From 99fdc4ab0265f807fc4e988ccd1fd39788ddb627 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: thomaswoehlke <>
Date: Sat, 30 Jan 2021 20:07:53 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] ### 0.0.13 Release * Fixed #49
 EuropeServiceUpdate.__update_data_short() (wontfix) * Fixed #52 download
 vaccination timeline data file * Fixed #53 import vaccination timeline data
 file into db * Fixed #54 /vaccination/imported * Fixed #57 frontend: use npm
 for handling 3rdParty css and javascript modules like jQuery, Bootstrap *
 Fixed #58 frontend: remove jumbotron from all pageheader, put jumbotron as
 main content on home page * Fixed #47 major refactoring: Routes from
 to org...who,europe,... (Doublette von #65) * Fixed #48 major refactoring:
 Tasks from to org...who,europe,... (Doublette von #65) * Fixed
 #64 major refactoring: create two packages: for web app and for celery worker
 * Issue #65 major refactoring: add flask-blueprints for admin, common,
 europe, rki, vaccination, who

### 0.0.14 Release
* Issue #66 frontend: migrate to Bootstrap Theme sb-admin-angular
* Issue #67 implement Flask-Login

### 0.0.15 Release
* Issue #5 Visual Graphs for Data per Countries order by Date
* Issue #59 frontend: add correct breadcrumb to every page
* Issue #60 frontend: better design for tables
* Issue #61 frontend: better design for navtabs
* Issue #62 frontend: better design for pages
* Issue #63 frontend: add footer design

### 0.0.16 Release
* Issue #28 /admin/database/import
* Issue #39 SQLalchemy instead of SQL: AllModelClasses.remove_all()
* Issue #40 SQLalchemy instead of SQL: EuropeDataImportTable.get_date_rep()
* Issue #41 SQLalchemy instead of SQL: EuropeDataImportTable.get_countries_of_continent()
* Issue #42 SQLalchemy instead of SQL: WhoGlobalDataImportTable.get_new_dates_as_array()
 covid19/templates/{ => common}/page_home.html | 0
 covid19/                              | 2 +-
 2 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
 rename covid19/templates/{ => common}/page_home.html (100%)

diff --git a/covid19/templates/page_home.html b/covid19/templates/common/page_home.html
similarity index 100%
rename from covid19/templates/page_home.html
rename to covid19/templates/common/page_home.html
diff --git a/covid19/ b/covid19/
index 01207ef9..b73918d6 100644
--- a/covid19/
+++ b/covid19/
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ import covid19.oodm.admin.views_admin
 def url_home():
     page_info = ApplicationPage('Home', "Covid19 Data")
     return render_template(
-        'page_home.html',
+        'common/page_home.html',