From 3779b027c6f2aac6e94ebd19ddc48f4fb9a6364e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ian Bell <>
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2021 19:55:46 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Everything compiles again minus most of the valarray

Isochoric derivatives moved into their own namespace
 externals/mcx                                |   2 +-
 include/teqp/algorithms/critical_tracing.hpp |  71 +++++-----
 include/teqp/derivs.hpp                      | 138 ++++++++++++-------
 src/multifluid.cpp                           |  61 +++++---
 src/tests/catch_tests.cxx                    |  33 ++++-
 5 files changed, 200 insertions(+), 105 deletions(-)

diff --git a/externals/mcx b/externals/mcx
index ffc9c34..1f97ce8 160000
--- a/externals/mcx
+++ b/externals/mcx
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit ffc9c34e8ddfcebec9d417096735b4516e673c98
+Subproject commit 1f97ce856ea22bf90c483253fcbc8da2ebc2b9db
diff --git a/include/teqp/algorithms/critical_tracing.hpp b/include/teqp/algorithms/critical_tracing.hpp
index 44baf51..fca4493 100644
--- a/include/teqp/algorithms/critical_tracing.hpp
+++ b/include/teqp/algorithms/critical_tracing.hpp
@@ -32,13 +32,15 @@ auto eigen_problem(const Model& model, const TType T, const RhoType& rhovec) {
     EigenData ed;
     auto N = rhovec.size();
-    std::valarray<bool> mask = (rhovec != 0);
+    Eigen::ArrayX<bool> mask = (rhovec != 0).eval();
+    using id = IsochoricDerivatives<decltype(model)>;
     // Build the Hessian for the residual part;
 #if defined(USE_AUTODIFF)
-    auto H = build_Psir_Hessian_autodiff(model, T, rhovec);
+    auto H = id::build_Psir_Hessian_autodiff(model, T, rhovec);
-    auto H = build_Psir_Hessian_mcx(model, T, rhovec);
+    auto H = id::build_Psir_Hessian_mcx(model, T, rhovec);
     // ... and add ideal-gas terms to H
     for (auto i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
@@ -100,7 +102,7 @@ auto eigen_problem(const Model& model, const TType T, const RhoType& rhovec) {
 struct psi1derivs {
-    std::valarray<double> psir, psi0, tot;
+    Eigen::ArrayXd psir, psi0, tot;
     EigenData ei;
@@ -112,7 +114,7 @@ auto get_derivs(const Model& model, const TType T, const RhoType& rhovec) {
     auto ei = eigen_problem(model, T, rhovec);
     // Ideal-gas contributions of psi0 w.r.t. sigma_1, in the same form as the residual part
-    std::valarray<double> psi0_derivs(0.0, 5);
+    Eigen::ArrayXd psi0_derivs(5); psi0_derivs.setZero();
     psi0_derivs[0] = -1; // Placeholder, not needed
     psi0_derivs[1] = -1; // Placeholder, not needed
     for (auto i = 0; i < rhovec.size(); ++i) {
@@ -129,23 +131,28 @@ auto get_derivs(const Model& model, const TType T, const RhoType& rhovec) {
     VectorXdual4th rhovecad(rhovec.size());  for (auto i = 0; i < rhovec.size(); ++i) { rhovecad[i] = rhovec[i]; }
     dual4th varsigma{0.0};
     auto wrapper = [&rhovecad, &v0, &T, &model](const auto &sigma_1) {
-        auto rhovecused = rhovecad + sigma_1*v0;
-        return get_Psir(model, T, rhovecused);
+        auto rhovecused = (rhovecad + sigma_1*v0).eval();
+        auto rhotot = rhovecused.sum();
+        auto molefrac = (rhovecused / rhotot).eval();
+        return eval(model.alphar(T, rhotot, molefrac) * model.R * T * rhotot);
-    auto derivs = derivatives(wrapper, wrt(varsigma, varsigma, varsigma, varsigma), at(varsigma));
-    auto psir_derivs = std::valarray<double>(&derivs[0], derivs.size());
+    auto psir_derivs_ = derivatives(wrapper, wrt(varsigma), at(varsigma));
