diff --git a/include/teqp/json_builder.hpp b/include/teqp/json_builder.hpp
index c0022109c4ccb586dde3e2a77392e73cb757b65b..f9c55312b38e22fb0e531a20e02ce573c4c022de 100644
--- a/include/teqp/json_builder.hpp
+++ b/include/teqp/json_builder.hpp
@@ -59,7 +59,31 @@ namespace teqp {
             return CPA::CPAfactory(spec);
         else if (kind == "PCSAFT") {
-            return PCSAFT::PCSAFTfactory(spec);
+            using namespace PCSAFT;
+            Eigen::ArrayXXd kmat(0, 0);
+            if (spec.contains("kmat")){
+                kmat = build_square_matrix(spec["kmat"]);
+            }
+            if (spec.contains("names")){
+                return PCSAFTMixture(spec["names"], kmat);
+            }
+            else if (spec.contains("coeffs")){
+                std::vector<SAFTCoeffs> coeffs;
+                for (auto j : spec["coeffs"]) {
+                    SAFTCoeffs c;
+                    c.name = j.at("name");
+                    c.m = j.at("m");
+                    c.sigma_Angstrom = j.at("sigma_Angstrom");
+                    c.epsilon_over_k = j.at("epsilon_over_k");
+                    c.BibTeXKey = j.at("BibTeXKey");
+                    coeffs.push_back(c);
+                }
+                return PCSAFTMixture(coeffs, kmat);
+            }
+            else{
+                throw std::invalid_argument("you must provide names or coeffs, but not both");
+            }
         else if (kind == "multifluid") {
             return multifluidfactory(spec);
diff --git a/include/teqp/models/pcsaft.hpp b/include/teqp/models/pcsaft.hpp
index 9478056de09240c9c7955c8a15d7504e9d73b57b..d6d1767336b1811c5a94d32ec6a6596a29249939 100644
--- a/include/teqp/models/pcsaft.hpp
+++ b/include/teqp/models/pcsaft.hpp
@@ -44,6 +44,13 @@ public:
             throw std::invalid_argument("Bad name:" + name);
+    auto get_coeffs(const std::vector<std::string>& names){
+        std::vector<SAFTCoeffs> c;
+        for (auto n  : names){
+            c.push_back(get_normal_fluid(n));
+        }
+        return c;
+    }
 /// Eqn. A.11
@@ -197,21 +204,8 @@ private:
     PCSAFTMixture(const std::vector<std::string> &names, const Eigen::ArrayXXd& kmat = {}) : names(names), kmat(kmat)
-        check_kmat(names.size());
-        m.resize(names.size());
-        mminus1.resize(names.size());
-        sigma_Angstrom.resize(names.size());
-        epsilon_over_k.resize(names.size());
-        auto i = 0;
         PCSAFTLibrary library;
-        for (auto name : names) {
-            const SAFTCoeffs& coeff = library.get_normal_fluid(name);
-            m[i] = coeff.m;
-            mminus1[i] = m[i] - 1;
-            sigma_Angstrom[i] = coeff.sigma_Angstrom;
-            epsilon_over_k[i] = coeff.epsilon_over_k;
-            i++;
-        }
+        PCSAFTMixture(library.get_coeffs(names), kmat);
     PCSAFTMixture(const std::vector<SAFTCoeffs> &coeffs, const Eigen::ArrayXXd &kmat = {}) : kmat(kmat)
diff --git a/interface/pybind11_wrapper.cpp b/interface/pybind11_wrapper.cpp
index e2805b9268b83acdbd07d74a2e8785fac11dd9d9..afb09090856eed14d32f9a9ba39e14b38003e5cb 100644
--- a/interface/pybind11_wrapper.cpp
+++ b/interface/pybind11_wrapper.cpp
@@ -9,18 +9,9 @@ using namespace py::literals;
 #define stringify(A) #A
-// The implementation of each prototype are in separate files to move the compilation into 
-// multiple compilation units so that multiple processors can be used
-// at the same time to carry out the compilation
-// This speeds up things a lot on linux, but not much in MSVC
-void add_vdW(py::module &m);
 void add_PCSAFT(py::module& m);
-void add_CPA(py::module& m);
 void add_multifluid(py::module& m);
 void add_multifluid_mutant(py::module& m);
-void add_cubics(py::module& m);
-void add_model_potentials(py::module& m);
 template<typename Model, int iT, int iD, typename Class>
 void add_ig_deriv_impl(Class& cls) {
@@ -210,13 +201,9 @@ void init_teqp(py::module& m) {
     add_ig_derivatives<IdealHelmholtz>(m, alphaig);
     alphaig.def("get_deriv_mat2", [](const IdealHelmholtz &ig, double T, double rho, const Eigen::ArrayXd& z){return DerivativeHolderSquare<2, AlphaWrapperOption::idealgas>(ig, T, rho, z).derivs;});
-    add_vdW(m);
-    add_CPA(m);
-    add_cubics(m);
-    add_model_potentials(m);
     call_method_factory(m, "get_Ar00iso");
     call_method_factory(m, "get_Ar10iso");
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index f1d9a4f0ae40ef7b8e5ac62eb389869fdcbc7535..12ada8f61e0857369dd044804809b041057cf332 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -147,6 +147,28 @@ def CPAfactory(spec):
     return make_model(j)
+def PCSAFTEOS(names_or_coeffs, kmat = []):
+    if isinstance(names_or_coeffs[0], SAFTCoeffs):
+        coeffs = []
+        for c in names_or_coeffs:
+            coeffs.append({
+                'name': c.name,
+                'm': c.m,
+                'sigma_Angstrom': c.sigma_Angstrom,
+                'epsilon_over_k': c.epsilon_over_k,
+                'BibTeXKey': c.BibTeXKey
+            })
+        spec = {'coeffs': coeffs, 'kmat': tolist(kmat)}
+    else:
+        spec = {'names': names_or_coeffs, 'kmat': tolist(kmat)}
+    j = {
+        "kind": "PCSAFT",
+        "model": spec
+    }
+    return make_model(j)
 def prepare():