From b67170518fb41e4e51c6b1e5632413ffe720f504 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: thomaswoehlke <>
Date: Tue, 11 May 2021 14:47:04 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] working on 0.0.31 Release: UML Modell for Requirements

 .../all/uml/all_domain_model_star_schema.puml | 438 +++---------------
 .../ecdc/uml/ecdc_domain_model.puml           | 231 +++------
 .../ecdc/uml/ecdc_domain_model_import.puml    |   7 +-
 .../uml/ecdc_domain_model_star_schmema.puml   | 230 +--------
 .../owid/uml/owid_domain_model_import.puml    |   6 +-
 .../uml/owid_domain_model_star_schema.puml    | 274 ++---------
 .../rki_cases/uml/rki_cases_domain_model.puml | 105 ++---
 .../uml/rki_cases_domain_model_import.puml    |  15 +-
 .../rki_cases_domain_model_star_schema.puml   | 257 +---------
 .../uml/rki_vaccination_domain_model.puml     | 317 ++++++-------
 .../rki_vaccination_domain_model_import.puml  | 263 ++++++-----
 ..._vaccination_domain_model_star_schema.puml | 192 +-------
 docs/blueprints/who/uml/who_domain_model.puml | 371 +++++----------
 .../who/uml/who_domain_model_import.puml      |   1 +
 .../who/uml/who_domain_model_star_schema.puml | 144 +-----
 15 files changed, 657 insertions(+), 2194 deletions(-)

diff --git a/docs/blueprints/all/uml/all_domain_model_star_schema.puml b/docs/blueprints/all/uml/all_domain_model_star_schema.puml
index c42a1940..e4177253 100644
--- a/docs/blueprints/all/uml/all_domain_model_star_schema.puml
+++ b/docs/blueprints/all/uml/all_domain_model_star_schema.puml
@@ -22,24 +22,7 @@ package covid19.blueprints.all.model {
 		{classifier} my_year_week(my_iso_year: Integer, week_number: Integer)
 		{classifier} create_new_object_factory(my_date_rep: String)
-	interface AllDateReported {
-	    id: Integer
-		date_reported:  String
-	    year_week:  String
-	    datum: Date
-	    year: Integer
-	    month: Integer
-	    day_of_month: Integer
-	    day_of_week: Integer
-	    week_of_year: Integer
-		get_name_for_weekday()
-		{classifier} get_names_for_weekday()
-		{classifier} get_datum_parts(my_date_rep: String)
-		{classifier} get_datum(my_year: Integer, my_month: Integer, my_day: Integer)
-		{classifier} get_datum_as_str(my_year: Integer, my_month: Integer, my_day: Integer)
-		{classifier} my_year_week(my_iso_year: Integer, week_number: Integer)
-		{classifier} create_new_object_factory(my_date_rep: String)
-	}
 	interface AllLocationGroup {
 	    id: Integer
 	    continent:  String
@@ -56,391 +39,84 @@ package covid19.blueprints.all.model {
 	interface AllData {
 	    id: Integer
-	interface AllImportFull {
-		{classifier} download_file()
-		{classifier} import_file()
-		{classifier} full_update_dimension_tables()
-		{classifier} full_update_fact_table()
-		{classifier} full_update_star_schema()
-	}
-	interface AllImportIncrement {
-		{classifier} download_file()
-		{classifier} import_file()
-		{classifier} update_dimension_tables()
-		{classifier} update_fact_table()
-		{classifier} update_star_schema()
-	}
-	interface AllImport {
-	    datum_reported: Date
-		location: String
-		location_group: String
-		{classifier} download_file()
-		{classifier} import_file()
-		{classifier} full_update_dimension_tables()
-		{classifier} full_update_fact_table()
-		{classifier} full_update_star_schema()
-		{classifier} update_dimension_tables()
-		{classifier} update_fact_table()
-		{classifier} update_star_schema()
-	}
-	interface AllFlat {
-	    id: Integer
-	    datum_reported: Date
-	    year: Integer
-	    month: Integer
-	    day_of_month: Integer
-		day_of_year: Integer
-	    day_of_week: Integer
-	    week_of_year: Integer
-	    year_week:  String
-	    day_of_week_str: String
-		month_str: String
-		location: String
-		location_group: String
-		{classifier} import_file_flat()
-		{classifier} get_years(): Integer[]
-		{classifier} get_days(): Date[]
-		{classifier} get_days_for_year(year: Integer): Date[]
-		{classifier} get_location_groups(): String[]
-		{classifier} get_locations_for_location_group(location_group: String): String[]
-		{classifier} get_data_for_location(location: String): AllFlat[]
-		{classifier} get_data_for_day(datum_reported: Date): AllFlat[]
-	}
+package covid19.blueprints.ecdc.model {
+	entity EcdcContinent {}
+	entity EcdcCountry {}
+	entity EcdcData {}
+	entity EcdcDateReported {}
+AllDateReported <|-- EcdcDateReported
+AllLocationGroup <|-- EcdcContinent
+AllLocation <|-- EcdcCountry
-package . {
-	class database << (S,#FF7700) Singleton >> {
-		{static} int port
-		{static} bool run_run_with_debug
-		{static} int ITEMS_PER_PAGE
-		app: Flask
-		db: SQLAlchemy
-		admin: Admin
-		app_cors: CORS
-		app_bootstrap: Bootstrap
-		create_app()
-		create_db(my_app)
-		create_db_test(my_app)
-		create_celery(my_app)
-		create_admin(my_app)
-	}
-	class application_workers << (B,orchid) Boundary >> {
-		run_mq(my_app, my_celery)
-		run_app(my_app)
-	}
-	class application_views << (B,orchid) Boundary >> {
-		url_home()
-		url_root()
-	}
+EcdcCountry "1" *--> "*" EcdcContinent: continent
+EcdcData "1" *--> "*" EcdcCountry: country
+EcdcData "1" *--> "*" EcdcDateReported: date_reported
-package covid19.blueprints.all {
-	class application_services << (P,yellow) Proxy >> {
-	}
+package covid19.blueprints.owid.model {
+	entity OwidContinent {}
+	entity OwidCountry {}
+	entity OwidData {}
+	entity OwidDateReported {}
-package covid19.blueprints.app_application {
-	class ApplicationService << (S,red) Service >> {
-	}
-	class AdminService << (S,red) Service >> {
+AllDateReported <|-- OwidDateReported
+AllLocationGroup <|-- OwidContinent
+AllLocation <|--  OwidCountry
+AllData <|-- OwidData
-	}
-package covid19.blueprints.who {
-	entity WhoDateReported {
-	    id: Integer
-		date_reported: String
-	    year_week: String
-	    datum: Date
-	    year: Integer
-	    month: Integer
-	    day_of_month: Integer
-	    day_of_week: Integer
-	    week_of_year: Integer
-	    {classifier} create_new_object_factory(my_date_rep)
-	}
-	entity WhoCountryRegion {
-	    id: Integer
-	    region: String
-	}
-	entity WhoCountry {
-	    id: Integer
-		country_code: String
-	    country: String
-	    {classifier} remove_all()
-	    {classifier} get_all_as_page(page: Integer)
-	    {classifier} get_all()
-	    {classifier} get_all_as_dict()
-	    {classifier} get_by_id(other_id: Integer)
-	    {classifier} get_germany()
-	    {classifier} find_by_country_code_and_country_and_who_region_id(i_country_code, i_country, my_region)
-	    {classifier} find_by_country_code(i_country_code)
-	    {classifier} find_by_country(i_country)
-	    {classifier} get_by_country_code(i_country_code)
-	    {classifier} get_by_country(i_country)
-	    {classifier} get_who_countries_for_region(region, page)
-	}
-	entity WhoData {
-	    id: Integer
-		cases_new: Integer
-	    cases_cumulative: Integer
-	    deaths_new: Integer
-	    deaths_cumulative: Integer
-	    {classifier} remove_all()
-	    {classifier} get_all_as_page(page: Integer)
-	    {classifier} get_all()
-	    {classifier} get_by_id(other_id: Integer)
-	    {classifier} find_one_or_none_by_date_and_country(my_date_reported, my_country)
-	    {classifier} get_data_for_country(who_country, page)
-	    {classifier} get_data_for_day(date_reported, page)
-	    {classifier} get_data_for_day_order_by_cases_new(date_reported, page)
-	    {classifier} get_data_for_day_order_by_cases_cumulative(date_reported, page)
-	    {classifier} get_data_for_day_order_by_deaths_new(date_reported, page)
-	    {classifier} get_data_for_day_order_by_deaths_cumulative(date_reported, page)
-	    {classifier} get_data_for_country_order_by_cases_new(who_country, page)
-	    {classifier} get_data_for_country_order_by_cases_cumulative(who_country, page)
-	    {classifier} get_data_for_country_order_by_deaths_new(who_country, page)
-	    {classifier} get_data_for_country_order_by_deaths_cumulative(who_country, page)
-	}
+OwidCountry "1" *--> "*" OwidContinent : region
+OwidData "1" *--> "*" OwidCountry : country
+OwidData "1" *--> "*" OwidDateReported : date_reported
-	class WhoService << (S,red) Service >> {
-	}
+package covid19.blueprints.rki_cases.model {
+	entity RkiBundesland {}
+	entity RkiLandkreis {}
+	entity RkiData {}
+	entity RkiMeldedatum {}
-package covid19.blueprints.ecdc {
-	entity EcdcDateReported {
-	    id: Integer
-		date_reported: String
-	    year_week: String
-	    datum: Date
-	    year: Integer
-	    month: Integer
-	    day_of_month: Integer
-	    day_of_week: Integer
-	    week_of_year: Integer
-		get_name_for_weekday()
-		{classifier} get_names_for_weekday()
-		{classifier} get_datum_parts(my_date_rep: String)
-		{classifier} get_datum(my_year: Integer, my_month: Integer, my_day: Integer)
-		{classifier} get_datum_as_str(my_year: Integer, my_month: Integer, my_day: Integer)
-		{classifier} my_year_week(my_iso_year: Integer, week_number: Integer)
-		{classifier} create_new_object_factory(my_date_rep: String)
-	}
-	entity EcdcContinent {
-	    id: Integer
-	    dateiname: String
-	    parent_dir: String
-	    get_absolute_path()
-	    get_relative_path()
-	    {classifier} remove_all()
-	    {classifier} get_all_as_page(page: Integer)
-	    {classifier} get_all()
-	    {classifier} get_all_as_dict()
-	    {classifier} get_by_id(other_id: Integer)
-	    {classifier} find_by_id(other_id: Integer)
-	    {classifier} get_workflow_for_id(workflow_id: Integer)
-	}
-	entity EcdcCountry {
-	    id: Integer
-	    dateiname: String
-	    parent_dir: String
-	    title: String
-	    lektion_nr: Integer
-	    verified: Boolean
-	    get_absolute_path()
-	    get_relative_path()
-	    {classifier} remove_all()
-	    {classifier} get_all_as_page(page: Integer)
-	    {classifier} get_all()
-	    {classifier} get_all_as_dict()
-	    {classifier} get_by_id(other_id: Integer)
-	    {classifier} find_by_id(other_id: Integer)
-	    {classifier} get_lektionen_for_workflow(workflow: Workflow)
-	    {classifier} get_lektion_for_id(lektion_id: Integer)
-	    {classifier} get_folien_for_lektion_id(lektion_id: Integer)
-	    {classifier} get_all_verified()
-	}
-	entity EcdcData {
-	    id: Integer
-	    dateiname: String
-	    parent_dir: String
-	    title: String
-	    lektion_nr: Integer
-	    foliensatz_nr_in_lektion: Integer
-	    get_absolute_path()
-	    get_relative_path()
-	    {classifier} get_foliensaetze_for_lektion(lektion: Lektion)
-	    {classifier} remove_all()
-	    {classifier} get_all_as_page(page: Integer)
-	    {classifier} get_all()
-	    {classifier} get_all_as_dict()
-	    {classifier} get_by_id(other_id: Integer)
-	    {classifier} find_by_id(other_id: Integer)
-	}
