diff --git a/notebooks/isochoric.py b/notebooks/isochoric.py
index 3edea4c3b7cfc63a98607f24552439aa6f0c9bc3..30052a000770388f4d6779fd238c99ac9d18bd92 100644
--- a/notebooks/isochoric.py
+++ b/notebooks/isochoric.py
@@ -1,82 +1,20 @@
+# Standard libraries
 import timeit, sys
+# Scipy stack packages
 import numpy as np
 import pandas
 from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp
 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages
-import VLEIsoTracer as vle
-# print('VLEIsoTracer is located at:', vle.__file__)
-IMPOSED_T = vle.VLEIsolineTracer.imposed_variable.IMPOSED_T
+# Some integration tools from PDSim
+from PDSIMintegrators import AbstractRK45ODEIntegrator, AbstractSimpleEulerODEIntegrator
+# Special packages
 import teqp
 import CoolProp.CoolProp as CP
-def get_drhovecdp_sat(model, T, rhovecL, rhovecV):
-    tic = timeit.default_timer()
-    Hliq = teqp.build_Psi_Hessian_autodiff(model, T, rhovecL)
-    Hvap = teqp.build_Psi_Hessian_autodiff(model, T, rhovecV)
-    Hvap[~np.isfinite(Hvap)] = 1e20
-    Hliq[~np.isfinite(Hliq)] = 1e20
-    N = len(rhovecL)
-    A = np.zeros((N, N))
-    b = np.ones((N, 1))
-    assert(len(rhovecL)==len(rhovecV))
-    if np.all(rhovecL != 0) and np.all(rhovecV != 0):
-        A[0,0] = np.dot(Hliq[0,:], rhovecV)
-        A[0,1] = np.dot(Hliq[1,:], rhovecV)
-        A[1,0] = np.dot(Hliq[0,:], rhovecL)
-        A[1,1] = np.dot(Hliq[1,:], rhovecL)
-        drhodp_liq = np.linalg.solve(A, b).squeeze()
-        drhodp_vap = np.linalg.solve(Hvap, np.dot(Hliq,drhodp_liq))
-        return drhodp_liq, drhodp_vap
-    else:
-        # Special treatment for infinite dilution
-        murL = teqp.build_Psir_gradient_autodiff( model, T, rhovecL)
-        murV = teqp.build_Psir_gradient_autodiff( model, T, rhovecV)
-        RL = model.get_R(rhovecL/rhovecL.sum())
-        RV = model.get_R(rhovecV/rhovecV.sum())
-        # First, for the liquid part
-        for i in range(N):
-            for j in range(N):
-                if rhovecL[j] == 0:
-                    # Analysis is special if j is the index that is a zero concentration. If you are multiplying by the vector
-                    # of liquid concentrations, a different treatment than the case where you multiply by the vector
-                    # of vapor concentrations is required
-                    # ...
-                    # Initial values
-                    Aij = Hliq[j,:]*(rhovecV if i == 0 else rhovecL) # coefficient-wise product
-                    # A throwaway boolean for clarity
-                    is_liq = (i==1)
-                    # Apply correction to the j term (RT if liquid, RT*phi for vapor)
-                    Aij[j] = RL*T if is_liq else RL*T*np.exp(-(murV[j] - murL[j])/(RL*T))
-                    # Fill in entry
-                    A[i, j] = Aij.sum()
-                else:
-                    # Normal
-                    A[i, j] = np.dot(Hliq[j,:], rhovecV if (i == 0) else rhovecL)
-        drhodp_liq = np.linalg.solve(A, b)
-        # Then, for the vapor part, also requiring special treatment
-        # Left-multiplication of both sides of equation by diagonal matrix with liquid concentrations along diagonal, all others zero
-        diagrhovecL = np.diagflat(rhovecL)
-        PSIVstar = diagrhovecL@Hvap
-        PSILstar = diagrhovecL@Hliq
-        for j in range(N):
-            if rhovecL[j] == 0:
-                PSILstar[j, j] = RL*T
-                PSIVstar[j, j] = RV*T/np.exp(-(murV[j] - murL[j])/(RV*T))
-        drhodp_vap = np.linalg.solve(PSIVstar, PSILstar@drhodp_liq)
-        toc = timeit.default_timer()
