == VE) {
+                        get_pvt_mix_line(line);
+                    }
+                    else if (prop == SND) {
+                        get_snd_mix_line(line);
+                    }
+                    else if (prop == VLE) {
+                        get_vle_mix_line(line);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            file.close();
+            // get isotherms
+            std::vector<double> tmp;
+            std::transform(points.begin(), points.end(), std::back_inserter(tmp),
+                [](data_point const& p) -> double { return p.T; });
+            for (size_t i = 0; i < tmp.size(); ++i) {
+                if (count(isotherms.begin(), isotherms.end(), == 0) {
+                    isotherms.push_back(;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // get the p-x relation for all isotherms in the dev file
+        template <typename ModelType, typename PureType>
+        void get_binary_vle(ModelType& mixture, PureType& pure) {
+            for (auto t : isotherms) {
+                auto [rho_vap, rho_liq] = get_vle_pure_start(pure[0], t, 0);
+                auto vle_pure_1 = pure_VLE_T(pure[0], t, 1E3 * rho_liq, 1E3 * rho_vap, 50);
+                auto rhovecV0 = (Eigen::ArrayXd(2) << vle_pure_1(1), 0.0).finished();
+                auto rhovecL0 = (Eigen::ArrayXd(2) << vle_pure_1(0), 0.0).finished();
+                auto res = trace_VLE_isotherm_binary(mixture, t, rhovecL0, rhovecV0);
+                auto vec_packed = [](const auto& res, const auto& key) {
+                    std::vector<double> x;
+                    for (auto res_point : res) {
+                        x.push_back(res_point[key]);
+                    }
+                    return x;
+                };
+                vle_info vle_i;
+                vle_i.pvap = vec_packed(res, "pL / Pa");
+                vle_i.pliq = vec_packed(res, "pV / Pa");
+                vle_i.xL_0 = vec_packed(res, "xL_0 / mole frac.");
+                vle_i.xV_0 = vec_packed(res, "xV_0 / mole frac.");
+                vle.push_back(vle_i);
+            }
+        }
+        // Function for PVT mixture stuff
+        // function to calculate the density from temperature and pressure
+        template <typename ModelType>
+        void pvt_fill(const ModelType& model, psrk& helper) {
+            for (size_t i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) {
+                auto p_exp = points[i].P * 1E6;
+                tie(points[i].dense_v, points[i].dense_l) = get_rho_from_t_and_p(model, helper, points[i].T, p_exp, points[i].x);
+            }
+        }
+        template <typename ModelType, typename PureT>
+        void ve_fill(const ModelType& model, const PureT& pures, psrk& helper) {
+            for (size_t i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) {
+                auto p_exp = points[i].P * 1E6;
+                tie(points[i].dense_v, points[i].dense_l) = get_rho_from_t_and_p(model, helper, points[i].T, p_exp, points[i].x);
+            }
+            std::vector<double> x_pure = { 1.0 };
+            for (size_t i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) {
+                auto p_exp = points[i].P * 1E6;
+                auto [rho1_v, rho1_l] = get_rho_from_t_and_p(pures[0], helper, points[i].T, p_exp, x_pure);
+                auto [rho2_v, rho2_l] = get_rho_from_t_and_p(pures[1], helper, points[i].T, p_exp, x_pure);
+                points[i].ve_v = 1.0 / points[i].dense_v - points[i].x[0] / rho1_v - points[i].x[1] / rho2_v;
+                points[i].ve_l = 1.0 / points[i].dense_l - points[i].x[0] / rho1_l - points[i].x[1] / rho2_l;
+            }
+        }
+        template <typename ModelType, typename IdealT>
+        void snd_fill(const ModelType& model, const IdealT& ideal, psrk& helper) {
+            // First calculate density for all state points
+            for (size_t i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) {
+                auto p_exp = points[i].P * 1E6;
+                tie(points[i].dense_v, points[i].dense_l) = get_rho_from_t_and_p(model, helper, points[i].T, p_exp, points[i].x);
+            }
+            // get speed of sound for each phase
+            auto snd = [model, ideal](const double& T, const double& rho, std::vector<double>& molefrac, const auto& mw) {
+                using tdx = TDXDerivatives<ModelType, double, std::vector<double>>;
+                auto A01 = tdx::get_Ar01(model, T, rho, molefrac);
+                auto A02 = tdx::get_Ar02(model, T, rho, molefrac);
+                auto A11 = tdx::get_Ar11(model, T, rho, molefrac);
+                auto A20 = tdx::get_Ar20(model, T, rho, molefrac);
+                auto wih = AlphaCallWrapper<AlphaWrapperOption::idealgas, decltype(ideal)>(ideal);
+                using tdxi = TDXDerivatives<IdealT, double, std::vector<double> >;
+                auto A20_id = 0.0;
+                A20_id = tdxi::get_Agenxy<2, 0, ADBackends::autodiff>(wih, T, rho, molefrac);
+                return sqrt((1.0 + 2.0 * A01 + A02 - pow(1.0 + A01 - A11, 2.0) / (A20_id + A20)) * model.R(molefrac) / mw * T);
+            };
+            for (size_t i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) {
+                auto mw = 0.0;
+                mw = helper.get_mw(points[i].x);
+                points[i].snd_l = snd(points[i].T, points[i].dense_l, points[i].x, mw);
+                points[i].snd_v = snd(points[i].T, points[i].dense_v, points[i].x, mw);
+            }
+        }
+        // Selector for which data type should be calculated
+        template <typename ModelType, typename PureT, typename IdealT>
+        void perform_dev_calc(const ModelType& model, const PureT& pures, const IdealT& ideal, psrk& helper) {
+            std::string file_out = "FILE.PLT";
+            switch (prop)
+            {
+            case teqp::PVT:
+                pvt_fill(model, helper);
+                snd_fill(model, ideal, helper);
+                calc_dev_pvt();
+                write_pvt_dev(file_out);
+                break;
+            case teqp::VE:
+                ve_fill(model, pures, helper);
+                calc_dev_ve();
+                write_pvt_dev(file_out);
+            case teqp::SND:
+                snd_fill(model, ideal, helper);
+                calc_dev_snd();
+                write_pvt_dev(file_out);
+            case teqp::VLE:
+                calc_dev_vle();
+                break;
+            default:
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        auto get_per_dev(double& one, double& two) {
+            return 100 * (one - two) / two;
+        }
+        // VLE DEV CALC
+        auto find_iso_idx(std::vector<double>& vec, double& key) {
+            auto itr = std::find(vec.begin(), vec.end(), key);
+            return std::distance(vec.begin(), itr);
+        }
+        auto find_closest(std::vector<double>& vec, double& value) {
+            auto itr = std::lower_bound(vec.begin(), vec.end(), value);
+            return std::distance(vec.begin(), itr);
+        }
+        void calc_dev_vle() {
+            for (size_t i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) {
+                auto idx = find_iso_idx(isotherms,points[i].T);
+                // get closes pvap to p
+                auto vle_p    = vle[idx];
+                auto p_exp = points[i].P*1E6;
+                auto pvap_idx = find_closest(vle_p.pvap,p_exp);
+                auto x_vap_idx = vle_p.xV_0[pvap_idx];
+            }
+        }
+        // calculate deviation of pvt
+        void calc_dev_pvt() {
+            for (size_t i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) {
+                auto dexp = points[i].D * 1E3;
+                auto dev1 = get_per_dev(dexp, points[i].dense_l);
+                auto dev2 = get_per_dev(dexp, points[i].dense_v);
+                if (abs(dev1) < abs(dev2)) {
+                    points[i].deviation = dev1;
+                    points[i].D = points[i].dense_l;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    points[i].deviation = dev2;
+                    points[i].D = points[i].dense_v;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        void calc_dev_snd() {
+            for (size_t i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) {
+                auto dev1 = get_per_dev(points[i].SND, points[i].snd_l);
+                auto dev2 = get_per_dev(points[i].SND, points[i].snd_v);
+                if (abs(dev1) < abs(dev2)) {
+                    points[i].deviation = dev1;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    points[i].deviation = dev2;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // calculate deviation of excess volume
+        void calc_dev_ve() {
+            for (size_t i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) {
+                auto dexp = points[i].D;
+                auto dev1 = get_per_dev(dexp, points[i].ve_l);
+                auto dev2 = get_per_dev(dexp, points[i].ve_v);
+                if (abs(dev1) < abs(dev2)) {
+                    points[i].deviation = dev1;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    points[i].deviation = dev2;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        void write_pvt_dev(std::string& file_out) {
+            ofstream myfile;
+  ;
+            for (size_t i = 2; i < head.size(); i++) {
+                myfile << head[i] << std::endl;
+            }
+            for (size_t i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) {
+                std::string formatted_str = std::format("{0:>10.5f}{1:>10.5f}{2:>10.4f}{3:>10.4f}{4:>10.4f}{5:>8s}{6:>6d}{7:>12s}{8:>4d}", points[i].P, points[i].D, points[i].T, points[i].x[0], points[i].deviation, points[i].author, points[i].id, points[i].mix_name, points[i].nr);
+                myfile << formatted_str << std::endl;
+            }
+            myfile.close();
+        }
+    };
+    inline auto perform_plt() {
+        std::string set_path = "D:/OneDrivePrivat/OneDrive/Work/Diss/PHD/mixtures/compare/settings.json";
+        auto settings = get_compare_settings(set_path);
+        nlohmann::json j = load_a_JSON_file(set_path);
+        //auto m = make_model(j);
+        auto [pures, mixture, mix_ideal] = get_fluid_model(settings);
+        auto helper = psrk(settings);
+        std::vector< std::vector<data_point>> data;
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < settings.dev_files.size(); i++) {
+            data_set dat;
+            std::string dev_path = settings.dev_dir + "/" + settings.dev_files[i];
+            dat.read_dev_file(dev_path);
+            dat.get_binary_vle(mixture, pures);
+            dat.perform_dev_calc(mixture, pures, mix_ideal, helper);
+        }
+        return 0;
+    }
diff --git a/include/teqp/algorithms/vle_trend.hpp b/include/teqp/algorithms/vle_trend.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c58f7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/teqp/algorithms/vle_trend.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,558 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "teqp/models/model_potentials/2center_ljf.hpp"
+#include "teqp/derivs.hpp"
+#include "teqp/models/multifluid_ancillaries.hpp"
+#include <Eigen/Dense>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <string>
+#include <teqp/models/cubics.hpp>
+#include <teqp/cpp/teqpcpp.hpp>
+#include "teqp/algorithms/VLE.hpp"
+#include "teqp/types.hpp"
+using namespace teqp;
+namespace teqp {
+    bool has_any_digits(const std::string& s) {
+        return std::any_of(s.begin(), s.end(), ::isdigit);
+    }
+    template <typename T>
+    typename std::enable_if<std::is_unsigned<T>::value, int>::type
+        inline constexpr signum(T const x) {
+        return T(0) < x;
+    }
+    template <typename T>
+    typename std::enable_if<std::is_signed<T>::value, int>::type
+        inline constexpr signum(T const x) {
+        return (T(0) < x) - (x < T(0));
+    }
+    enum phase { VAPOR, LIQUID };
+    enum prop_t { PVT, VLE , VE , SND};
+    struct compare_settings {
+        std::string model_type;
+        std::string model_path;
+        std::string srk_path;
+        std::string BIPcollection;
+        std::string depcollection;
+        std::string coolprop_root;
+        std::vector<std::string> mix;
+        std::vector<std::string> dev_files;
+        std::string dev_dir;
+        std::string combination;
+    };
+    struct fluid_info {
+        std::vector<double> tc, pc, dc, w;
+    };
+    struct phase_result
+    {
+    };
+    class psrk {
+    public:
+        std::vector<double> TC, PC, DC, w , mw;
+        psrk(compare_settings& s) {
+            std::string filepath = std::filesystem::is_regular_file(s.srk_path) ? s.srk_path : s.srk_path;
+            nlohmann::json j = load_a_JSON_file(filepath);
+            for (size_t i = 0; i < s.mix.size(); i++) {
+                TC.push_back("srk").at(s.mix[i]).at("tc"));
+                PC.push_back("srk").at(s.mix[i]).at("pc"));
+                DC.push_back("srk").at(s.mix[i]).at("dc"));
+                w.push_back("srk").at(s.mix[i]).at("omega"));
+                mw.push_back("srk").at(s.mix[i]).at("mw"));
+            }
+        }
+        auto get_mw(std::vector<double>& molefrac) {
+            auto m = 0.0;
+            for (size_t i = 0; i < molefrac.size(); i++)
+            {
+                m = m + molefrac[i] * mw[i];
+            }
+            return m;
+        }
+        std::vector<double> root_psrk(std::vector<double>& p) {
+            auto pie = 3.14159265358979;
+            std::vector<double> r(3);
+            auto a = p[0];
+            auto b = p[1];
+            auto c = p[2];
+            auto nr = 0;
+            auto nn = 0.0;
+            auto qq = 0.0;
+            auto pp = 0.0;
+            auto aa = 0.0;
+            auto bb = 0.0;
+            pp = (a * a - 3. * b) / 9.;
+            qq = (2. * pow(a, 3.0) - 9. * a * b + 27. * c) / 54.0;
+            if (pow(pp, 3.0) > pow(qq, 2.0)) {
+                nn = acos(-qq / pow(pp, 1.5));
+                nr = 3;
+                r[0] = 2. * sqrt(pp) * cos(nn / 3.) - a / 3.;
+                r[1] = 2. * sqrt(pp) * cos((nn + 2. * pie) / 3.) - a / 3.;
+                r[2] = 2. * sqrt(pp) * cos((nn + 4. * pie) / 3.) - a / 3.;
+            }
+            else {
+                nr = -1;
+                aa = -signum(qq) * pow((abs(qq) + sqrt(pow(qq, 2.0) - pow(pp, 3.0))), 1.0 / 3.0);
+                if (aa == 0) {
+                    bb = 0.0;
+                }
+                else {
+                    bb = pp / aa;
+                }
+                r[0] = (aa + bb) - a / 3.0;
+                r[1] = 0.0;
+                r[2] = 0.0;
+            }
+            // --creating output vector------------------------------------------------------------------ -
+            std::vector<double> volume(3);
+            if (nr < 0) {
+                volume[0] = -1.0;
