From a77314db3cde92d15fb2ec8f23f8dbd0cdd28d59 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: thomaswoehlke <>
Date: Sun, 25 Apr 2021 22:43:33 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] working on 0.0.31 Release *
 ------------------------------------- * Fixed #211 ECDC-templates: change URL
 to for_url() * Fixed #213 WHO-template: change URL to for_url() *
 ------------------------------------- * Issue #195
 RkiVaccinationImport.get_daterep_missing_in_vaccination_data(): native SQL to
 SQLalechemy Query * Fixed #83  WhoImport.get_new_dates_as_array() SQLalchemy
 instead of SQL * Fixed #219 WhoImport.countries() SQLalchemy instead of SQL *
 ------------------------------------- * Issue #207 remove deprecated:
 database.port * Issue #208 remove deprecated: database.run_run_with_debug *
 Issue #209 remove deprecated: database.ITEMS_PER_PAGE *
 ------------------------------------- * Issue #210 logging for
 Celery on Windows * ------------------------------------- * Fixed #196
 OwidImport.get_new_dates_reported_as_array() needs implementation *
 ------------------------------------- * Issue #212 implement
 OwidService.task_database_drop_create() *
 ------------------------------------- * Issue #214 implement
 OwidServiceUpdate.update_dimension_tables_only() * Issue #215 implement
 OwidServiceUpdate.update_fact_table_incremental_only() * Issue #216 implement
 OwidServiceUpdate.update_fact_table_initial_only() * Issue #217 implement
 OwidServiceUpdate.update_star_schema_incremental() * Issue #218 implement
 OwidServiceUpdate.update_star_schema_initial() *

 src/covid19/blueprints/owid/             | 10 ++++++----
 src/covid19/blueprints/owid_test/ |  2 +-
 src/covid19/blueprints/who/               |  2 +-
 src/covid19/blueprints/who_test/   |  4 ++--
 4 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/covid19/blueprints/owid/ b/src/covid19/blueprints/owid/
index bdd53640..e9b03ad3 100644
--- a/src/covid19/blueprints/owid/
+++ b/src/covid19/blueprints/owid/
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
 from sqlalchemy import and_, func
 from datetime import date
+from sqlalchemy.orm import joinedload, load_only, defaultload, defer, undefer, query_expression, subqueryload
+from sqlalchemy.sql import select
 from database import db, ITEMS_PER_PAGE
-from sqlalchemy.orm import joinedload
 from covid19.blueprints.application.application_model import ApplicationDateReported, ApplicationRegion
@@ -279,6 +281,6 @@ class OwidData(db.Model):
     def delete_data_for_one_day(cls, date_reported):
-        for data in cls.get_data_for_one_day():
-            db.session.remove(data)
-        db.session.commit()
+        for data in cls.get_data_for_one_day(date_reported):
+            db.session.delete(data)
+            db.session.commit()
diff --git a/src/covid19/blueprints/owid_test/ b/src/covid19/blueprints/owid_test/
index 4f9b847b..7233e05d 100644
--- a/src/covid19/blueprints/owid_test/
+++ b/src/covid19/blueprints/owid_test/
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ class OwidTestService:
         i = 0
         for data in OwidData.get_data_for_one_day(joungest_datum):
             i += 1
-            line = " | " + str(i) + " | " + str(data.date_reported) + " | " + + " | to be deleted"
+            line = " | " + str(i) + " | " + str(data.date_reported) + " | " + + " | to be deleted"
diff --git a/src/covid19/blueprints/who/ b/src/covid19/blueprints/who/
index 12e0817b..dac88da0 100644
--- a/src/covid19/blueprints/who/
+++ b/src/covid19/blueprints/who/
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 from sqlalchemy import and_, func
 from datetime import date
-from database import db, ITEMS_PER_PAGE
 from sqlalchemy.orm import joinedload, load_only, defaultload, defer, undefer, query_expression, subqueryload
 from sqlalchemy.sql import select
+from database import db, ITEMS_PER_PAGE
 from covid19.blueprints.application.application_model import ApplicationDateReported, ApplicationRegion
diff --git a/src/covid19/blueprints/who_test/ b/src/covid19/blueprints/who_test/
index d976957d..ac7b0e72 100644
--- a/src/covid19/blueprints/who_test/
+++ b/src/covid19/blueprints/who_test/
@@ -24,9 +24,9 @@ class WhoTestService:"WhoData.get_data_for_one_day(joungest_datum):")
         i = 0
-        for who_data in WhoData.get_data_for_one_day(joungest_datum):
+        for data in WhoData.get_data_for_one_day(joungest_datum):
             i += 1
-            line = " | " + str(i) + " | " + str(who_data.date_reported) + " | " + + " | to be deleted"
+            line = " | " + str(i) + " | " + str(data.date_reported) + " | " + + " | to be deleted"