-        # print(toc-tic)
-        return drhodp_liq.squeeze(), drhodp_vap.squeeze()
 def get_dxdp(*, rhovec, drhovecdp):
     rhomolar = np.sum(rhovec)
     molefrac = rhovec/rhomolar
@@ -90,145 +28,139 @@ def get_drhovecdx(*, i, model, T, rhovec):
     dpdxL = 1.0/get_dxdp(rhovec=rhovecL, drhovecdp=drhovecdpL)
     return np.array((drhovecdpL*dpdxL[i]).tolist()+(drhovecdpV*dpdxL[i]).tolist())
-def traceT(model, T, rhovec0, *, kwargs={}):
+def traceT_x(model, T, rhovec0, *, kwargs={}):
     R = model.get_R(np.array([0.0, 1.0]))
     def rhovecprime(x, rhovec):
+        print(x)
         return get_drhovecdx(i=0, model=model, T=T, rhovec=rhovec)
     tic = timeit.default_timer()
-    sol = solve_ivp(rhovecprime, [0.0, 0.5], y0=rhovec0, method='RK45',dense_output=True, t_eval = np.linspace(0,0.49,1000), rtol=1e-8)
+    sol = solve_ivp(rhovecprime, [1.0, 0.2], y0=rhovec0, method='RK45',dense_output=True, t_eval = np.linspace(1,0.21,1000), rtol=1e-8)
     p = [teqp.get_pr(model, T, sol.y[0:2,j]) + R*T*sol.y[0:2,j].sum() for j in range(len(sol.t))]
     toc = timeit.default_timer()
-    print(toc-tic)
+    x = sol.y[0,:]/(sol.y[0,:] + sol.y[1,:])
     y = sol.y[2,:]/(sol.y[2,:] + sol.y[3,:])
-    plt.plot(sol.t, p, 'r',**kwargs)
+    plt.plot(x, p, 'r',**kwargs)
     plt.plot(y, p, 'g',**kwargs)
 def traceT_arclength(model, T, rhovec0, *, kwargs={}):
     R = model.get_R(np.array([0.0, 1.0]))
     c = 1.0
+    def norm(x): return (x*x).sum()**0.5
     def rhovecprime(t, rhovec):
         tic = timeit.default_timer()
         drhovecdpL, drhovecdpV = teqp.get_drhovecdp_Tsat(model, T, rhovec[0:2], rhovec[2::])
+        # drhovecdpL, drhovecdpV = tracer.get_drhovecdp_sat(rhovec[0:2], rhovec[2::], T)[0:2]
+        # print(, drhovecdpL, drhovecdpV)
         toc = timeit.default_timer()
         # print(toc-tic)
-        def norm(x):
-            return (x*x).sum()**0.5
         dpdt = (norm(drhovecdpL) + norm(drhovecdpV))**-0.5
         der = np.zeros_like(rhovec)
         der[0:2] = (drhovecdpL*dpdt).squeeze()
         der[2:4] = (drhovecdpV*dpdt).squeeze()
-        # print(rhovec, rhovec[0]+rhovec[1], rhovec[2]+rhovec[3])
+        # print(t, rhovec, rhovec[0]+rhovec[1], rhovec[2]+rhovec[3], rhovec[0]/(rhovec[0]+rhovec[1]))
+        # if any(~np.isfinite(rhovec)):
+        #     raise ValueError()
         return c*der
+    class TestIntegrator(object):
+        """
+        Implements the functions needed to satisfy the ABC requirements
+        """
+        def __init__(self, Nmax):
+            self.x, self.y = [], []
+            self.Itheta = 0
+            self.Nmax = Nmax
+            self.termination_reason = None
+        def post_deriv_callback(self): pass
+        def premature_termination(self): 
+            if self.Itheta > self.Nmax: 
+                self.termination_reason = 'too many steps'
+                return True
+            if np.any(self.xold<0): 
+                self.termination_reason = 'negative x'
+                return True
+            if np.any(~np.isfinite(self.xold)): 
+                self.termination_reason = 'nan value of x'
+                return True
+            return False
+        def get_initial_array(self):
+            return rhovec0.copy()
+        def pre_step_callback(self): 
+            if self.Itheta == 0:
+                self.x.append(0)
+                self.y.append(self.get_initial_array().tolist())
+        def post_step_callback(self): 
+            self.x.append(self.t0_cache)
+            self.y.append(self.xold_cache.tolist())
+            # Polish the solution...
