diff --git a/include/teqp/cpp/teqpcpp.hpp b/include/teqp/cpp/teqpcpp.hpp
index 2478c5cc5ec64ab590a1bff229fda48c9384b095..d5f1bce70fa14e5fb99699ababf8918a37ac1f5a 100644
--- a/include/teqp/cpp/teqpcpp.hpp
+++ b/include/teqp/cpp/teqpcpp.hpp
@@ -176,8 +176,6 @@ namespace teqp {
             const std::string& departurepath = {}
-        std::unique_ptr<AbstractModel> emplace_model(AllowedModels&& model);
         std::unique_ptr<AbstractModel> build_model_ptr(const nlohmann::json& json);
diff --git a/include/teqp/json_builder.hpp b/include/teqp/json_builder.hpp
index 23502cced6fc7dd635918389abf398b5bb5a977c..0b2d73f3cda6509d94a26f846d33719d738980fa 100644
--- a/include/teqp/json_builder.hpp
+++ b/include/teqp/json_builder.hpp
@@ -44,46 +44,7 @@ namespace teqp {
             return CPA::CPAfactory(spec);
         else if (kind == "PCSAFT") {
-            using namespace PCSAFT;
-            std::optional<Eigen::ArrayXXd> kmat;
-            if (spec.contains("kmat") && spec.at("kmat").is_array() && spec.at("kmat").size() > 0){
-                kmat = build_square_matrix(spec["kmat"]);
-            }
-            if (spec.contains("names")){
-                std::vector<std::string> names = spec["names"];
-                if (kmat && kmat.value().rows() != names.size()){
-                    throw teqp::InvalidArgument("Provided length of names of " + std::to_string(names.size()) + " does not match the dimension of the kmat of " + std::to_string(kmat.value().rows()));
-                }
-                return PCSAFTMixture(names, kmat.value_or(Eigen::ArrayXXd{}));
-            }
-            else if (spec.contains("coeffs")){
-                std::vector<SAFTCoeffs> coeffs;
-                for (auto j : spec["coeffs"]) {
-                    SAFTCoeffs c;
-                    c.name = j.at("name");
-                    c.m = j.at("m");
-                    c.sigma_Angstrom = j.at("sigma_Angstrom");
-                    c.epsilon_over_k = j.at("epsilon_over_k");
-                    c.BibTeXKey = j.at("BibTeXKey");
-                    if (j.contains("(mu^*)^2") && j.contains("nmu")){
-                        c.mustar2 = j.at("(mu^*)^2");
-                        c.nmu = j.at("nmu");
-                    }
-                    if (j.contains("(Q^*)^2") && j.contains("nQ")){
-                        c.Qstar2 = j.at("(Q^*)^2");
-                        c.nQ = j.at("nQ");
-                    }
-                    coeffs.push_back(c);
-                }
-                if (kmat && kmat.value().rows() != coeffs.size()){
-                    throw teqp::InvalidArgument("Provided length of coeffs of " + std::to_string(coeffs.size()) + " does not match the dimension of the kmat of " + std::to_string(kmat.value().rows()));
-                }
-                return PCSAFTMixture(coeffs, kmat.value_or(Eigen::ArrayXXd{}));
-            }
-            else{
-                throw std::invalid_argument("you must provide names or coeffs, but not both");
-            }
+            return PCSAFT::PCSAFTfactory(spec);
         else if (kind == "SAFT-VR-Mie") {
             return SAFTVRMie::SAFTVRMiefactory(spec);
diff --git a/include/teqp/models/cubics.hpp b/include/teqp/models/cubics.hpp
index 6d8dd256b940fb823097e4c681e4fc2b1724f56a..cd1e16d398af4ed5c3b3214e5cc8c743aac7c91c 100644
--- a/include/teqp/models/cubics.hpp
+++ b/include/teqp/models/cubics.hpp
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ Implementations of the canonical cubic equations of state
 #include "teqp/constants.hpp"
 #include "teqp/exceptions.hpp"
 #include "cubicsuperancillary.hpp"
+#include "teqp/json_tools.hpp"
 #include "nlohmann/json.hpp"
@@ -20,16 +21,16 @@ Implementations of the canonical cubic equations of state
 namespace teqp {
-* \brief The standard alpha function used by Peng-Robinson and SRK
+ * \brief The standard alpha function used by Peng-Robinson and SRK
