#pragma once template<typename X> auto POW2(X x) { return x * x; }; template<typename X> auto POW3(X x) { return x * POW2(x); }; enum class association_classes {not_set, a1A, a2B, a3B, a4C, not_associating}; enum class radial_dist { CS, KG, OT }; /// Function that calculates the association binding strength between site A of molecule i and site B on molecule j template<typename BType, typename TType, typename RhoType, typename VecType> auto get_DeltaAB_pure(radial_dist dist, double epsABi, double betaABi, BType b_cubic, TType T, RhoType rhomolar, const VecType& molefrac) { using eta_type = std::common_type_t<decltype(rhomolar), decltype(b_cubic)>; eta_type eta; eta_type g_vm_ref; // Calculate the contact value of the radial distribution function g(v) switch (dist) { case radial_dist::CS: { // Carnahan - Starling EOS, given by Kontogeorgis et al., Ind.Eng.Chem.Res. 2006, 45, 4855 - 4868, Eq. 4a and 4b: eta = (rhomolar / 4.0) * b_cubic; g_vm_ref = (2.0 - eta) / (2.0 * POW3(1.0 - eta)); break; } case radial_dist::KG: { // Function proposed by Kontogeorgis, G.M.; Yakoumis, I.V.; Meijer, H.; Hendriks, E.M.; Moorwood, T., Fluid Phase Equilib. 1999, 158 - 160, 201. eta = (rhomolar / 4.0) * b_cubic; g_vm_ref = 1.0 / (1.0 - 1.9 * eta); break; } case radial_dist::OT: { g_vm_ref = 1.0 / (1.0 - 0.475 * rhomolar * b_cubic); break; } default: { throw std::invalid_argument("Bad radial_dist"); } } double R_gas = 8.3144598; // Calculate the association strength between site Ai and Bi for a pure compent auto DeltaAiBj = forceeval(g_vm_ref*exp(epsABi /(T*R_gas) - 1.0)*b_cubic* betaABi); return DeltaAiBj; }; /// Routine that calculates the fractions of sites Ai not bound to other active sites for pure fluids /// Some association schemes are explicitly solvable for self - associating compounds, see Huang and Radosz, Ind.Eng.Chem.Res., 29 (11), 1990 /// So far implemented association schemes : 1A, 2B, 3B, 4C (see Kontogeorgis et al., Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2006, 45, 4855 - 4868) /// template<typename BType, typename TType, typename RhoType, typename VecType> auto XA_calc_pure(int N_sites, association_classes scheme, double epsABi, double betaABi, const BType b_cubic, const TType T, const RhoType rhomolar, const VecType& molefrac) { // Matrix XA(A, j) that contains all of the fractions of sites A not bonded to other active sites for each molecule i // Start values for the iteration(set all sites to non - bonded, = 1) Eigen::Array<RhoType, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> XA; // A maximum of 4 association sites(A, B, C, D) XA.resize(N_sites, 1); XA.setOnes(); // Get the association strength between the associating sites auto dist = radial_dist::CS; auto DeltaAiBj = get_DeltaAB_pure(dist, epsABi, betaABi, b_cubic, T, rhomolar, molefrac); if (scheme == association_classes::a1A) { // Acids // Only one association site "A" (OH - group with C = O - group) XA(0, 0) = forceeval((-1.0 + sqrt(1.0 + 4.0 * rhomolar * DeltaAiBj)) / (2.0 * rhomolar * DeltaAiBj)); } else if (scheme == association_classes::a2B) { // Alcohols // Two association sites "A" and "B" XA(0, 0) = forceeval((-1.0 + sqrt(1.0 + 4.0 * rhomolar * DeltaAiBj)) / (2.0 * rhomolar * DeltaAiBj)); XA(1, 0) = XA(0, 0); // XB = XA; } else if (scheme == association_classes::a3B) { // Glycols // Three association sites "A", "B", "C" XA(0, 0) = forceeval((-(1.0 - rhomolar * DeltaAiBj) + sqrt(POW2(1.0 + rhomolar * DeltaAiBj) + 4.0 * rhomolar * DeltaAiBj)) / (4.0 * rhomolar * DeltaAiBj)); XA(1, 0) = XA(0, 0); // XB = XA XA(2, 0) = 2 * XA(0, 0) - 1; // XC = 2XA - 1 } else if (scheme == association_classes::a4C) { // Water // Four association sites "A", "B", "C", "D" XA(0, 0) = forceeval((-1.0 + sqrt(1.0 + 8.0 * rhomolar * DeltaAiBj)) / (4.0 * rhomolar * DeltaAiBj)); XA(1, 0) = XA(0, 0); // XB = XA XA(2, 0) = XA(0, 0); // XC = XA XA(3, 0) = XA(0, 0); // XD = XA } else if (scheme == association_classes::not_associating) { // non - associating compound XA(0, 0) = 1; XA(1, 0) = 1; XA(2, 0) = 1; XA(3, 0) = 1; } else { throw std::invalid_argument("Bad scheme"); } return XA; }; enum class cubic_flag {not_set, PR, SRK}; class CPACubic { private: std::valarray<double> a0, bi, c1, Tc; double delta_1, delta_2; std::valarray<std::valarray<double>> k_ij; public: CPACubic(cubic_flag flag, const std::valarray<double> a0, const std::valarray<double> bi, const std::valarray<double> c1, const std::valarray<double> Tc) : a0(a0), bi(bi), c1(c1), Tc(Tc) { switch (flag) { case cubic_flag::PR: { delta_1 = 1 + sqrt(2); delta_2 = 1 - sqrt(2); break; } case cubic_flag::SRK: { delta_1 = 0; delta_2 = 1; break; } default: throw std::invalid_argument("Bad cubic flag"); } k_ij.resize(Tc.size()); for (auto i = 0; i < k_ij.size(); ++i) { k_ij[i].resize(Tc.size()); } }; template<typename TType> auto get_ai(TType T, int i) const { return a0[i] * POW2(1 + c1[i]*(1 - sqrt(T / Tc[i]))); } template<typename TType, typename VecType> auto get_ab(const TType T, const VecType& molefrac) const { using return_type = std::common_type_t<decltype(T), decltype(molefrac[0])>; return_type asummer = 0.0, bsummer = 0.0; for (auto i = 0; i < molefrac.size(); ++i) { bsummer += molefrac[i] * bi[i]; auto ai = get_ai(T, i); for (auto j = 0; j < molefrac.size(); ++j) { auto aj = get_ai(T, j); auto a_ij = (1.0 - k_ij[i][j]) * sqrt(ai * aj); asummer += molefrac[i] * molefrac[j] * a_ij; } } return std::make_tuple(asummer, bsummer); } template<typename TType, typename RhoType, typename VecType> auto alphar(const TType T, const RhoType rhomolar, const VecType& molefrac) const { auto [a_cubic, b_cubic] = get_ab(T, molefrac); auto R_gas = 8.3144598; return forceeval(-log(1 - b_cubic * rhomolar) - a_cubic / R_gas / T * log((delta_1 * b_cubic * rhomolar + 1) / (delta_2 * b_cubic * rhomolar + 1)) / b_cubic / (delta_1 - delta_2)); } }; template<typename Cubic> class CPAAssociation { private: const Cubic& cubic; const std::vector<association_classes> classes; const std::vector<double> N_sites; const std::valarray<double> epsABi, betaABi; auto get_N_sites(const std::vector<association_classes> &classes) { std::vector<double> N_sites_out; auto get_N = [](auto cl) { switch (cl) { case association_classes::a1A: return 1; case association_classes::a2B: return 2; case association_classes::a3B: return 3; case association_classes::a4C: return 4; default: throw std::invalid_argument("Bad association class"); } }; for (auto cl : classes) { N_sites_out.push_back(get_N(cl)); } return N_sites_out; } public: CPAAssociation(const Cubic &cubic, const std::vector<association_classes>& classes, const std::valarray<double> &epsABi, const std::valarray<double> &betaABi) : cubic(cubic), classes(classes), epsABi(epsABi), betaABi(betaABi), N_sites(get_N_sites(classes)) {}; template<typename TType, typename RhoType, typename VecType> auto alphar(const TType& T, const RhoType& rhomolar, const VecType& molefrac) const { // Calculate a and b of the mixture auto [a_cubic, b_cubic] = cubic.get_ab(T, molefrac); // Calculate the fraction of sites not bonded with other active sites auto XA = XA_calc_pure(N_sites[0], classes[0], epsABi[0], betaABi[0], b_cubic, T, rhomolar, molefrac); using return_type = std::common_type_t<decltype(T), decltype(rhomolar), decltype(molefrac[0])>; return_type alpha_r_asso = 0.0; auto i = 0; for (auto xi : molefrac){ // loop over all components auto XAi = XA.col(i); alpha_r_asso += forceeval(xi * (log(XAi) - XAi / 2).sum()); alpha_r_asso += xi*N_sites[i]/2; i++; } return alpha_r_asso; } }; template <typename Cubic, typename Assoc> class CPA { public: Cubic cubic; Assoc assoc; CPA(Cubic cubic, Assoc assoc) : cubic(cubic), assoc(assoc) { } /// Residual dimensionless Helmholtz energy from the SRK or PR core and contribution due to association /// alphar = a/(R*T) where a and R are both molar quantities template<typename TType, typename RhoType, typename VecType> auto alphar(const TType& T, const RhoType& rhomolar, const VecType& molefrac) const { // Calculate the contribution to alphar from the conventional cubic EOS auto alpha_r_cubic = cubic.alphar(T, rhomolar, molefrac); // Calculate the contribution to alphar from association auto alpha_r_assoc = assoc.alphar(T, rhomolar, molefrac); return alpha_r_cubic + alpha_r_assoc; } };