+AllDateReported <|-- RkiMeldedatum
+AllLocationGroup <|-- RkiBundesland
+AllLocation <|-- RkiLandkreis
+AllData <|-- RkiData
-	class EcdcService << (S,red) Service >> {
+RkiLandkreis "1" *--> "*" RkiBundesland : bundesland
+RkiData "1" *--> "*" RkiLandkreis : landkreis
+RkiData "1" *--> "*" RkiMeldedatum : meldedatum
-	}
-package covid19.blueprints.rki_vaccination {
-	class RkiVaccinationService << (S,red) Service >> {
-	}
+package covid19.blueprints.rki_vaccination.model {
+	entity RkiVaccinationDateReported {}
+	entity RkiVaccinationData {}
-package covid19.blueprints.rki_cases {
-	class RkiBundeslaenderService << (S,red) Service >> {
-	}
-	class RkiLandkreiseService << (S,red) Service >> {
+AllDateReported <|-- RkiVaccinationDateReported
+AllData <|-- RkiVaccinationData
-	}
+RkiVaccinationData "1" *--> "*" RkiVaccinationDateReported : date_reported
+package covid19.blueprints.who.model {
+	entity WhoRegion {}
+	entity WhoCountry {}
+	entity WhoData {}
+	entity WhoDateReported {}
-package covid19.blueprints.owid {
-	entity OwidDateReported {
-	    id: Integer
-		date_reported:  String
-	    year_week:  String
-	    datum: Date
-	    year: Integer
-	    month: Integer
-	    day_of_month: Integer
-	    day_of_week: Integer
-	    week_of_year: Integer
-	    {classifier} remove_all()
-	    {classifier} get_all_as_page(page: Integer)
-	    {classifier} get_all()
-	    {classifier} get_all_as_dict()
-	    {classifier} get_by_id(other_id: Integer)
-	    {classifier} find_by_id(other_id: Integer)
-	}
-	entity OwidContinent {
-	    id: Integer
-	    continent:  String
-	    {classifier} remove_all()
-	    {classifier} get_all_as_page(page: Integer)
-	    {classifier} get_all()
-	    {classifier} get_all_as_dict()
-	    {classifier} get_by_id(other_id: Integer)
-	    {classifier} find_by_id(other_id: Integer)
-	}
-	entity OwidCountry {
-	    id: Integer
-		iso_code:  String
-	    location:  String
-	    stringency_index:  String
-	    population:  String
-	    population_density:  String
-	    median_age:  String
-	    aged_65_older:  String
-	    aged_70_older:  String
-	    gdp_per_capita:  String
-	    extreme_poverty:  String
-	    cardiovasc_death_rate:  String
-	    diabetes_prevalence:  String
-	    female_smokers:  String
-	    male_smokers:  String
-	    handwashing_facilities:  String
-	    hospital_beds_per_thousand:  String
-	    life_expectancy:  String
-	    human_development_index:  String
-	    {classifier} remove_all()
-	    {classifier} get_all_as_page(page: Integer)
-	    {classifier} get_all()
-	    {classifier} get_all_as_dict()
-	    {classifier} get_by_id(other_id: Integer)
-	    {classifier} find_by_id(other_id: Integer)
-	}
-	entity OwidData {
-	    id: Integer
-	    total_cases:  String
-	    new_cases:  String
-	    new_cases_smoothed:  String
-	    total_deaths:  String
-	    new_deaths:  String
-	    new_deaths_smoothed:  String
-	    total_cases_per_million:  String
-	    new_cases_per_million:  String
-	    new_cases_smoothed_per_million:  String
-	    total_deaths_per_million:  String
-	    new_deaths_per_million:  String
-	    new_deaths_smoothed_per_million:  String
-	    reproduction_rate:  String
-	    icu_patients:  String
-	    icu_patients_per_million:  String
-	    hosp_patients:  String
-	    hosp_patients_per_million:  String
-	    weekly_icu_admissions:  String
-	    weekly_icu_admissions_per_million:  String
-	    weekly_hosp_admissions:  String
-	    weekly_hosp_admissions_per_million:  String
-	    new_tests:  String
-	    total_tests:  String
-	    total_tests_per_thousand:  String
-	    new_tests_per_thousand:  String
-	    new_tests_smoothed:  String
-	    new_tests_smoothed_per_thousand:  String
-	    positive_rate:  String
-	    tests_per_case:  String
-	    tests_units:  String
-	    total_vaccinations:  String
-	    people_vaccinated:  String
-	    people_fully_vaccinated:  String
-	    new_vaccinations:  String
-	    new_vaccinations_smoothed:  String
-	    total_vaccinations_per_hundred:  String
-	    people_vaccinated_per_hundred:  String
-	    people_fully_vaccinated_per_hundred:  String
-	    new_vaccinations_smoothed_per_million:  String
-	    stringency_index:  String
-	    {classifier} remove_all()
-	    {classifier} get_all_as_page(page: Integer)
-	    {classifier} get_all()
-	    {classifier} get_all_as_dict()
-	    {classifier} get_by_id(other_id: Integer)
-	    {classifier} find_by_id(other_id: Integer)
-	}
+AllDateReported <|-- WhoDateReported
+AllLocationGroup <|-- WhoRegion
+AllLocation <|-- WhoCountry
+AllData <|-- WhoData
-	class OwidService << (S,red) Service >> {
+WhoCountry "1" *--> "*" WhoRegion : region
+WhoData "1" *--> "*" WhoCountry : country
+WhoData "1" *--> "*" WhoDateReported : date_reported
-	}
-ApplicationDateReported <|-- RkiDateReported
-ApplicationServiceDownload "*" --> "1"  ApplicationServiceConfig: cfg
-application_workers "1" --> "1" application_services: application_services
-application_views "1" --> "1" application_services: application_services
-application_views "*" --> "1" ApplicationPage: page_info
-application_services "*" --> "1" ApplicationService: application_service
-application_services "*" --> "1" AdminService: admin_service
-application_services "*" --> "1" WhoService: who_service
-application_services "*" --> "1" EcdcService: ecdc_service
-application_services "*" --> "1" RkiVaccinationService: rki_vaccination_service
-application_services "*" --> "1" RkiBundeslaenderService: rki_service_bundeslaender
-application_services "*" --> "1" RkiLandkreiseService: rki_service_landkreise
-application_services "*" --> "1" OwidService: owid_service
-ApplicationService "*" --> "1" database
-ApplicationServiceDownload "*" --> "1" database
-AdminService "*" --> "1" database
-WhoService "*" --> "1" database
-EcdcService "*" --> "1" database
-RkiBundeslaenderService "*" --> "1" database
-RkiLandkreiseService "*" --> "1" database
-RkiVaccinationService "*" --> "1" database
-OwidService "*" --> "1" database
-ApplicationService : SQLAlchemy database
-ApplicationServiceDownload : SQLAlchemy database
-AdminService : SQLAlchemy database
-WhoService : SQLAlchemy database
-EcdcService : SQLAlchemy database
-RkiBundeslaenderService : SQLAlchemy database
-RkiLandkreiseService : SQLAlchemy database
-RkiVaccinationService : SQLAlchemy database
-OwidService : SQLAlchemy database
diff --git a/docs/blueprints/ecdc/uml/ecdc_domain_model.puml b/docs/blueprints/ecdc/uml/ecdc_domain_model.puml
index 8e31aec5..779ca9e7 100644
--- a/docs/blueprints/ecdc/uml/ecdc_domain_model.puml
+++ b/docs/blueprints/ecdc/uml/ecdc_domain_model.puml
@@ -1,82 +1,8 @@
 left to right direction
-package covid19.blueprints.all {
-	entity ApplicationDateReported {
-	    id: Integer
-		date_reported:  String
-	    year_week:  String
-	    datum: Date
-	    year: Integer
-	    month: Integer
-	    day_of_month: Integer
-	    day_of_week: Integer
-	    week_of_year: Integer
-		get_name_for_weekday()
-		{classifier} get_names_for_weekday()
-		{classifier} get_datum_parts(my_date_rep: String)
-		{classifier} get_datum(my_year: Integer, my_month: Integer, my_day: Integer)
-		{classifier} get_datum_as_str(my_year: Integer, my_month: Integer, my_day: Integer)
-		{classifier} my_year_week(my_iso_year: Integer, week_number: Integer)
-		{classifier} create_new_object_factory(my_date_rep: String)
-	}
-	entity ApplicationDateReported {
-	    id: Integer
-		date_reported:  String
-	    year_week:  String
-	    datum: Date
-	    year: Integer
-	    month: Integer
-	    day_of_month: Integer
-	    day_of_week: Integer
-	    week_of_year: Integer
-		get_name_for_weekday()
-		{classifier} get_names_for_weekday()
-		{classifier} get_datum_parts(my_date_rep: String)
-		{classifier} get_datum(my_year: Integer, my_month: Integer, my_day: Integer)
-		{classifier} get_datum_as_str(my_year: Integer, my_month: Integer, my_day: Integer)
-		{classifier} my_year_week(my_iso_year: Integer, week_number: Integer)
-		{classifier} create_new_object_factory(my_date_rep: String)
-	}
-	entity ApplicationRegion {
-	    id: Integer
-	    continent:  String
-	    {classifier} remove_all()
-	    {classifier} get_all_as_page(page: Integer)
-	    {classifier} get_all()
-	    {classifier} get_all_as_dict()
-	    {classifier} get_by_id(other_id: Integer)
-	    {classifier} find_by_id(other_id: Integer)
-	}
-	class ApplicationServiceDownload << (S,red) Service >> {
-		-log_error()
-		-log_success()
-		-prepare_download()
-		-download_with_wget()
-		-download_with_subprocess_and_os_native_wget()
-		download_file()
-	}
-	class ApplicationServiceConfig << (T,#FF7700) Transient >> {
-		limit_nr: Integer
-	    data_path: String
-	    slug: String
-	    category: String
-	    sub_category: String
-	    tablename: String
-	    cvsfile_name: String
-	    url_src: String
-	    cvsfile_path: String
-	    msg_job: String
-	    msg_ok: String
-	    msg_error: String
-		create_config_for_who()
-		create_config_for_rki_vaccination()
-		create_config_for_owid()
-		create_config_for_ecdc()
-		create_config_for_rki_bundeslaender()
-		create_config_for_rki_landkreise()
-	}
+package covid19.blueprints.all.model_import {
 	interface AllImportFull {
 		{classifier} download_file()
@@ -85,6 +11,7 @@ package covid19.blueprints.all {
 		{classifier} full_update_fact_table()
 		{classifier} full_update_star_schema()
 	interface AllImportIncrement {
 		{classifier} download_file()
 		{classifier} import_file()
@@ -92,6 +19,7 @@ package covid19.blueprints.all {
 		{classifier} update_fact_table()
 		{classifier} update_star_schema()
 	interface DataImport {
 	    datum_reported: Date
 		location: String
@@ -105,6 +33,7 @@ package covid19.blueprints.all {
 		{classifier} update_fact_table()
 		{classifier} update_star_schema()
 	interface AllFlat {
 	    id: Integer
 	    datum_reported: Date
@@ -128,9 +57,10 @@ package covid19.blueprints.all {
 		{classifier} get_data_for_location(location: String): AllFlat[]
 		{classifier} get_data_for_day(datum_reported: Date): AllFlat[]
-package covid19.blueprints.ecdc {
+package covid19.blueprints.ecdc.model_import {
 	entity EcdcImport {
 	    id: Integer
@@ -192,6 +122,61 @@ package covid19.blueprints.ecdc {
 		{classifier} get_data_for_day(datum_reported: Date): EcdcFlat[]
+AllImportFull <|-- DataImport
+AllImportIncrement <|-- DataImport
+DataImport <|-- AllFlat
+DataImport <|-- EcdcImport
+AllFlat <|-- EcdcFlat
+EcdcImport <|-- EcdcFlat
+package covid19.blueprints.all.model {
+	interface AllDateReported {
+	    id: Integer
+		date_reported:  String
+	    year_week:  String
+	    datum: Date
+	    year: Integer
+	    month: Integer
+	    day_of_month: Integer