+ */
 template<typename NumType>
 class BasicAlphaFunction {
     NumType Tci, ///< The critical temperature
-        mi;  ///< The "m" parameter
+    mi;  ///< The "m" parameter
     BasicAlphaFunction(NumType Tci, NumType mi) : Tci(Tci), mi(mi) {};
     template<typename TType>
     auto operator () (const TType& T) const {
         return forceeval(pow2(forceeval(1.0 + mi * (1.0 - sqrt(T / Tci)))));
@@ -44,18 +45,18 @@ class GenericCubic {
     std::valarray<NumType> ai, bi;
     const NumType Delta1, Delta2, OmegaA, OmegaB;
-    int superanc_index; 
+    int superanc_index;
     const AlphaFunctions alphas;
     Eigen::ArrayXXd kmat;
     nlohmann::json meta;
     template<typename TType, typename IndexType>
     auto get_ai(TType T, IndexType i) const { return ai[i]; }
     template<typename TType, typename IndexType>
     auto get_bi(TType T, IndexType i) const { return bi[i]; }
     template<typename IndexType>
     void check_kmat(IndexType N) {
         if (kmat.cols() != kmat.rows()) {
@@ -68,10 +69,10 @@ protected:
             throw teqp::InvalidArgument("kmat needs to be a square matrix the same size as the number of components [" + std::to_string(N) + "]");
     GenericCubic(NumType Delta1, NumType Delta2, NumType OmegaA, NumType OmegaB, int superanc_index, const std::valarray<NumType>& Tc_K, const std::valarray<NumType>& pc_Pa, const AlphaFunctions& alphas, const Eigen::ArrayXXd& kmat)
-        : Delta1(Delta1), Delta2(Delta2), OmegaA(OmegaA), OmegaB(OmegaB), superanc_index(superanc_index), alphas(alphas), kmat(kmat)
+    : Delta1(Delta1), Delta2(Delta2), OmegaA(OmegaA), OmegaB(OmegaB), superanc_index(superanc_index), alphas(alphas), kmat(kmat)
@@ -81,13 +82,13 @@ public:
     void set_meta(const nlohmann::json& j) { meta = j; }
     auto get_meta() const { return meta; }
     auto get_kmat() const { return kmat; }
     /// Return a tuple of saturated liquid and vapor densities for the EOS given the temperature
-    /// Uses the superancillary equations from Bell and Deiters: 
+    /// Uses the superancillary equations from Bell and Deiters:
     auto superanc_rhoLV(double T) const {
         if (ai.size() != 1) {
             throw std::invalid_argument("function only available for pure species");
@@ -96,18 +97,18 @@ public:
         auto b = get_b(T, z);
         auto Ttilde = R(z)*T*b/get_a(T,z);
         return std::make_tuple(
-            CubicSuperAncillary::supercubic(superanc_index, CubicSuperAncillary::RHOL_CODE, Ttilde)/b,
-            CubicSuperAncillary::supercubic(superanc_index, CubicSuperAncillary::RHOV_CODE, Ttilde)/b
-        );
+                               CubicSuperAncillary::supercubic(superanc_index, CubicSuperAncillary::RHOL_CODE, Ttilde)/b,
+                               CubicSuperAncillary::supercubic(superanc_index, CubicSuperAncillary::RHOV_CODE, Ttilde)/b
+                               );
     const NumType Ru = get_R_gas<double>(); /// Universal gas constant, exact number
     template<class VecType>
     auto R(const VecType& molefrac) const {
         return Ru;
     template<typename TType, typename CompType>
     auto get_a(TType T, const CompType& molefracs) const {
         std::common_type_t<TType, decltype(molefracs[0])> a_ = 0.0;
@@ -124,7 +125,7 @@ public:
         return forceeval(a_);
     template<typename TType, typename CompType>
     auto get_b(TType /*T*/, const CompType& molefracs) const {
         std::common_type_t<TType, decltype(molefracs[0])> b_ = 0.0;
@@ -133,11 +134,11 @@ public:
         return forceeval(b_);
     template<typename TType, typename RhoType, typename MoleFracType>
     auto alphar(const TType& T,
-        const RhoType& rho,
-        const MoleFracType& molefrac) const
+                const RhoType& rho,
+                const MoleFracType& molefrac) const
         if (molefrac.size() != alphas.size()) {