+                volume[1] = r[0];
+                volume[2] = 0.0;
+            }
+            else {
+                volume[0] = 3.0;
+                auto idx = max_element(std::begin(r), std::end(r));
+                volume[1] = r[*idx];
+                auto qq = 1.0;
+                pp = 1.0;
+                nn = 1.0;
+                if (r[0] > 0) { qq = r[0]; }
+                if (r[1] > 0) { pp = r[1]; };
+                if (r[2] > 0) { nn = r[2]; };
+                std::vector<double> r_vec = { qq, pp, nn };
+                idx = min_element(std::begin(r_vec), std::end(r_vec));
+                volume[2] = *idx;
+            }
+            return volume;
+        }
+        auto get_density(const double& T, const double& P, const std::vector<double>& molefrac, const double& REQ, teqp::phase& phase_est) {
+            auto ncomp = molefrac.size();
+            std::vector<double> aa(ncomp), bb(ncomp), cc(3), msrk(ncomp), alfa_lc(ncomp);
+            std::vector<double> ai(ncomp), bi(ncomp), ci(ncomp);
+            auto a1 = 0.0;
+            auto c = 0.0;
+            auto b = 0.0;
+            for (auto i = 0; i < molefrac.size(); i++) {
+                auto tr = T / TC[i];
+                aa[i] = 0.42748 * REQ * REQ * TC[i] * TC[i] / PC[i];
+                msrk[i] = 0.48 + 1.574 * w[i] - 0.176 * pow(w[i], 2.0);
+                alfa_lc[i] = pow(1.0 + msrk[i] * (1.0 - sqrt(tr)), 2.0);
+                ai[i] = aa[i] * alfa_lc[i];
+                bi[i] = 0.08664 * REQ * TC[i] / PC[i];
+                ci[i] = 0.40768 * REQ * TC[i] / PC[i] * (0.29441 - PC[i] * 1.0 / DC[i] / REQ / TC[i]);
+                a1 = a1 + molefrac[i] * sqrt(ai[i]);
+                b = b + molefrac[i] * bi[i];
+                c = c + molefrac[i] * ci[i];
+            }
+            auto a = 0.0;
+            if (ncomp == 1) {
+                a = ai[0];
+                b = bi[0];
+                c = ci[0];
+                cc[0] = -REQ * T / P;
+                cc[1] = -b * b - REQ * T * b / P + a / P;
+                cc[2] = -a * b / P;
+            }
+            else {
+                a = pow(a1, 2.0);
+                cc[0] = -REQ * T / P;
+                cc[1] = -b * b - REQ * T * b / P + a / P; //rmix
+                cc[2] = -a * b / P;
+            }
+            std::vector<double> volume = root_psrk(cc);
+            auto psrk_val = 0.0;
+            auto VSRK = 0.0;
+            if (volume[0] < -10.0) {
+                psrk_val = -1.0;
+            }
+            else {
+                if (volume[0] < -0.0) {
+                    VSRK = 1. / (volume[1]);
+                }
+                else {
+                    if (phase_est == LIQUID) {
+                        VSRK = 1. / (volume[2]);
+                    }
+                    else {
+                        VSRK = 1. / (volume[1]);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            auto vf1 = 0.0;
+            if (phase_est == LIQUID) {
+                vf1 = 1.0 / VSRK;
+                vf1 = vf1 - c;
+                VSRK = 1 / vf1;
+            }
+            psrk_val = VSRK;
+            return psrk_val;
+        }
+    };
+    template<typename Callable>
+    inline auto regular_falsi(Callable zerofunction, const double& Xstart_min, const double& Xstart_max, const double& Delta_Allowed, const double& Xmin_allowed, const double& Xmax_allowed, int& Max_iterations, int& Iterations) {
+        auto Xmin = Xstart_min;
+        auto Xmax = Xstart_max;
+        auto Xmin_alt = 0.0;
+        auto Xmax_alt = 0.0;
+        auto F_Xmin_alt = 0.0;
+        auto F_Xmax_alt = 0.0;
+        auto F_Xmin = 0.0;
+        auto F_Xmax = 0.0;
+        auto Stop_min = 0;
+        auto Stop_max = 0;
+        auto Int_Errorflag = 0;
+        bool root_in = false;
+        bool Root_Found = false;
+        bool additional_checks = false;
+        auto Count_enlarge = 0;
+        auto Count_reduce = 0;
+        auto result = 0.0;
+        auto Xakt = 0.0;
+        auto DERIV = 0.0;
+        auto F_Xakt = 0.0;
+        auto Deviation_X = 0.0;
+        auto Xroot = 0.0;
+        auto Xtest = 0.0;
+        auto  F_Xtest = 0.0;
+        auto xmin = 0.0;
+        auto xmax = 0.0;
+        auto xakt = 0.0;
+        if (Xmin < Xmin_allowed) { Int_Errorflag = 1; }
+        if (Xmin < Xmin_allowed) { Xmin = Xmin_allowed; }
+        if (Xmax > Xmax_allowed) { Int_Errorflag = Int_Errorflag + 1; }
+        if (Xmax > Xmax_allowed) { Xmax = Xmax_allowed; }
+        if (Int_Errorflag == 1) { Int_Errorflag = 0; }
+        if (Int_Errorflag == 2) { Int_Errorflag = 1; }
+        if (Int_Errorflag == 0) {
+            F_Xmin = zerofunction(Xmin);
+        }
+        if (Int_Errorflag == 0) {
+            F_Xmax = zerofunction(Xmax);
+        }
+        if ((F_Xmin * F_Xmax) < 0) { root_in = true; }
+        // main loop
+        while (!(root_in) && Int_Errorflag == 0 && Count_enlarge <= 10) {
+            Xmin_alt = Xmin;
+            Xmax_alt = Xmax;
+            F_Xmin_alt = F_Xmin;
+            F_Xmax_alt = F_Xmax;
+            if (Stop_min == 0) { Xmin = Xmin - (Xstart_max - Xstart_min) * 0.5; }
+            if (Stop_max == 0) { Xmax = Xmax + (Xstart_max - Xstart_min) * 0.5; }
+            Count_enlarge = Count_enlarge + 1;
+            if ((Xmin - Xmin_allowed) < -1e-11) { Int_Errorflag = 1; }
+            if ((Xmax - Xmax_allowed) > 1e-11) { Int_Errorflag = 1; }
+            if ((Int_Errorflag == 0) && (Stop_min == 0)) { F_Xmin = zerofunction(Xmin); }
+            if ((Int_Errorflag == 0) && (Stop_min == 0)) { F_Xmax = zerofunction(Xmax); }
+            if ((abs(F_Xmin_alt) < abs(F_Xmin)) && ((F_Xmin_alt * F_Xmin) > 0)) { Stop_min = 1; }
+            if (Stop_min == 1) { Xmin = Xmin_alt; }
+            if (Stop_min == 1) { F_Xmin = F_Xmin_alt; }
+            if ((abs(F_Xmax_alt) < abs(F_Xmax)) && ((F_Xmax_alt * F_Xmax) > 0)) { Stop_max = 1; }
+            if (Stop_max == 1) { Xmax = Xmax_alt; }
+            if (Stop_max == 1) { F_Xmax = F_Xmax_alt; }
+            if ((F_Xmin * F_Xmax) < 0) { root_in = true; }
+        }
+        // If no root was found by enlarging the interval, there may be two roots within the initial interval.
+        // To check out this posibility, the original interval is subdivided starting in the midle of the original interval.
+        // The size of the new interval starts with 1 / 10 of the original interval and is enlarged then.
+        while (!(root_in) && (Int_Errorflag == 0) && (Count_reduce < 9)) {
+            Count_reduce = Count_reduce + 1;
+            Xmin = (Xstart_max + Xstart_min) / 2.0 - (Xstart_max - Xstart_min) / 20.0 * Count_reduce;
+            Xmax = (Xstart_max + Xstart_min) / 2.0 + (Xstart_max - Xstart_min) / 20.0 * Count_reduce;
+            //Check, whether Xmin and Xmax get out of the allowed range
+            if (Xmin < Xmin_allowed) { Int_Errorflag = 1; }
+            if (Xmax > Xmax_allowed) { Int_Errorflag = 1; }
+            if (Int_Errorflag == 0) { F_Xmin = zerofunction(Xmin); }
+            if (Int_Errorflag == 0) { F_Xmax = zerofunction(Xmax); }
+            //Check, whether a root is within the new limits
+            if ((F_Xmin * F_Xmax) < 0.0) { root_in = true; }
+        }
+        //If no root could be found in the original interval, by enlarging or by reducing of the interval the
+        //routine returns with Errorflag = 2
+        if (!(root_in)) { result = -2; }
+        if (result == 0) { // no error occured 
+            while (!(Root_Found) && (Iterations <= Max_iterations)) {
+                Iterations = Iterations + 1; //Count iteration steps
+                auto Deriv = (F_Xmax - F_Xmin) / (Xmax - Xmin);  //Calculate the "derivative" for the current interval;
+                if (abs(Deriv) > 1E-12) {
+                    Deviation_X = F_Xakt / Deriv;//Deviation_X is the distance to the linear approximated root from the akt position on the x - axis
+                    //SH 10 / 2018: If derivative is large make additional checks(see line 300) if root found or not
+                    if (abs(Deriv) > 1E10) {
+                        additional_checks = true;
+                    }
+                    else {
+                        additional_checks = false;
+                    }
+                }
+                else {
+                    Deriv = signum(Deriv);
+                }
+                //Calculate Xakt starting from the X value with the smaller function value
+                if (abs(F_Xmin) < abs(F_Xmax)) {
+                    // Calculate Xakt starting from the lower limit of the interval
+                    if (abs(Deriv) > 0 && Iterations % 5 != 0) {
+                        Xakt = Xmin + abs(F_Xmin / Deriv);
+                        // Use this algorithm only three out of four times to avoid problems in regions  // with strong curvature
+                    }
+                    else {
+                        Xakt = (Xmin + Xmax) / 2.;
+                    }
+                }
+                else {
+                    if (abs(Deriv) > 0 && Iterations % 5 != 0) {            // Calculate Xakt starting from the upper limit of the interval
+                        Xakt = Xmax - abs(F_Xmax / Deriv);
+                    }                                 // Use this algorithm only three out of four times to avoid problems in regions
+                    else {                                                               // with strong curvature
+                        Xakt = (Xmin + Xmax) / 2.0;
+                    }
+                }
+                F_Xakt = zerofunction(Xakt);
+                //Check whether the root has been found
+                //The criterion Delta_allowed is applied to the deviation in X
+                if (abs(Deriv) > 1E-12) {
+                    Deviation_X = F_Xakt / Deriv;
+                    if (abs(Deriv) > 1E10) {
+                        additional_checks = true;
+                    }
+                    else {
+                        additional_checks = false;
+                    }
+                }
+                else {
+                    Deriv = signum(Deriv);
+                }
+                if (((abs(Deviation_X) < Delta_Allowed) && (!(additional_checks))) || ((abs(Deviation_X) < Delta_Allowed) && (additional_checks) && ((abs((xakt - xmin) / xakt) < Delta_Allowed) || (abs((xakt - xmax) / xakt) < Delta_Allowed)))) {
+                    Root_Found = true;
+                    Xroot = Xakt + Deviation_X;  // Xroot usually is a better guess for the root then Xakt
+                }
+                else  //Root has not yet been found, new interval has to be defined
+                {
+                    if (abs(Deviation_X) < ((Xmax - Xmin) / 10.0)) {
+                        if (((Xakt - Xmin) < (Xmax - Xakt)) && ((Xakt - Xmin) > 0.0)) { Deriv = (F_Xakt - F_Xmin) / (Xakt - Xmin); }
+                        if (((Xakt - Xmin) > (Xmax - Xakt)) && ((Xmax - Xakt) > 0.0)) { Deriv = (F_Xmax - F_Xakt) / (Xmax - Xakt); }
+                        if (abs(Deriv) > 1E-12) {
+                            Deviation_X = F_Xakt / Deriv;
+                        }
+                        else {
+                            Deriv = signum(Deriv);
+                        }
+                        if ((F_Xmin * F_Xakt) < 0.0) {
+                            Xtest = Xakt - 2.0 * abs(Deviation_X);
+                            if (Xtest < ((Xmin + Xakt) / 2.0)) { Xtest = (Xmin + Xakt) / 2.0; }
+                            F_Xtest = zerofunction(Xtest);
+                            if ((F_Xtest * F_Xakt) < 0.0) { Xmin = Xtest; }
+                            if ((F_Xtest * F_Xakt) < 0.0) { F_Xmin = F_Xtest; }
+                        }
+                        else if ((F_Xmax * F_Xakt) < 0.0) {
+                            Xtest = Xakt + 2.0 * abs(Deviation_X);
+                            if (Xtest > ((Xmax + Xakt) / 2.0)) { Xtest = (Xmax + Xakt) / 2.0; }
+                            F_Xtest = zerofunction(Xtest);
+                            if ((F_Xtest * F_Xakt) < 0.0) { Xmax = Xtest; }
+                            if ((F_Xtest * F_Xakt) < 0.0) { F_Xmax = F_Xtest; }
+                        }
+                    }
+                    if ((F_Xmin * F_Xakt) < 0.0) {
+                        Xmax = Xakt;
+                        F_Xmax = F_Xakt;
+                    }
+                    else if ((F_Xmax * F_Xakt) < 0.0) {
+                        Xmin = Xakt;
+                        F_Xmin = F_Xakt;
+                    }
+                }
+            } // end while
+        } //end if
+        if ((Count_enlarge + Count_reduce) > 0) { Xroot = -1000; }
+        if (!(Root_Found)) { Xroot = -1000; }
+        return Xroot;
+    }
+    template <typename TypeT, typename TypeX, typename TypeK>
+    inline auto rache_rich(psrk& fldi, TypeK& K_val, TypeX& x_known, TypeT& vapfrac, int errval) {
+        auto ncomp = x_known.size();
+        auto sumx_bubble = 0.0;
+        auto sumx_dew = 0.0;
+        auto sumx_2phase = 0.0;
+        std::vector<double> x_vap(ncomp);
+        std::vector<double> x_liq(ncomp);
+        bool found = false;
+        auto frac_type = 0;
+        auto Delta_allowed = 1E-8;
+        auto frac_min_allowed = -1E-16;
+        auto frac_min = -1E-16;
+        auto frac_max = 0.5;
+        auto frac_max_allowed = 1.0 + 1E-16;
+        auto Max_iterations = 50;
+        auto frac = 0.0;
+        auto rache_diff = [frac_type, ncomp, K_val, x_known](double frac) {
+            auto  rac_func = 0.0;
+            if (frac_type == 0) {
+                for (size_t i = 0; i < ncomp; i++) {
+                    rac_func = rac_func + x_known[i] * (K_val[i] - 1.0) / (1.0 - frac + frac * K_val[i]);
+                }
+            }
+            else {
+                for (size_t i = 0; i < ncomp; i++)
+                {
+                    rac_func = rac_func + x_known[i] * (K_val[i] - 1.0) / (frac + (1.0 - frac) * K_val[i]);
+                }
+            }
+            return rac_func;
+        };
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < ncomp; i++) {
+            sumx_bubble = sumx_bubble + x_known[i] * K_val[i];
+            sumx_dew = sumx_dew + x_known[i] / K_val[i];
+            sumx_2phase = sumx_2phase + x_known[i] * (K_val[i] - 1.0) / (K_val[i] + 1.0);
+        }
+        if (sumx_bubble < 1.0 + 1E-15) {
+            vapfrac = 0;
+            for (size_t i = 0; i < ncomp; i++) {
+                x_vap[i] = x_known[i] * K_val[i] / sumx_bubble;
+            }
+            x_liq = x_known;
+            found = true;
+        }
+        if (sumx_dew < 1.0 + 1E-15) {
+            vapfrac = 0;
+            for (size_t i = 0; i < ncomp; i++) {
+                x_liq[i] = x_known[i] / K_val[i] / sumx_dew;
+            }
+            x_vap = x_known;
+            found = true;
+        }
+        //The mixture is in the 2 phase region with 0.5 < vapfrac < 1.
