From 9caaaef6b974203794360c8802aa32b5f1ba6006 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ian Bell <>
Date: Fri, 14 Oct 2022 12:11:55 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Conversion routines from CoolProp formatted ideal-gas (#19)

Add conversion routines for ideal-gas Helmholtz terms from CoolProp format
 include/teqp/ideal_eosterms.hpp     | 326 +++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 include/teqp/json_tools.hpp         |   3 +-
 interface/pybind11_wrapper.cpp      |   3 +-
 src/tests/catch_test_multifluid.cxx |  25 ++-
 4 files changed, 327 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-)

diff --git a/include/teqp/ideal_eosterms.hpp b/include/teqp/ideal_eosterms.hpp
index 4ef0086..93fc897 100644
--- a/include/teqp/ideal_eosterms.hpp
+++ b/include/teqp/ideal_eosterms.hpp
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
 #pragma once
 #include <variant>
+#include <filesystem>
 #include "teqp/types.hpp"
 #include "teqp/exceptions.hpp"
+#include "teqp/json_tools.hpp"
 namespace teqp {
@@ -11,13 +13,13 @@ namespace teqp {
     class IdealHelmholtzConstant {
-        const double a;
-        IdealHelmholtzConstant(double a) : a(a) {};
+        const double a, R;
+        IdealHelmholtzConstant(double a, double R) : a(a), R(R) {};
         template<typename TType, typename RhoType>
         auto alphaig(const TType& T, const RhoType& rho) const {
             using otype = std::common_type_t <TType, RhoType>;
-            return static_cast<otype>(a);
+            return forceeval(static_cast<otype>(a));
@@ -32,8 +34,8 @@ namespace teqp {
     class IdealHelmholtzLogT {
-        const double a;
-        IdealHelmholtzLogT(double a) : a(a) {};
+        const double a, R;
+        IdealHelmholtzLogT(double a, double R) : a(a), R(R) {};
         template<typename TType, typename RhoType>
         auto alphaig(const TType& T, const RhoType& rho) const {
@@ -55,8 +57,8 @@ namespace teqp {
     class IdealHelmholtzLead {
-        const double a_1, a_2;
-        IdealHelmholtzLead(double a_1, double a_2) : a_1(a_1), a_2(a_2) {};
+        const double a_1, a_2, R;
+        IdealHelmholtzLead(double a_1, double a_2, double R) : a_1(a_1), a_2(a_2), R(R) {};
         template<typename TType, typename RhoType>
         auto alphaig(const TType& T, const RhoType& rho) const {
@@ -65,13 +67,31 @@ namespace teqp {
+    /**
+    \f$ \alpha^{\rm ig}= \sum_k n_kT^{t_k} \f$
+    */
+    class IdealHelmholtzPowerT {
+    public:
+        const std::valarray<double> n, t, R;
+        IdealHelmholtzPowerT(const std::valarray<double>& n, const std::valarray<double>& t, double R) : n(n), t(t), R(R) {};
+        template<typename TType, typename RhoType>
+        auto alphaig(const TType& T, const RhoType& rho) const {
+            std::common_type_t <TType, RhoType> summer = 0.0;
+            for (auto i = 0; i < n.size(); ++i) {
+                summer = summer + n[i] * pow(T, t[i]);
+            }
+            return forceeval(summer);
+        }
+    };
     \f$ \alpha^{\rm ig}= \sum_k n_k\ln(1-\exp(-\theta_k/T)) \f$
     class IdealHelmholtzPlanckEinstein {
-        const std::valarray<double> n, theta;
-        IdealHelmholtzPlanckEinstein(const std::valarray<double>& n, const std::valarray<double>& theta) : n(n), theta(theta) {};
+        const std::valarray<double> n, theta, R;
+        IdealHelmholtzPlanckEinstein(const std::valarray<double>& n, const std::valarray<double>& theta, double R) : n(n), theta(theta), R(R) {};
         template<typename TType, typename RhoType>
         auto alphaig(const TType& T, const RhoType& rho) const {
@@ -83,6 +103,30 @@ namespace teqp {
+    /**