+	    day_of_week: Integer
+	    week_of_year: Integer
+		get_name_for_weekday()
+		{classifier} get_names_for_weekday()
+		{classifier} get_datum_parts(my_date_rep: String)
+		{classifier} get_datum(my_year: Integer, my_month: Integer, my_day: Integer)
+		{classifier} get_datum_as_str(my_year: Integer, my_month: Integer, my_day: Integer)
+		{classifier} my_year_week(my_iso_year: Integer, week_number: Integer)
+		{classifier} create_new_object_factory(my_date_rep: String)
+	}
+	interface AllLocationGroup {
+	    id: Integer
+	    continent:  String
+	    {classifier} remove_all()
+	    {classifier} get_all_as_page(page: Integer)
+	    {classifier} get_all()
+	    {classifier} get_all_as_dict()
+	    {classifier} get_by_id(other_id: Integer)
+	    {classifier} find_by_id(other_id: Integer)
+	}
+	interface AllLocation {
+	    id: Integer
+    }
+	interface AllData {
+	    id: Integer
+	}
+package covid19.blueprints.ecdc.model {
 	entity EcdcDateReported {
 	    id: Integer
 	    dateiname: String
@@ -208,6 +193,7 @@ package covid19.blueprints.ecdc {
 	    {classifier} find_by_id(other_id: Integer)
 	    {classifier} get_kurse_all()
 	entity EcdcContinent {
 	    id: Integer
 	    dateiname: String
@@ -222,6 +208,7 @@ package covid19.blueprints.ecdc {
 	    {classifier} find_by_id(other_id: Integer)
 	    {classifier} get_workflow_for_id(workflow_id: Integer)
 	entity EcdcCountry {
 	    id: Integer
 	    dateiname: String
@@ -242,6 +229,7 @@ package covid19.blueprints.ecdc {
 	    {classifier} get_folien_for_lektion_id(lektion_id: Integer)
 	    {classifier} get_all_verified()
 	entity EcdcData {
 	    id: Integer
 	    dateiname: String
@@ -259,93 +247,14 @@ package covid19.blueprints.ecdc {
 	    {classifier} get_by_id(other_id: Integer)
 	    {classifier} find_by_id(other_id: Integer)
-	class EcdcService << (S,red) Service >> {
-		pretask_database_drop_create()
-		task_database_drop_create()
-		run_download_only()
-		run_import_only()
-		run_update_dimension_tables_only()
-		run_update_fact_table_incremental_only()
-		run_update_fact_table_initial_only()
-		run_update_star_schema_incremental()
-		run_update_star_schema_initial()
-		download_all_files()
-		task_import_all_files()
-		update_dimension_tables_only()
-		update_fact_table_initial_only()
-		update_fact_table_incremental_only()
-	}
-	class EcdcServiceImport << (S,red) Service >> {
-		import_file()
-	}
-	class EcdcServiceUpdate << (S,red) Service >> {
-		-update_date_reported()
-		-update_continent()
-		-update_country()
-		-get_continent_from_import(ecdc_import: EcdcImport):
-		-get_country_from_import(ecdc_import: EcdcImport):
-		-get_date_reported_from_import()
-		-update_data_initial()
-		update_dimension_tables_only()
-	    update_fact_table_initial_only()
-	    update_star_schema_incremental()
-		update_star_schema_initial()
-	}
-	class ecdc_views_frontend << (B,orchid) Boundary >> {
-		url_ecdc_info()
-		url_ecdc_tasks()
-		url_ecdc_data_imported()
-		url_ecdc_date_reported_all()
-		url_ecdc_date_reported_one_notification_rate()
-		url_ecdc_date_reported_one_deaths_weekly()
-		url_ecdc_date_reported_one_cases_weekly()
-		url_ecdc_continent_all()
-		url_ecdc_continent_one()
-		url_ecdc_country_all()
-		url_ecdc_country_one()
-		url_ecdc_country_germany()
-	}
-	class ecdc_views_for_tasks << (B,orchid) Boundary >> {
-		task_ecdc_download_only()
-		task_who_import_only()
-		task_who_update_dimension_tables_only()
-		task_who_update_fact_table_initial_only()
-		task_who_update_fact_table_incremental_only()
-		task_who_update_star_schema_initial()
-		task_who_update_star_schema_incremental()
-	}
-	class ecdc_celery_tasks << (B,orchid) Boundary >> {
-		task_ecdc_download_only()
-		task_ecdc_import_only()
-		task_ecdc_update_dimension_tables_only()
-		task_ecdc_update_fact_table_initial_only()
-		task_ecdc_update_fact_table_incremental_only()
-		task_ecdc_update_star_schema_initial()
-		task_ecdc_update_star_schema_incremental()
-	}
-ApplicationServiceDownload : SQLAlchemy database
-EcdcServiceImport : SQLAlchemy database
-EcdcServiceUpdate : SQLAlchemy database
-EcdcService : SQLAlchemy database
-ApplicationDateReported <|-- EcdcDateReported
-ApplicationRegion <|-- EcdcContinent
+AllDateReported <|-- EcdcDateReported
+AllLocationGroup <|-- EcdcContinent
+AllLocation <|-- EcdcCountry
 EcdcCountry "1" *--> "*" EcdcContinent: continent
 EcdcData "1" *--> "*" EcdcCountry: country
 EcdcData "1" *--> "*" EcdcDateReported: date_reported
-EcdcService "*" *--> "1"  ApplicationServiceConfig: cfg
-EcdcServiceImport "*" --> "1"  ApplicationServiceConfig: cfg
-EcdcServiceUpdate "*" --> "1"  ApplicationServiceConfig: cfg
-EcdcService "1" *--> "1" EcdcServiceImport: ecdc_service_import
-EcdcService "1" *--> "1" EcdcServiceUpdate: ecdc_service_update
-EcdcService "1" *--> "1" ApplicationServiceDownload: service_download
-ecdc_views_frontend  "1" --> "1" EcdcService: ecdc_service
-ecdc_views_for_tasks  "1" --> "1" EcdcService: ecdc_service
-ecdc_celery_tasks  "1" --> "1" EcdcService: ecdc_service
-AllImportFull <|-- DataImport
-AllImportIncrement <|-- DataImport
-DataImport <|-- AllFlat
-DataImport <|-- EcdcImport
-AllFlat <|-- EcdcFlat
-EcdcImport <|-- EcdcFlat
diff --git a/docs/blueprints/ecdc/uml/ecdc_domain_model_import.puml b/docs/blueprints/ecdc/uml/ecdc_domain_model_import.puml
index 9277e4b1..1be9b6fd 100644
--- a/docs/blueprints/ecdc/uml/ecdc_domain_model_import.puml
+++ b/docs/blueprints/ecdc/uml/ecdc_domain_model_import.puml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 left to right direction
-package covid19.blueprints.all {
+package covid19.blueprints.all.model_import {
 	interface AllImportFull {
 		{classifier} download_file()
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ package covid19.blueprints.all {
-package covid19.blueprints.ecdc {
+package covid19.blueprints.ecdc.model_import {
 	entity EcdcImport {
 	    id: Integer
@@ -122,10 +122,13 @@ package covid19.blueprints.ecdc {
 AllImportFull <|-- DataImport
 AllImportIncrement <|-- DataImport
 DataImport <|-- AllFlat
 DataImport <|-- EcdcImport
 AllFlat <|-- EcdcFlat
 EcdcImport <|-- EcdcFlat
diff --git a/docs/blueprints/ecdc/uml/ecdc_domain_model_star_schmema.puml b/docs/blueprints/ecdc/uml/ecdc_domain_model_star_schmema.puml
index a3c2973c..31185f4b 100644
--- a/docs/blueprints/ecdc/uml/ecdc_domain_model_star_schmema.puml
+++ b/docs/blueprints/ecdc/uml/ecdc_domain_model_star_schmema.puml
@@ -21,24 +21,7 @@ package covid19.blueprints.all.model {
 		{classifier} my_year_week(my_iso_year: Integer, week_number: Integer)
 		{classifier} create_new_object_factory(my_date_rep: String)
-	interface AllDateReported {
-	    id: Integer
-		date_reported:  String
-	    year_week:  String
-	    datum: Date
-	    year: Integer
-	    month: Integer
-	    day_of_month: Integer
-	    day_of_week: Integer
-	    week_of_year: Integer
-		get_name_for_weekday()
-		{classifier} get_names_for_weekday()
-		{classifier} get_datum_parts(my_date_rep: String)
-		{classifier} get_datum(my_year: Integer, my_month: Integer, my_day: Integer)
-		{classifier} get_datum_as_str(my_year: Integer, my_month: Integer, my_day: Integer)
-		{classifier} my_year_week(my_iso_year: Integer, week_number: Integer)
-		{classifier} create_new_object_factory(my_date_rep: String)
-	}
 	interface AllLocationGroup {
 	    id: Integer
 	    continent:  String
@@ -49,129 +32,18 @@ package covid19.blueprints.all.model {
 	    {classifier} get_by_id(other_id: Integer)
 	    {classifier} find_by_id(other_id: Integer)
 	interface AllLocation {
 	    id: Integer
 	interface AllData {
 	    id: Integer
-	interface AllImportFull {
-		{classifier} download_file()
-		{classifier} import_file()
-		{classifier} full_update_dimension_tables()
-		{classifier} full_update_fact_table()
-		{classifier} full_update_star_schema()
-	}
-	interface AllImportIncrement {
-		{classifier} download_file()
-		{classifier} import_file()
-		{classifier} update_dimension_tables()
-		{classifier} update_fact_table()
-		{classifier} update_star_schema()
-	}
-	interface AllImport {
-	    datum_reported: Date
-		location: String
-		location_group: String
-		{classifier} download_file()
-		{classifier} import_file()
-		{classifier} full_update_dimension_tables()
-		{classifier} full_update_fact_table()
-		{classifier} full_update_star_schema()
-		{classifier} update_dimension_tables()
-		{classifier} update_fact_table()
-		{classifier} update_star_schema()
-	}
-	interface AllFlat {
-	    id: Integer
-	    datum_reported: Date
-	    year: Integer
-	    month: Integer
-	    day_of_month: Integer
-		day_of_year: Integer
-	    day_of_week: Integer
-	    week_of_year: Integer
-	    year_week:  String
-	    day_of_week_str: String
-		month_str: String
-		location: String
-		location_group: String
-		{classifier} import_file_flat()
-		{classifier} get_years(): Integer[]
-		{classifier} get_days(): Date[]
-		{classifier} get_days_for_year(year: Integer): Date[]
-		{classifier} get_location_groups(): String[]
-		{classifier} get_locations_for_location_group(location_group: String): String[]
-		{classifier} get_data_for_location(location: String): AllFlat[]
-		{classifier} get_data_for_day(datum_reported: Date): AllFlat[]
-	}
-package covid19.blueprints.ecdc {
-	entity EcdcImport {
-	    id: Integer
-		date_rep:  String
-	    date_rep_day:  String
-	    date_rep_month:  String
-	    date_rep_year:  String
-	    cases:  String
-	    deaths:  String
-	    pop_data_2019:  String
-	    countries_and_territories:  String
-	    geo_id:  String
-	    country_territory_code:  String
-	    continent_exp:  String
-	    cumulative_number_for_14_days_of_covid19_cases_per_100000:  String
-		{classifier} download_file()
-		{classifier} import_file()
-		{classifier} full_update_dimension_tables()
-		{classifier} full_update_fact_table()
-		{classifier} full_update_star_schema()
-		{classifier} update_dimension_tables()
-		{classifier} update_fact_table()
-		{classifier} update_star_schema()
-	}
-	entity EcdcFlat {
-	    id: Integer
-	    datum_reported: Date
-	    year: Integer
-	    month: Integer
-	    day_of_month: Integer
-		day_of_year: Integer
-	    day_of_week: Integer
-	    week_of_year: Integer
-	    year_week:  String
-	    day_of_week_str: String
-		month_str: String
-		location: String
-		location_group: String
-		date_rep:  String
-	    date_rep_day:  String
-	    date_rep_month:  String
-	    date_rep_year:  String
-	    cases:  String
-	    deaths:  String
-	    pop_data_2019:  String
-	    countries_and_territories:  String
-	    geo_id:  String
-	    country_territory_code:  String
-	    continent_exp:  String