+    RhoType psir_derivs; psir_derivs.resize(5);
+    for (auto i = 0; i < 5; ++i){ psir_derivs[i] = psir_derivs_[i]; }
     using namespace mcx;
     // Calculate the first through fourth derivative of Psi^r w.r.t. sigma_1
-    std::valarray<MultiComplex<double>> v0(ei.v0.size()); for (auto i = 0; i < ei.v0.size(); ++i) { v0[i] = ei.v0[i]; }
-    std::valarray<MultiComplex<double>> rhovecmcx(rhovec.size());  for (auto i = 0; i < rhovec.size(); ++i) { rhovecmcx[i] = rhovec[i]; }
+    Eigen::Vector<MultiComplex<double>,Eigen::Dynamic> v0(ei.v0.size()); for (auto i = 0; i < ei.v0.size(); ++i) { v0[i] = ei.v0[i]; }
+    Eigen::Vector<MultiComplex<double>,Eigen::Dynamic> rhovecmcx(rhovec.size());  for (auto i = 0; i < rhovec.size(); ++i) { rhovecmcx[i] = rhovec[i]; }
     using fcn_t = std::function<MultiComplex<double>(const MultiComplex<double>&)>;
     fcn_t wrapper = [&rhovecmcx, &v0, &T, &model](const MultiComplex<double>& sigma_1) {
-        std::valarray<MultiComplex<double>> rhovecused = rhovecmcx + sigma_1 * v0;
-        return get_Psir(model, T, rhovecused);
+        Eigen::Vector<MultiComplex<double>, Eigen::Dynamic> rhovecused = rhovecmcx + sigma_1 * v0;
+        auto rhotot = rhovecused.sum();
+        auto molefrac = rhovecused/rhotot;
+        return model.alphar(T, rhotot, molefrac)*model.R*T*rhotot;
-    auto psir_derivs_ = diff_mcx1(wrapper, 0.0, 4, true);
-    auto psir_derivs = std::valarray<double>(&psir_derivs_[0], psir_derivs_.size());
+    RhoType psir_derivs = diff_mcx1(wrapper, 0.0, 4, true);
     // As a sanity check, the minimum eigenvalue of the Hessian constructed based on the molar concentrations
@@ -170,7 +177,7 @@ bool all(const Iterable& foo) {
 template <typename Iterable>
 bool any(const Iterable& foo) {
     return std::any_of(std::begin(foo), std::end(foo), [](const auto x) { return x; });
 template<typename Model, typename TType, typename RhoType>
 auto get_drhovec_dT_crit(const Model& model, const TType T, const RhoType& rhovec) {
@@ -191,12 +198,11 @@ auto get_drhovec_dT_crit(const Model& model, const TType T, const RhoType& rhove
     auto sigma2 = 2e-5 * rhovec.sum(); // This is the perturbation along the second eigenvector
-    auto v1 = std::valarray<double>(&ei.v1[0], ei.v1.size());
-    decltype(v1) rhovec_plus = rhovec + v1 * sigma2;
-    decltype(v1) rhovec_minus = rhovec - v1 * sigma2;
+    auto rhovec_plus = (rhovec + ei.v1 * sigma2).eval();
+    auto rhovec_minus = (rhovec - ei.v1 * sigma2).eval();
     std::string stepping_desc = "";
     auto deriv_sigma2 = all_derivs.tot;
-    auto eval = [](const auto &ex){ return std::valarray<bool>(ex); };
+    auto eval = [](const auto &ex){ return ex.eval(); };
     if (all(eval(rhovec_minus > 0)) && all(eval(rhovec_plus > 0))) {
         // Conventional centered derivative
         auto plus_sigma2 = get_derivs(model, T, rhovec_plus);
@@ -207,7 +213,7 @@ auto get_drhovec_dT_crit(const Model& model, const TType T, const RhoType& rhove
     else if (any(eval(rhovec_minus < 0))) {
         // Forward derivative in the direction of v1
         auto plus_sigma2 = get_derivs(model, T, rhovec_plus);
-        auto rhovec_2plus = rhovec + 2 * v1 * sigma2;
+        auto rhovec_2plus = (rhovec + 2 * ei.v1 * sigma2).eval();
         auto plus2_sigma2 = get_derivs(model, T, rhovec_2plus);
         deriv_sigma2 = (-3 * derivs + 4 * plus_sigma2.tot - plus2_sigma2.tot) / (2.0 * sigma2);
         stepping_desc = "forward";
@@ -215,7 +221,7 @@ auto get_drhovec_dT_crit(const Model& model, const TType T, const RhoType& rhove