+    \f$ \alpha^{\rm ig}= \sum_k n_k\ln(c_k+d_k\exp(\theta_k/T)) \f$
+    */
+    class IdealHelmholtzPlanckEinsteinGeneralized {
+    public:
+        const std::valarray<double> n, c, d, theta, R;
+        IdealHelmholtzPlanckEinsteinGeneralized(
+            const std::valarray<double>& n,
+            const std::valarray<double>& c,
+            const std::valarray<double>& d,
+            const std::valarray<double>& theta,
+                                                double R
+        ) : n(n), c(c), d(d), theta(theta), R(R) {};
+        template<typename TType, typename RhoType>
+        auto alphaig(const TType& T, const RhoType& rho) const {
+            std::common_type_t <TType, RhoType> summer = 0.0;
+            for (auto i = 0; i < n.size(); ++i) {
+                summer = summer + n[i] * log(c[i] + d[i]*exp(theta[i] / T));
+            }
+            return forceeval(summer);
+        }
+    };
     \f$ \alpha^{\rm ig}= \sum_k n_k ln(|cosh(theta_k/T)|) \f$
@@ -90,8 +134,8 @@ namespace teqp {
     class IdealHelmholtzGERG2004Cosh {
-        const std::valarray<double> n, theta;
-        IdealHelmholtzGERG2004Cosh(const std::valarray<double>& n, const std::valarray<double>& theta) : n(n), theta(theta) {};
+        const std::valarray<double> n, theta, R;
+        IdealHelmholtzGERG2004Cosh(const std::valarray<double>& n, const std::valarray<double>& theta, double R) : n(n), theta(theta), R(R) {};
         template<typename TType, typename RhoType>
         auto alphaig(const TType& T, const RhoType& rho) const {
@@ -110,8 +154,8 @@ namespace teqp {
     class IdealHelmholtzGERG2004Sinh {
-        const std::valarray<double> n, theta;
-        IdealHelmholtzGERG2004Sinh(const std::valarray<double>& n, const std::valarray<double>& theta) : n(n), theta(theta) {};
+        const std::valarray<double> n, theta, R;
+        IdealHelmholtzGERG2004Sinh(const std::valarray<double>& n, const std::valarray<double>& theta, double R) : n(n), theta(theta), R(R) {};
         template<typename TType, typename RhoType>
         auto alphaig(const TType& T, const RhoType& rho) const {
@@ -123,14 +167,60 @@ namespace teqp {
+    /**
+    \f$ \alpha^{\rm ig}= c*\left( \frac{T-T0}{T}-\ln\left(T/T0\right)\right) \f$
+    from a term that is like
+    \f$ \frac{c_{p0}}{R}= c \f$
+    */
+    class IdealHelmholtzCp0Constant {
+    public:
+        const double c, T_0, R;
+        IdealHelmholtzCp0Constant(
+          const double c, const double T_0, const double R
+        ) : c(c), T_0(T_0), R(R) {};
+        template<typename TType, typename RhoType>
+        auto alphaig(const TType& T, const RhoType& rho) const {
+            using otype = std::common_type_t <TType, RhoType>;
+            return forceeval(static_cast<otype>(c*((T-T_0)/T-log(T/T_0))));
+        }
+    };
+    /**
+    \f$ \alpha^{\rm ig}= c\left[T^{t}\left(\frac{1}{t+1}-\frac{1}{t}\right)-\frac{T_0^{t+1}}{T(t+1)}+\frac{T_0^t}{t}\right] \f$
+    from a term that is like
+    \f$ \frac{c_{p0}}{R}= cT^t, t \neq 0 \f$
+    */
+    class IdealHelmholtzCp0PowerT {
+    public:
+        const double c, t, T_0, R;
+        IdealHelmholtzCp0PowerT(
+            const double c, const double t, const double T_0, const double R
+        ) : c(c), t(t), T_0(T_0), R(R) {};
+        template<typename TType, typename RhoType>
+        auto alphaig(const TType& T, const RhoType& rho) const {
+            using otype = std::common_type_t <TType, RhoType>;
+            return forceeval(static_cast<otype>(c*(pow(T,t)*(1/(t+1)-1/t)-pow(T_0,t+1)/(T*(t+1))+pow(T_0,t)/t)));
+        }
+    };
     // The collection of possible terms that could be part of the summation
     using IdealHelmholtzTerms = std::variant <