+        //Instead of vapfrac the liquid fraction alpha is used, since vapfrac near unity might cause round off errors(see Michelsen& Mollerup)
+        if (!(found)) {
+            //The liquid fraction is chosen as independent variable
+            if (sumx_2phase > 0.0) {
+                frac_type = 1;
+            }
+            else {
+                frac_type = 0;
+            }
+            auto Iterations = 0;
+            frac = 0.0;
+            auto res = regular_falsi(rache_diff,  frac_min, frac_max, Delta_allowed, frac_min_allowed, frac_max_allowed, Max_iterations, Iterations);
+            if (errval == 3) { errval = 0;};
+            if (errval != 0) { errval = -2111; }
+            if (frac_type == 1) {
+                vapfrac = 1.0 - frac;
+            }
+            else {
+                vapfrac = frac;
+            }
+            sumx_dew = 0.0;
+            sumx_bubble = 0.0;
+            for (size_t i = 0; i < x_known.size(); i++) {
+                x_vap[i] = x_known[i] * K_val[i] / (1.0 - vapfrac + vapfrac * K_val[i]);
+                sumx_dew = sumx_dew + x_vap[i];
+                x_liq[i] = x_known[i] / (1.0 - vapfrac + vapfrac * K_val[i]);
+                sumx_bubble = sumx_bubble + x_liq[i];
+            }
+            for (size_t i = 0; i < x_vap.size(); i++)
+            {
+                x_vap[i] = x_vap[i] / sumx_dew;
+                x_liq[i] = x_liq[i] / sumx_bubble;
+            }
+        }
+        return std::make_tuple(x_vap, x_liq, vapfrac);
+    }
+    template <typename TypeT, typename TypeP, typename TypeX>
+    inline auto PTX_startvals_pT(psrk& fldi, TypeT& T, TypeP p, TypeX& x_known, TypeT& vapfrac, int errval) {
+        std::vector<double>  K_val(x_known.size());
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < x_known.size(); i++) {
+            K_val[i] = fldi.PC[i] / p * exp(5.3730 * (1.0 + fldi.w[i]) * (1.0 - fldi.TC[i] / T));
+        }
+        return  rache_rich(fldi, K_val, x_known, vapfrac, errval);
+    }
+    template <typename TypeT, typename TypeP>
+    inline auto PhaseDet(psrk& fldi, TypeT& T, TypeP& p, const std::vector<double>& x) {
+        auto errval = 0;
+        auto vapfrac = 0.0;
+        std::vector<TypeT> x_vap, x_liq2, x_liq;
+        tie(x_vap, x_liq, vapfrac) = PTX_startvals_pT(fldi, T, p, x, vapfrac, errval);
+        return 0.0;
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/include/teqp/models/mie/mie.hpp b/include/teqp/models/mie/mie.hpp
index 5d7985b..c80a82b 100644
--- a/include/teqp/models/mie/mie.hpp
+++ b/include/teqp/models/mie/mie.hpp
@@ -2,71 +2,1109 @@
 #include "teqp/models/multifluid.hpp"
 #include <Eigen/Dense>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "teqp/models/cubics.hpp"
 namespace teqp {
-namespace Mie{
-    /**
-     Equation of state for the Mie ($\lambda_{\mathrm{r}}$,6) fluid with a repulsive exponent from 11 to 13
-     Pohl, S.; Fingerhut, R., Thol, M.; Vrabec, J.; Span, R.
-     */
-    class Mie6Pohl2023 {
-    private:
-        using EArray6 = Eigen::Array<double, 6, 1>;
-        using EArray4 = Eigen::Array<double, 4, 1>;
-        const EArray6 c1_pol = (EArray6() << -0.0192944,1.38,-2.2653,1.6291,-1.974,0.40412 ).finished();
-        const EArray6 c1_exp = (EArray6() <<  0.1845,-0.3227,1.1351,2.232,-2.344,-0.4238 ).finished();
-        const EArray4 c1_gbs = (EArray4() <<  -4.367,0.0371,1.3895,2.835 ).finished();
-        const EArray6 c2_pol = (EArray6() <<  0.26021,-5.525,8.329,-19.492,25.8,-3.8133 ).finished();
-        const EArray6 c2_exp = (EArray6() <<  -5.05,2.7842,-9.523,-30.383,17.902,2.2264 ).finished();
-        const EArray4 c2_gbs = (EArray4() <<  48.445,-5.506,-11.643,-24.36 ).finished();
-        const EArray6 t_pol = (EArray6() <<  1,0.236,0.872,0.313,0.407,0.703 ).finished();
-        const EArray6 t_exp = (EArray6() <<  1.78,2.99,2.866,1.2,3.06,1.073 ).finished();
-        const EArray4 t_gbs = (EArray4() <<  1.50,1.03,4.02,1.57 ).finished();
-        const EArray6 d_pol = (EArray6() <<  4,1,1,2,2,3 ).finished();
-        const EArray6 d_exp = (EArray6() <<  1,1,3,2,2,5 ).finished();
-        const EArray4 d_gbs = (EArray4() <<  2,3,2,2 ).finished();
-        const EArray6 p = (EArray6() <<  1,2,2,1,2,1 ).finished();
-        const EArray4 eta = (EArray4() <<  0.362,0.313,1.17,0.957 ).finished();
-        const EArray4 beta = (EArray4() <<  0.0761,0.143,0.63,1.32 ).finished();
-        const EArray4 gam = (EArray4() <<  1.55,-0.0826,1.505,1.07 ).finished();
-        const EArray4 eps = (EArray4() <<  -1,-1,-0.195,-0.287 ).finished();
-        const double m_lambda_a;
-        const EArray6 n_pol, n_exp;
-        const EArray4 n_gbs;
-        const double Tc, rhoc; // In simulation units
-    public:
-        Mie6Pohl2023(double lambda_a) : m_lambda_a(lambda_a),
-        n_pol(c1_pol + c2_pol / m_lambda_a),
-        n_exp(c1_exp + c2_exp / m_lambda_a),
-        n_gbs(c1_gbs + c2_gbs / m_lambda_a),
-        Tc(0.668 + 6.84 / m_lambda_a + 145 / pow(m_lambda_a, 3)), // T^*
-        rhoc(0.2516 + 0.049 * log10(m_lambda_a)) // rho^*
-        {}
-        auto get_lambda_a() const { return m_lambda_a; }
-        // We are in "simulation units", so R is 1.0, and T and rho that
-        // go into alphar are actually T^* and rho^*
-        template<typename MoleFracType>
-        double R(const MoleFracType &) const { return 1.0; }
-        template<typename TTYPE, typename RHOTYPE, typename MoleFracType>
-        auto alphar(const TTYPE& Tstar, const RHOTYPE& rhostar, const MoleFracType& /*molefrac*/) const {
-            auto tau = Tc / Tstar; auto delta = rhostar / rhoc;
-            auto alphar_ = (
-                (n_pol * pow(tau, t_pol) * pow(delta, d_pol)).sum() +
-                (n_exp * pow(tau, t_exp) * pow(delta, d_exp) * exp(-pow(delta, p))).sum() +
-                (n_gbs * pow(tau, t_gbs) * pow(delta, d_gbs) * exp(-eta * pow(delta - eps, 2) - beta * pow(tau - gam, 2))).sum()
-            );
-            return forceeval(alphar_);
+    namespace Mie {
+        /**
+               Equation of state for the Mie ($\lambda_{\mathrm{r}}$,6) fluid with a repulsive exponent from 11 to 13
+               Pohl, S.; Fingerhut, R., Thol, M.; Vrabec, J.; Span, R.