+        def derivs(self, t0, xold):
+            self.t0_cache = t0
+            self.xold_cache = xold.copy()
+            return rhovecprime(t0, xold)
+    class EulerIntegrator(TestIntegrator, AbstractSimpleEulerODEIntegrator):
+        """ Mixin class using the functions defined in TestIntegrator """
+        pass
+    class RK45Integrator(TestIntegrator, AbstractRK45ODEIntegrator):
+        """ Mixin class using the functions defined in TestIntegrator """
+        pass
     der_init = rhovecprime(0, rhovec0)
     if np.any(rhovec0 + der_init*1e-6 < 0):
         c *= -1
-    # print('init', der_init, T)
+        print('flip c', der_init, rhovec0)   
     events = [lambda t,x: x[0], lambda t,x: x[1],
               lambda t,x: x[2], lambda t,x: x[3]]
     events.append(lambda t, z: ((z[0]+z[1])/(z[2]+z[3])-1)-0.2)
-    # class StepCounter():
-    #     def __init__(self, Nmax):
-    #         self.counter = 0
-    #         self.Nmax = Nmax
-    #     def __call__(self, t, z):
-    #         self.counter += 1
-    #         v = self.Nmax-self.counter+0.5
-    #         return v
-    # events.append(StepCounter(200))
     for e in events:
         e.direction = -1
         e.terminal = True
+    # tic = timeit.default_timer()
+    # sol = solve_ivp(rhovecprime, [0.0, 200000], y0=rhovec0.copy(), method='RK45',dense_output=True, events=events, rtol=1e-8, atol=1e-10)
+    # # print(sol.t_events, sol.y_events)
+    # # print(sol.message)
+    # print(sol.t, sol.nfev)
+    # toc = timeit.default_timer()
+    # print(toc-tic,'s for parametric w/ solve_ivp')
+    # t = np.linspace(np.min(sol.t), np.max(sol.t), 10000)
+    # soly = sol.sol(t)
     tic = timeit.default_timer()
-    sol = solve_ivp(rhovecprime, [0.0, 3500000], y0=rhovec0.copy(), method='RK45',dense_output=True, events=events)#, rtol=1e-8)
-    # print(sol.t_events, sol.y_events)
-    # print(sol.message)
+    i = RK45Integrator(Nmax=1000)
+    i.do_integration(0, 5000000, atol=1e-6, rtol=1e-6, hmin=4.46772051e-03)    
+    t = i.x
+    soly = np.array(i.y).T
     toc = timeit.default_timer()
-    print(toc-tic,'s for parametric')
-    t = np.linspace(np.min(sol.t), np.max(sol.t), 1000)
-    soly = sol.sol(t)
+    print(toc-tic,'s for parametric w/ my RK45')
+    reason = i.termination_reason
+    if reason:
+        print('reason:', reason)
+    print(i.Itheta)
     x = soly[0,:]/(soly[0,:] + soly[1,:])
     y = soly[2,:]/(soly[2,:] + soly[3,:])
-    p = [teqp.get_pr(model, T, soly[0:2,j]) + R*T*soly[0:2,j].sum() for j in range(len(t))]
-    plt.plot(x, p, 'r', **kwargs)
-    plt.plot(y, p, 'g', **kwargs)
-    # print(x,p)
-def drhovecdT_isopleth(model, T, rhovec):
-    assert(len(rhovec)==4)
-    rhovecL = rhovec[0:2]
-    rhovecV = rhovec[2::]
-    Hliq = teqp.build_Psi_Hessian_autodiff(model, T, rhovecL)
-    Hvap = teqp.build_Psi_Hessian_autodiff(model, T, rhovecV)
-    rhoL = sum(rhovecL)
-    rhoV = sum(rhovecV)
-    xL = rhovecL/rhoL
-    xV = rhovecV/rhoV
-    R = model.get_R(xL)
-    deltas = teqp.get_dchempotdT_autodiff(model, T, rhovecV) - teqp.get_dchempotdT_autodiff(model, T, rhovecL)
