From fb5a37921303954bf89c5f272e27aebef253f99d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ian Bell <>
Date: Fri, 12 May 2023 10:42:06 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Add Twu alpha function

See #16
 include/teqp/models/cubics.hpp              | 136 +++++++++++++++++++-
 include/teqp/models/cubicsuperancillary.hpp |   4 +-
 interface/CPP/teqp_impl_factory.cpp         |   3 +-
 src/tests/catch_test_cubics.cxx             |  52 ++++++++
 4 files changed, 190 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/include/teqp/models/cubics.hpp b/include/teqp/models/cubics.hpp
index cefcbbd..16a626f 100644
--- a/include/teqp/models/cubics.hpp
+++ b/include/teqp/models/cubics.hpp
@@ -37,8 +37,30 @@ public:
-// This could be extended with for instance Twu alpha functions, Mathias-Copeman alpha functions, etc.
-using AlphaFunctionOptions = std::variant<BasicAlphaFunction<double>>;
+ * \brief The Twu alpha function used by Peng-Robinson and SRK
+ * \f[
+ * \alpha_i = \left(\frac{T}{T_{ci}\right)^{c_2(c_1-1)}\exp\left[c_0(1-\left(\frac{T}{T_{ci}\right)^{c_1c_2})\right]
+ * \f]
+ */
+template<typename NumType>
+class TwuAlphaFunction {
+    NumType Tci; ///< The critical temperature
+    Eigen::Array3d c;
+    TwuAlphaFunction(NumType Tci, const Eigen::Array3d &c) : Tci(Tci), c(c) {
+        if (c.size()!= 3){
+            throw teqp::InvalidArgument("coefficients c for Twu alpha function must have length 3");
+        }
+    };
+    template<typename TType>
+    auto operator () (const TType& T) const {
+        return forceeval(pow(T/Tci,c[2]*(c[1]-1))*exp(c[0]*(1.0-pow(T/Tci, c[1]*c[2]))));
+    }
+using AlphaFunctionOptions = std::variant<BasicAlphaFunction<double>, TwuAlphaFunction<double>>;
 template <typename NumType, typename AlphaFunctions>
 class GenericCubic {
@@ -233,4 +255,114 @@ inline auto make_canonicalPR(const nlohmann::json& spec){
     return canonical_PR(Tc_K, pc_Pa, acentric, kmat);
+/// A JSON-based factory function for the generalized cubic + alpha
+inline auto make_generalizedcubic(const nlohmann::json& spec){
+    // Tc, pc, and acentric factor must always be provided
+    std::valarray<double> Tc_K ="Tcrit / K"),
+    pc_Pa ="pcrit / Pa"),
+    acentric ="acentric");
+    // If kmat is provided, then collect it
+    std::optional<Eigen::ArrayXXd> kmat;
+    if (spec.contains("kmat")){
+        kmat = build_square_matrix("kmat"));
+    }
+    int superanc_code = CubicSuperAncillary::UNKNOWN_CODE;
+    // Build the list of alpha functions, one per component
+    std::vector<AlphaFunctionOptions> alphas;
+    double Delta1, Delta2, OmegaA, OmegaB;
+    std::string kind = "custom";
+    auto add_alphas = [&](const nlohmann::json& jalphas){
+        std::size_t i = 0;
+        for (auto alpha : jalphas){
+            std::string type ="type");
+            std::valarray<double> c_ ="c");
+            Eigen::Array3d c = Eigen::Map<Eigen::Array3d>(&(c_[0]), c_.size());
+            if (type == "Twu"){
+                alphas.emplace_back(TwuAlphaFunction(Tc_K[i], c));
+            }
+            else{
+                throw teqp::InvalidArgument("alpha type is not understood: "+type);
+            }
+            i++;
+        }
+    };
+    if ("type") == "PR" ){
+        Delta1 = 1+sqrt(2.0);
+        Delta2 = 1-sqrt(2.0);
+        // See
+        OmegaA = 0.45723552892138218938;
+        OmegaB = 0.077796073903888455972;
+        superanc_code = CubicSuperAncillary::PR_CODE;
+        kind = "Peng-Robinson";
+        if (!spec.contains("alpha")){
+            for (auto i = 0; i < Tc_K.size(); ++i) {
+                double mi;
+                if (acentric[i] < 0.491) {
+                    mi = 0.37464 + 1.54226*acentric[i] - 0.26992*pow2(acentric[i]);
+                }
+                else {
+                    mi = 0.379642 + 1.48503*acentric[i] -0.164423*pow2(acentric[i]) + 0.016666*pow3(acentric[i]);
+                }
+                alphas.emplace_back(BasicAlphaFunction(Tc_K[i], mi));
+            }
+        }
+        else{
+            if (!spec["alpha"].is_array()){
+                throw teqp::InvalidArgument("alpha must be array of objects");
+            }
+            add_alphas("alpha"));
+        }
+    }
+    else if ("type") == "SRK"){
+        Delta1 = 1;
+        Delta2 = 0;
+        if (!spec.contains("alpha")){
+            for (auto i = 0; i < Tc_K.size(); ++i) {
+                double mi = 0.48 + 1.574 * acentric[i] - 0.176 * acentric[i] * acentric[i];
+                alphas.emplace_back(BasicAlphaFunction(Tc_K[i], mi));