+               */
+        class Mie6Pohl2023 {
+        private:
+            using EArray6 = Eigen::Array<double, 6, 1>;
+            using EArray4 = Eigen::Array<double, 4, 1>;
+            const EArray6 c1_pol = (EArray6() << -0.0192944, 1.38, -2.2653, 1.6291, -1.974, 0.40412).finished();
+            const EArray6 c1_exp = (EArray6() << 0.1845, -0.3227, 1.1351, 2.232, -2.344, -0.4238).finished();
+            const EArray4 c1_gbs = (EArray4() << -4.367, 0.0371, 1.3895, 2.835).finished();
+            const EArray6 c2_pol = (EArray6() << 0.26021, -5.525, 8.329, -19.492, 25.8, -3.8133).finished();
+            const EArray6 c2_exp = (EArray6() << -5.05, 2.7842, -9.523, -30.383, 17.902, 2.2264).finished();
+            const EArray4 c2_gbs = (EArray4() << 48.445, -5.506, -11.643, -24.36).finished();
+            const EArray6 t_pol = (EArray6() << 1, 0.236, 0.872, 0.313, 0.407, 0.703).finished();
+            const EArray6 t_exp = (EArray6() << 1.78, 2.99, 2.866, 1.2, 3.06, 1.073).finished();
+            const EArray4 t_gbs = (EArray4() << 1.50, 1.03, 4.02, 1.57).finished();
+            const EArray6 d_pol = (EArray6() << 4, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3).finished();
+            const EArray6 d_exp = (EArray6() << 1, 1, 3, 2, 2, 5).finished();
+            const EArray4 d_gbs = (EArray4() << 2, 3, 2, 2).finished();
+            const EArray6 p = (EArray6() << 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1).finished();
+            const EArray4 eta = (EArray4() << 0.362, 0.313, 1.17, 0.957).finished();
+            const EArray4 beta = (EArray4() << 0.0761, 0.143, 0.63, 1.32).finished();
+            const EArray4 gam = (EArray4() << 1.55, -0.0826, 1.505, 1.07).finished();
+            const EArray4 eps = (EArray4() << -1, -1, -0.195, -0.287).finished();
+            const double m_lambda_a;
+            const EArray6 n_pol, n_exp;
+            const EArray4 n_gbs;
+            const double Tc, rhoc; // In simulation units
+        public:
+            Mie6Pohl2023(double lambda_a) : m_lambda_a(lambda_a),
+                n_pol(c1_pol + c2_pol / m_lambda_a),
+                n_exp(c1_exp + c2_exp / m_lambda_a),
+                n_gbs(c1_gbs + c2_gbs / m_lambda_a),
+                Tc(0.668 + 6.84 / m_lambda_a + 145 / pow(m_lambda_a, 3)), // T^*
+                rhoc(0.2516 + 0.049 * log10(m_lambda_a)) // rho^*
+            {}
+            auto get_lambda_a() const { return m_lambda_a; }
+            // We are in "simulation units", so R is 1.0, and T and rho that
+            // go into alphar are actually T^* and rho^*
+            template<typename MoleFracType>
+            double R(const MoleFracType&) const { return 1.0; }
+            template<typename TTYPE, typename RHOTYPE, typename MoleFracType>
+            auto alphar(const TTYPE& Tstar, const RHOTYPE& rhostar, const MoleFracType& /*molefrac*/) const {
+                auto tau = Tc / Tstar; auto delta = rhostar / rhoc;
+                auto alphar_ = (
+                    (n_pol * pow(tau, t_pol) * pow(delta, d_pol)).sum() +
+                    (n_exp * pow(tau, t_exp) * pow(delta, d_exp) * exp(-pow(delta, p))).sum() +
+                    (n_gbs * pow(tau, t_gbs) * pow(delta, d_gbs) * exp(-eta * pow(delta - eps, 2) - beta * pow(tau - gam, 2))).sum()
+                    );
+                return forceeval(alphar_);
+            }
+        };
+        //
+        inline auto linear_mixing(const double& x, const double& y) {
+            return (x + y) / 2.0;
+        }
+        class AncTerm {
+        public:
+            Eigen::ArrayXd n, t;
+            double tred, dred;
+            std::string type;
+        };
+        class fluid {
+        public:
+            double lambdas, epsilons, sigmas, m, I;
+            AncTerm anc_dl, anc_dv;
+            bool is_sphere;
+        };
+        // Combining rules for one fluid approximation
+        // (1) Simple Van der Waals one fluid combininb rule
+        template<typename RHOTYPE, typename MoleFracType>
+        inline auto combining_rules_one_fluid(RHOTYPE& rhostar, MoleFracType& molefrac, std::vector<fluid> f, const bool& is_spherical) {
+            auto ncomp = f.size();
+            using resulttype = std::common_type_t<decltype(molefrac[0]), decltype(rhostar)>;
+            using rhotype = std::common_type_t<decltype(rhostar)>;
+            std::vector<std::vector<resulttype>> sigma_ij(ncomp, std::vector<resulttype>(ncomp, 0.0));
+            std::vector<std::vector<resulttype>> eps_ij(ncomp, std::vector<resulttype>(ncomp, 0.0));
+            std::vector<std::vector<resulttype>> lambda_ij(ncomp, std::vector<resulttype>(ncomp, 0.0));
+            std::vector<resulttype> m_mixed(ncomp, 0.0);
+            resulttype m_mix = 0.0;
+            resulttype sigma_mean = 0.0;
+            resulttype epsilon_mean = 0.0;
+            resulttype lambda_mean = 0.0;
+            if (is_spherical) {
+                m_mix = 1.0;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                for (auto i = 0; i < ncomp; i++) {
+                    m_mix += f[i].m * molefrac[i];
+                }
+            }
+            resulttype kij = 0.00;
+            for (size_t i = 0; i < ncomp - 1; i++)
+            {
+                //if(molefrac[0]<1.0) {
+                kij = 0.0;//1.0  - pow(2.0, 7.0) * (sqrt(f[i].I * f[i + 1].I) / (f[i].I + f[i + 1].I)) * (pow(f[i].sigmas, 3.0) * pow(f[i + 1].sigmas, 3.0)) / pow(f[i].sigmas + f[i + 1].sigmas, 6);
+            /*}
+            else
+            {
+                kij = 0.0;
+            }*/
+            }
+            //
+            // Switch between combing rules for interaction of molecular parameters
+            for (auto i = 0; i < ncomp; i++) {
+                for (auto j = 0; j < ncomp; j++) {
+                    lambda_ij[i][j] = linear_mixing(f[i].lambdas, f[j].lambdas); //3.0 + sqrt((f[i].lambdas - 3.0) * (f[j].lambdas - 3.0));
+                    sigma_ij[i][j] = linear_mixing(f[i].sigmas, f[j].sigmas);
+                    eps_ij[i][j] = (1.0 - kij) * sqrt(f[i].epsilons * f[j].epsilons);//*pow(sqrt(f[i].sigmas*f[j].sigmas)/ sigma_ij[i][j],6.0); //sqrt(pow(f[i].sigmas,3.0)*pow(f[j].sigmas,3.0))/pow(sigma_ij[i][j],3.0)
+                }
+            }
+            // Calculate the mean values for the one fluid approximation
+            for (auto i = 0; i < ncomp; i++) { for (auto j = 0; j < ncomp; j++) { sigma_mean += molefrac[i] * molefrac[j] * f[i].m * f[j].m * pow(sigma_ij[i][j], 3.0); } }
+            for (auto i = 0; i < ncomp; i++) { for (auto j = 0; j < ncomp; j++) { epsilon_mean += molefrac[i] * molefrac[j] * f[i].m * f[j].m * pow(sigma_ij[i][j], 3.0) * eps_ij[i][j]; } }
+            for (auto i = 0; i < ncomp; i++) { for (auto j = 0; j < ncomp; j++) { lambda_mean += molefrac[i] * molefrac[j] * lambda_ij[i][j]; } }
+            epsilon_mean = epsilon_mean / sigma_mean;
+            sigma_mean = pow(sigma_mean / pow(m_mix, 2.0), 1.0 / 3.0);
+            return std::make_tuple(sigma_mean, epsilon_mean, lambda_mean, m_mix);
-    };
+        inline auto dlv_eq1(const double& T, const AncTerm& anc) {
+            auto tau = abs(1.0 - T / anc.tred);
+            auto sum = 0.0;
+            for (size_t i = 0; i < anc.n.size(); i++) {
+                sum = sum + anc.n(i) * pow(tau, anc.t(i));
+            }
+            return anc.dred * (sum + 1.0);
+        }
+        inline auto dlv_eq2(const double& T, const AncTerm& anc) {
+            auto tau = pow(abs(1.0 - T / anc.tred), 1.0 / 3.0);
+            auto sum = 0.0;
+            for (size_t i = 0; i < anc.n.size(); i++) {
+                sum = sum + anc.n(i) * pow(tau, anc.t(i));
+            }
+            return anc.dred * (sum + 1.0);
+        }
+        inline auto dlv_eq3(const double& T, const AncTerm& anc) {
+            auto tau = abs(1.0 - T / anc.tred);
+            auto sum = 0.0;
+            for (size_t i = 0; i < anc.n.size(); i++) {
+                sum = sum + anc.n(i) * pow(tau, anc.t(i));
+            }
+            return anc.dred * exp(sum);
+        }
+        inline auto dlv_eq4(const double& T, const AncTerm& anc) {
+            auto tau = pow(abs(1.0 - T / anc.tred), 1.0 / 3.0);
+            auto sum = 0.0;
+            for (size_t i = 0; i < anc.n.size(); i++) {
+                sum = sum + anc.n(i) * pow(tau, anc.t(i));
+            }
+            return anc.dred * exp(sum);
+        }
+        inline auto dlv_eq5(const double& T, const AncTerm& anc) {
+            auto tau = abs(1.0 - T / anc.tred);
+            auto sum = 0.0;
+            for (size_t i = 0; i < anc.n.size(); i++) {
+                sum = sum + anc.n(i) * pow(tau, anc.t(i));
+            }
+            return anc.dred * exp(anc.tred / T * sum);
+        }
+        inline auto dlv_eq6(const double& T, const AncTerm& anc) {
+            auto tau = pow(abs(1.0 - T / anc.tred), 1.0 / 3.0);
+            auto sum = 0.0;
+            for (size_t i = 0; i < anc.n.size(); i++) {
+                sum = sum + anc.n(i) * pow(tau, anc.t(i));
+            }
+            return anc.dred * exp(anc.tred / T * sum);
+        }
+        // Ancillaries for pure fluid components to generate starting of vle
+        std::tuple<double, double> get_sat_dense(double& T, fluid f) {
+            double dl = 0.0;
+            double dv = 0.0;
+            if (f.anc_dl.type == "DL1") { dl = dlv_eq1(T, f.anc_dl); }
+            else if (f.anc_dl.type == "DL2") { dl = dlv_eq2(T, f.anc_dl); }
+            else if (f.anc_dl.type == "DL3") { dl = dlv_eq3(T, f.anc_dl); }
+            else if (f.anc_dl.type == "DL4") { dl = dlv_eq4(T, f.anc_dl); }
+            else if (f.anc_dl.type == "DL5") { dl = dlv_eq5(T, f.anc_dl); }
+            else if (f.anc_dl.type == "DL6") { dl = dlv_eq6(T, f.anc_dl); }
+            if (f.anc_dv.type == "DV1") { dv = dlv_eq1(T, f.anc_dv); }
+            else if (f.anc_dv.type == "DV2") { dv = dlv_eq2(T, f.anc_dv); }
+            else if (f.anc_dv.type == "DV3") { dv = dlv_eq3(T, f.anc_dv); }
+            else if (f.anc_dv.type == "DV4") { dv = dlv_eq4(T, f.anc_dv); }
+            else if (f.anc_dv.type == "DV5") { dv = dlv_eq5(T, f.anc_dv); }
+            else if (f.anc_dv.type == "DV6") { dv = dlv_eq6(T, f.anc_dv); }
+            return { dv,dl };
+        }
+        template<typename Model>
+        auto get_vle_pure_start(const Model& model, double& T, const int idx) {
+            return get_sat_dense(T, model.fld[idx]);
+        }
+        const  double kBoltz = 1.380649E-23;
+        const double NAvo = 6.02214076E23;
+        class MieElong {
+        private:
+            const  double kBoltz = 1.380649E-23;
+            const double NAvo = 6.02214076E23;
+            using EArray6 = Eigen::Array<double, 6, 1>;
+            using EArray4 = Eigen::Array<double, 4, 1>;
+            std::valarray<double> c1_pol = { -0.0192944, 1.38, -2.2653, 1.6291, -1.974, 0.40412 };
+            std::valarray<double> c1_exp = { 0.1845, -0.3227, 1.1351, 2.232, -2.344, -0.4238 };
+            std::valarray<double> c1_gbs = { -4.367, 0.0371, 1.3895, 2.835 };
+            std::valarray<double> c2_pol = { 0.26021, -5.525, 8.329, -19.492, 25.8, -3.8133 };
+            std::valarray<double> c2_exp = { -5.05, 2.7842, -9.523, -30.383, 17.902, 2.2264 };
+            std::valarray<double> c2_gbs = { 48.445, -5.506, -11.643, -24.36 };
+            std::valarray<double> t_pol = { 1.0, 0.236, 0.872, 0.313, 0.407, 0.703 };
+            std::valarray<double> t_exp = { 1.78, 2.99, 2.866, 1.2, 3.06, 1.073 };
+            std::valarray<double> t_gbs = { 1.50, 1.03, 4.02, 1.57 };
+            std::valarray<double> d_pol = { 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 2.0, 3.0 };
+            std::valarray<double> d_exp = { 1.0, 1.0, 3.0, 2.0, 2.0, 5.0 };
+            std::valarray<double> d_gbs = { 2.0, 3.0, 2.0, 2.0 };