-    deltarho = rhovecV-rhovecL
-    dpdTV = R*rhoV*(1+model.get_Ar01(T, rhoV, xV)-model.get_Ar11(T, rhoV, xV))
-    dpdTL = R*rhoL*(1+model.get_Ar01(T, rhoL, xL)-model.get_Ar11(T, rhoL, xL))
-    deltabeta = dpdTV-dpdTL
-    drhovecdTL = (np.dot(deltas,rhovecV)-deltabeta)/np.dot(Hliq@deltarho, xL)*xL
-    drhovecdTV = np.linalg.solve(Hvap, Hliq@drhovecdTL-deltas)
-    return np.array(drhovecdTL.tolist()+drhovecdTV.tolist())
-def robust_VLE(model, T, Tc, rhoc):
-    DeltaT = 1e-2*Tc
-    Tg = Tc-DeltaT
-    if Tg < 0:
-        raise ValueError("T > Tc")
-    rholiq, rhovap = teqp.extrapolate_from_critical(model, Tc, rhoc, Tg)
-    if rholiq < 0 or rhovap < 0:
-        raise ValueError("Negative density obtained from critical extrapolation")
-    rholiq, rhovap = teqp.pure_VLE_T(model, Tg, rholiq, rhovap, 100)
-    z = np.array([1.0])
-    R = model.get_R(z)
-    def dpdTsat(model, T, rhoL, rhoV):
-        """ dp/dT = ((hV-hL)/T)/(vV-vL) 
-        The ideal parts of enthalpy cancel, leaving just the residual parts
-        """
-        numV = R*(model.get_Ar01(T, rhoV, z) + model.get_Ar10(T,rhoV,z))
-        numL = R*(model.get_Ar01(T, rhoL, z) + model.get_Ar10(T,rhoL,z))
-        num = numV-numL
-        den = 1/rhoV-1/rhoL
-        return num/den
-    def get_drhodT_sat(model, T, rhoL, rhoV, Q):
-        dpdT = dpdTsat(model, T, rhoL, rhoV)
-        rho = rhoL if Q == 0 else rhoV
-        Ar01 = model.get_Ar01(T, rho, z)
-        Ar02 = model.get_Ar02n(T, rho, z)[2]
-        Ar11 = model.get_Ar11(T, rho, z)
+    pL = [teqp.get_pr(model, T, soly[0:2,j]) + R*T*soly[0:2,j].sum() for j in range(len(t))]
+    pV = [teqp.get_pr(model, T, soly[2:4,j]) + R*T*soly[2:4,j].sum() for j in range(len(t))]
+    plt.plot(x, pL, 'r', ms=0.1, **kwargs)
+    plt.plot(y, pV, 'g', ms=0.1, **kwargs)
+    # plt.plot(y, p,  'g', **kwargs)
-        dpdrho__T = R*T*(1 + 2*Ar01 + Ar02)
-        dpdT__rho = R*rho*(1 + Ar01 - Ar11)
-        drhodT__p = -dpdT__rho/dpdrho__T
-        drhodp__T = 1/dpdrho__T
-        return drhodT__p + drhodp__T*dpdT
-    def rhoprime(T, rhoLrhoV):
-        rhoL, rhoV = rhoLrhoV
-        drhoLdT = get_drhodT_sat(model, T, rhoL, rhoV, 0)
-        drhoVdT = get_drhodT_sat(model, T, rhoL, rhoV, 1)
-        return np.array([drhoLdT, drhoVdT])
-    sol = solve_ivp(rhoprime, [Tg, T], y0=[rholiq, rhovap], method='RK45', dense_output=False, rtol=1e-8)
-    rholiq, rhovap = sol.y[:,-1]
-    rholiq, rhovap = teqp.pure_VLE_T(model, T, rholiq, rhovap, 100)
-    return rholiq, rhovap
-def prettyPX(model, puremodels, ipure, Tvec):
+def prettyPX(model, puremodels, names, ipure, Tvec, *, plot_critical=True, show=True, ofname=None):
     ipure: int
         index (0-based) of the pure fluid model to use 
@@ -237,7 +169,7 @@ def prettyPX(model, puremodels, ipure, Tvec):
         tic = timeit.default_timer()
         Tcvec = model.get_Tcvec()
         rhocvec = 1/model.get_vcvec()
-        k = 1 # Have to start at pure second component for now... In theory either are possible.