-	    cumulative_number_for_14_days_of_covid19_cases_per_100000:  String
-		{classifier} import_file_flat()
-		{classifier} get_years(): Integer[]
-		{classifier} get_days(): Date[]
-		{classifier} get_days_for_year(year: Integer): Date[]
-		{classifier} get_location_groups(): String[]
-		{classifier} get_locations_for_location_group(location_group: String): String[]
-		{classifier} get_data_for_location(location: String): EcdcFlat[]
-		{classifier} get_data_for_day(datum_reported: Date): EcdcFlat[]
-	}
+package covid19.blueprints.ecdc.model {
 	entity EcdcDateReported {
 	    id: Integer
@@ -189,6 +61,7 @@ package covid19.blueprints.ecdc {
 	    {classifier} find_by_id(other_id: Integer)
 	    {classifier} get_kurse_all()
 	entity EcdcContinent {
 	    id: Integer
 	    dateiname: String
@@ -203,6 +76,7 @@ package covid19.blueprints.ecdc {
 	    {classifier} find_by_id(other_id: Integer)
 	    {classifier} get_workflow_for_id(workflow_id: Integer)
 	entity EcdcCountry {
 	    id: Integer
 	    dateiname: String
@@ -223,6 +97,7 @@ package covid19.blueprints.ecdc {
 	    {classifier} get_folien_for_lektion_id(lektion_id: Integer)
 	    {classifier} get_all_verified()
 	entity EcdcData {
 	    id: Integer
 	    dateiname: String
@@ -240,93 +115,14 @@ package covid19.blueprints.ecdc {
 	    {classifier} get_by_id(other_id: Integer)
 	    {classifier} find_by_id(other_id: Integer)
-	class EcdcService << (S,red) Service >> {
-		pretask_database_drop_create()
-		task_database_drop_create()
-		run_download_only()
-		run_import_only()
-		run_update_dimension_tables_only()
-		run_update_fact_table_incremental_only()
-		run_update_fact_table_initial_only()
-		run_update_star_schema_incremental()
-		run_update_star_schema_initial()
-		download_all_files()
-		task_import_all_files()
-		update_dimension_tables_only()
-		update_fact_table_initial_only()
-		update_fact_table_incremental_only()
-	}
-	class EcdcServiceImport << (S,red) Service >> {
-		import_file()
-	}
-	class EcdcServiceUpdate << (S,red) Service >> {
-		-update_date_reported()
-		-update_continent()
-		-update_country()
-		-get_continent_from_import(ecdc_import: EcdcImport):
-		-get_country_from_import(ecdc_import: EcdcImport):
-		-get_date_reported_from_import()
-		-update_data_initial()
-		update_dimension_tables_only()
-	    update_fact_table_initial_only()
-	    update_star_schema_incremental()
-		update_star_schema_initial()
-	}
-	class ecdc_views_frontend << (B,orchid) Boundary >> {
-		url_ecdc_info()
-		url_ecdc_tasks()
-		url_ecdc_data_imported()
-		url_ecdc_date_reported_all()
-		url_ecdc_date_reported_one_notification_rate()
-		url_ecdc_date_reported_one_deaths_weekly()
-		url_ecdc_date_reported_one_cases_weekly()
-		url_ecdc_continent_all()
-		url_ecdc_continent_one()
-		url_ecdc_country_all()
-		url_ecdc_country_one()
-		url_ecdc_country_germany()
-	}
-	class ecdc_views_for_tasks << (B,orchid) Boundary >> {
-		task_ecdc_download_only()
-		task_who_import_only()
-		task_who_update_dimension_tables_only()
-		task_who_update_fact_table_initial_only()
-		task_who_update_fact_table_incremental_only()
-		task_who_update_star_schema_initial()
-		task_who_update_star_schema_incremental()
-	}
-	class ecdc_celery_tasks << (B,orchid) Boundary >> {
-		task_ecdc_download_only()
-		task_ecdc_import_only()
-		task_ecdc_update_dimension_tables_only()
-		task_ecdc_update_fact_table_initial_only()
-		task_ecdc_update_fact_table_incremental_only()
-		task_ecdc_update_star_schema_initial()
-		task_ecdc_update_star_schema_incremental()
-	}
-ApplicationServiceDownload : SQLAlchemy database
-EcdcServiceImport : SQLAlchemy database
-EcdcServiceUpdate : SQLAlchemy database
-EcdcService : SQLAlchemy database
-ApplicationDateReported <|-- EcdcDateReported
-ApplicationRegion <|-- EcdcContinent
+AllDateReported <|-- EcdcDateReported
+AllLocationGroup <|-- EcdcContinent
+AllLocation <|-- EcdcCountry
 EcdcCountry "1" *--> "*" EcdcContinent: continent
 EcdcData "1" *--> "*" EcdcCountry: country
 EcdcData "1" *--> "*" EcdcDateReported: date_reported
-EcdcService "*" *--> "1"  ApplicationServiceConfig: cfg
-EcdcServiceImport "*" --> "1"  ApplicationServiceConfig: cfg
-EcdcServiceUpdate "*" --> "1"  ApplicationServiceConfig: cfg
-EcdcService "1" *--> "1" EcdcServiceImport: ecdc_service_import
-EcdcService "1" *--> "1" EcdcServiceUpdate: ecdc_service_update
-EcdcService "1" *--> "1" ApplicationServiceDownload: service_download
-ecdc_views_frontend  "1" --> "1" EcdcService: ecdc_service
-ecdc_views_for_tasks  "1" --> "1" EcdcService: ecdc_service
-ecdc_celery_tasks  "1" --> "1" EcdcService: ecdc_service
-AllImportFull <|-- DataImport
-AllImportIncrement <|-- DataImport
-DataImport <|-- AllFlat
-DataImport <|-- EcdcImport
-AllFlat <|-- EcdcFlat
-EcdcImport <|-- EcdcFlat
diff --git a/docs/blueprints/owid/uml/owid_domain_model_import.puml b/docs/blueprints/owid/uml/owid_domain_model_import.puml
index bf44bc8a..dc974871 100644
--- a/docs/blueprints/owid/uml/owid_domain_model_import.puml
+++ b/docs/blueprints/owid/uml/owid_domain_model_import.puml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 left to right direction
-package covid19.blueprints.all {
+package covid19.blueprints.all.model_import {
 	interface AllImportFull {
 		{classifier} download_file()
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ package covid19.blueprints.all {
-package covid19.blueprints.owid {
+package covid19.blueprints.owid.model_import {
 	entity OwidImport {
 	    id: Integer
@@ -216,10 +216,12 @@ package covid19.blueprints.owid {
 AllImportFull <|-- DataImport
 AllImportIncrement <|-- DataImport
 DataImport <|-- AllFlat
 DataImport <|-- OwidImport
 AllFlat <|-- OwidFlat
 OwidImport <|-- OwidFlat
diff --git a/docs/blueprints/owid/uml/owid_domain_model_star_schema.puml b/docs/blueprints/owid/uml/owid_domain_model_star_schema.puml
index 65f46599..e7af9454 100644
--- a/docs/blueprints/owid/uml/owid_domain_model_star_schema.puml
+++ b/docs/blueprints/owid/uml/owid_domain_model_star_schema.puml
@@ -1,263 +1,61 @@
 left to right direction
-package covid19.blueprints.all.model_import {
-	interface AllImportFull {
-		{classifier} download_file()
-		{classifier} import_file()
-		{classifier} full_update_dimension_tables()
-		{classifier} full_update_fact_table()
-		{classifier} full_update_star_schema()
-	}
-	interface AllImportIncrement {
-		{classifier} download_file()
-		{classifier} import_file()
-		{classifier} update_dimension_tables()
-		{classifier} update_fact_table()
-		{classifier} update_star_schema()
-	}
-	interface AllImport {
-	    datum_reported: Date
-		location: String
-		location_group: String
-		{classifier} download_file()
-		{classifier} import_file()
-		{classifier} full_update_dimension_tables()
-		{classifier} full_update_fact_table()
-		{classifier} full_update_star_schema()
-		{classifier} update_dimension_tables()
-		{classifier} update_fact_table()
-		{classifier} update_star_schema()
-	}
+package covid19.blueprints.all.model {
-	interface AllFlat {
+	interface AllDateReported {
 	    id: Integer
-	    datum_reported: Date
+		date_reported:  String
+	    year_week:  String
+	    datum: Date
 	    year: Integer
 	    month: Integer
 	    day_of_month: Integer
-		day_of_year: Integer
 	    day_of_week: Integer
 	    week_of_year: Integer
-	    year_week:  String
-	    day_of_week_str: String
-		month_str: String
-		location: String
-		location_group: String
-		{classifier} import_file_flat()
-		{classifier} get_years(): Integer[]
-		{classifier} get_days(): Date[]
-		{classifier} get_days_for_year(year: Integer): Date[]
-		{classifier} get_location_groups(): String[]
-		{classifier} get_locations_for_location_group(location_group: String): String[]
-		{classifier} get_data_for_location(location: String): AllFlat[]
-		{classifier} get_data_for_day(datum_reported: Date): AllFlat[]
+		get_name_for_weekday()
+		{classifier} get_names_for_weekday()
+		{classifier} get_datum_parts(my_date_rep: String)
+		{classifier} get_datum(my_year: Integer, my_month: Integer, my_day: Integer)
+		{classifier} get_datum_as_str(my_year: Integer, my_month: Integer, my_day: Integer)
+		{classifier} my_year_week(my_iso_year: Integer, week_number: Integer)
+		{classifier} create_new_object_factory(my_date_rep: String)
-package covid19.blueprints.owid.model_import {
-	entity OwidImport {
+	interface AllLocationGroup {
 	    id: Integer
-		iso_code:  String
 	    continent:  String
-	    location:  String
-	    date:  String
-	    total_cases:  String
-	    new_cases:  String
-	    new_cases_smoothed:  String
-	    total_deaths:  String
-	    new_deaths:  String
-	    new_deaths_smoothed:  String
-	    total_cases_per_million:  String
-	    new_cases_per_million:  String
-	    new_cases_smoothed_per_million:  String
-	    total_deaths_per_million:  String
-	    new_deaths_per_million:  String
-	    new_deaths_smoothed_per_million:  String
-	    reproduction_rate:  String
-	    icu_patients:  String
-	    icu_patients_per_million:  String
-	    hosp_patients:  String
-	    hosp_patients_per_million:  String
-	    weekly_icu_admissions:  String
-	    weekly_icu_admissions_per_million:  String
-	    weekly_hosp_admissions:  String
-	    weekly_hosp_admissions_per_million:  String
-	    new_tests:  String
-	    total_tests:  String
-	    total_tests_per_thousand:  String
-	    new_tests_per_thousand:  String
-	    new_tests_smoothed:  String
-	    new_tests_smoothed_per_thousand:  String
-	    positive_rate:  String
-	    tests_per_case:  String
-	    tests_units:  String
-	    total_vaccinations:  String
-	    people_vaccinated:  String
-	    people_fully_vaccinated:  String
-	    new_vaccinations:  String
-	    new_vaccinations_smoothed:  String
-	    total_vaccinations_per_hundred:  String
-	    people_vaccinated_per_hundred:  String
-	    people_fully_vaccinated_per_hundred:  String
-	    new_vaccinations_smoothed_per_million:  String
-	    stringency_index:  String
-	    population:  String
-	    population_density:  String
-	    median_age:  String
-	    aged_65_older:  String
-	    aged_70_older:  String
-	    gdp_per_capita:  String
-	    extreme_poverty:  String
-	    cardiovasc_death_rate:  String
-	    diabetes_prevalence:  String
-	    female_smokers:  String
-	    male_smokers:  String
-	    handwashing_facilities:  String
-	    hospital_beds_per_thousand:  String
-	    life_expectancy:  String
-	    human_development_index:  String
 	    {classifier} remove_all()
 	    {classifier} get_all_as_page(page: Integer)
 	    {classifier} get_all()
+	    {classifier} get_all_as_dict()
 	    {classifier} get_by_id(other_id: Integer)