-        IdealHelmholtzLogT, 
+        IdealHelmholtzLogT,
+        IdealHelmholtzPowerT,
+        IdealHelmholtzPlanckEinsteinGeneralized,
-        IdealHelmholtzGERG2004Sinh
+        IdealHelmholtzGERG2004Sinh,
+        IdealHelmholtzCp0Constant,
+        IdealHelmholtzCp0PowerT
     > ;
     class PureIdealHelmholtz {
@@ -138,37 +228,51 @@ namespace teqp {
         std::vector<IdealHelmholtzTerms> contributions;
         PureIdealHelmholtz(const nlohmann::json& jpure) {
             //std::string s = jpure.dump(1); 
-            if (!jpure.is_array()) {
-                throw teqp::InvalidArgument("JSON data passed to PureIdealHelmholtz must be an array");
+            if (jpure.is_array()) {
+                throw teqp::InvalidArgument("JSON data passed to PureIdealHelmholtz must be an object and contain the fields \"R\" and \"terms\"");
-            for (auto& term : jpure) {
+            double R ="R");
+            for (auto& term :"terms")) {
                 if (!term.is_object()) {
-                    throw teqp::InvalidArgument("JSON data for pure fluid must be an array");
+                    throw teqp::InvalidArgument("JSON data for pure fluid must be an object");
                 //std::string s = term.dump(1);
                 if ("type") == "Constant") { // a
-                    contributions.emplace_back(IdealHelmholtzConstant("a")));
+                    contributions.emplace_back(IdealHelmholtzConstant("a"), R));
                 else if ("type") == "Lead") { // ln(rho) + a_1 + a_2/T
-                    contributions.emplace_back(IdealHelmholtzLead("a_1"),"a_2")));
+                    contributions.emplace_back(IdealHelmholtzLead("a_1"),"a_2"), R));
                 else if ("type") == "LogT") { // a*ln(T)
-                    contributions.emplace_back(IdealHelmholtzLogT("a")));
+                    contributions.emplace_back(IdealHelmholtzLogT("a"), R));
+                }
+                else if ("type") == "PowerT") { // sum_i n_i * T^i
+                    contributions.emplace_back(IdealHelmholtzPowerT("n"),"t"), R));
                 else if ("type") == "PlanckEinstein") {
-                    contributions.emplace_back(IdealHelmholtzPlanckEinstein("n"),"theta")));
+                    contributions.emplace_back(IdealHelmholtzPlanckEinstein("n"),"theta"), R));
+                }
+                else if ("type") == "PlanckEinsteinGeneralized") {
+                    contributions.emplace_back(IdealHelmholtzPlanckEinsteinGeneralized("n"),"c"),"d"),"theta"), R));
                 else if ("type") == "GERG2004Cosh") {
-                    contributions.emplace_back(IdealHelmholtzGERG2004Cosh("n"),"theta")));
+                    contributions.emplace_back(IdealHelmholtzGERG2004Cosh("n"),"theta"), R));
                 else if ("type") == "GERG2004Sinh") {
-                    contributions.emplace_back(IdealHelmholtzGERG2004Sinh("n"),"theta")));
+                    contributions.emplace_back(IdealHelmholtzGERG2004Sinh("n"),"theta"), R));
+                }
+                else if ("type") == "Cp0Constant") {
+                    contributions.emplace_back(IdealHelmholtzCp0Constant("c"),"T_0"), R));
+                }
+                else if ("type") == "Cp0PowerT") {
+                    contributions.emplace_back(IdealHelmholtzCp0PowerT("c"),"t"),"T_0"), R));
                 else {
                     throw InvalidArgument("Don't understand this type: " +"type").get<std::string>());
         template<typename TType, typename RhoType>
         auto alphaig(const TType& T, const RhoType &rho) const{
             std::common_type_t <TType, RhoType> ig = 0.0;
@@ -185,7 +289,7 @@ namespace teqp {