     else if (any(eval(rhovec_minus > 0))) {
         // Negative derivative in the direction of v1
         auto minus_sigma2 = get_derivs(model, T, rhovec_minus);
-        auto rhovec_2minus = rhovec - 2 * v1 * sigma2;
+        auto rhovec_2minus = (rhovec - 2 * ei.v1 * sigma2).eval();
         auto minus2_sigma2 = get_derivs(model, T, rhovec_2minus);
         deriv_sigma2 = (-3 * derivs + 4 * minus_sigma2.tot - minus2_sigma2.tot) / (-2.0 * sigma2);
         stepping_desc = "backwards";
@@ -245,14 +251,14 @@ auto get_drhovec_dT_crit(const Model& model, const TType T, const RhoType& rhove
     //            print("RHS", RHS)
     //            print("drhovec_dT", drhovec_dT)
-    return std::valarray<double>(&drhovec_dT(0), drhovec_dT.size());
+    return drhovec_dT;
 template<typename ModelType, typename VecType>
 auto critical_polish_molefrac(const ModelType &model, const double T, const VecType &rhovec, const double z0) {
     auto polish_x_resid = [&model, &z0](const auto& x) {
         auto T = x[0];
-        std::valarray<double> rhovec = { x[1], x[2] };
+        Eigen::ArrayXd rhovec(2); rhovec << x[1], x[2] ;
         auto z0new = rhovec[0] / rhovec.sum();
         auto derivs = get_derivs(model, T, rhovec);
         // First two are residuals on critical point, third is residual on composition
@@ -266,14 +272,15 @@ auto critical_polish_molefrac(const ModelType &model, const double T, const VecT
     if (!std::isfinite(T) || !std::isfinite(x[1]) || !std::isfinite(x[2])) {
         throw std::invalid_argument("Something not finite; aborting polishing");
-    return std::make_tuple(x[0], x.tail(x.size()-1).eval());
+    Eigen::ArrayXd rho = x.tail(x.size() - 1);
+    return std::make_tuple(x[0], rho);
 template<typename ModelType, typename VecType>
 void trace_critical_arclength_binary(const ModelType& model, double T0, const VecType &rhovec0, const std::string &filename) {
     double t = 0.0, dt = 100;
-    std::valarray<double> last_drhodt;
+    VecType last_drhodt;
     VecType rhovec = rhovec0;
     double T = T0;
@@ -299,17 +306,17 @@ void trace_critical_arclength_binary(const ModelType& model, double T0, const Ve
-        auto drhodT = get_drhovec_dT_crit(model, T, rhovec);
+        auto drhodT = get_drhovec_dT_crit(model, T, rhovec).array().eval();
         auto dTdt = 1.0 / norm(drhodT);
         auto drhodt = drhodT * dTdt;
-        auto eval = [](const auto& ex) { return std::valarray<bool>(ex); };
         // Flip the sign if the tracing wants to go backwards, or if the first step would take you to negative concentrations
-        if (iter == 0 && any(eval((rhovec + c * drhodt * dt) < 0))) {
+        Eigen::ArrayXd step = rhovec + c*drhodt*dt;
+        auto negativestepvals = (step < 0).eval();
+        if (iter == 0 && negativestepvals.all()) {
             c *= -1;
-        else if (iter > 0 && dot(std::valarray<double>(c * drhodt), last_drhodt) < 0) {
+        else if (iter > 0 && dot((c * drhodt).eval(), last_drhodt) < 0) {
             c *= -1;
@@ -323,7 +330,7 @@ void trace_critical_arclength_binary(const ModelType& model, double T0, const Ve
         try {
             auto [Tnew, rhovecnew] = critical_polish_molefrac(model, T, rhovec, z0);
-            T = Tnew; rhovec = VecType(&(rhovecnew[0]), rhovecnew.size());
+            T = Tnew; rhovec = rhovecnew;
         catch (std::exception& e) {
             std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
diff --git a/include/teqp/derivs.hpp b/include/teqp/derivs.hpp
index ef9ed41..aad41a8 100644