 	    {classifier} find_by_id(other_id: Integer)
-	    {classifier} get_dates()
-	    {classifier} get_for_one_day(day: String)
-	    {classifier} get_dates_reported_as_array()
-	    {classifier} get_new_dates_reported_as_array()
-	    {classifier} get_continents(page: Integer)
-	    {classifier} get_all_continents()
-	entity OwidFlat {
+	interface AllLocation {
+	    id: Integer
+    }
+	interface AllData {
 	    id: Integer
-	    datum_reported: Date
-	    year: Integer
-	    month: Integer
-	    day_of_month: Integer
-		day_of_year: Integer
-	    day_of_week: Integer
-	    week_of_year: Integer
-	    year_week:  String
-	    day_of_week_str: String
-		month_str: String
-		location: String
-		location_group: String
-		iso_code:  String
-	    continent:  String
-	    location:  String
-	    date:  String
-	    total_cases:  String
-	    new_cases:  String
-	    new_cases_smoothed:  String
-	    total_deaths:  String
-	    new_deaths:  String
-	    new_deaths_smoothed:  String
-	    total_cases_per_million:  String
-	    new_cases_per_million:  String
-	    new_cases_smoothed_per_million:  String
-	    total_deaths_per_million:  String
-	    new_deaths_per_million:  String
-	    new_deaths_smoothed_per_million:  String
-	    reproduction_rate:  String
-	    icu_patients:  String
-	    icu_patients_per_million:  String
-	    hosp_patients:  String
-	    hosp_patients_per_million:  String
-	    weekly_icu_admissions:  String
-	    weekly_icu_admissions_per_million:  String
-	    weekly_hosp_admissions:  String
-	    weekly_hosp_admissions_per_million:  String
-	    new_tests:  String
-	    total_tests:  String
-	    total_tests_per_thousand:  String
-	    new_tests_per_thousand:  String
-	    new_tests_smoothed:  String
-	    new_tests_smoothed_per_thousand:  String
-	    positive_rate:  String
-	    tests_per_case:  String
-	    tests_units:  String
-	    total_vaccinations:  String
-	    people_vaccinated:  String
-	    people_fully_vaccinated:  String
-	    new_vaccinations:  String
-	    new_vaccinations_smoothed:  String
-	    total_vaccinations_per_hundred:  String
-	    people_vaccinated_per_hundred:  String
-	    people_fully_vaccinated_per_hundred:  String
-	    new_vaccinations_smoothed_per_million:  String
-	    stringency_index:  String
-	    population:  String
-	    population_density:  String
-	    median_age:  String
-	    aged_65_older:  String
-	    aged_70_older:  String
-	    gdp_per_capita:  String
-	    extreme_poverty:  String
-	    cardiovasc_death_rate:  String
-	    diabetes_prevalence:  String
-	    female_smokers:  String
-	    male_smokers:  String
-	    handwashing_facilities:  String
-	    hospital_beds_per_thousand:  String
-	    life_expectancy:  String
-	    human_development_index:  String
-		{classifier} import_file_flat()
-		{classifier} get_years(): Integer[]
-		{classifier} get_days(): Date[]
-		{classifier} get_days_for_year(year: Integer): Date[]
-		{classifier} get_location_groups(): String[]
-		{classifier} get_locations_for_location_group(location_group: String): String[]
-		{classifier} get_data_for_location(location: String): OwidFlat[]
-		{classifier} get_data_for_day(datum_reported: Date): OwidFlat[]
-package covid19.blueprints.all.model {
-	entity AllDateReported {}
-	entity AllLocationGroup {}
-	entity AllLocation {}
-	entity AllData {}
 package covid19.blueprints.owid.model {
-	entity OwidDateReported {}
-	entity OwidContinent {}
-	entity OwidCountry {}
-	entity OwidData {}
-package covid19.blueprints.all.service {
-	class AllServiceDownload  << (S,red) Service >> {}
-	class AllServiceConfig  << (S,red) Service >> {}
-package covid19.blueprints.owid.service {
-	class OwidServiceImport << (S,red) Service >> {
-		import_file()
+	entity OwidDateReported {
+	    id: Integer
+	}
+	entity OwidContinent {
+	    id: Integer
+	}
+	entity OwidCountry {
+	    id: Integer
+	}
+	entity OwidData {
+	    id: Integer
-	class OwidService << (S,red) Service >> {}
-package covid19.blueprints.owid.views {
-	class owid_views_frontend  << (B,orchid) Boundary >>  {}
-	class owid_views_for_tasks  << (B,orchid) Boundary >>  {}
-	class owid_celery_tasks  << (B,orchid) Boundary >>  {}
-AllImportFull <|-- AllImport
-AllImportIncrement <|-- AllImport
-AllImport <|-- AllFlat
-AllFlat <|-- OwidFlat
-AllImport <|-- OwidImport
-OwidImport <|-- OwidFlat
 AllDateReported <|-- OwidDateReported
 AllLocationGroup <|-- OwidContinent
 AllLocation <|--  OwidCountry
@@ -267,18 +65,4 @@ OwidCountry "1" *--> "*" OwidContinent : region
 OwidData "1" *--> "*" OwidCountry : country
 OwidData "1" *--> "*" OwidDateReported : date_reported
-OwidServiceImport : SQLAlchemy database
-OwidService : SQLAlchemy database
-AllServiceDownload : SQLAlchemy database
-OwidService "*" *--> "1"  AllServiceConfig : cfg
-OwidServiceImport "*" --> "1"  AllServiceConfig : cfg
-OwidService "1" *--> "1" OwidServiceImport : owid_service_import
-OwidService "1" *--> "1" AllServiceDownload : owid_service_dowload
-owid_views_frontend "1" --> "1" OwidService : owid_service
-owid_views_for_tasks "1" --> "1" OwidService : owid_service
-owid_celery_tasks "1" --> "1" OwidService : owid_service
diff --git a/docs/blueprints/rki_cases/uml/rki_cases_domain_model.puml b/docs/blueprints/rki_cases/uml/rki_cases_domain_model.puml
index 5ea5ed06..92bb0364 100644
--- a/docs/blueprints/rki_cases/uml/rki_cases_domain_model.puml
+++ b/docs/blueprints/rki_cases/uml/rki_cases_domain_model.puml
@@ -1,51 +1,6 @@
 left to right direction
-package covid19.blueprints.all.model {
-	interface AllDateReported {
-	    id: Integer
-		date_reported:  String
-	    year_week:  String
-	    datum: Date
-	    year: Integer
-	    month: Integer
-	    day_of_month: Integer
-	    day_of_week: Integer
-	    week_of_year: Integer
-		get_name_for_weekday()
-		{classifier} get_names_for_weekday()
-		{classifier} get_datum_parts(my_date_rep: String)
-		{classifier} get_datum(my_year: Integer, my_month: Integer, my_day: Integer)
-		{classifier} get_datum_as_str(my_year: Integer, my_month: Integer, my_day: Integer)
-		{classifier} my_year_week(my_iso_year: Integer, week_number: Integer)
-		{classifier} create_new_object_factory(my_date_rep: String)
-	}
-	interface AllLocation {
-	    id: Integer
-	    continent:  String
-	    {classifier} remove_all()
-	    {classifier} get_all_as_page(page: Integer)
-	    {classifier} get_all()
-	    {classifier} get_all_as_dict()
-	    {classifier} get_by_id(other_id: Integer)
-	    {classifier} find_by_id(other_id: Integer)
-	}
-	interface AllLocationGroup {
-	    id: Integer
-	    continent:  String
-	    {classifier} remove_all()
-	    {classifier} get_all_as_page(page: Integer)
-	    {classifier} get_all()
-	    {classifier} get_all_as_dict()
-	    {classifier} get_by_id(other_id: Integer)
-	    {classifier} find_by_id(other_id: Integer)
-	}
-	interface AllData {
-	    id: Integer
-	}
 package covid19.blueprints.all.model_import {
@@ -102,6 +57,7 @@ package covid19.blueprints.all.model_import {
 		{classifier} get_data_for_location(location: String): AllFlat[]
 		{classifier} get_data_for_day(datum_reported: Date): AllFlat[]
 package covid19.blueprints.rki_cases.model_import {
@@ -177,6 +133,55 @@ package covid19.blueprints.rki_cases.model_import {
 		{classifier} get_data_for_location(location: String): RkiCasesFlat[]
 		{classifier} get_data_for_day(datum_reported: Date): RkiCasesFlat[]
+AllImportFull <|-- AllImport
+AllImportIncrement <|-- AllImport
+AllImport <|-- AllFlat
+AllImport <|-- RkiImport
+AllFlat <|-- RkiFlat
+RkiImport <|-- RkiFlat
+package covid19.blueprints.all.model {
+	interface AllDateReported {
+	    id: Integer
+		date_reported:  String
+	    year_week:  String
+	    datum: Date
+	    year: Integer
+	    month: Integer
+	    day_of_month: Integer
+	    day_of_week: Integer
+	    week_of_year: Integer
+		get_name_for_weekday()
+		{classifier} get_names_for_weekday()
+		{classifier} get_datum_parts(my_date_rep: String)
+		{classifier} get_datum(my_year: Integer, my_month: Integer, my_day: Integer)
+		{classifier} get_datum_as_str(my_year: Integer, my_month: Integer, my_day: Integer)
+		{classifier} my_year_week(my_iso_year: Integer, week_number: Integer)
+		{classifier} create_new_object_factory(my_date_rep: String)
+	}
+	interface AllLocationGroup {
+	    id: Integer
+	    continent:  String
+	    {classifier} remove_all()
+	    {classifier} get_all_as_page(page: Integer)
+	    {classifier} get_all()
+	    {classifier} get_all_as_dict()
+	    {classifier} get_by_id(other_id: Integer)
+	    {classifier} find_by_id(other_id: Integer)
+	}
+	interface AllLocation {
+	    id: Integer
+    }
+	interface AllData {
+	    id: Integer
+	}
 package covid19.blueprints.rki_cases.model {
@@ -198,6 +203,7 @@ package covid19.blueprints.rki_cases.model {
 	    {classifier} get_by_id(other_id: Integer)
 	    {classifier} find_by_id(other_id: Integer)
 	entity RkiBundesland {
 	    id: Integer
 		id_bundesland: String
@@ -221,6 +227,7 @@ package covid19.blueprints.rki_cases.model {
 	    {classifier} get_by_id(other_id: Integer)
 	    {classifier} find_by_id(other_id: Integer)
 	entity RkiData {
 	    id: Integer
 	    fid: String
@@ -250,13 +257,6 @@ package covid19.blueprints.rki_cases.model {
-AllImportFull <|-- AllImport
-AllImportIncrement <|-- AllImport
-AllImport <|-- AllFlat
-AllImport <|-- RkiImport
-AllFlat <|-- RkiFlat
-RkiImport <|-- RkiFlat
 AllDateReported <|-- RkiMeldedatum
 AllLocationGroup <|-- RkiBundesland
 AllLocation <|-- RkiLandkreis
@@ -265,4 +265,5 @@ AllData <|-- RkiData
 RkiLandkreis "1" *--> "*" RkiBundesland : bundesland
 RkiData "1" *--> "*" RkiLandkreis : landkreis
 RkiData "1" *--> "*" RkiMeldedatum : meldedatum
diff --git a/docs/blueprints/rki_cases/uml/rki_cases_domain_model_import.puml b/docs/blueprints/rki_cases/uml/rki_cases_domain_model_import.puml
index fc93a1b5..c9e3db9d 100644
--- a/docs/blueprints/rki_cases/uml/rki_cases_domain_model_import.puml
+++ b/docs/blueprints/rki_cases/uml/rki_cases_domain_model_import.puml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 left to right direction
-package covid19.blueprints.all {
+package covid19.blueprints.all.model_import {
 	interface AllImportFull {
 		{classifier} download_file()
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ package covid19.blueprints.all {
 		{classifier} update_star_schema()
-	interface DataImport {
+	interface AllImport {
 	    datum_reported: Date
 		location: String
 		location_group: String
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ package covid19.blueprints.all {
-package covid19.blueprints.rki_cases {
+package covid19.blueprints.rki_cases.model_import {
