diff --git a/include/teqp/models/multifluid.hpp b/include/teqp/models/multifluid.hpp
index be804d1f37d24c9e056a9bdf8c0d57efe616b9ec..950067d5af376eba5a363864142fbdf796eb4aa6 100644
--- a/include/teqp/models/multifluid.hpp
+++ b/include/teqp/models/multifluid.hpp
@@ -914,11 +914,46 @@ inline auto make_pure_components_JSON(const nlohmann::json& components, const st
 inline auto build_multifluid_model(const std::vector<std::string>& components, const std::string& coolprop_root, const std::string& BIPcollectionpath = {}, const nlohmann::json& flags = {}, const std::string& departurepath = {}) {
-    std::string BIPpath = (BIPcollectionpath.empty()) ? coolprop_root + "/dev/mixtures/mixture_binary_pairs.json" : BIPcollectionpath;
-    const auto BIPcollection = load_a_JSON_file(BIPpath);
-    std::string deppath = (departurepath.empty()) ? coolprop_root + "/dev/mixtures/mixture_departure_functions.json" : departurepath;
-    const auto depcollection = load_a_JSON_file(deppath);
+    auto is_valid_path = [](const std::string & s){
+        try{
+            std::filesystem::is_regular_file(s);
+            return true;
+        }
+        catch(...){
+            return false;
+        }
+    };
+    nlohmann::json BIPcollection = nlohmann::json::array();
+    // If not provided, default values
+    if (BIPcollectionpath.empty()){
+        auto BIPpath = coolprop_root + "/dev/mixtures/mixture_binary_pairs.json";
+        BIPcollection = load_a_JSON_file(BIPpath);
+    }
+    // If path to existing file, use it
+    else if (is_valid_path(BIPcollectionpath) && std::filesystem::is_regular_file(BIPcollectionpath)){
+        BIPcollection = load_a_JSON_file(BIPcollectionpath);
+    }
+    // Or assume it is a string in JSON format
+    else{
+        BIPcollection = nlohmann::json::parse(BIPcollectionpath);
+    }
+    nlohmann::json depcollection = nlohmann::json::array();
+    // If not provided, default values
+    if (departurepath.empty()){
+        std::string deppath = coolprop_root + "/dev/mixtures/mixture_departure_functions.json";
+        depcollection = load_a_JSON_file(deppath);
+    }
+    // If path to existing file, use it
+    else if (is_valid_path(departurepath) && std::filesystem::is_regular_file(departurepath)){
+        depcollection = load_a_JSON_file(departurepath);
+    }
+    // Or assume it is a string in JSON format
+    else{
+        depcollection = nlohmann::json::parse(departurepath);
+    }
     return _build_multifluid_model(make_pure_components_JSON(components, coolprop_root), BIPcollection, depcollection, flags);
diff --git a/src/tests/catch_test_multifluid.cxx b/src/tests/catch_test_multifluid.cxx
index b277f4af48e71e4cfd63ff2ca5505ec14a33bd70..9a72a7f96f554907d5a5c6cb26da9f2f9caffc01 100644
--- a/src/tests/catch_test_multifluid.cxx
+++ b/src/tests/catch_test_multifluid.cxx
@@ -191,6 +191,23 @@ TEST_CASE("Check mixing absolute and relative paths and fluid names", "[multiflu
+TEST_CASE("Check specifying some different kinds of sources of BIP", "[multifluidBIP]") {
+    std::string root = "../mycp";
+    SECTION("Not JSON, should throw") {
+        std::vector<std::string> paths = { std::filesystem::absolute(root + "/dev/fluids/Nitrogen.json").string(), "Ethane" };
+        CHECK_THROWS(build_multifluid_model(paths, root, "I am not a JSON formatted string"));
+    }
+    SECTION("The normal approach") {
+        std::vector<std::string> paths = { std::filesystem::absolute(root + "/dev/fluids/Nitrogen.json").string(), "Ethane" };
+        auto model = build_multifluid_model(paths, root, root + "/dev/mixtures/mixture_binary_pairs.json");
+    }
+    SECTION("Sending the contents in JSON format") {
+        std::vector<std::string> paths = { std::filesystem::absolute(root + "/dev/fluids/Nitrogen.json").string(), "PROPANE" };
+        auto BIP = load_a_JSON_file(root + "/dev/mixtures/mixture_binary_pairs.json");
+        auto model = build_multifluid_model(paths, root, BIP.dump());
+    }
 TEST_CASE("Check that all binary pairs specified in the binary pair file can be instantiated", "[multifluid],[binaries]") {
     std::string root = "../mycp";