+        k = 1
         T0 = Tcvec[k]
         rho0 = rhocvec
         rho0[1-k] = 0
@@ -247,6 +179,7 @@ def prettyPX(model, puremodels, ipure, Tvec):
         df = pandas.DataFrame(curveJSON)
         df['z0 / mole frac.'] = df['rho0 / mol/m^3']/(df['rho0 / mol/m^3']+df['rho1 / mol/m^3'])
         plt.plot(df['z0 / mole frac.'], df['p / Pa'], lw=2)
+        #print(toc-tic, 'complete critical locus')
     def plot_isotherms():
         for T in Tvec:
@@ -265,149 +198,19 @@ def prettyPX(model, puremodels, ipure, Tvec):
             except BaseException as BE:
                 # raise
-    plot_critical_curve()
-    plot_isotherms()
-    plt.gca().set(xlabel='$x_1$ / mole frac.', ylabel='$p$ / Pa')
-    plt.tight_layout(pad=0.2)
-    plt.savefig('pxdiagram.pdf')
-    plt.show()
-def main(names):
-    T = 300
-    backend = 'HEOS'
-    tracer = vle.VLEIsolineTracer(IMPOSED_T, T, backend, names)
-    # Set flags
-    tracer.set_allowable_error(1e-6)
-    tracer.polishing(True)
-    tracer.set_debug_polishing(False)
-    tracer.set_forwards_integration(True)
-    tracer.set_unstable_termination(False)
-    tracer.set_stepping_variable(vle.VLEIsolineTracer.stepping_variable.STEP_IN_RHO1)
-    tracer.trace()
-    data = tracer.get_tracer_data()
-    print(tracer.get_termination_reason())
-    print(tracer.get_tracing_time())
-    fig, ax4 = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(6, 4))
-    x = np.array(data.x).T[0]
-    x1 = np.array(data.x).T[1]
-    y = np.array(data.y).T[0]
-    pL = np.array(data.pL)
-    rhoLmat = np.array(data.rhoL)
-    rhoVmat = np.array(data.rhoV)
-    # ax4.plot(x, rhoLmat[:,0],color='b')
-    # ax4.plot(x, rhoLmat[:,1],color='r')
-    # ax4.plot(x, rhoVmat[:,0],dashes = [2,2], color='b')
-    # ax4.plot(x, rhoVmat[:,1],dashes = [2,2], color='r')
-    dx0dpL = np.diff(x)/np.diff(pL)
-    dx1dpL = np.diff(x1)/np.diff(pL)
-    ax4.plot(x, pL, dashes=[2,2])
-    ax4.plot(y, pL, dashes=[2,2])
-    model = teqp.build_multifluid_model(names, '../mycp', '../mycp/dev/mixtures/mixture_binary_pairs.json')
-    # For now, using the EOS directly to get started... (ultimately either superancillary or extrapolation from critical)
-    AS = CP.AbstractState('HEOS', names[1])
-    AS.update(CP.QT_INPUTS, 0, T)
-    rhoL = AS.saturated_liquid_keyed_output(CP.iDmolar)
-    rhoV = AS.saturated_vapor_keyed_output(CP.iDmolar)
-    rhovec = np.array([0, rhoL, 0, rhoV])
-    # Initial slopes of dpdx1 and dpdy1
-    for m in [model]:
-        drhodp_liq, drhodp_vap = get_drhovecdp_sat(m, T, rhovec[0:2], rhovec[2::])
-        dpdxL = 1.0/get_dxdp(rhovec=rhovec[0:2], drhovecdp=drhodp_liq)
-        dpdxV = 1.0/get_dxdp(rhovec=rhovec[2::], drhovecdp=drhodp_vap)
-        xx = np.linspace(0, 0.4)
-        plt.plot(xx, xx*dpdxL[0]+AS.p(), dashes=[2, 2])
-        plt.plot(xx, xx*dpdxV[0]+AS.p(), dashes=[2, 2])
-    traceT(model, T, rhovec.copy())
-    # for f in np.linspace(0.9, 1.1, 100):
-    #     modeltweak = teqp.build_BIPmodified(model, {'betaT': 1.0, 'gammaT': 1.001633952*f, 'betaV': 1.0, 'gammaV': 1.006268954})
-    #     try:
-    #         traceT(modeltweak, T, rhovec.copy(), kwargs=dict(lw=0.5, dashes=[3,1,1,1]))
-    #     except:
-    #         pass
-    for increment in np.linspace(-120,60,30):
-        T2 = T+increment
-        try:
-            AS = CP.AbstractState('HEOS', names[1])
-            AS.update(CP.QT_INPUTS, 0, T2)
-            rhoL = AS.saturated_liquid_keyed_output(CP.iDmolar)