 	entity RkiImport {
 		id: Integer
@@ -135,10 +135,11 @@ package covid19.blueprints.rki_cases {
-AllImportFull <|-- DataImport
-AllImportIncrement <|-- DataImport
-DataImport <|-- AllFlat
-DataImport <|-- RkiImport
+AllImportFull <|-- AllImport
+AllImportIncrement <|-- AllImport
+AllImport <|-- AllFlat
+AllImport <|-- RkiImport
 AllFlat <|-- RkiFlat
 RkiImport <|-- RkiFlat
diff --git a/docs/blueprints/rki_cases/uml/rki_cases_domain_model_star_schema.puml b/docs/blueprints/rki_cases/uml/rki_cases_domain_model_star_schema.puml
index 9a2a3137..2342882f 100644
--- a/docs/blueprints/rki_cases/uml/rki_cases_domain_model_star_schema.puml
+++ b/docs/blueprints/rki_cases/uml/rki_cases_domain_model_star_schema.puml
@@ -21,24 +21,7 @@ package covid19.blueprints.all.model {
 		{classifier} my_year_week(my_iso_year: Integer, week_number: Integer)
 		{classifier} create_new_object_factory(my_date_rep: String)
-	interface AllDateReported {
-	    id: Integer
-		date_reported:  String
-	    year_week:  String
-	    datum: Date
-	    year: Integer
-	    month: Integer
-	    day_of_month: Integer
-	    day_of_week: Integer
-	    week_of_year: Integer
-		get_name_for_weekday()
-		{classifier} get_names_for_weekday()
-		{classifier} get_datum_parts(my_date_rep: String)
-		{classifier} get_datum(my_year: Integer, my_month: Integer, my_day: Integer)
-		{classifier} get_datum_as_str(my_year: Integer, my_month: Integer, my_day: Integer)
-		{classifier} my_year_week(my_iso_year: Integer, week_number: Integer)
-		{classifier} create_new_object_factory(my_date_rep: String)
-	}
 	interface AllLocationGroup {
 	    id: Integer
 	    continent:  String
@@ -55,137 +38,10 @@ package covid19.blueprints.all.model {
 	interface AllData {
 	    id: Integer
-	interface AllImportFull {
-		{classifier} download_file()
-		{classifier} import_file()
-		{classifier} full_update_dimension_tables()
-		{classifier} full_update_fact_table()
-		{classifier} full_update_star_schema()
-	}
-	interface AllImportIncrement {
-		{classifier} download_file()
-		{classifier} import_file()
-		{classifier} update_dimension_tables()
-		{classifier} update_fact_table()
-		{classifier} update_star_schema()
-	}
-	interface AllImport {
-	    datum_reported: Date
-		location: String
-		location_group: String
-		{classifier} download_file()
-		{classifier} import_file()
-		{classifier} full_update_dimension_tables()
-		{classifier} full_update_fact_table()
-		{classifier} full_update_star_schema()
-		{classifier} update_dimension_tables()
-		{classifier} update_fact_table()
-		{classifier} update_star_schema()
-	}
-	interface AllFlat {
-	    id: Integer
-	    datum_reported: Date
-	    year: Integer
-	    month: Integer
-	    day_of_month: Integer
-		day_of_year: Integer
-	    day_of_week: Integer
-	    week_of_year: Integer
-	    year_week:  String
-	    day_of_week_str: String
-		month_str: String
-		location: String
-		location_group: String
-		{classifier} import_file_flat()
-		{classifier} get_years(): Integer[]
-		{classifier} get_days(): Date[]
-		{classifier} get_days_for_year(year: Integer): Date[]
-		{classifier} get_location_groups(): String[]
-		{classifier} get_locations_for_location_group(location_group: String): String[]
-		{classifier} get_data_for_location(location: String): AllFlat[]
-		{classifier} get_data_for_day(datum_reported: Date): AllFlat[]
-	}
 package covid19.blueprints.rki_cases.model {
-	entity RkiImport {
-		id: Integer
-	    fid: String
-	    id_bundesland: String
-	    bundesland: String
-	    landkreis: String
-	    altersgruppe: String
-	    geschlecht: String
-	    anzahl_fall: String
-	    anzahl_todesfall: String
-	    meldedatum: String
-	    id_landkreis: String
-	    datenstand: String
-	    neuer_fall: String
-	    neuer_todesfall: String
-	    ref_datum: String
-	    neu_genesen: String
-	    anzahl_genesen: String
-	    ist_erkrankungsbeginn: String
-	    altersgruppe2: String
-		{classifier} download_file()
-		{classifier} import_file()
-		{classifier} full_update_dimension_tables()
-		{classifier} full_update_fact_table()
-		{classifier} full_update_star_schema()
-		{classifier} update_dimension_tables()
-		{classifier} update_fact_table()
-		{classifier} update_star_schema()
-	}
-	entity RkiFlat {
-	    id: Integer
-	    datum_reported: Date
-	    year: Integer
-	    month: Integer
-	    day_of_month: Integer
-		day_of_year: Integer
-	    day_of_week: Integer
-	    week_of_year: Integer
-	    year_week:  String
-	    day_of_week_str: String
-		month_str: String
-		location: String
-		location_group: String
-	    fid: String
-	    id_bundesland: String
-	    bundesland: String
-	    landkreis: String
-	    altersgruppe: String
-	    geschlecht: String
-	    anzahl_fall: String
-	    anzahl_todesfall: String
-	    meldedatum: String
-	    id_landkreis: String
-	    datenstand: String
-	    neuer_fall: String
-	    neuer_todesfall: String
-	    ref_datum: String
-	    neu_genesen: String
-	    anzahl_genesen: String
-	    ist_erkrankungsbeginn: String
-	    altersgruppe2: String
-		{classifier} import_file_flat()
-		{classifier} get_years(): Integer[]
-		{classifier} get_days(): Date[]
-		{classifier} get_days_for_year(year: Integer): Date[]
-		{classifier} get_location_groups(): String[]
-		{classifier} get_locations_for_location_group(location_group: String): String[]
-		{classifier} get_data_for_location(location: String): RkiCasesFlat[]
-		{classifier} get_data_for_day(datum_reported: Date): RkiCasesFlat[]
-	}
 	entity RkiMeldedatum {
 	    id: Integer
 		date_reported:  String
@@ -203,6 +59,7 @@ package covid19.blueprints.rki_cases.model {
 	    {classifier} get_by_id(other_id: Integer)
 	    {classifier} find_by_id(other_id: Integer)
 	entity RkiBundesland {
 	    id: Integer
 		id_bundesland: String
@@ -226,6 +83,7 @@ package covid19.blueprints.rki_cases.model {
 	    {classifier} get_by_id(other_id: Integer)
 	    {classifier} find_by_id(other_id: Integer)
 	entity RkiData {
 	    id: Integer
 	    fid: String
@@ -255,92 +113,6 @@ package covid19.blueprints.rki_cases.model {
-package covid19.blueprints.all.service {
-	class AllServiceConfig {}
-	class AllServiceDownload {}
-package covid19.blueprints.rki_cases.service {
-	class RkiServiceImport << (S,red) Service >> {
-		import_file()
-	}
-	class RkiServiceUpdateBase << (S,red) Service >> {
-	}
-	class RkiServiceUpdateFull << (S,red) Service >> {
-		-full_update_date_reported()
-		-full_update_continent()
-		-full_update_country()
-		-full_update_fact_table()
-		-full_update_dimension_tables()
-		full_update_dimension_tables()
-		full_update_fact_table()
-		full_update_star_schema()
-	}
-	class RkiServiceUpdate << (S,red) Service >> {
-		-update_date_reported()
-		-full_update_continent()
-		-full_update_country()
-		-update_fact_table()
-	    -update_dimension_tables()
-		update_dimension_tables()
-		update_fact_table()
-		update_star_schema()
-		-get_new_dates_reported_from_import()
-	}
-	class RkiService << (S,red) Service >> {
-	    pretask_database_drop_create()
-	    task_database_drop_create()
-	    run_download_only()
-	    run_import_only()
-	    run_update_dimension_tables_only()
-	    run_update_fact_table_incremental_only()
-	    run_update_fact_table_initial_only()
-	    run_update_star_schema_incremental()
-	    run_update_star_schema_initial()
-	    download_all_files()
-	    task_import_all_files()
-	    update_dimension_tables_only()
-	    update_fact_table_initial_only()
-	    update_fact_table_incremental_only()
-	}
-package covid19.blueprints.rki_cases.views {
-	class rki_cases_views_frontend << (B,orchid) Boundary >> {
-	    url_get_import()
-		url_get_flat()
-		url_get_years()
-		url_get_days()
-		url_get_days_for_year()
-		url_get_location_groups()
-		url_get_locations_for_location_group(location_group: str)
-		url_get_data_for_location()
-		url_get_data_for_day()
-	    url_page_info()
-	    url_page_tasks()
-	}
-	class rki_cases_celery_tasks << (B,orchid) Boundary >> {
-		task_download_file()
-		task_import_file()
-		task_import_file_flat()
-		task_full_update_dimension_tables()
-		task_full_update_fact_table()
-		task_full_update_star_schema()
-		task_update_dimension_tables()
-		task_update_fact_table()
-		task_update_star_schema()
-	}
-AllImportFull <|-- AllImport
-AllImportIncrement <|-- AllImport
-AllImport <|-- AllFlat
-AllFlat <|-- RkiFlat
-AllImport <|-- RkiImport
-RkiImport <|-- RkiFlat
 AllDateReported <|-- RkiMeldedatum
 AllLocationGroup <|-- RkiBundesland
 AllLocation <|-- RkiLandkreis
@@ -350,27 +122,4 @@ RkiLandkreis "1" *--> "*" RkiBundesland : bundesland
 RkiData "1" *--> "*" RkiLandkreis : landkreis
 RkiData "1" *--> "*" RkiMeldedatum : meldedatum
-RkiServiceUpdateBase <|-- RkiServiceUpdateFull
-RkiServiceUpdateBase <|-- RkiServiceUpdate
-AllServiceDownload : SQLAlchemy database
-RkiServiceImport : SQLAlchemy database
-RkiServiceUpdateBase : SQLAlchemy database
-RkiServiceUpdateFull : SQLAlchemy database
-RkiServiceUpdate : SQLAlchemy database
-RkiService : SQLAlchemy database
-RkiService "*" *--> "1"  AllServiceConfig : cfg
-RkiServiceImport "*" --> "1"  AllServiceConfig : cfg
-RkiServiceUpdate "*" --> "1"  AllServiceConfig : cfg
-AllServiceDownload "*" --> "1"  AllServiceConfig : cfg
-RkiService "1" *--> "1" RkiServiceImport : rki_service_import
-RkiService "1" *--> "1" RkiServiceUpdate : rki_service_update
-RkiService "1" *--> "1" RkiServiceUpdateFull : rki_service_update
-RkiService "1" *--> "1" AllServiceDownload : service_download
-rki_cases_views_frontend "1" --> "1" RkiService : rki_service
-rki_cases_celery_tasks "1" --> "1" RkiService : rki_service
diff --git a/docs/blueprints/rki_vaccination/uml/rki_vaccination_domain_model.puml b/docs/blueprints/rki_vaccination/uml/rki_vaccination_domain_model.puml
index 1286b52d..8ce338e0 100644
--- a/docs/blueprints/rki_vaccination/uml/rki_vaccination_domain_model.puml
+++ b/docs/blueprints/rki_vaccination/uml/rki_vaccination_domain_model.puml
@@ -1,76 +1,67 @@
 left to right direction
-package covid19.blueprints.all {
-	entity ApplicationDateReported {
-	    id: Integer
-		date_reported:  String
-	    year_week:  String
-	    datum: Date
-	    year: Integer
-	    month: Integer
-		day_of_year: Integer
-	    day_of_month: Integer
-	    day_of_week: Integer
-	    week_of_year: Integer
-		get_name_for_weekday()
-		{classifier} get_names_for_weekday()
-		{classifier} get_datum_parts(my_date_rep: String)
-		{classifier} get_datum(my_year: Integer, my_month: Integer, my_day: Integer)
-		{classifier} get_datum_as_str(my_year: Integer, my_month: Integer, my_day: Integer)