      * \f[ \alpha^{\rm ig} = \sum_i x_i[\alpha^{\rm ig}_{oi}(T,\rho) + x_i] \f]
-     * where x_i are mole fractions
+     * where \f$x_i\f$ are mole fractions
     class IdealHelmholtz {
@@ -222,4 +326,172 @@ namespace teqp {
             return ig;
\ No newline at end of file
+    inline nlohmann::json CoolProp2teqp_alphaig_term_reformatter(const nlohmann::json &term, double Tri, double rhori, double R){
+        //std::string s = term.dump(1);
+        if ("type") == "IdealGasHelmholtzLead") {
+            // Was ln(delta) + a_1 + a_2*tau ==> ln(rho) + a_1 + a_2/T
+            // new a_1 is old a_1 - ln(rho_ri)
+            // new a_2 is old a_2 * Tri
+            return {{{"type", "Lead"}, {"a_1","a1").get<double>() - log(rhori)}, {"a_2","a2").get<double>() * Tri}, {"R", R}}};
+        }
+        else if ("type") == "IdealGasHelmholtzEnthalpyEntropyOffset") {
+            // Was a_1 + a_2*tau ==> a_1 + a_2/T
+            std::valarray<double> n = {"a1").get<double>(),"a2").get<double>()*Tri};
+            std::valarray<double> t = {0, -1};
+            return {{{"type", "PowerT"}, {"n", n}, {"t", t}, {"R", R}}};
+        }
+        else if ("type") == "IdealGasHelmholtzLogTau") { // a*ln(tau)
+            // Was a*ln(tau) = a*ln(Tri) - a*ln(T) ==> a*ln(T)
+            // Breaks into two pieces, first is a constant term a*ln(Tri), next is a*ln(T) piece
+            double a ="a").get<double>();
+            nlohmann::json term1 = {{"type", "Constant"}, {"a", a*log(Tri)}, {"R", R}};
+            nlohmann::json term2 = {{"type", "LogT"}, {"a", -a}, {"R", R}};
+            return {term1, term2};
+        }
+        else if ("type") == "IdealGasHelmholtzPlanckEinstein") {
+            // Was
+            std::valarray<double> n ="n");
+            std::valarray<double> theta ="t").get<std::valarray<double>>()*Tri;
+            return {{{"type", "PlanckEinstein"}, {"n", n}, {"theta", theta}, {"R", R}}};
+        }
+        else if ("type") == "IdealGasHelmholtzPlanckEinsteinFunctionT") {
+            // Was
+            std::valarray<double> n ="n");
+            std::valarray<double> theta ="v");
+            return {{{"type", "PlanckEinstein"}, {"n", n}, {"theta", theta}, {"R", R}}};
+        }
+        else if ("type") == "IdealGasHelmholtzPlanckEinsteinGeneralized") {
+            // Was
+            std::valarray<double> n ="n");
+            std::valarray<double> c ="c");
+            std::valarray<double> d ="d");
+            std::valarray<double> theta ="t").get<std::valarray<double>>()*Tri;
+//            std::cout << term.dump() << std::endl;
+            return {{{"type", "PlanckEinsteinGeneralized"}, {"n", n}, {"c", c}, {"d", d}, {"theta", theta}, {"R", R}}};
+        }
+        else if ("type") == "IdealGasHelmholtzPower") {
+            // Was
+            std::valarray<double> n ="n").get<std::valarray<double>>();
+            std::valarray<double> t ="t").get<std::valarray<double>>();
+            for (auto i = 0; i < n.size(); ++i){
+                n[i] *= pow(Tri, t[i]);
+                t[i] *= -1; // T is in the denominator in CoolProp terms, in the numerator in teqp
+            }
+            return {{{"type", "PowerT"}, {"n", n}, {"t", t}, {"R", R}}};
+        }
+        else if ("type") == "IdealGasHelmholtzCP0PolyT") {
+            // Was
+            nlohmann::json newterms = nlohmann::json::array();
+//            std::cout << term.dump() << std::endl;
+            std::valarray<double> t ="t"), c ="c");
+            double T_0 ="T0");
+            for (auto i = 0; i < t.size(); ++i){
+                if (t[i] == 0){
+                    newterms.push_back({{"type", "Cp0Constant"}, {"c", c[i]}, {"T_0", T_0}, {"R", R}});