--- a/include/teqp/derivs.hpp
+++ b/include/teqp/derivs.hpp
@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ auto get_Bnvir(const Model& model, const TType &T, const ContainerType& molefrac
 template <typename Model, typename TType, typename ContainerType>
-typename ContainerType::value_type get_B12vir(const Model& model, const TType T, const ContainerType& molefrac) {
+auto get_B12vir(const Model& model, const TType T, const ContainerType& molefrac) {
     auto B2 = get_B2vir(model, T, molefrac); // Overall B2 for mixture
     auto B20 = get_B2vir(model, T, std::valarray<double>({ 1,0 })); // Pure first component with index 0
@@ -199,15 +199,6 @@ typename ContainerType::value_type get_splus(const Model& model, const TType T,
     return model.alphar(T, rhotot, molefrac) - get_Ar10(model, T, rhovec);
-* \brief Calculate Psir=ar*rho
-template <typename TType, typename ContainerType, typename Model>
-typename ContainerType::value_type get_Psir(const Model& model, const TType T, const ContainerType& rhovec) {
-    auto rhotot_ = std::accumulate(std::begin(rhovec), std::end(rhovec), (decltype(rhovec[0]))0.0);
-    return model.alphar(T, rhotot_, rhovec / rhotot_) * model.R * T * rhotot_;
 * \brief Calculate the residual pressure from derivatives of alphar
@@ -218,46 +209,97 @@ typename ContainerType::value_type get_pr(const Model& model, const TType T, con
     return get_Ar01(model, T, rhotot_, rhovec / rhotot_) * rhotot_ * model.R * T;
+template<typename Model, typename Scalar=double, typename VectorType = Eigen::ArrayXd>
+struct IsochoricDerivatives{
+    /***
+    * \brief Calculate Psir=ar*rho
+    */
+    static auto get_Psir(const Model& model, const Scalar &T, const VectorType& rhovec) {
+        auto rhotot_ = std::accumulate(std::begin(rhovec), std::end(rhovec), (decltype(rhovec[0]))0.0);
+        return model.alphar(T, rhotot_, rhovec / rhotot_) * model.R * T * rhotot_;
+    }
-* \brief Calculate the Hessian of Psir = ar*rho w.r.t. the molar concentrations
-* Requires the use of autodiff derivatives to calculate second partial derivatives
-template<typename Model, typename TType, typename RhoType>
-auto build_Psir_Hessian_autodiff(const Model& model, const TType &T, const RhoType& rho) {
-    // Double derivatives in each component's concentration
-    // N^N matrix (symmetric)
+    /***
+    * \brief Calculate the Hessian of Psir = ar*rho w.r.t. the molar concentrations
+    *
+    * Requires the use of autodiff derivatives to calculate second partial derivatives
+    */
+    static auto build_Psir_Hessian_autodiff(const Model& model, const Scalar& T, const VectorType& rho) {
+        // Double derivatives in each component's concentration
+        // N^N matrix (symmetric)
-    dual2nd u; // the output scalar u = f(x), evaluated together with Hessian below
-    VectorXdual2nd g;
-    VectorXdual2nd rhovecc(rho.size()); for (auto i = 0; i < rho.size(); ++i) { rhovecc[i] = rho[i]; }
-    auto hfunc = [&model, &T](const VectorXdual2nd& rho_) {
-        auto rhotot_ = rho_.sum();
-        auto molefrac = (rho_ / rhotot_).eval();
-        return eval(model.alphar(T, rhotot_, molefrac) * model.R * T * rhotot_);
-    };
-    return autodiff::hessian(hfunc, wrt(rhovecc), at(rhovecc), u, g).eval(); // evaluate the function value u, its gradient, and its Hessian matrix H
+        dual2nd u; // the output scalar u = f(x), evaluated together with Hessian below
+        VectorXdual2nd g;
+        VectorXdual2nd rhovecc(rho.size()); for (auto i = 0; i < rho.size(); ++i) { rhovecc[i] = rho[i]; }