             throw std::invalid_argument("Sizes do not match");
@@ -155,16 +156,16 @@ auto canonical_SRK(TCType Tc_K, PCType pc_K, AcentricType acentric, const Eigen:
     double Delta1 = 1;
     double Delta2 = 0;
     AcentricType m = 0.48 + 1.574 * acentric - 0.176 * acentric * acentric;
     std::vector<AlphaFunctionOptions> alphas;
     for (auto i = 0; i < Tc_K.size(); ++i) {
         alphas.emplace_back(BasicAlphaFunction(Tc_K[i], m[i]));
     // See https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.iecr.1c00847
     double OmegaA = 1.0 / (9.0 * (cbrt(2) - 1));
     double OmegaB = (cbrt(2) - 1) / 3;
     nlohmann::json meta = {
         {"Delta1", Delta1},
         {"Delta2", Delta2},
@@ -172,12 +173,22 @@ auto canonical_SRK(TCType Tc_K, PCType pc_K, AcentricType acentric, const Eigen:
         {"OmegaB", OmegaB},
         {"kind", "Soave-Redlich-Kwong"}
     auto cub = GenericCubic(Delta1, Delta2, OmegaA, OmegaB, CubicSuperAncillary::SRK_CODE, Tc_K, pc_K, std::move(alphas), kmat);
     return cub;
+/// A JSON-based factory function for the canonical SRK model
+inline auto make_canonicalSRK(const nlohmann::json& spec){
+    std::valarray<double> Tc_K = spec.at("Tcrit / K"), pc_Pa = spec.at("pcrit / Pa"), acentric = spec.at("acentric");
+    Eigen::ArrayXXd kmat(0, 0);
+    if (spec.contains("kmat")){
+        kmat = build_square_matrix(spec.at("kmat"));
+    }
+    return canonical_SRK(Tc_K, pc_Pa, acentric, kmat);
 template <typename TCType, typename PCType, typename AcentricType>
 auto canonical_PR(TCType Tc_K, PCType pc_K, AcentricType acentric, const Eigen::ArrayXXd& kmat = {}) {
     double Delta1 = 1+sqrt(2.0);
@@ -211,4 +222,14 @@ auto canonical_PR(TCType Tc_K, PCType pc_K, AcentricType acentric, const Eigen::
     return cub;
+/// A JSON-based factory function for the canonical SRK model
+inline auto make_canonicalPR(const nlohmann::json& spec){
+    std::valarray<double> Tc_K = spec.at("Tcrit / K"), pc_Pa = spec.at("pcrit / Pa"), acentric = spec.at("acentric");
+    Eigen::ArrayXXd kmat(0, 0);
+    if (spec.contains("kmat")){
+        kmat = build_square_matrix(spec.at("kmat"));
+    }
+    return canonical_PR(Tc_K, pc_Pa, acentric, kmat);
 }; // namespace teqp
diff --git a/include/teqp/models/pcsaft.hpp b/include/teqp/models/pcsaft.hpp
index 324c134cea6ef2ba8e7a866bcb7f52674f50a789..04b534b0476045b4273655086b2e64f28b4cc49a 100644
--- a/include/teqp/models/pcsaft.hpp
+++ b/include/teqp/models/pcsaft.hpp
@@ -410,19 +410,48 @@ public:
-inline auto PCSAFTfactory(const nlohmann::json& json) {
-    std::vector<SAFTCoeffs> coeffs;
-    for (auto j : json) {
-        SAFTCoeffs c;
-        c.name = j.at("name");
-        c.m = j.at("m");
-        c.sigma_Angstrom = j.at("sigma_Angstrom");
-        c.epsilon_over_k = j.at("epsilon_over_k");
-        c.BibTeXKey = j.at("BibTeXKey");
-        coeffs.push_back(c);
+/// A JSON-based factory function for the PC-SAFT model
+inline auto PCSAFTfactory(const nlohmann::json& spec) {
+    std::optional<Eigen::ArrayXXd> kmat;
+    if (spec.contains("kmat") && spec.at("kmat").is_array() && spec.at("kmat").size() > 0){
+        kmat = build_square_matrix(spec["kmat"]);
-    return PCSAFTMixture(coeffs);
+    if (spec.contains("names")){
+        std::vector<std::string> names = spec["names"];
+        if (kmat && kmat.value().rows() != names.size()){
+            throw teqp::InvalidArgument("Provided length of names of " + std::to_string(names.size()) + " does not match the dimension of the kmat of " + std::to_string(kmat.value().rows()));
+        }
+        return PCSAFTMixture(names, kmat.value_or(Eigen::ArrayXXd{}));
+    }
+    else if (spec.contains("coeffs")){
+        std::vector<SAFTCoeffs> coeffs;
+        for (auto j : spec["coeffs"]) {
+            SAFTCoeffs c;
+            c.name = j.at("name");
+            c.m = j.at("m");