-            rhoV = AS.saturated_vapor_keyed_output(CP.iDmolar)
-            rhovec = np.array([0, rhoL, 0, rhoV])
-            traceT_arclength(model, T2, rhovec.copy(), kwargs={'lw':0.5})
-        except BaseException as BE:
-            print(T2, BE)
-    tic = timeit.default_timer()
-    Tcvec = model.get_Tcvec()
-    rhocvec = 1/model.get_vcvec()
-    T0 = Tcvec[1]
-    rho0 = rhocvec*np.array([1,0])
-    curveJSON = teqp.trace_critical_arclength_binary(model, T0, rho0, "")
-    toc = timeit.default_timer()
-    print(toc-tic, 'to trace critical locus')
-    df = pandas.DataFrame(curveJSON)
-    df['z0 / mole frac.'] = df['rho0 / mol/m^3']/(df['rho0 / mol/m^3']+df['rho1 / mol/m^3'])
-    plt.plot(df['z0 / mole frac.'], df['p / Pa'], lw=2)
-    # plt.ylim(0.00019e6, 0.026e6)
+    if plot_critical:
+        plot_critical_curve()
+    plot_isotherms()
     plt.gca().set(xlabel='$x_1$ / mole frac.', ylabel='$p$ / Pa')
-    plt.show()
-def trace_isopleth(names):
-    AS = CP.AbstractState('HEOS', '&'.join(names))
-    AS.set_mole_fractions([0.25, 0.75])
-    AS.build_phase_envelope("")
-    PE = AS.get_phase_envelope_data()
-    model = teqp.build_multifluid_model(names, '../mycp', '../mycp/dev/mixtures/mixture_binary_pairs.json')
-    i = 0
-    rhovec0 = np.array([
-        PE.rhomolar_liq[i]*PE.x[0][i], PE.rhomolar_liq[i]*PE.x[1][i], 
-        PE.rhomolar_vap[i]*PE.y[0][i], PE.rhomolar_vap[i]*PE.y[1][i]])
-    T = PE.T[i]
-    dT = 1e-1
-    R = model.get_R(np.array([1.0]))
-    rhovec = rhovec0.copy()
-    def rhovecprime(T, rhovec):
-        return drhovecdT_isopleth(model=model, T=T, rhovec=rhovec)
-    tic = timeit.default_timer()
-    Tmax = 430
-    sol = solve_ivp(rhovecprime, [T, Tmax], y0=rhovec0.copy(), method='RK45',dense_output=True, t_eval = np.linspace(T,Tmax,1000))
-    p = [teqp.get_pr(model, T, sol.y[0:2,j]) + R*T*sol.y[0:2,j].sum() for T,j in zip(sol.t,range(len(sol.t)))]
-    x = sol.y[0,:]/(sol.y[0,:]+sol.y[1,:])
-    y = sol.y[2,:]/(sol.y[2,:]+sol.y[3,:])
-    toc = timeit.default_timer()
-    plt.plot(sol.t, p)
-    print(toc-tic)
-    # plt.plot(PE.T, PE.rhomolar_vap)
-    # plt.plot(PE.T, PE.rhomolar_liq)
-    plt.plot(PE.T, PE.p)
-    plt.show()
+    if ofname:
+        plt.savefig(ofname)
+    if show:
+        plt.show()
 if __name__ == '__main__':
-    # main(names)
-    # trace_isopleth(names)
-    # names = ['Methane', 'n-Propane']
-    # model = teqp.build_multifluid_model(names, '../mycp', '../mycp/dev/mixtures/mixture_binary_pairs.json')
-    # puremodel = teqp.build_multifluid_model(['n-Propane'], '../mycp', '../mycp/dev/mixtures/mixture_binary_pairs.json')
-    # prettyPX(model, puremodel, np.linspace(180, 365, 100))
-    names = ['n-Butane', 'HydrogenSulfide']
-    model = teqp.build_multifluid_model(names, '../mycp', '../mycp/dev/mixtures/mixture_binary_pairs.json',{'estimate':'linear'})
+    names = ['Methane', 'n-Butane']
+    model = teqp.build_multifluid_model(names, '../mycp', '../mycp/dev/mixtures/mixture_binary_pairs.json')#,{'estimate':'Lorentz-Berthelot'})
     puremodels = [teqp.build_multifluid_model([name], '../mycp', '../mycp/dev/mixtures/mixture_binary_pairs.json') for name in names]
-    prettyPX(model, puremodels, 0, np.linspace(230, 420, 100))
\ No newline at end of file
+    prettyPX(model, puremodels, names, 1, np.linspace(190, 423, 20), show=False, plot_critical=True, ofname='pxdiagram.pdf')
\ No newline at end of file