+            }
+        }
+        else{
+            if (!spec["alpha"].is_array()){
+                throw teqp::InvalidArgument("alpha must be array of objects");
+            }
+            add_alphas("alpha"));
+        }
+        // See
+        OmegaA = 1.0 / (9.0 * (cbrt(2) - 1));
+        OmegaB = (cbrt(2) - 1) / 3;
+        superanc_code = CubicSuperAncillary::SRK_CODE;
+        kind = "Soave-Redlich-Kwong";
+    }
+    else{
+        // Generalized handling of generic cubics (not yet implemented)
+        throw teqp::InvalidArgument("Generic cubic EOS are not yet supported (open an issue on github if you want this)");
+    }
+    const std::size_t N = Tc_K.size();
+    nlohmann::json meta = {
+        {"Delta1", Delta1},
+        {"Delta2", Delta2},
+        {"OmegaA", OmegaA},
+        {"OmegaB", OmegaB},
+        {"kind", kind}
+    };
+    if (spec.contains("alpha")){
+        meta["alpha"] ="alpha");
+    }
+    auto cub = GenericCubic(Delta1, Delta2, OmegaA, OmegaB, superanc_code, Tc_K, pc_Pa, std::move(alphas), kmat.value_or(Eigen::ArrayXXd::Zero(N,N)));
+    cub.set_meta(meta);
+    return cub;
 }; // namespace teqp
diff --git a/include/teqp/models/cubicsuperancillary.hpp b/include/teqp/models/cubicsuperancillary.hpp
index 0f6dc2a..f098fab 100644
--- a/include/teqp/models/cubicsuperancillary.hpp
+++ b/include/teqp/models/cubicsuperancillary.hpp
@@ -3849,9 +3849,9 @@ static inline double supercubic(int EOS, int prop, double Ttilde){
-const int VDW_CODE = 0, SRK_CODE = 1, PR_CODE = 2;
+const int VDW_CODE = 0, SRK_CODE = 1, PR_CODE = 2, UNKNOWN_CODE = -1;
 const int P_CODE = 100, RHOL_CODE = 101, RHOV_CODE = 102;
 }; // namespace CubicSuperAncillary
-}; // namespace teqp
\ No newline at end of file
+}; // namespace teqp
diff --git a/interface/CPP/teqp_impl_factory.cpp b/interface/CPP/teqp_impl_factory.cpp
index 3e6b7e3..8c0c3f2 100644
--- a/interface/CPP/teqp_impl_factory.cpp
+++ b/interface/CPP/teqp_impl_factory.cpp
@@ -13,9 +13,10 @@ namespace teqp {
         static std::unordered_map<std::string, makefunc> pointer_factory = {
             {"vdW1", [](const nlohmann::json& spec){ return make_owned(vdWEOS1("a"),"b"))); }},
             {"vdW", [](const nlohmann::json& spec){ return make_owned(vdWEOS<double>("Tcrit / K"),"pcrit / Pa"))); }},
             {"PR", [](const nlohmann::json& spec){ return make_owned(make_canonicalPR(spec));}},
             {"SRK", [](const nlohmann::json& spec){ return make_owned(make_canonicalSRK(spec));}},
+            {"cubic", [](const nlohmann::json& spec){ return make_owned(make_generalizedcubic(spec));}},
             {"CPA", [](const nlohmann::json& spec){ return make_owned(CPA::CPAfactory(spec));}},
             {"PCSAFT", [](const nlohmann::json& spec){ return make_owned(PCSAFT::PCSAFTfactory(spec));}},
diff --git a/src/tests/catch_test_cubics.cxx b/src/tests/catch_test_cubics.cxx
index f325e7d..13be83f 100644
--- a/src/tests/catch_test_cubics.cxx
+++ b/src/tests/catch_test_cubics.cxx
@@ -483,3 +483,55 @@ TEST_CASE("Bad kmat options", "[PRkmat]"){
+TEST_CASE("Check generalized and alphas", "[PRalpha]"){
+    auto j0 = nlohmann::json::parse(R"(
+    {
+        "kind": "PR",
+        "model": {
+            "Tcrit / K": [190],
+            "pcrit / Pa": [3.5e6],
+            "acentric": [0.11]
+        }
+    }
+    )");
+    auto j1 = nlohmann::json::parse(R"(
+    {
+        "kind": "cubic",
+        "model": {
+            "type": "PR",
+            "Tcrit / K": [190],
+            "pcrit / Pa": [3.5e6],
+            "acentric": [0.11]
+        }
+    }
+    )");
+    auto j2 = nlohmann::json::parse(R"(
+    {
+        "kind": "cubic",
+        "model": {
+            "type": "PR",
+            "Tcrit / K": [190],
+            "pcrit / Pa": [3.5e6],
+            "acentric": [0.11],
+            "alpha": [
+                {"type": "Twu", "c": [1, 2, 3]}
+            ]
+        }
+    }
+    )");
+    SECTION("canonical PR"){
+        const auto modelptr0 = teqp::cppinterface::make_model(j0);
+        const auto& m0 = teqp::cppinterface::adapter::get_model_cref<canonical_cubic_t>(modelptr0.get());
+        const auto modelptr1 = teqp::cppinterface::make_model(j1);
+        const auto& m1 = teqp::cppinterface::adapter::get_model_cref<canonical_cubic_t>(modelptr1.get());
+        const auto modelptr2 = teqp::cppinterface::make_model(j2);
+        const auto& m2 = teqp::cppinterface::adapter::get_model_cref<canonical_cubic_t>(modelptr2.get());
+        CHECK(m1.get_meta() == m0.get_meta());
+        CHECK(m2.get_meta() != m0.get_meta());
+    }