+            c.sigma_Angstrom = j.at("sigma_Angstrom");
+            c.epsilon_over_k = j.at("epsilon_over_k");
+            c.BibTeXKey = j.at("BibTeXKey");
+            if (j.contains("(mu^*)^2") && j.contains("nmu")){
+                c.mustar2 = j.at("(mu^*)^2");
+                c.nmu = j.at("nmu");
+            }
+            if (j.contains("(Q^*)^2") && j.contains("nQ")){
+                c.Qstar2 = j.at("(Q^*)^2");
+                c.nQ = j.at("nQ");
+            }
+            coeffs.push_back(c);
+        }
+        if (kmat && kmat.value().rows() != coeffs.size()){
+            throw teqp::InvalidArgument("Provided length of coeffs of " + std::to_string(coeffs.size()) + " does not match the dimension of the kmat of " + std::to_string(kmat.value().rows()));
+        }
+        return PCSAFTMixture(coeffs, kmat.value_or(Eigen::ArrayXXd{}));
+    }
+    else{
+        throw std::invalid_argument("you must provide names or coeffs, but not both");
+    }
 } /* namespace PCSAFT */
 }; // namespace teqp
diff --git a/interface/CPP/teqp_impl_factory.cpp b/interface/CPP/teqp_impl_factory.cpp
index 1f46fb0123123f2d1bd4552605379c3e99f65b5b..bdecf6f3d38958af8c2786b5f16225af7b4a1c7d 100644
--- a/interface/CPP/teqp_impl_factory.cpp
+++ b/interface/CPP/teqp_impl_factory.cpp
@@ -4,15 +4,6 @@
 namespace teqp {
     namespace cppinterface {
-    // std::unique_ptr<AbstractModel> emplace_model(AllowedModels&& model){
-    //     return make(model);
-    // }
-#warning PR is not yet implemented
-#warning SRK is not yet implemented
-#warning CPA is not yet implemented
-#warning PCSAFT is not yet implemented
         std::unique_ptr<teqp::cppinterface::AbstractModel> make_SAFTVRMie(const nlohmann::json &j);
@@ -21,7 +12,12 @@ namespace teqp {
         static std::unordered_map<std::string, makefunc> pointer_factory = {
             {"vdW1", [](const nlohmann::json& spec){ return make_owned(vdWEOS1(spec.at("a"), spec.at("b"))); }},
-            {"SAFT-VR-Mie", [](const nlohmann::json& spec){ return make_SAFTVRMie(spec); }},
+            {"PR", [](const nlohmann::json& spec){ return make_owned(make_canonicalPR(spec));}},
+            {"SRK", [](const nlohmann::json& spec){ return make_owned(make_canonicalSRK(spec));}},
+            {"CPA", [](const nlohmann::json& spec){ return make_owned(CPA::CPAfactory(spec));}},
+            {"PCSAFT", [](const nlohmann::json& spec){ return make_owned(PCSAFT::PCSAFTfactory(spec));}},
             {"multifluid", [](const nlohmann::json& spec){ return make_owned(multifluidfactory(spec));}},
             {"SW_EspindolaHeredia2009",  [](const nlohmann::json& spec){ return make_owned(squarewell::EspindolaHeredia2009(spec.at("lambda")));}},
             {"EXP6_Kataoka1992", [](const nlohmann::json& spec){ return make_owned(exp6::Kataoka1992(spec.at("alpha")));}},
@@ -32,7 +28,10 @@ namespace teqp {
             {"Mie_Pohl2023", [](const nlohmann::json& spec){ return make_owned(Mie::Mie6Pohl2023(spec.at("lambda_a")));}},
             {"2CLJF-Dipole", [](const nlohmann::json& spec){ return make_owned(twocenterljf::build_two_center_model_dipole(spec.at("author"), spec.at("L^*"), spec.at("(mu^*)^2")));}},
             {"2CLJF-Quadrupole", [](const nlohmann::json& spec){ return make_owned(twocenterljf::build_two_center_model_quadrupole(spec.at("author"), spec.at("L^*"), spec.at("(mu^*)^2")));}},
-            {"IdealHelmholtz", [](const nlohmann::json& spec){ return make_owned(IdealHelmholtz(spec));}}
+            {"IdealHelmholtz", [](const nlohmann::json& spec){ return make_owned(IdealHelmholtz(spec));}},
+            // Implemented in its own compilation unit to help with compilation time
+            {"SAFT-VR-Mie", [](const nlohmann::json& spec){ return make_SAFTVRMie(spec); }}
         std::unique_ptr<teqp::cppinterface::AbstractModel> build_model_ptr(const nlohmann::json& json) {