+            std::valarray<double> p = { 1.0, 2.0, 2.0, 1.0, 2.0, 1.0 };
+            std::valarray<double> eta = { 0.362, 0.313, 1.17, 0.957 };
+            std::valarray<double> beta = { 0.0761, 0.143, 0.63, 1.32 };
+            std::valarray<double> gam = { 1.55, -0.0826, 1.505, 1.07 };
+            std::valarray<double> eps = { -1.0, -1.0, -0.195, -0.287 };
+            //std::valarray<double> d1_pol = { -0.0050505, 0.38601, -1.1222, -0.0039209, 0.050028, -0.0013054 };
+            //std::valarray<double> d2_pol = { 0.016623, 0.53098, -1.0766, 0.26569, 0.013785, 0.0013796 };
+            //std::valarray<double> d3_pol = { -0.00042696, 0.18677, 0.094444, 0.01354, 0.0051845, -0.0011878 };
+            //std::valarray<double> d1_exp = { 0.12441, -0.094619, -0.16034, 0.074307, -0.011307, 0.0080606 };
+            //std::valarray<double> d2_exp = { -0.24797, 0.42032, 0.46332, -0.051815, 0.039351, 0.0017919 };
+            //std::valarray<double> d3_exp = { 0.17459, -0.53721, -0.12545, -1.1854, 0.98169, 0.058886 };
+            //std::valarray<double> t_pol_m = { 1, 0.367124560272789, 1.2185476818727, 0.781480878568594, 1.64331019262472, 0.587674327418418 };
+            //std::valarray<double> t_exp_m = { 4.47186031183114, 2.82497155574424, 3.77610727931397, 2.65845878597852, 3.80375972303267, 0.665886883638958 };
+            //std::valarray<double> d_pol_m = { 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 2.0, 3.0 };
+            //std::valarray<double> d_exp_m = { 1.0, 1.0, 3.0, 2.0, 2.0, 5.0 };
+            //std::valarray<double> p_m = { 1.0 , 2.0 , 2.0 , 1.0 , 2.0 , 1.0 };
+            //std::valarray<double> d1_pol = { -0.0050505, 0.38601, -1.1222, -0.0039209, 0.050028, -0.0013054 };
+            //std::valarray<double> d2_pol = { 0.016623, 0.53098, -1.0766, 0.26569, 0.013785, 0.0013796 };
+            //std::valarray<double> d3_pol = { -0.00042696, 0.18677, 0.094444, 0.01354, 0.0051845, -0.0011878 };
+            //std::valarray<double> d1_exp = { 0.12441, -0.094619, -0.16034, 0.074307, -0.011307, 0.0080606 };
+            //std::valarray<double> d2_exp = { -0.24797, 0.42032, 0.46332, -0.051815, 0.039351, 0.0017919 };
+            //std::valarray<double> d3_exp = { 0.17459, -0.53721, -0.12545, -1.1854, 0.98169, 0.058886 };
+            //std::valarray<double> t_pol_m = { 1, 0.367124560272789, 1.2185476818727, 0.781480878568594, 1.64331019262472, 0.587674327418418 };
+            //std::valarray<double> t_exp_m = { 4.47186031183114, 2.82497155574424, 3.77610727931397, 2.65845878597852, 3.80375972303267, 0.665886883638958 };
+            //std::valarray<double> d_pol_m = { 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 2.0, 3.0 };
+            //std::valarray<double> d_exp_m = { 1.0, 1.0, 3.0, 2.0, 2.0, 5.0 };
+            //std::valarray<double> p_m = { 1.0 , 2.0 , 2.0 , 1.0 , 2.0 , 1.0 };
+            std::valarray<double> d1_pol = { -0.044326, -0.9164, 0.54604, 0.93411, -0.36957, -0.20822 };
+            std::valarray<double> d2_pol = { 0.0010372, -0.48659, 0.36519, 2.2719, -2.1598, -0.071921 };
+            std::valarray<double> d3_pol = { 0.045309, -0.080824, 0.0017117, 1.4648, -1.6084, 0.052748 };
+            std::valarray<double> d1_exp = { 0.51394, 0.55711, 0.083787, -0.86286, 0.19885, 0.02952 };
+            std::valarray<double> d2_exp = { 0.24318, 0.68819, 0.36777, -1.0891, 0.17631, -0.0021117 };
+            std::valarray<double> d3_exp = { 0.056978, 0.60157, 0.38942, -0.70837, -0.043016, -0.027741 };
+            std::valarray<double> d1_gbs = { 0.79761, -0.88304, 0.96654, -0.37683 };
+            std::valarray<double> d2_gbs = { 0.60753, -0.9869, 1.5873, -0.50984 };
+            std::valarray<double> d3_gbs = { 0.22228, -0.34791, 0.88312, -0.35055 };
+            std::valarray<double> t_pol_m = { 1, 0.216271942617027, 0.520609388112777, 0.752133081448595, 0.775679663317215, 0.580017747329082 };
+            std::valarray<double> t_exp_m = { 1.96734718455893, 2, 1.38627146150207, 1.4813773563886, 1.2103073201027, 1.01007005697967 };
+            std::valarray<double> t_gbs_m = { 0.418410732352989, 0.691563451339712, 1.31680108926219, 1.99860010157709 };
+            std::valarray<double> d_pol_m = { 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 2.0, 3.0 };
+            std::valarray<double> d_exp_m = { 1.0, 3.0, 2.0, 2.0, 4.0, 7.0 };
+            std::valarray<double> d_gbs_m = { 1,2,2,3 };
+            std::valarray<double> p_m = { 2.0 , 2.0 , 1.0 , 2.0 , 1.0 , 1.0 };
+            std::valarray<double> eta_m = { 0.240229835057927, 0.493986587611359, 1.38196451506317 , 1.18724195184123 };
+            std::valarray<double> beta_m = { 0.814951788107642, 1.72306756221527 ,0.452352097018578 ,0.0656824491597725 };
+            std::valarray<double> gam_m = { -0.403458611209436,0.0471338211178168 ,-0.321710057373199 , 0.494527960329717 };
+            std::valarray<double> eps_m = { -0.482584264913269,-0.435554887414116 ,0.271841899896465  ,0.198724624217954 };
+            int nr_fld;
+            bool is_sphere;
+        public:
+            std::vector<fluid> fld;
+            std::string combining_rule;
+            //MieElong(double lambda_a, double ms, double sigma, double eps) { // Repulsive exponent, segment number ms
+            MieElong(const std::string& path, const std::vector<std::string>& fluids, const std::string& combining_rule_in) {
+                std::string filepath = std::filesystem::is_regular_file(path) ? path : path;
+                nlohmann::json j = load_a_JSON_file(filepath);
+                fld.resize(fluids.size());
+                int i = 0;
+                for (auto f : fluids)
+                {
+                    fld[i].lambdas ="mie").at(f).at("lambda");
+                    fld[i].epsilons ="mie").at(f).at("epsilon");
+                    fld[i].sigmas ="mie").at(f).at("sigma");
+                    fld[i].m ="mie").at(f).at("segment");
+                    fld[i].I ="mie").at(f).at("I");
+                    auto n_anc = static_cast<int>("mie").at(f).at("dl_coeff").size());
+                    fld[i].anc_dl.tred ="mie").at(f).at("tred");
+                    fld[i].anc_dl.dred ="mie").at(f).at("dred");
+                    fld[i].anc_dl.type ="mie").at(f).at("dl_type");
+                    fld[i].anc_dl.n = toeig("mie").at(f).at("dl_coeff")).head(n_anc);
+                    fld[i].anc_dl.t = toeig("mie").at(f).at("dl_texp")).head(n_anc);
+                    n_anc = static_cast<int>("mie").at(f).at("dv_coeff").size());
+                    fld[i].anc_dv.tred ="mie").at(f).at("tred");
+                    fld[i].anc_dv.dred ="mie").at(f).at("dred");
+                    fld[i].anc_dv.type ="mie").at(f).at("dv_type");
+                    fld[i].anc_dv.n = toeig("mie").at(f).at("dv_coeff")).head(n_anc);
+                    fld[i].anc_dv.t = toeig("mie").at(f).at("dv_texp")).head(n_anc);
+                    i++;
+                }
+                nr_fld = fluids.size();
+                is_sphere = true;
+                combining_rule = combining_rule_in;
+                // check if only sphericals are included
+                for (size_t i = 0; i < nr_fld; i++)
+                {
+                    if (fld[i].m > 1.0) {
+                        is_sphere = false;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            template<typename MoleFracType>
+            double R(const MoleFracType&) const { return NAvo * kBoltz; }
+            template<typename TTYPE, typename MoleFracType, typename GammaType>
+            inline auto get_tred_mix(const TTYPE& tc, const MoleFracType& x, const GammaType& gama_t) const {
+                typename TTYPE::value_type tred_mix = 0.0;
+                for (size_t i = 0; i < x.size(); i++) {
+                    tred_mix += x[i] * x[i] * tc[i];
+                }
+                auto beta_t = 1.0;
+                for (size_t i = 0; i < x.size() - 1; i++) {
+                    for (size_t j = i + 1; j < x.size(); j++) {
+                        tred_mix += 2.0 * x[i] * x[j] * beta_t * gama_t[i][j] * (x[i] + x[j]) / (beta_t * beta_t * x[i] + x[j]) * sqrt(tc[i] * tc[j]);
+                    }
+                }
+                return tred_mix;
+            }
+            template<typename TTYPE, typename MoleFracType, typename GammaType>
+            inline auto get_vred_mix(const TTYPE& dc, const MoleFracType& x, const GammaType& gama_v) const {
+                typename TTYPE::value_type vred_mix1 = 0.0;
+                for (size_t i = 0; i < x.size(); i++) {
+                    vred_mix1 += (x[i] * x[i]) / dc[i];
+                }
+                auto beta_v = 1.0;
+                for (size_t i = 0; i < x.size() - 1; i++) {
+                    for (size_t j = i + 1; j < x.size(); j++) {
+                        vred_mix1 += 2.0 * x[i] * x[j] * beta_v * gama_v[i][j] * (x[i] + x[j]) / (beta_v * beta_v * x[i] + x[j]) * 0.125 * pow(1.0 / pow(dc[i], 1.0 / 3.0) + 1.0 / pow(dc[j], 1.0 / 3.0), 3.0);
+                    }
+                }
+                return 1.0 / vred_mix1;
+            }
+            template<typename ETYPE, typename LTYPE, typename MTYPE>
+            inline auto get_tc(const ETYPE& e, const LTYPE& l, const MTYPE& m) const {
+                return e * (0.668 + 6.84 / l + 145.0 / pow(l, 3.0)) *
+                    (1.0 + 0.5135 * (m - 1.0) * l - 0.0344 * (m - 1.0) * pow(l, 2.0) + 0.0037 * pow((m - 1.0), 3.0) * l) /
+                    (1.0 + 0.3220 * (m - 1.0) * l - 0.0223 * (m - 1.0) * pow(l, 2.0));
+            }
+            template<typename STYPE, typename LTYPE, typename MTYPE>
+            inline auto get_dc(const STYPE& s, const LTYPE& l, const MTYPE& m) const {
+                return 1E3 * m * (0.2516 + 0.049 * log(l) / log(10.0)) *
+                    (1.0 - 0.0681 * (m - 1.0) * l + 0.0029 * (m - 1.0) * pow(l, 2.0)) /
+                    (1.0 + 0.0462 * (m - 1.0) * l - 0.0019 * (m - 1.0) * pow(l, 2.0)) * 1E27 / (NAvo * pow(s, 3.0)) / m;
+            }
+            // Approximate the mixture with the one fluid model
+            template<typename TTYPE, typename RHOTYPE, typename MoleFracType>
+            auto one_fluid(TTYPE& Tstar, RHOTYPE& rhostar, MoleFracType& molefrac) const {
+                using resulttype = std::common_type_t<decltype(Tstar), decltype(molefrac[0]), decltype(rhostar)>;
+                resulttype l = 0.0;
+                resulttype s = 0.0;
+                resulttype e = 0.0;
+                resulttype m = 0.0;
+                std::tie(s, e, l, m) = combining_rules_one_fluid(rhostar, molefrac, fld, is_sphere);
+                resulttype tc = get_tc(e, l, m);
+                resulttype dc = get_dc(s, l, m);
+                resulttype tau = tc / Tstar;
+                resulttype delta = rhostar / dc;
+                // Calculate coefficients
+                std::vector< resulttype> n_pol;
+                std::vector< resulttype> n_exp;
+                std::vector< resulttype> n_gbs;
+                for (size_t i = 0; i < t_pol.size(); i++) { n_pol.push_back(c1_pol[i] + c2_pol[i] / l); }
+                for (size_t i = 0; i < t_exp.size(); i++) { n_exp.push_back(c1_exp[i] + c2_exp[i] / l); }
+                for (size_t i = 0; i < t_gbs.size(); i++) { n_gbs.push_back(c1_gbs[i] + c2_gbs[i] / l); }
+                std::vector< resulttype> n_pol_m;
+                std::vector< resulttype> n_exp_m;
+                std::vector< resulttype> n_gbs_m;
+                for (size_t i = 0; i < t_pol_m.size(); i++) { n_pol_m.push_back(d1_pol[i] + d2_pol[i] * (1.0 - m) + d3_pol[i] * (1.0 - m) * (1.0 - m)); }
+                for (size_t i = 0; i < t_exp_m.size(); i++) { n_exp_m.push_back(d1_exp[i] + d2_exp[i] * (1.0 - m) + d3_exp[i] * (1.0 - m) * (1.0 - m)); }