+        auto hfunc = [&model, &T](const VectorXdual2nd& rho_) {
+            auto rhotot_ = rho_.sum();
+            auto molefrac = (rho_ / rhotot_).eval();
+            return eval(model.alphar(T, rhotot_, molefrac) * model.R * T * rhotot_);
+        };
+        return autodiff::hessian(hfunc, wrt(rhovecc), at(rhovecc), u, g).eval(); // evaluate the function value u, its gradient, and its Hessian matrix H
+    }
-* \brief Calculate the Hessian of Psir = ar*rho w.r.t. the molar concentrations
-* Requires the use of multicomplex derivatives to calculate second partial derivatives
-template<typename Model, typename TType, typename RhoType>
-auto build_Psir_Hessian_mcx(const Model& model, const TType &T, const RhoType& rho) {
-    // Double derivatives in each component's concentration
-    // N^N matrix (symmetric)
-    using namespace mcx;
+    /***
+    * \brief Calculate the Hessian of Psi = a*rho w.r.t. the molar concentrations
+    *
+    * Uses autodiff derivatives to calculate second partial derivatives
+    */
+    static auto build_Psi_Hessian_autodiff(const Model& model, const Scalar& T, const VectorType& rho) {
+        auto H = build_Psir_Hessian_autodiff(model, T, rho);
+        for (auto i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
+            H(i, i) += model.R * T / rho[i];
+        }
+        return H;
+    }
+    /***
+    * \brief Calculate the Hessian of Psir = ar*rho w.r.t. the molar concentrations (residual contribution only)
+    *
+    * Requires the use of multicomplex derivatives to calculate second partial derivatives
+    */
+    static auto build_Psir_Hessian_mcx(const Model& model, const Scalar& T, const VectorType& rho) {
+        // Double derivatives in each component's concentration
+        // N^N matrix (symmetric)
+        using namespace mcx;
-    // Lambda function for getting Psir with multicomplex concentrations
-    using fcn_t = std::function< MultiComplex<double>(const std::valarray<MultiComplex<double>>&)>;
-    fcn_t func = [&model, &T](const auto& rhovec) {
-        return get_Psir(model, T, rhovec);
-    };
-    using mattype = Eigen::ArrayXXd;
-    auto H = get_Hessian<mattype, fcn_t, std::valarray<double>, HessianMethods::Multiple>(func, rho);
-    return H;
\ No newline at end of file
+        // Lambda function for getting Psir with multicomplex concentrations
+        using fcn_t = std::function< MultiComplex<double>(const Eigen::ArrayX<MultiComplex<double>>&)>;
+        fcn_t func = [&model, &T](const auto& rhovec) {
+            auto rhotot_ = rhovec.sum();
+            auto molefrac = (rhovec / rhotot_).eval();
+            return model.alphar(T, rhotot_, molefrac) * model.R * T * rhotot_;
+        };
+        using mattype = Eigen::ArrayXXd;
+        auto H = get_Hessian<mattype, fcn_t, VectorType, HessianMethods::Multiple>(func, rho);
+        return H;
+    }
+    /***
+    * \brief Gradient of Psir = ar*rho w.r.t. the molar concentrations
+    *
+    * Uses autodiff to calculate second partial derivatives
+    */
+    static auto build_Psir_gradient_autodiff(const Model& model, const Scalar& T, const VectorType& rho) {
+        VectorXdual2nd rhovecc(rho.size()); for (auto i = 0; i < rho.size(); ++i) { rhovecc[i] = rho[i]; }
+        auto psirfunc = [&model, &T](const VectorXdual2nd& rho_) {
+            auto rhotot_ = rho_.sum();
+            auto molefrac = (rho_ / rhotot_).eval();
+            return eval(model.alphar(T, rhotot_, molefrac) * model.R * T * rhotot_);
+        };
