From 66d5fc0c1d0f6b305bea3caae0dc04ba42d4b1b2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ian Bell <>
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2021 10:30:36 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Restructure storing of points so that the first point also
 gets saved

 include/teqp/algorithms/critical_tracing.hpp | 50 ++++++++++++--------
 1 file changed, 29 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)

diff --git a/include/teqp/algorithms/critical_tracing.hpp b/include/teqp/algorithms/critical_tracing.hpp
index 99b9f35..42648a8 100644
--- a/include/teqp/algorithms/critical_tracing.hpp
+++ b/include/teqp/algorithms/critical_tracing.hpp
@@ -402,9 +402,33 @@ struct CriticalTracing {
             // Make T and rhovec references to the contents of x0 vector
             // The views are mutable (danger!)
-            double &T = x0[0];
+            double& T = x0[0];
             auto rhovec = Eigen::Map<Eigen::ArrayXd>(&(x0[0]) + 1, x0.size() - 1);
+            auto store_point = [&]() {
+                // Calculate some other parameters, for debugging, or scientific interest
+                auto rhotot = rhovec.sum();
+                using id = IsochoricDerivatives<decltype(model), Scalar, VecType>;
+                double p = rhotot * model.R(rhovec / rhovec.sum()) * T + id::get_pr(model, T, rhovec);
+                auto conditions = get_criticality_conditions(model, T, rhovec);
+                double splus = id::get_splus(model, T, rhovec);
+                // Store the data in a JSON structure
+                nlohmann::json point = {
+                    {"t", t},
+                    {"T / K", T},
+                    {"rho0 / mol/m^3", static_cast<double>(rhovec[0])},
+                    {"rho1 / mol/m^3", static_cast<double>(rhovec[1])},
+                    {"c", c},
+                    {"s^+", splus},
+                    {"p / Pa", p},
+                    {"lambda1", conditions[0]},
+                    {"dirderiv(lambda1)/dalpha", conditions[1]},
+                };
+                JSONdata.push_back(point);
+            };
                 auto dxdt = x0;
                 xprime(x0, dxdt, -1.0);
@@ -440,6 +464,9 @@ struct CriticalTracing {
+            if (iter == 0 && retry_count == 0) {
+                store_point();
+            }
             double dtold = dt;
             auto x0_previous = x0;
@@ -523,26 +550,7 @@ struct CriticalTracing {
             if (!filename.empty()) {
-            // Calculate some other parameters, for debugging, or scientific interest
-            using id = IsochoricDerivatives<decltype(model), Scalar, VecType>;
-            double p = rhotot * model.R(rhovec / rhovec.sum()) * T + id::get_pr(model, T, rhovec);
-            conditions = get_criticality_conditions(model, T, rhovec);
-            double splus = id::get_splus(model, T, rhovec);
-            // Store the data in a JSON structure
-            nlohmann::json point = {
-                {"t", t},
-                {"T / K", T},
-                {"rho0 / mol/m^3", static_cast<double>(rhovec[0])},
-                {"rho1 / mol/m^3", static_cast<double>(rhovec[1])},
-                {"c", c},
-                {"s^+", splus},
-                {"p / Pa", p},
-                {"lambda1", conditions[0]},
-                {"dirderiv(lambda1)/dalpha", conditions[1]},
-            };
-            JSONdata.push_back(point);
+            store_point();
             if (counter_T_converged > options.small_T_count) {