+                for (size_t i = 0; i < t_gbs_m.size(); i++) { n_gbs_m.push_back(d1_gbs[i] + d2_gbs[i] * (1.0 - m) + d3_gbs[i] * (1.0 - m) * (1.0 - m)); }
+                std::vector< resulttype> pol, exp_, gbs;
+                for (size_t i = 0; i < t_pol.size(); i++) { pol.push_back(n_pol[i] * pow(tau, t_pol[i]) * pow(delta, d_pol[i])); }
+                for (size_t i = 0; i < t_exp.size(); i++) { exp_.push_back(n_exp[i] * pow(tau, t_exp[i]) * pow(delta, d_exp[i]) * exp(-pow(delta, p[i]))); }
+                for (size_t i = 0; i < t_gbs.size(); i++) { gbs.push_back(n_gbs[i] * pow(tau, t_gbs[i]) * pow(delta, d_gbs[i]) * exp(-eta[i] * (delta - eps[i]) * (delta - eps[i]) - beta[i] * (tau - gam[i]) * (tau - gam[i]))); }
+                std::vector< resulttype> pol_m, exp_m, gbs_m;
+                for (size_t i = 0; i < t_pol_m.size(); i++) { pol_m.push_back(n_pol_m[i] * pow(tau, t_pol_m[i]) * pow(delta, d_pol_m[i])); }
+                for (size_t i = 0; i < t_exp_m.size(); i++) { exp_m.push_back(n_exp_m[i] * pow(tau, t_exp_m[i]) * pow(delta, d_exp_m[i]) * exp(-pow(delta, p_m[i]))); }
+                for (size_t i = 0; i < t_gbs_m.size(); i++) { gbs_m.push_back(n_gbs_m[i] * pow(tau, t_gbs_m[i]) * pow(delta, d_gbs_m[i]) * exp(-eta_m[i] * (delta - eps_m[i]) * (delta - eps_m[i]) - beta_m[i] * (tau - gam_m[i]) * (tau - gam_m[i]))); }
+                auto alpha_r_sphere = std::reduce(pol.begin(), pol.end()) + std::reduce(exp_.begin(), exp_.end()) + std::reduce(gbs.begin(), gbs.end());
+                auto alpha_r_el = std::reduce(pol_m.begin(), pol_m.end()) + std::reduce(exp_m.begin(), exp_m.end()) + std::reduce(gbs_m.begin(), gbs_m.end());
+                resulttype alpha_r_all = 0.0;
+                if (is_sphere) {
+                    alpha_r_all = alpha_r_sphere;
+                }   
+                else
+                {
+                    //alpha_r_all = m * alpha_r_sphere + (1.0 - m) * alpha_r_el;
+                    alpha_r_all = alpha_r_sphere + (1.0 - m) * alpha_r_el;
+                }
+                return alpha_r_all;
+            }
+            template<typename TTYPE, typename RHOTYPE, typename MoleFracType>
+            auto corresponding_states(const TTYPE& Tstar, const RHOTYPE& rhostar, const MoleFracType& molefrac, const std::string combination_rule) const {
+                using resulttype = std::common_type_t<decltype(Tstar), decltype(molefrac[0]), decltype(rhostar)>;
+                auto ncomp = nr_fld;
+                // get pure fluid reducing
+                std::vector<resulttype> tc(nr_fld, 0.0);
+                std::vector<resulttype> dc(nr_fld, 0.0);
+                resulttype TC_MIX = 0.0;
+                resulttype DC_MIX = 0.0;
+                for (size_t i = 0; i < nr_fld; i++) {
+                    tc[i] = get_tc(fld[i].epsilons, fld[i].lambdas, fld[i].m);
+                    dc[i] = get_dc(fld[i].sigmas, fld[i].lambdas, fld[i].m);
+                }
+                std::vector<std::vector<resulttype>> gamma_t(ncomp, std::vector<resulttype>(ncomp, 1.0));
+                std::vector<std::vector<resulttype>> gamma_v(ncomp, std::vector<resulttype>(ncomp, 1.0));
+                if ("Lorentz-Berthelot") == 0) {
+                    TC_MIX = get_tred_mix(tc, molefrac, gamma_t);
+                    DC_MIX = get_vred_mix(dc, molefrac, gamma_v);
+                }
+                else if ("Linear") == 0) {
+                    for (auto i = 0; i < ncomp; i++) {
+                        for (auto j = 0; j < ncomp; j++) {
+                            auto dom = pow(1.0 / pow(dc[i], 1.0 / 3.0) + 1.0 / pow(dc[j], 1.0 / 3.0), 3.0);
+                            auto nom = 1.0 / dc[i] + 1.0 / dc[j];
+                            gamma_v[i][j] = 4.0 * nom / dom;
+                            gamma_t[i][j] = 0.5 * (tc[i] + tc[j]) / sqrt(tc[i] * tc[j]);
+                        };
+                    };
+                    TC_MIX = get_tred_mix(tc, molefrac, gamma_t);
+                    DC_MIX = get_vred_mix(dc, molefrac, gamma_v);
+                }
+                std::vector<std::vector<resulttype>> n_pol(ncomp, std::vector<resulttype>(t_pol.size(), 0.0));
+                std::vector<std::vector<resulttype>> n_exp(ncomp, std::vector<resulttype>(t_exp.size(), 0.0));
+                std::vector<std::vector<resulttype>> n_gbs(ncomp, std::vector<resulttype>(t_gbs.size(), 0.0));
+                // Calculate coefficients
+                for (size_t i = 0; i < ncomp; i++) {
+                    for (size_t j = 0; j < t_pol.size(); j++) {
+                        n_pol[i][j] = c1_pol[j] + c2_pol[j] / fld[i].lambdas;
+                    }
+                };
+                for (size_t i = 0; i < ncomp; i++) {
+                    for (size_t j = 0; j < t_exp.size(); j++) {
+                        n_exp[i][j] = c1_exp[j] + c2_exp[j] / fld[i].lambdas;
+                    }
+                };
+                for (size_t i = 0; i < ncomp; i++) {
+                    for (size_t j = 0; j < t_gbs.size(); j++) {
+                        n_gbs[i][j] = c1_gbs[j] + c2_gbs[j] / fld[i].lambdas;
+                    };
+                };
+                std::vector<std::vector<resulttype>> n_pol_m(ncomp, std::vector<resulttype>(t_pol_m.size(), 0.0));
+                std::vector<std::vector<resulttype>> n_exp_m(ncomp, std::vector<resulttype>(t_exp_m.size(), 0.0));
+                for (size_t i = 0; i < ncomp; i++) {
+                    for (size_t j = 0; j < t_pol_m.size(); j++) {
+                        n_pol_m[i][j] = d1_pol[j] + d2_pol[j] * (1.0 - fld[i].m) * (1.0 - fld[i].m) + d3_pol[j] * (1.0 - fld[i].m) * (1.0 - fld[i].m) * (1.0 - fld[i].m);
+                    };
+                };
+                for (size_t i = 0; i < ncomp; i++) {
+                    for (size_t j = 0; j < t_exp_m.size(); j++) {
+                        n_exp_m[i][j] = d1_exp[j] + d2_exp[j] * (1.0 - fld[i].m) * (1.0 - fld[i].m) + d3_exp[j] * (1.0 - fld[i].m) * (1.0 - fld[i].m) * (1.0 - fld[i].m);
+                    };
+                };
+                std::vector<resulttype> tau;
+                std::vector<resulttype> delta;
+                for (size_t i = 0; i < ncomp; i++) {
+                    tau.push_back(TC_MIX / Tstar);
+                    delta.push_back(rhostar / DC_MIX);
+                };
+                std::vector<resulttype> pol(ncomp, 0.0);
+                std::vector<resulttype> exp_(ncomp, 0.0);
+                std::vector<resulttype> gbs(ncomp, 0.0);
+                std::vector<resulttype> pol_m(ncomp, 0.0);
+                std::vector<resulttype> exp_m(ncomp, 0.0);
+                // pure fluid contribution
+                for (size_t i = 0; i < ncomp; i++) {
+                    pol[i] = 0.0;
+                    for (size_t j = 0; j < t_pol.size(); j++) {
+                        pol[i] += n_pol[i][j] * pow(tau[i], t_pol[j]) * pow(delta[i], d_pol[j]);
+                    };
+                };
+                for (size_t i = 0; i < ncomp; i++) {
+                    exp_[i] = 0.0;
+                    for (size_t j = 0; j < t_exp.size(); j++) {
+                        exp_[i] += n_exp[i][j] * pow(tau[i], t_exp[j]) * pow(delta[i], d_exp[j]) * exp(-pow(delta[i], p[j]));
+                    };
+                };
+                for (size_t i = 0; i < ncomp; i++) {
+                    gbs[i] = 0.0;
+                    for (size_t j = 0; j < t_gbs.size(); j++) {
+                        gbs[i] += n_gbs[i][j] * pow(tau[i], t_gbs[j]) * pow(delta[i], d_gbs[j]) * exp(-eta[j] * (delta[i] - eps[j]) * (delta[i] - eps[j]) - beta[j] * (tau[i] - gam[j]) * (tau[i] - gam[j]));
+                    };
+                };
+                if (!(is_sphere)) {
+                    for (size_t i = 0; i < ncomp; i++) {
+                        pol_m[i] = 0.0;
+                        for (size_t j = 0; j < t_pol_m.size(); j++) {
+                            pol_m[i] += n_pol_m[i][j] * pow(tau[i], t_pol_m[j]) * pow(delta[i], d_pol_m[j]);
+                        };
+                    };
+                    for (size_t i = 0; i < ncomp; i++) {
+                        exp_m[i] = 0.0;
+                        for (size_t j = 0; j < t_exp_m.size(); j++) {
+                            exp_m[i] += n_exp_m[i][j] * pow(tau[i], t_exp_m[j]) * pow(delta[i], d_exp_m[j]) * exp(-pow(delta[i], p_m[j]));
+                        };
+                    };
+                }
+                // Sum up everything
+                resulttype alpha_r = 0.0;
+                resulttype alpha_r_sphere = 0.0;
+                resulttype alpha_r_elongated = 0.0;
+                for (size_t i = 0; i < ncomp; i++) {
+                    if (fld[i].is_sphere) {
+                        // Single sphere part of component i
+                        alpha_r_sphere = pol[i] + exp_[i] + gbs[i];
+                        alpha_r += molefrac[i] * (fld[i].m * alpha_r_sphere);
+                    }
+                    else {
+                        // Single elongation part of component i
+                        alpha_r_sphere = pol[i] + exp_[i] + gbs[i];
+                        alpha_r_elongated = pol_m[i] + exp_m[i];
+                        alpha_r += molefrac[i] * (fld[i].m * alpha_r_sphere + (1.0 - fld[i].m) * alpha_r_elongated);
+                    }
+                };
+                return alpha_r;
+            }
+            // Input is temperature in K, density in mol/m^3 and molefractions
+            template<typename TTYPE, typename RHOTYPE, typename MoleFracType>
+            auto alphar(const TTYPE& Tstar, const RHOTYPE& rhostar, const MoleFracType& molefrac) const {
+                using resulttype = std::common_type_t<decltype(Tstar), decltype(molefrac[0]), decltype(rhostar)>;
+                resulttype alpha_r_all = 0.0;
+                if ("One-Fluid") == 0) {
+                    alpha_r_all = one_fluid(Tstar, rhostar, molefrac);
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    alpha_r_all = corresponding_states(Tstar, rhostar, molefrac, combining_rule);
+                }
+                return forceeval(alpha_r_all);
+            }
+        };
+    }
+//    class MieElongMix2 {
+//    private:
+//        using EArray6 = Eigen::Array<double, 6, 1>;
+//        using EArray4 = Eigen::Array<double, 4, 1>;
+//        const EArray6 c1_pol = (EArray6() << -0.0192944, 1.38, -2.2653, 1.6291, -1.974, 0.40412).finished();
+//        const EArray6 c1_exp = (EArray6() << 0.1845, -0.3227, 1.1351, 2.232, -2.344, -0.4238).finished();
+//        const EArray4 c1_gbs = (EArray4() << -4.367, 0.0371, 1.3895, 2.835).finished();
+//        const EArray6 c2_pol = (EArray6() << 0.26021, -5.525, 8.329, -19.492, 25.8, -3.8133).finished();
+//        const EArray6 c2_exp = (EArray6() << -5.05, 2.7842, -9.523, -30.383, 17.902, 2.2264).finished();
+//        const EArray4 c2_gbs = (EArray4() << 48.445, -5.506, -11.643, -24.36).finished();
+//        const EArray6 t_pol = (EArray6() << 1, 0.236, 0.872, 0.313, 0.407, 0.703).finished();
+//        const EArray6 t_exp = (EArray6() << 1.78, 2.99, 2.866, 1.2, 3.06, 1.073).finished();
+//        const EArray4 t_gbs = (EArray4() << 1.50, 1.03, 4.02, 1.57).finished();
+//        const EArray6 d_pol = (EArray6() << 4, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3).finished();
+//        const EArray6 d_exp = (EArray6() << 1, 1, 3, 2, 2, 5).finished();
+//        const EArray4 d_gbs = (EArray4() << 2, 3, 2, 2).finished();
+//        const EArray6 p = (EArray6() << 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1).finished();
+//        const EArray4 eta = (EArray4() << 0.362, 0.313, 1.17, 0.957).finished();
+//        const EArray4 beta = (EArray4() << 0.0761, 0.143, 0.63, 1.32).finished();
+//        const EArray4 gam = (EArray4() << 1.55, -0.0826, 1.505, 1.07).finished();
+//        const EArray4 eps = (EArray4() << -1, -1, -0.195, -0.287).finished();