+        auto val = autodiff::gradient(psirfunc, wrt(rhovecc), at(rhovecc)).eval(); // evaluate the gradient
+        return val;
+    }
+    /***
+    * \brief Calculate the chemical potential of each component
+    *
+    * Uses autodiff derivatives to calculate second partial derivatives
+    * See Eq. 9 of
+    * \note: Some contributions to the ideal gas part are missing (reference state and cp0), but are not relevant to phase equilibria
+    */
+    static auto get_chempot_autodiff(const Model& model, const Scalar& T, const VectorType& rho) {
+        typename VectorType::value_type rhotot = rho.sum();
+        return (build_Psir_gradient_autodiff(model, T, rho).array() + model.R*T*(1.0 + log(rho / rhotot))).eval();
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/multifluid.cpp b/src/multifluid.cpp
index 6b90279..5554926 100644
--- a/src/multifluid.cpp
+++ b/src/multifluid.cpp
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ void trace_critical_loci(const std::string &coolprop_root, const nlohmann::json
             const auto &model = optmodel.value();
             auto rhoc0 = 1.0 /[i];
             auto T0 = model.redfunc.Tc[i];
-            std::valarray<double> rhovec(2); rhovec[i] = { rhoc0 }; rhovec[1L - i] = 0.0;
+            Eigen::ArrayXd rhovec(2); rhovec[i] = { rhoc0 }; rhovec[1L - i] = 0.0;
             // Non-analytic terms make it impossible to initialize AT the pure components
             if (pp[0] == "CarbonDioxide" || pp[1] == "CarbonDioxide") {
                 if (i == 0) {
@@ -70,18 +70,24 @@ int main(){
         std::ifstream(coolprop_root + "/dev/mixtures/mixture_binary_pairs.json")
-    // Critical curves
-    {
-        Timer t(1);
-        trace_critical_loci(coolprop_root, BIPcollection);
-    }
+    //// Critical curves
+    //{
+    //    Timer t(1);
+    //    trace_critical_loci(coolprop_root, BIPcollection);
+    //}
     auto model = build_multifluid_model({ "methane", "ethane" }, coolprop_root, BIPcollection);
-    std::valarray<double> rhovec = { 1.0, 2.0 };
+    Eigen::ArrayXd rhovec(2); rhovec << 1.0, 2.0 ;
     double T = 300;
-        const std::valarray<double> molefrac = { rhovec[0]/rhovec.sum(), rhovec[1]/rhovec.sum() };
+        const auto molefrac = (Eigen::ArrayXd(2) << rhovec[0]/rhovec.sum(), rhovec[1]/rhovec.sum()).finished();
+        auto B12 = get_B12vir(model, T, molefrac);
+        using id = IsochoricDerivatives<decltype(model)>;
+        auto mu = id::get_chempot_autodiff(model, T, rhovec);
         const double rho = rhovec.sum();
         volatile double T = 300.0;
         constexpr int N = 10000;
@@ -93,7 +99,7 @@ int main(){
             for (auto i = 0; i < N; ++i){
                 alphar = model.alphar(T, rho, molefrac);
-            std::cout << alphar << std::endl;
+            std::cout << alphar << " function call" << std::endl;
             Timer t(N);
@@ -121,25 +127,40 @@ int main(){
             for (auto i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
                 alphar = get_Ar02(model, T, rho, molefrac);
-            std::cout << alphar << std::endl;
+            std::cout << alphar << "; 2nd autodiff" << std::endl;
+        }
+        {
+            Timer t(N);
+            for (auto i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
+                auto o = get_Bnvir<3, ADBackends::autodiff>(model, T, molefrac)[3];
+            }
+            std::cout << alphar << "; 3 derivs" << std::endl;
+        }
+        {
+            Timer t(N);
+            for (auto i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