+                }
+                else{
+                    newterms.push_back({{"type", "Cp0PowerT"}, {"c", c[i]}, {"t", t[i]}, {"T_0", T_0}, {"R", R}});
+                }
+            }
+            return newterms;
+        }
+        else if ("type") == "IdealGasHelmholtzCP0Constant") {
+//            std::cout << term.dump() << std::endl;
+            double T_0 ="T0");
+            return {{{"type", "Cp0Constant"}, {"c","cp_over_R")}, {"T_0", T_0}, {"R", R}}};
+        }
+        else if ("type") == "IdealGasHelmholtzCP0AlyLee") {
+            // Was
+            nlohmann::json newterms = nlohmann::json::array();
+//            std::cout << term.dump() << std::endl;
+            std::valarray<double> constants ="c");
+            double T_0 ="T0");
+            // Take the constant term if nonzero
+            if (std::abs(constants[0]) > 1e-14) {
+                newterms.push_back({{"type", "Cp0Constant"}, {"c", constants[0]}, {"T_0", T_0}, {"R", R}});
+            }
+            std::vector<double> n, c, d, t;
+            if (std::abs(constants[1]) > 1e-14) {
+                // sinh term can be converted by setting  a_k = C, b_k = 2*D, c_k = -1, d_k = 1
+                n.push_back(constants[1]);
+                t.push_back(-2 * constants[2]);
+                c.push_back(1);
+                d.push_back(-1);
+            }
+            if (std::abs(constants[3]) > 1e-14) {
+                // cosh term can be converted by setting  a_k = C, b_k = 2*D, c_k = 1, d_k = 1
+                n.push_back(-constants[3]);
+                t.push_back(-2 * constants[4]);
+                c.push_back(1);
+                d.push_back(1);
+            }
+            newterms.push_back(
+                   {{"type", "PlanckEinsteinGeneralized"}, {"n", n}, {"c", c}, {"d", d}, {"theta", t}, {"R", R}}
+            );
+            return newterms;
+        }
+//        else if ("type") == "GERG2004Cosh") {
+//            //contributions.emplace_back(IdealHelmholtzGERG2004Cosh("n"),"theta")));
+//        }
+//        else if ("type") == "GERG2004Sinh") {
+//            //contributions.emplace_back(IdealHelmholtzGERG2004Sinh("n"),"theta")));
+//        }
+        else {
+            throw InvalidArgument("Don't understand this type of CoolProp ideal-gas Helmholtz energy term: " +"type").get<std::string>());
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+    \brief Convert the ideal-gas term for a term from CoolProp-formatted JSON structure
+    \param path A string, pointing to a filesystem file, or the JSON contents to be parsed
+    \returns j The JSON
+     The key difference in the approach in CoolProp and teqp is that the contributions in teqp
+     are based on temperature and density as the independent variables, whereas the
+     implementation in CoolProp uses the pure fluid reciprocal reduced temperature and reduced
+     density as independent variables
+     */
+    inline nlohmann::json convert_CoolProp_idealgas(const std::string &s, int index){
+        nlohmann::json j;
+        // Get the JSON structure to be parsed
+        try{
+            // First assume that the input argument is a path
+            std::filesystem::path p = s;
+            j = load_a_JSON_file(s);
+        }
+        catch(std::exception &){
+            j = nlohmann::json::parse(s);
+        }
+        // Extract the things from the CoolProp-formatted data structure
+        auto jEOS ="EOS")[index];
+        auto jCP ="alpha0");
+        double Tri ="STATES").at("reducing").at("T");
+        double rhori ="STATES").at("reducing").at("rhomolar");
+        double R ="gas_constant");
+        // Now we transform the inputs to teqp-formatted terms