+//        // elongation part
+//        const EArray6 d1_pol = (EArray6() << -0.0033717, -0.93963, 1.0403, -0.11078, -0.0025363, 0.0029514).finished();
+//        const EArray6 d2_pol = (EArray6() << 0.0056524, -1.0549, 1.2465, -0.22323, 0.15836, 0.11005).finished();
+//        const EArray6 d3_pol = (EArray6() << -0.0032422, -0.69384, 0.80325, 0.26957, -0.069081, -0.0026843).finished();
+//        const EArray6 d1_exp = (EArray6() << -1.0436, 0.25891, -0.040776, -0.89272, -0.12408, -0.053926).finished();
+//        const EArray6 d2_exp = (EArray6() << -0.27931, -0.27319, 0.1812, -1.2567, 0.71416, -0.040811).finished();
+//        const EArray6 d3_exp = (EArray6() << -0.26861, -0.032778, 0.17816, -1.3529, 0.58892, 0.0034168).finished();
+//        const EArray6 t_pol_m = (EArray6() << 1, 0.684125778408247, 0.431293949327048, 0.686848959577935, 0.39116753396418, 0.755900521521362).finished();
+//        const EArray6 t_exp_m = (EArray6() << 0.994097378429697, 0.81534766545966, 1.96973994708541, 1.35262796041634, 3, 1.41415130674305).finished();
+//        const EArray6 d_pol_m = (EArray6() << 4, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3).finished();
+//        const EArray6 d_exp_m = (EArray6() << 1, 1, 3, 2, 2, 5).finished();
+//        const EArray6 p_m = (EArray6() << 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1).finished();
+//        double m_lambda_a, ms;
+//        std::vector<double> lambdas, epsilons, sigmas, ms_s;
+//    public:
+//        //MieElong(double lambda_a, double ms, double sigma, double eps) { // Repulsive exponent, segment number ms
+//        MieElongMix2(const std::string& path, const std::vector<std::string>& fluids) {
+//            std::string filepath = std::filesystem::is_regular_file(path) ? path : path;
+//            nlohmann::json j = load_a_JSON_file(filepath);
+//            for (auto f : fluids)
+//            {
+//                lambdas.push_back("mie").at(f).at("lambda"));
+//                epsilons.push_back("mie").at(f).at("epsilon"));
+//                sigmas.push_back("mie").at(f).at("sigma"));
+//                ms_s.push_back("mie").at(f).at("segment"));
+//            };
+//        };
+//        // We are in "simulation units", so R is 1.0, and T and rho that
+//        // go into alphar are actually T^* and rho^*
+//        template<typename MoleFracType>
+//        double R(const MoleFracType&) const { return NAvo * kBoltz; }
+//        // Input is temperature in K, density in mol/m^3 and molefractions
+//        template<typename TTYPE, typename RHOTYPE, typename MoleFracType>
+//        auto alphar(const TTYPE& Tstar, const RHOTYPE& rhostar, const MoleFracType& molefrac) const {
+//            auto ncomp = ms_s.size();
+//            using resulttype = std::common_type_t<decltype(Tstar), decltype(molefrac[0]), decltype(rhostar)>;
+//            std::vector<vector<resulttype>> sigma_ij(ncomp, vector<resulttype>(ncomp, rhostar));
+//            std::vector<vector<resulttype>> epsilon_ij(ncomp, vector<resulttype>(ncomp, rhostar));
+//            std::vector<vector<resulttype>> lambda_ij(ncomp, vector<resulttype>(ncomp, rhostar));
+//            std::vector<vector<resulttype>> gamma_t(ncomp, vector<resulttype>(ncomp, rhostar));
+//            std::vector<vector<resulttype>> gamma_v(ncomp, vector<resulttype>(ncomp, rhostar));
+//            for (auto i = 0; i < ncomp; i++) {
+//                for (auto j = 0; j < ncomp; j++) {
+//                    lambda_ij[i][j] = (lambdas[i] + lambdas[j]) / 2.0;
+//                    sigma_ij[i][j] = (sigmas[i] + sigmas[j]) / 2.0;
+//                    epsilon_ij[i][j] = sqrt(epsilons[i] * epsilons[j]);
+//                    auto dom = pow(1.0 / pow(sigmas[i], 1.0 / 3.0) + 1.0 / pow(sigmas[j], 1.0 / 3.0), 3.0);
+//                    auto nom = 1.0 / sigmas[i] + 1.0 / sigmas[j];
+//                    gamma_v[i][j] = 1.0;//4.0 * nom / dom;
+//                    gamma_t[i][j] = 1.0;//0.5 * (epsilons[i] + epsilons[j]) / sqrt(epsilons[i] * epsilons[j]);
+//                };
+//            };
+//            std::vector<resulttype> TC;
+//            std::vector<resulttype> DC;
+//            for (size_t i = 0; i < lambdas.size(); i++) {
+//                TC.push_back(get_tc(epsilons[i], lambdas[i], ms_s[i]));
+//                DC.push_back(get_dc(sigmas[i], lambdas[i], ms_s[i]));
+//            };
+//            std::vector<vector<resulttype>> n_pol(ncomp, vector<resulttype>(t_pol.size(), 0.0));
+//            std::vector<vector<resulttype>> n_exp(ncomp, vector<resulttype>(t_exp.size(), 0.0));
+//            std::vector<vector<resulttype>> n_gbs(ncomp, vector<resulttype>(t_gbs.size(), 0.0));
+//            // Calculate coefficients
+//            for (size_t i = 0; i < ncomp; i++) {
+//                for (size_t j = 0; j < t_pol.size(); j++) {
+//                    n_pol[i][j] = c1_pol[j] + c2_pol[j] / lambdas[i];
+//                }
+//            };
+//            for (size_t i = 0; i < ncomp; i++) {
+//                for (size_t j = 0; j < t_exp.size(); j++) {
+//                    n_exp[i][j] = c1_exp[j] + c2_exp[j] / lambdas[i];
+//                }
+//            };
+//            for (size_t i = 0; i < ncomp; i++) {
+//                for (size_t j = 0; j < t_gbs.size(); j++) {
+//                    n_gbs[i][j] = c1_gbs[j] + c2_gbs[j] / lambdas[i];
+//                };
+//            };
+//            std::vector<vector<resulttype>> n_pol_m(ncomp, vector<resulttype>(t_pol_m.size(), 0.0));
+//            std::vector<vector<resulttype>> n_exp_m(ncomp, vector<resulttype>(t_exp_m.size(), 0.0));
+//            for (size_t i = 0; i < ncomp; i++) {
+//                for (size_t j = 0; j < t_pol_m.size(); j++) {
+//                    n_pol_m[i][j] = d1_pol[j] + d2_pol[j] * (1.0 - ms_s[i]) * (1.0 - ms_s[i]) + d3_pol[j] * (1.0 - ms_s[i]) * (1.0 - ms_s[i]) * (1.0 - ms_s[i]);
+//                };
+//            };
+//            for (size_t i = 0; i < ncomp; i++) {
+//                for (size_t j = 0; j < t_exp_m.size(); j++) {
+//                    n_exp_m[i][j] = d1_exp[j] + d2_exp[j] * (1.0 - ms_s[i]) * (1.0 - ms_s[i]) + d3_exp[j] * (1.0 - ms_s[i]) * (1.0 - ms_s[i]) * (1.0 - ms_s[i]);
+//                };
+//            };
+//            std::vector<resulttype> tau;
+//            std::vector<resulttype> delta;
+//            for (size_t i = 0; i < ncomp; i++) {
+//                tau.push_back(get_tred_mix(TC, molefrac, gamma_t) / Tstar);
+//                delta.push_back(rhostar / get_vred_mix(DC, molefrac, gamma_v));
+//            };
+//            std::vector<resulttype> pol(ncomp, 0.0);
+//            std::vector<resulttype> exp_(ncomp, 0.0);
+//            std::vector<resulttype> gbs(ncomp, 0.0);
+//            std::vector<resulttype> pol_m(ncomp, 0.0);
+//            std::vector<resulttype> exp_m(ncomp, 0.0);
+//            for (size_t i = 0; i < ncomp; i++) {
+//                pol[i] = 0.0;
+//                for (size_t j = 0; j < t_pol.size(); j++) {
+//                    pol[i] += n_pol[i][j] * pow(tau[i], t_pol[j]) * pow(delta[i], d_pol[j]);
+//                };
+//            };
+//            for (size_t i = 0; i < ncomp; i++) {
+//                exp_[i] = 0.0;
+//                for (size_t j = 0; j < t_exp.size(); j++) {
+//                    exp_[i] += n_exp[i][j] * pow(tau[i], t_exp[j]) * pow(delta[i], d_exp[j]) * exp(-pow(delta[i], p[j]));
+//                };
+//            };
+//            for (size_t i = 0; i < ncomp; i++) {
+//                gbs[i] = 0.0;
+//                for (size_t j = 0; j < t_gbs.size(); j++) {
+//                    gbs[i] += n_gbs[i][j] * pow(tau[i], t_gbs[j]) * pow(delta[i], d_gbs[j]) * exp(-eta[j] * (delta[i] - eps[j]) * (delta[i] - eps[j]) - beta[j] * (tau[i] - gam[j]) * (tau[i] - gam[j]));
+//                };
+//            };
+//            for (size_t i = 0; i < ncomp; i++) {
+//                pol_m[i] = 0.0;
+//                for (size_t j = 0; j < t_pol_m.size(); j++) {
+//                    pol_m[i] += n_pol_m[i][j] * pow(tau[i], t_pol_m[j]) * pow(delta[i], d_pol_m[j]);
+//                };
+//            };
+//            for (size_t i = 0; i < ncomp; i++) {
+//                exp_m[i] = 0.0;
+//                for (size_t j = 0; j < t_exp_m.size(); j++) {
+//                    exp_m[i] += n_exp_m[i][j] * pow(tau[i], t_exp_m[j]) * pow(delta[i], d_exp_m[j]) * exp(-pow(delta[i], p_m[j]));
+//                };
+//            };
+//            resulttype alpha_r_sphere = 0.0;
+//            resulttype alpha_r_el = 0.0;
+//            resulttype alpha_r_all = 0.0;
+//            for (size_t i = 0; i < ncomp; i++) {
+//                alpha_r_sphere = 0.0;
+//                alpha_r_el = 0.0;
+//                alpha_r_sphere = pol[i] + exp_[i] + gbs[i];
+//                alpha_r_el = pol_m[i] + exp_m[i];
+//                alpha_r_all += molefrac[i] * (ms_s[i] * alpha_r_sphere + (1.0 - ms_s[i]) * alpha_r_el);
+//            };
+//            return forceeval(alpha_r_all);
+//        }
+//    };
+//// new mixing rules try
+//class MieElongMix3 {
+//    using EArray6 = Eigen::Array<double, 6, 1>;
+//    using EArray4 = Eigen::Array<double, 4, 1>;
+//    const EArray6 c1_pol = (EArray6() << -0.0192944, 1.38, -2.2653, 1.6291, -1.974, 0.40412).finished();
+//    const EArray6 c1_exp = (EArray6() << 0.1845, -0.3227, 1.1351, 2.232, -2.344, -0.4238).finished();
+//    const EArray4 c1_gbs = (EArray4() << -4.367, 0.0371, 1.3895, 2.835).finished();
+//    const EArray6 c2_pol = (EArray6() << 0.26021, -5.525, 8.329, -19.492, 25.8, -3.8133).finished();
+//    const EArray6 c2_exp = (EArray6() << -5.05, 2.7842, -9.523, -30.383, 17.902, 2.2264).finished();
+//    const EArray4 c2_gbs = (EArray4() << 48.445, -5.506, -11.643, -24.36).finished();
+//    const EArray6 t_pol = (EArray6() << 1, 0.236, 0.872, 0.313, 0.407, 0.703).finished();
+//    const EArray6 t_exp = (EArray6() << 1.78, 2.99, 2.866, 1.2, 3.06, 1.073).finished();
+//    const EArray4 t_gbs = (EArray4() << 1.50, 1.03, 4.02, 1.57).finished();
+//    const EArray6 d_pol = (EArray6() << 4, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3).finished();
+//    const EArray6 d_exp = (EArray6() << 1, 1, 3, 2, 2, 5).finished();
+//    const EArray4 d_gbs = (EArray4() << 2, 3, 2, 2).finished();
+//    const EArray6 p = (EArray6() << 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1).finished();
+//    const EArray4 eta = (EArray4() << 0.362, 0.313, 1.17, 0.957).finished();
+//    const EArray4 beta = (EArray4() << 0.0761, 0.143, 0.63, 1.32).finished();
+//    const EArray4 gam = (EArray4() << 1.55, -0.0826, 1.505, 1.07).finished();
+//    const EArray4 eps = (EArray4() << -1, -1, -0.195, -0.287).finished();
+//    // elongation part
+//    const EArray6 d1_pol = (EArray6() << -0.0033717, -0.93963, 1.0403, -0.11078, -0.0025363, 0.0029514).finished();
+//    const EArray6 d2_pol = (EArray6() << 0.0056524, -1.0549, 1.2465, -0.22323, 0.15836, 0.11005).finished();
+//    const EArray6 d3_pol = (EArray6() << -0.0032422, -0.69384, 0.80325, 0.26957, -0.069081, -0.0026843).finished();
+//    const EArray6 d1_exp = (EArray6() << -1.0436, 0.25891, -0.040776, -0.89272, -0.12408, -0.053926).finished();
+//    const EArray6 d2_exp = (EArray6() << -0.27931, -0.27319, 0.1812, -1.2567, 0.71416, -0.040811).finished();
+//    const EArray6 d3_exp = (EArray6() << -0.26861, -0.032778, 0.17816, -1.3529, 0.58892, 0.0034168).finished();
+//    const EArray6 t_pol_m = (EArray6() << 1, 0.684125778408247, 0.431293949327048, 0.686848959577935, 0.39116753396418, 0.755900521521362).finished();
+//    const EArray6 t_exp_m = (EArray6() << 0.994097378429697, 0.81534766545966, 1.96973994708541, 1.35262796041634, 3, 1.41415130674305).finished();
+//    const EArray6 d_pol_m = (EArray6() << 4, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3).finished();