+                auto o = get_Bnvir<4, ADBackends::autodiff>(model, T, molefrac)[4];
+            }
+            std::cout << alphar << "; 4 derivs" << std::endl;
+        }
+        {
+            Timer t(N);
+            for (auto i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
+                auto o = get_Bnvir<5, ADBackends::autodiff>(model, T, molefrac)[5];
+            }
+            std::cout << alphar << "; 5 derivs" << std::endl;
+    const auto molefrac = (Eigen::ArrayXd(2) << 1.0 / 3.0, 2.0 / 3.0 ).finished();
     auto alphar = model.alphar(T, rhovec);
     auto Ar01 = get_Ar01(model, T, rhovec);
     auto Ar10 = get_Ar10(model, T, rhovec);
+    auto Ar02 = get_Ar02(model, T, rhovec.sum(), molefrac);
     auto splus = get_splus(model, T, rhovec);
-    std::valarray<double> molefrac = { 1.0/3.0, 2.0/3.0 };
-    auto B2 = get_B2vir(model, T, molefrac);
-    std::valarray<double> dilrho = 0.00000000001*molefrac;
-    auto B2other = get_Ar01(model, T, dilrho)/dilrho.sum();
-    std::valarray<double> zerorho = 0.0*rhovec;
-    auto Ar01dil = get_Ar01(model, T, zerorho);
-    int ttt =0 ;
+    int ttt = 0;
     return EXIT_SUCCESS;
diff --git a/src/tests/catch_tests.cxx b/src/tests/catch_tests.cxx
index 32377d5..0cdccf4 100644
--- a/src/tests/catch_tests.cxx
+++ b/src/tests/catch_tests.cxx
@@ -84,12 +84,14 @@ TEST_CASE("Check virial coefficients for vdW", "[virial]")
 TEST_CASE("Check Hessian of Psir", "[virial]")
     double T = 298.15;
     double rho = 3.0;
-    const std::valarray<double> rhovec = { rho / 2, rho / 2 };
+    const Eigen::Array2d rhovec = { rho / 2, rho / 2 };
     auto get_worst_error = [&T, &rhovec](const auto &model){ 
-        auto H1 = build_Psir_Hessian_autodiff(model, T, rhovec);
-        auto H2 = build_Psir_Hessian_mcx(model, T, rhovec);
+        using id = IsochoricDerivatives <decltype(model)>;
+        auto H1 = id::build_Psir_Hessian_autodiff(model, T, rhovec);
+        auto H2 = id::build_Psir_Hessian_mcx(model, T, rhovec);
         auto err = (H1.array() - H2).abs().maxCoeff();
         CHECK(err < 1e-15);
@@ -139,7 +141,7 @@ TEST_CASE("Trace critical locus for vdW", "[vdW][crit]")
     auto Zc = 3.0/8.0;
     auto rhoc0 = pc_Pa[0] / (vdW.R * Tc_K[0]) / Zc;
     double T0 = Tc_K[0];
-    std::valarray<double> rhovec0 = { rhoc0, 0.0 };
+    Eigen::ArrayXd rhovec0(2); rhovec0 << rhoc0, 0.0 ;
     auto tic0 = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
     std::string filename = "";
@@ -152,4 +154,27 @@ TEST_CASE("TEST B12", "") {
     const double T = 298.15;
     const std::valarray<double> molefrac = { 1/3, 2/3 };
     auto B12 = get_B12vir(model, T, molefrac);
+TEST_CASE("Test psir gradient", "") {
+    const auto model = build_vdW();
+    const double T = 298.15;
+    using id = IsochoricDerivatives<decltype(model)>;
+    const Eigen::Array2d rhovec = { 1, 2 };
+    const Eigen::Array2d molefrac = { 1 / 3, 2 / 3 };
+    auto psirfunc2 = [&model](const auto& T, const auto& rho_) {
+        auto rhotot_ = rho_.sum();
+        auto molefrac = (rho_ / rhotot_);
+        return model.alphar(T, rhotot_, molefrac) * model.R * T * rhotot_;
+    };
+    auto chk0 = derivrhoi(psirfunc2, T, rhovec, 0);
+    auto chk1 = derivrhoi(psirfunc2, T, rhovec, 1);
+    auto grad = id::build_Psir_gradient_autodiff(model, T, rhovec);
+    auto err0 = std::abs((chk0 - grad[0])/chk0);
+    auto err1 = std::abs((chk1 - grad[1])/chk1);
+    CAPTURE(err0);
+    CAPTURE(err1);
+    CHECK(err0 < 1e-12);
+    CHECK(err1 < 1e-12);
\ No newline at end of file