-		{classifier} my_year_week(my_iso_year: Integer, week_number: Integer)
-		{classifier} create_new_object_factory(my_date_rep: String)
+package covid19.blueprints.all.model_import {
+	interface AllImportFull {
+		{classifier} download_file()
+		{classifier} import_file()
+		{classifier} full_update_dimension_tables()
+		{classifier} full_update_fact_table()
+		{classifier} full_update_star_schema()
-	class ApplicationServiceDownload << (S,red) Service >> {
-		-log_error()
-		-log_success()
-		-prepare_download()
-		-download_with_wget()
-		-download_with_subprocess_and_os_native_wget()
-		download_file()
+	interface AllImportIncrement {
+		{classifier} download_file()
+		{classifier} import_file()
+		{classifier} update_dimension_tables()
+		{classifier} update_fact_table()
+		{classifier} update_star_schema()
-	class ApplicationServiceConfig << (T,#FF7700) Transient >> {
-		limit_nr: Integer
-	    data_path: String
-	    slug: String
-	    category: String
-	    sub_category: String
-	    tablename: String
-	    cvsfile_name: String
-	    url_src: String
-	    cvsfile_path: String
-	    msg_job: String
-	    msg_ok: String
-	    msg_error: String
-		create_config_for_who()
-		create_config_for_rki_vaccination()
-		create_config_for_owid()
-		create_config_for_ecdc()
-		create_config_for_rki_bundeslaender()
-		create_config_for_rki_landkreise()
+	interface AllImport {
+	    datum_reported: Date
+		location: String
+		location_group: String
+		{classifier} download_file()
+		{classifier} import_file()
+		{classifier} full_update_dimension_tables()
+		{classifier} full_update_fact_table()
+		{classifier} full_update_star_schema()
+		{classifier} update_dimension_tables()
+		{classifier} update_fact_table()
+		{classifier} update_star_schema()
-package covid19.blueprints.rki_vVaccination {
-	entity RkiVaccinationDateReported {
+	interface AllFlat {
 	    id: Integer
-		date_reported:  String
-	    year_week:  String
-	    datum: Date
+	    datum_reported: Date
 	    year: Integer
 	    month: Integer
 	    day_of_month: Integer
+		day_of_year: Integer
 	    day_of_week: Integer
 	    week_of_year: Integer
-		get_name_for_weekday()
-		{classifier} get_names_for_weekday()
-		{classifier} get_datum_parts(my_date_rep: String)
-		{classifier} get_datum(my_year: Integer, my_month: Integer, my_day: Integer)
-		{classifier} get_datum_as_str(my_year: Integer, my_month: Integer, my_day: Integer)
-		{classifier} my_year_week(my_iso_year: Integer, week_number: Integer)
-		{classifier} create_new_object_factory(my_date_rep: String)
+	    year_week:  String
+	    day_of_week_str: String
+		month_str: String
+		location: String
+		location_group: String
+		{classifier} import_file_flat()
+		{classifier} get_years(): Integer[]
+		{classifier} get_days(): Date[]
+		{classifier} get_days_for_year(year: Integer): Date[]
+		{classifier} get_location_groups(): String[]
+		{classifier} get_locations_for_location_group(location_group: String): String[]
+		{classifier} get_data_for_location(location: String): AllFlat[]
+		{classifier} get_data_for_day(datum_reported: Date): AllFlat[]
-	entity RkiVaccinationData {
+package covid19.blueprints.rki_vVaccination.model_import {
+	entity RkiVaccinationImport {
 	    id: Integer
 	    dosen_kumulativ: Integer
 	    dosen_differenz_zum_vortag: Integer
@@ -92,49 +83,17 @@ package covid19.blueprints.rki_vVaccination {
 	    indikation_beruf_voll: Integer
 	    indikation_medizinisch_voll: Integer
 	    indikation_pflegeheim_voll: Integer
-	    get_absolute_path()
-	    get_relative_path()
-	    {classifier} remove_all()
-	    {classifier} get_all_as_page(page: Integer)
-	    {classifier} get_all()
-	    {classifier} get_all_as_dict()
-	    {classifier} get_by_id(other_id: Integer)
-	    {classifier} find_by_id(other_id: Integer)
-	    {classifier} get_kurse_all()
+	    date_reported: String
+		{classifier} download_file()
+		{classifier} import_file()
+		{classifier} full_update_dimension_tables()
+		{classifier} full_update_fact_table()
+		{classifier} full_update_star_schema()
+		{classifier} update_dimension_tables()
+		{classifier} update_fact_table()
+		{classifier} update_star_schema()
-	entity RkiVaccinationImport {
-	    datum:  String
-	    dosen_kumulativ: Integer
-	    dosen_differenz_zum_vortag: Integer
-	    dosen_biontech_kumulativ: Integer
-	    dosen_moderna_kumulativ: Integer
-	    personen_erst_kumulativ: Integer
-	    personen_voll_kumulativ: Integer
-	    impf_quote_erst: Float
-	    impf_quote_voll: Float
-	    indikation_alter_dosen: Integer
-	    indikation_beruf_dosen: Integer
-	    indikation_medizinisch_dosen: Integer
-	    indikation_pflegeheim_dosen: Integer
-	    indikation_alter_erst: Integer
-	    indikation_beruf_erst: Integer
-	    indikation_medizinisch_erst: Integer
-	    indikation_pflegeheim_erst: Integer
-	    indikation_alter_voll: Integer
-	    indikation_beruf_voll: Integer
-	    indikation_medizinisch_voll: Integer
-	    indikation_pflegeheim_voll: Integer
-	    {classifier} remove_all()
-	    {classifier} get_all_as_page(page: Integer)
-	    {classifier} get_all()
-	    {classifier} get_by_id(other_id: Integer)
-	    {classifier} find_by_id(other_id: Integer)
-	    {classifier} find_by_datum(other_datum: String)
-	    {classifier} get_date_rep()
-	    {classifier} get_date_reported_as_array()
-	    {classifier} get_daterep_missing_in_vaccination_data()
-	}
 	entity RkiVaccinationFlat {
 	    id: Integer
 	    datum_reported: Date
@@ -179,77 +138,101 @@ package covid19.blueprints.rki_vVaccination {
 		{classifier} get_data_for_location(location: String): RkiVaccinationFlat[]
 		{classifier} get_data_for_day(datum_reported: Date): RkiVaccinationFlat[]
-	class RkiVaccinationService << (S,red) Service >> {
-	    pretask_database_drop_create()
-	    task_database_drop_create()
-	    run_download_only()
-	    run_import_only()
-	    run_update_dimension_tables_only()
-	    run_update_fact_table_incremental_only()
-	    run_update_fact_table_initial_only()
-	    run_update_star_schema_incremental()
-	    run_update_star_schema_initial()
-	    download_all_files()
-	    task_import_all_files()
-	    update_dimension_tables_only()
-	    update_fact_table_initial_only()
-	    update_fact_table_incremental_only()
-	}
-	class RkiVaccinationServiceImport << (S,red) Service >> {
-	    import_file()
-	}
-	class RkiVaccinationServiceUpdate << (S,red) Service >> {
-	    -update_date_reported()
-	    -update_region()
-	    -update_country()
-	    -update_data_incremental()
-	    -update_data_initial()
-	    -update_dimension_tables()
-	    update_dimension_tables_only()
-	    update_fact_table_incremental_only()
-	    update_fact_table_initial_only()
-	    update_star_schema_incremental()
-	    update_star_schema_initial()
+AllImportFull <|-- AllImport
+AllImportIncrement <|-- AllImport
+AllImport <|-- AllFlat
+AllImport <|-- RkiVaccinationImport
+AllFlat <|-- RkiVaccinationFlat
+RkiVaccinationImport <|-- RkiVaccinationFlat
+package covid19.blueprints.all.model {
+	entity AllDateReported {
+	    id: Integer
+		date_reported:  String
+	    year_week:  String
+	    datum: Date
+	    year: Integer
+	    month: Integer
+		day_of_year: Integer
+	    day_of_month: Integer
+	    day_of_week: Integer
+	    week_of_year: Integer
+		get_name_for_weekday()
+		{classifier} get_names_for_weekday()
+		{classifier} get_datum_parts(my_date_rep: String)
+		{classifier} get_datum(my_year: Integer, my_month: Integer, my_day: Integer)
+		{classifier} get_datum_as_str(my_year: Integer, my_month: Integer, my_day: Integer)
+		{classifier} my_year_week(my_iso_year: Integer, week_number: Integer)
+		{classifier} create_new_object_factory(my_date_rep: String)
-	class rki_vaccination_views_frontend << (B,orchid) Boundary >> {
-		url_vaccination_info()
-		url_vaccination_tasks()
-		url_vaccination_imported()
-		url_vaccination_data()
+	interface AllData {
+	    id: Integer
-	class rki_vaccination_views_for_tasks << (B,orchid) Boundary >> {
-		task_who_download_only()
-		task_who_import_only()
-		task_who_update_dimension_tables_only()
-		task_who_update_fact_table_initial_only()
-		task_who_update_fact_table_incremental_only()
-		task_who_update_star_schema_initial()
-		task_who_update_star_schema_incremental()
+package covid19.blueprints.rki_vaccination.model {
+	entity RkiVaccinationDateReported {
+	    id: Integer
+		date_reported:  String
+	    year_week:  String
+	    datum: Date
+	    year: Integer
+	    month: Integer
+	    day_of_month: Integer
+	    day_of_week: Integer
+	    week_of_year: Integer
+		get_name_for_weekday()
+		{classifier} get_names_for_weekday()
+		{classifier} get_datum_parts(my_date_rep: String)
+		{classifier} get_datum(my_year: Integer, my_month: Integer, my_day: Integer)
+		{classifier} get_datum_as_str(my_year: Integer, my_month: Integer, my_day: Integer)
+		{classifier} my_year_week(my_iso_year: Integer, week_number: Integer)
+		{classifier} create_new_object_factory(my_date_rep: String)
-	class rki_vaccination_celery_tasks << (B,orchid) Boundary >> {
-		url_vaccination_task_download_only()
-		url_vaccination_task_import_only()
-		url_vaccination_task_update_dimensiontables_only()
-		url_vaccination_task_update_facttable_incremental_only()
-		url_vaccination_task_update_facttable_initial_only()
-		url_vaccination_task_update_starschema_initial()
-		url_vaccination_task_update_starschema_incremental()
+	entity RkiVaccinationData {
+	    id: Integer
+	    dosen_kumulativ: Integer
+	    dosen_differenz_zum_vortag: Integer
+	    dosen_biontech_kumulativ: Integer
+	    dosen_moderna_kumulativ: Integer
+	    personen_erst_kumulativ: Integer
+	    personen_voll_kumulativ: Integer
+	    impf_quote_erst: Float
+	    impf_quote_voll: Float
+	    indikation_alter_dosen: Integer
+	    indikation_beruf_dosen: Integer
+	    indikation_medizinisch_dosen: Integer
+	    indikation_pflegeheim_dosen: Integer
+	    indikation_alter_erst: Integer
+	    indikation_beruf_erst: Integer
+	    indikation_medizinisch_erst: Integer
+	    indikation_pflegeheim_erst: Integer
+	    indikation_alter_voll: Integer
+	    indikation_beruf_voll: Integer
+	    indikation_medizinisch_voll: Integer
+	    indikation_pflegeheim_voll: Integer
+	    get_absolute_path()
+	    get_relative_path()
+	    {classifier} remove_all()
+	    {classifier} get_all_as_page(page: Integer)
+	    {classifier} get_all()
+	    {classifier} get_all_as_dict()
+	    {classifier} get_by_id(other_id: Integer)
+	    {classifier} find_by_id(other_id: Integer)
+	    {classifier} get_kurse_all()
-RkiVaccinationServiceImport : SQLAlchemy database
-RkiVaccinationServiceUpdate : SQLAlchemy database