+//    const EArray6 d_exp_m = (EArray6() << 1, 1, 3, 2, 2, 5).finished();
+//    const EArray6 p_m = (EArray6() << 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1).finished();
+//    double m_lambda_a, ms;
+//    std::vector<double> lambdas, epsilons, sigmas, ms_s;
+//    //MieElong(double lambda_a, double ms, double sigma, double eps) { // Repulsive exponent, segment number ms
+//    MieElongMix3(const std::string& path, const std::vector<std::string>& fluids) {
+//        std::string filepath = std::filesystem::is_regular_file(path) ? path : path;
+//        nlohmann::json j = load_a_JSON_file(filepath);
+//        for (auto f : fluids)
+//        {
+//            lambdas.push_back("mie").at(f).at("lambda"));
+//            epsilons.push_back("mie").at(f).at("epsilon"));
+//            sigmas.push_back("mie").at(f).at("sigma"));
+//            ms_s.push_back("mie").at(f).at("segment"));
+//        };
+//    };
+//    // We are in "simulation units", so R is 1.0, and T and rho that
+//    // go into alphar are actually T^* and rho^*
+//    template<typename MoleFracType>
+//    double R(const MoleFracType&) const { return NAvo * kBoltz; }
+//    // Input is temperature in K, density in mol/m^3 and molefractions
+//    template<typename TTYPE, typename RHOTYPE, typename MoleFracType>
+//    auto alphar(const TTYPE& Tstar, const RHOTYPE& rhostar, const MoleFracType& molefrac) const {
+//        auto ncomp = ms_s.size();
+//        using resulttype = std::common_type_t<decltype(Tstar), decltype(molefrac[0]), decltype(rhostar)>;
+//        std::vector<vector<resulttype>> sigma_ij(ncomp, vector<resulttype>(ncomp, rhostar));
+//        std::vector<vector<resulttype>> epsilon_ij(ncomp, vector<resulttype>(ncomp, rhostar));
+//        std::vector<vector<resulttype>> lambda_ij(ncomp, vector<resulttype>(ncomp, rhostar));
+//        std::vector<vector<resulttype>> gamma_t(ncomp, vector<resulttype>(ncomp, rhostar));
+//        std::vector<vector<resulttype>> gamma_v(ncomp, vector<resulttype>(ncomp, rhostar));
+//        for (auto i = 0; i < ncomp; i++) {
+//            for (auto j = 0; j < ncomp; j++) {
+//                lambda_ij[i][j] = (lambdas[i] + lambdas[j]) / 2.0;
+//                sigma_ij[i][j] = (sigmas[i] + sigmas[j]) / 2.0;
+//                epsilon_ij[i][j] = sqrt(epsilons[i] * epsilons[j]);
+//                auto dom = pow(1.0 / pow(sigmas[i], 1.0 / 3.0) + 1.0 / pow(sigmas[j], 1.0 / 3.0), 3.0);
+//                auto nom = 1.0 / sigmas[i] + 1.0 / sigmas[j];
+//                gamma_v[i][j] = 1.0;//4.0 * nom / dom;
+//                gamma_t[i][j] = 1.0;//0.5 * (epsilons[i] + epsilons[j]) / sqrt(epsilons[i] * epsilons[j]);
+//            };
+//        };
+//        std::vector<resulttype> TC;
+//        std::vector<resulttype> DC;
+//        for (size_t i = 0; i < lambdas.size(); i++) {
+//            TC.push_back(get_tc(epsilons[i], lambdas[i], ms_s[i]));
+//            DC.push_back(get_dc(sigmas[i], lambdas[i], ms_s[i]));
+//        };
+//        std::vector<vector<resulttype>> n_pol(ncomp, vector<resulttype>(t_pol.size(), 0.0));
+//        std::vector<vector<resulttype>> n_exp(ncomp, vector<resulttype>(t_exp.size(), 0.0));
+//        std::vector<vector<resulttype>> n_gbs(ncomp, vector<resulttype>(t_gbs.size(), 0.0));
+//        // Calculate coefficients
+//        for (size_t i = 0; i < ncomp; i++) {
+//            for (size_t j = 0; j < t_pol.size(); j++) {
+//                n_pol[i][j] = c1_pol[j] + c2_pol[j] / lambdas[i];
+//            }
+//        };
+//        for (size_t i = 0; i < ncomp; i++) {
+//            for (size_t j = 0; j < t_exp.size(); j++) {
+//                n_exp[i][j] = c1_exp[j] + c2_exp[j] / lambdas[i];
+//            }
+//        };
+//        for (size_t i = 0; i < ncomp; i++) {
+//            for (size_t j = 0; j < t_gbs.size(); j++) {
+//                n_gbs[i][j] = c1_gbs[j] + c2_gbs[j] / lambdas[i];
+//            };
+//        };
+//        std::vector<vector<resulttype>> n_pol_m(ncomp, vector<resulttype>(t_pol_m.size(), 0.0));
+//        std::vector<vector<resulttype>> n_exp_m(ncomp, vector<resulttype>(t_exp_m.size(), 0.0));
+//        for (size_t i = 0; i < ncomp; i++) {
+//            for (size_t j = 0; j < t_pol_m.size(); j++) {
+//                n_pol_m[i][j] = d1_pol[j] + d2_pol[j] * (1.0 - ms_s[i]) * (1.0 - ms_s[i]) + d3_pol[j] * (1.0 - ms_s[i]) * (1.0 - ms_s[i]) * (1.0 - ms_s[i]);
+//            };
+//        };
+//        for (size_t i = 0; i < ncomp; i++) {
+//            for (size_t j = 0; j < t_exp_m.size(); j++) {
+//                n_exp_m[i][j] = d1_exp[j] + d2_exp[j] * (1.0 - ms_s[i]) * (1.0 - ms_s[i]) + d3_exp[j] * (1.0 - ms_s[i]) * (1.0 - ms_s[i]) * (1.0 - ms_s[i]);
+//            };
+//        };
+//        std::vector<resulttype> tau;
+//        std::vector<resulttype> delta;
+//        /*for (size_t i = 0; i < ncomp; i++) {
+//            tau.push_back(TC[i] / Tstar);
+//            delta.push_back(rhostar / DC[i]);
+//        };*/
+//        for (size_t i = 0; i < ncomp; i++) {
+//            tau.push_back(TC[i] / Tstar);
+//            delta.push_back(rhostar / DC[i]);
+//        };
+//        std::vector<resulttype> pol(ncomp, 0.0);
+//        std::vector<resulttype> exp_(ncomp, 0.0);
+//        std::vector<resulttype> gbs(ncomp, 0.0);
+//        std::vector<resulttype> pol_m(ncomp, 0.0);
+//        std::vector<resulttype> exp_m(ncomp, 0.0);
+//        std::vector<resulttype> pol_dep(ncomp - 1, 0.0);
+//        std::vector<resulttype> exp_dep(ncomp - 1, 0.0);
+//        std::vector<resulttype> gbs_dep(ncomp - 1, 0.0);
+//        std::vector<resulttype> pol_m_dep(ncomp - 1, 0.0);
+//        std::vector<resulttype> exp_m_dep(ncomp - 1, 0.0);
+//        // pure fluid contribution
+//        for (size_t i = 0; i < ncomp; i++) {
+//            pol[i] = 0.0;
+//            for (size_t j = 0; j < t_pol.size(); j++) {
+//                pol[i] += n_pol[i][j] * pow(tau[i], t_pol[j]) * pow(delta[i], d_pol[j]);
+//            };
+//        };
+//        for (size_t i = 0; i < ncomp; i++) {
+//            exp_[i] = 0.0;
+//            for (size_t j = 0; j < t_exp.size(); j++) {
+//                exp_[i] += n_exp[i][j] * pow(tau[i], t_exp[j]) * pow(delta[i], d_exp[j]) * exp(-pow(delta[i], p[j]));
+//            };
+//        };
+//        for (size_t i = 0; i < ncomp; i++) {
+//            gbs[i] = 0.0;
+//            for (size_t j = 0; j < t_gbs.size(); j++) {
+//                gbs[i] += n_gbs[i][j] * pow(tau[i], t_gbs[j]) * pow(delta[i], d_gbs[j]) * exp(-eta[j] * (delta[i] - eps[j]) * (delta[i] - eps[j]) - beta[j] * (tau[i] - gam[j]) * (tau[i] - gam[j]));
+//            };
+//        };
+//        for (size_t i = 0; i < ncomp; i++) {
+//            pol_m[i] = 0.0;
+//            for (size_t j = 0; j < t_pol_m.size(); j++) {
+//                pol_m[i] += n_pol_m[i][j] * pow(tau[i], t_pol_m[j]) * pow(delta[i], d_pol_m[j]);
+//            };
+//        };
+//        for (size_t i = 0; i < ncomp; i++) {
+//            exp_m[i] = 0.0;
+//            for (size_t j = 0; j < t_exp_m.size(); j++) {
+//                exp_m[i] += n_exp_m[i][j] * pow(tau[i], t_exp_m[j]) * pow(delta[i], d_exp_m[j]) * exp(-pow(delta[i], p_m[j]));
+//            };
+//        };
+//        // depature contribution
+//        /*for (size_t i = 0; i < ncomp - 1; i++) {
+//            pol_dep[i] = 0.0;
+//            for (size_t j = 0; j < t_pol.size(); j++) {
+//                pol_dep[i] += (n_pol[i][j] + n_pol[i + 1][j]) / 2.0 * pow(tau[i], t_pol[j]) * pow(delta[i], d_pol[j]);
+//            };
+//        };
+//        for (size_t i = 0; i < ncomp - 1; i++) {
+//            exp_dep[i] = 0.0;
+//            for (size_t j = 0; j < t_exp.size(); j++) {
+//                exp_dep[i] += (n_exp[i][j] + n_exp[i + 1][j]) / 2.0 * pow(tau[i], t_exp[j]) * pow(delta[i], d_exp[j]) * exp(-pow(delta[i], p[j]));
+//            };
+//        };
+//        for (size_t i = 0; i < ncomp - 1; i++) {
+//            gbs_dep[i] = 0.0;
+//            for (size_t j = 0; j < t_gbs.size(); j++) {
+//                gbs_dep[i] += (n_gbs[i][j] + n_gbs[i + 1][j]) / 2.0 * pow(tau[i], t_gbs[j]) * pow(delta[i], d_gbs[j]) * exp(-eta[j] * (delta[i] - eps[j]) * (delta[i] - eps[j]) - beta[j] * (tau[i] - gam[j]) * (tau[i] - gam[j]));
+//            };
+//        };
+//        for (size_t i = 0; i < ncomp - 1; i++) {
+//            pol_m_dep[i] = 0.0;
+//            for (size_t j = 0; j < t_pol_m.size(); j++) {
+//                pol_m_dep[i] += (n_pol_m[i][j] + n_pol_m[i + 1][j]) / 2.0 * pow(tau[i], t_pol_m[j]) * pow(delta[i], d_pol_m[j]);
+//            };
+//        };
+//        for (size_t i = 0; i < ncomp - 1; i++) {
+//            exp_m_dep[i] = 0.0;
+//            for (size_t j = 0; j < t_exp_m.size(); j++) {
+//                exp_m_dep[i] += (n_exp_m[i][j] + n_exp_m[i + 1][j]) / 2.0 * pow(tau[i], t_exp_m[j]) * pow(delta[i], d_exp_m[j]) * exp(-pow(delta[i], p_m[j]));
+//            };
+//        };*/
+//        resulttype m_mix = 0.0;
+//        for (size_t i = 0; i < ncomp; i++) {
+//            m_mix += ms_s[i] * molefrac[i];
+//        }
+//        resulttype alpha_r_sphere = 0.0;
+//        resulttype alpha_r_el = 0.0;
+//        resulttype alpha_r_all = 0.0;
+//        std::vector<resulttype> sphere_part(ncomp, 0.0);
+//        std::vector<resulttype> elongation_part(ncomp, 0.0);
+//        resulttype sphere_mix = 0.0;
+//        resulttype elongation_mix = 0.0;
+//        resulttype cross_mix = 0.0;
+//        for (size_t i = 0; i < ncomp; i++) {
+//            // Single sphere part of component i
+//            sphere_part[i] = pol[i] + exp_[i] + gbs[i];
+//            // Single elongation part of component j
+//            elongation_part[i] = pol_m[i] + exp_m[i];
+//            sphere_mix += ms_s[i] * molefrac[i] * sphere_part[i];
+//        };
+//        for (size_t i = 0; i < ncomp - 1; i++) {
+//            for (size_t j = i + 1; j < ncomp; j++) {
+//                /*cross_mix += (molefrac[i] * molefrac[j] * ms_s[i]*(1.0 - ms_s[j])*sphere_part[i]*elongation_part[j] +
+//                              ms_s[j]*(1.0 - ms_s[i])*sphere_part[j]*elongation_part[i] * molefrac[i] * molefrac[j]);*/
+//                elongation_mix = (1.0 - ms_s[i]) * molefrac[i] * elongation_part[i] + (1.0 - ms_s[j]) * molefrac[j] * elongation_part[j];
+//            }
+//        }
+//        alpha_r_all = sphere_mix + elongation_mix + cross_mix;
+//        return forceeval(alpha_r_all);
+//    }
diff --git a/include/teqp/types.hpp b/include/teqp/types.hpp
index bcebf21..1c296e0 100644
--- a/include/teqp/types.hpp
+++ b/include/teqp/types.hpp
@@ -213,6 +213,12 @@ namespace teqp {
+    template<typename T,typename B>
+    auto pow(const B&  BASE, const T& POWER) {
+        return exp(POWER*log(BASE));
+    }
 }; // namespace teqp
diff --git a/interface/CPP/teqp_impl_factory.cpp b/interface/CPP/teqp_impl_factory.cpp
index 8c0c3f2..ee0909a 100644
--- a/interface/CPP/teqp_impl_factory.cpp
+++ b/interface/CPP/teqp_impl_factory.cpp
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ namespace teqp {
             {"2CLJF-Dipole", [](const nlohmann::json& spec){ return make_owned(twocenterljf::build_two_center_model_dipole("author"),"L^*"),"(mu^*)^2")));}},
             {"2CLJF-Quadrupole", [](const nlohmann::json& spec){ return make_owned(twocenterljf::build_two_center_model_quadrupole("author"),"L^*"),"(mu^*)^2")));}},
             {"IdealHelmholtz", [](const nlohmann::json& spec){ return make_owned(IdealHelmholtz(spec));}},
+            {"MieElong", [](const nlohmann::json& spec) { return make_owned(Mie::MieElong("model_path"),"components"),"combination"))); }},
             // Implemented in its own compilation unit to help with compilation time
             {"SAFT-VR-Mie", [](const nlohmann::json& spec){ return make_SAFTVRMie(spec); }}