+        nlohmann::json newterms = nlohmann::json::array();
+        for (const auto& term : jCP){
+            // Converted can be a two-element array, so all terms are returned as array
+            // and then put into newterms
+            auto converted = CoolProp2teqp_alphaig_term_reformatter(term, Tri, rhori, R);
+            for (auto newterm : converted){
+                newterms.push_back(newterm);
+                if (!newterms.back().is_object()){
+                    std::cout << newterm.dump() << std::endl;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // And return our new data structure for this fluid
+        return {{"terms", newterms}, {"R", R}};
+    }
diff --git a/include/teqp/json_tools.hpp b/include/teqp/json_tools.hpp
index e429482..2974fea 100644
--- a/include/teqp/json_tools.hpp
+++ b/include/teqp/json_tools.hpp
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+#pragma once
 #include "nlohmann/json.hpp"
 #include <set>
@@ -28,4 +29,4 @@ namespace teqp{
         for (auto k : ks) { lengths.insert(; }
         return lengths.size() == 1;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/interface/pybind11_wrapper.cpp b/interface/pybind11_wrapper.cpp
index 992308a..6ca67ee 100644
--- a/interface/pybind11_wrapper.cpp
+++ b/interface/pybind11_wrapper.cpp
@@ -162,6 +162,7 @@ void init_teqp(py::module& m) {
     // The ideal gas Helmholtz energy class
     auto alphaig = py::class_<IdealHelmholtz>(m, "IdealHelmholtz").def(py::init<const nlohmann::json&>());
+    alphaig.def_static("convert_CoolProp_format", [](const std::string &path, int index){return convert_CoolProp_idealgas(path, index);});
     add_ig_derivatives<IdealHelmholtz>(m, alphaig);
@@ -225,4 +226,4 @@ PYBIND11_MODULE(teqp, m) {
     m.doc() = "TEQP: Templated Equation of State Package";
     m.attr("__version__") = TEQPVERSION;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/tests/catch_test_multifluid.cxx b/src/tests/catch_test_multifluid.cxx
index 2982a4f..95cf73a 100644
--- a/src/tests/catch_test_multifluid.cxx
+++ b/src/tests/catch_test_multifluid.cxx
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
 #include <catch2/catch_test_macros.hpp>
 #include <catch2/catch_approx.hpp>
+#include <catch2/generators/catch_generators.hpp>
+#include <catch2/generators/catch_generators_adapters.hpp>
+#include <catch2/generators/catch_generators_range.hpp>
 using Catch::Approx;
@@ -8,6 +11,7 @@ using Catch::Approx;
 #include "teqp/algorithms/critical_tracing.hpp"
 #include "teqp/algorithms/VLE.hpp"
 #include "teqp/filesystem.hpp"
+#include "teqp/ideal_eosterms.hpp"
 using namespace teqp;
@@ -299,4 +303,23 @@ TEST_CASE("Calculate partial molar volume for a CO2 containing mixture", "[parti
     for (auto i = 0; i < expected.size(); ++i){
         CHECK(expected[i] == Approx(der[i]));
\ No newline at end of file
+TEST_CASE("Check that all pure fluid ideal-gas terms can be converted", "[multifluid],[all],[ideal]") {
+    std::string root = "../mycp";
+    auto paths = get_files_in_folder(root + "/dev/fluids", ".json");
+    auto p = GENERATE_REF(from_range(paths));
+    CHECK(std::filesystem::is_regular_file(p));
+    CAPTURE(p);
+    // Check can be loaded from both path and string contents
+    auto jig = convert_CoolProp_idealgas(p.string(), 0 /* index of EOS */);
+    auto jig2 = convert_CoolProp_idealgas(load_a_JSON_file(p.string()).dump(), 0 /* index of EOS */);
+    // Convert to json array
+    nlohmann::json jaig = nlohmann::json::array(); jaig.push_back(jig);
+    CHECK(jaig.is_array());
+//    std::cout << jaig.dump() << std::endl;
+    // Check that converted structures can be loaded
+    auto aig = IdealHelmholtz(jaig);