-RkiVaccinationService : SQLAlchemy database
-ApplicationServiceDownload : SQLAlchemy database
-ApplicationDateReported <|-- RkiVaccinationDateReported
+AllDateReported <|-- RkiVaccinationDateReported
+AllData <|-- RkiVaccinationData
 RkiVaccinationData "1" *--> "*" RkiVaccinationDateReported : date_reported
-RkiVaccinationService "*" *--> "1"  ApplicationServiceConfig : cfg
-RkiVaccinationServiceImport "*" --> "1"  ApplicationServiceConfig : cfg
-RkiVaccinationServiceUpdate "*" --> "1"  ApplicationServiceConfig : cfg
-ApplicationServiceDownload "*" --> "1"  ApplicationServiceConfig : cfg
-RkiVaccinationService "1" *--> "1" RkiVaccinationServiceImport : rki_vaccination_service_import
-RkiVaccinationService "1" *--> "1" RkiVaccinationServiceUpdate : rki_vaccination_service_update
-RkiVaccinationService "1" *--> "1" ApplicationServiceDownload : service_download
-rki_vaccination_views_frontend "1" --> "1" RkiVaccinationService : rki_vaccination_service
-rki_vaccination_views_for_tasks "1" --> "1" RkiVaccinationService : rki_vaccination_service
-rki_vaccination_celery_tasks "1" --> "1" RkiVaccinationService : rki_vaccination_service
diff --git a/docs/blueprints/rki_vaccination/uml/rki_vaccination_domain_model_import.puml b/docs/blueprints/rki_vaccination/uml/rki_vaccination_domain_model_import.puml
index 5bb53954..9d4c357d 100644
--- a/docs/blueprints/rki_vaccination/uml/rki_vaccination_domain_model_import.puml
+++ b/docs/blueprints/rki_vaccination/uml/rki_vaccination_domain_model_import.puml
@@ -1,141 +1,148 @@
 left to right direction
-interface AllImportFull {
-	{classifier} download_file()
-	{classifier} import_file()
-	{classifier} full_update_dimension_tables()
-	{classifier} full_update_fact_table()
-	{classifier} full_update_star_schema()
+package covid19.blueprints.all.model_import {
-interface AllImportIncrement {
-	{classifier} download_file()
-	{classifier} import_file()
-	{classifier} update_dimension_tables()
-	{classifier} update_fact_table()
-	{classifier} update_star_schema()
+	interface AllImportFull {
+		{classifier} download_file()
+		{classifier} import_file()
+		{classifier} full_update_dimension_tables()
+		{classifier} full_update_fact_table()
+		{classifier} full_update_star_schema()
+	}
-interface DataImport {
-    datum_reported: Date
-	location: String
-	location_group: String
-	{classifier} download_file()
-	{classifier} import_file()
-	{classifier} full_update_dimension_tables()
-	{classifier} full_update_fact_table()
-	{classifier} full_update_star_schema()
-	{classifier} update_dimension_tables()
-	{classifier} update_fact_table()
-	{classifier} update_star_schema()
+	interface AllImportIncrement {
+		{classifier} download_file()
+		{classifier} import_file()
+		{classifier} update_dimension_tables()
+		{classifier} update_fact_table()
+		{classifier} update_star_schema()
+	}
-entity RkiVaccinationImport {
-    id: Integer
-    dosen_kumulativ: Integer
-    dosen_differenz_zum_vortag: Integer
-    dosen_biontech_kumulativ: Integer
-    dosen_moderna_kumulativ: Integer
-    personen_erst_kumulativ: Integer
-    personen_voll_kumulativ: Integer
-    impf_quote_erst: Float
-    impf_quote_voll: Float
-    indikation_alter_dosen: Integer
-    indikation_beruf_dosen: Integer
-    indikation_medizinisch_dosen: Integer
-    indikation_pflegeheim_dosen: Integer
-    indikation_alter_erst: Integer
-    indikation_beruf_erst: Integer
-    indikation_medizinisch_erst: Integer
-    indikation_pflegeheim_erst: Integer
-    indikation_alter_voll: Integer
-    indikation_beruf_voll: Integer
-    indikation_medizinisch_voll: Integer
-    indikation_pflegeheim_voll: Integer
-    date_reported: String
-	{classifier} download_file()
-	{classifier} import_file()
-	{classifier} full_update_dimension_tables()
-	{classifier} full_update_fact_table()
-	{classifier} full_update_star_schema()
-	{classifier} update_dimension_tables()
-	{classifier} update_fact_table()
-	{classifier} update_star_schema()
+	interface AllImport {
+	    datum_reported: Date
+		location: String
+		location_group: String
+		{classifier} download_file()
+		{classifier} import_file()
+		{classifier} full_update_dimension_tables()
+		{classifier} full_update_fact_table()
+		{classifier} full_update_star_schema()
+		{classifier} update_dimension_tables()
+		{classifier} update_fact_table()
+		{classifier} update_star_schema()
+	}
-interface AllFlat {
-    id: Integer
-    datum_reported: Date
-    year: Integer
-    month: Integer
-    day_of_month: Integer
-	day_of_year: Integer
-    day_of_week: Integer
-    week_of_year: Integer
-    year_week:  String
-    day_of_week_str: String
-	month_str: String
-	location: String
-	location_group: String
-	{classifier} import_file_flat()
-	{classifier} get_years(): Integer[]
-	{classifier} get_days(): Date[]
-	{classifier} get_days_for_year(year: Integer): Date[]
-	{classifier} get_location_groups(): String[]
-	{classifier} get_locations_for_location_group(location_group: String): String[]
-	{classifier} get_data_for_location(location: String): AllFlat[]
-	{classifier} get_data_for_day(datum_reported: Date): AllFlat[]
+	interface AllFlat {
+	    id: Integer
+	    datum_reported: Date
+	    year: Integer
+	    month: Integer
+	    day_of_month: Integer
+		day_of_year: Integer
+	    day_of_week: Integer
+	    week_of_year: Integer
+	    year_week:  String
+	    day_of_week_str: String
+		month_str: String
+		location: String
+		location_group: String
+		{classifier} import_file_flat()
+		{classifier} get_years(): Integer[]
+		{classifier} get_days(): Date[]
+		{classifier} get_days_for_year(year: Integer): Date[]
+		{classifier} get_location_groups(): String[]
+		{classifier} get_locations_for_location_group(location_group: String): String[]
+		{classifier} get_data_for_location(location: String): AllFlat[]
+		{classifier} get_data_for_day(datum_reported: Date): AllFlat[]
+	}
-entity RkiVaccinationFlat {
-    id: Integer
-    datum_reported: Date
-    year: Integer
-    month: Integer
-    day_of_month: Integer
-	day_of_year: Integer
-    day_of_week: Integer
-    week_of_year: Integer
-    year_week:  String
-    day_of_week_str: String
-	month_str: String
-	location: String
-	location_group: String
-    dosen_kumulativ: Integer
-    dosen_differenz_zum_vortag: Integer
-    dosen_biontech_kumulativ: Integer
-    dosen_moderna_kumulativ: Integer
-    personen_erst_kumulativ: Integer
-    personen_voll_kumulativ: Integer
-    impf_quote_erst: Float
-    impf_quote_voll: Float
-    indikation_alter_dosen: Integer
-    indikation_beruf_dosen: Integer
-    indikation_medizinisch_dosen: Integer
-    indikation_pflegeheim_dosen: Integer
-    indikation_alter_erst: Integer
-    indikation_beruf_erst: Integer
-    indikation_medizinisch_erst: Integer
-    indikation_pflegeheim_erst: Integer
-    indikation_alter_voll: Integer
-    indikation_beruf_voll: Integer
-    indikation_medizinisch_voll: Integer
-    indikation_pflegeheim_voll: Integer
-    date_reported: String
-	{classifier} import_file_flat()
-	{classifier} get_years(): Integer[]
-	{classifier} get_days(): Date[]
-	{classifier} get_days_for_year(year: Integer): Date[]
-	{classifier} get_location_groups(): String[]
-	{classifier} get_locations_for_location_group(location_group: String): String[]
-	{classifier} get_data_for_location(location: String): RkiVaccinationFlat[]
-	{classifier} get_data_for_day(datum_reported: Date): RkiVaccinationFlat[]
+package covid19.blueprints.rki_vVaccination.model_import {
+	entity RkiVaccinationImport {
+	    id: Integer
+	    dosen_kumulativ: Integer
+	    dosen_differenz_zum_vortag: Integer
+	    dosen_biontech_kumulativ: Integer
+	    dosen_moderna_kumulativ: Integer
+	    personen_erst_kumulativ: Integer
+	    personen_voll_kumulativ: Integer
+	    impf_quote_erst: Float
+	    impf_quote_voll: Float
+	    indikation_alter_dosen: Integer
+	    indikation_beruf_dosen: Integer
+	    indikation_medizinisch_dosen: Integer
+	    indikation_pflegeheim_dosen: Integer
+	    indikation_alter_erst: Integer
+	    indikation_beruf_erst: Integer
+	    indikation_medizinisch_erst: Integer
+	    indikation_pflegeheim_erst: Integer
+	    indikation_alter_voll: Integer
+	    indikation_beruf_voll: Integer
+	    indikation_medizinisch_voll: Integer
+	    indikation_pflegeheim_voll: Integer
+	    date_reported: String
+		{classifier} download_file()
+		{classifier} import_file()
+		{classifier} full_update_dimension_tables()
+		{classifier} full_update_fact_table()
+		{classifier} full_update_star_schema()
+		{classifier} update_dimension_tables()
+		{classifier} update_fact_table()
+		{classifier} update_star_schema()
+	}
+	entity RkiVaccinationFlat {
+	    id: Integer
+	    datum_reported: Date
+	    year: Integer
+	    month: Integer
+	    day_of_month: Integer
+		day_of_year: Integer
+	    day_of_week: Integer
+	    week_of_year: Integer
+	    year_week:  String
+	    day_of_week_str: String
+		month_str: String
+		location: String
+		location_group: String
+	    dosen_kumulativ: Integer
+	    dosen_differenz_zum_vortag: Integer
+	    dosen_biontech_kumulativ: Integer
+	    dosen_moderna_kumulativ: Integer
+	    personen_erst_kumulativ: Integer
+	    personen_voll_kumulativ: Integer
+	    impf_quote_erst: Float
+	    impf_quote_voll: Float
+	    indikation_alter_dosen: Integer
+	    indikation_beruf_dosen: Integer
+	    indikation_medizinisch_dosen: Integer
+	    indikation_pflegeheim_dosen: Integer
+	    indikation_alter_erst: Integer
+	    indikation_beruf_erst: Integer
+	    indikation_medizinisch_erst: Integer
+	    indikation_pflegeheim_erst: Integer
+	    indikation_alter_voll: Integer
+	    indikation_beruf_voll: Integer
+	    indikation_medizinisch_voll: Integer
+	    indikation_pflegeheim_voll: Integer
+	    date_reported: String
+		{classifier} import_file_flat()
+		{classifier} get_years(): Integer[]
+		{classifier} get_days(): Date[]
+		{classifier} get_days_for_year(year: Integer): Date[]
+		{classifier} get_location_groups(): String[]
+		{classifier} get_locations_for_location_group(location_group: String): String[]
+		{classifier} get_data_for_location(location: String): RkiVaccinationFlat[]
+		{classifier} get_data_for_day(datum_reported: Date): RkiVaccinationFlat[]
+	}
-AllImportFull <|-- DataImport
-AllImportIncrement <|-- DataImport
-DataImport <|-- AllFlat
-DataImport <|-- RkiVaccinationImport
+AllImportFull <|-- AllImport
+AllImportIncrement <|-- AllImport
+AllImport <|-- AllFlat
+AllImport <|-- RkiVaccinationImport
 AllFlat <|-- RkiVaccinationFlat
 RkiVaccinationImport <|-- RkiVaccinationFlat
diff --git a/docs/blueprints/rki_vaccination/uml/rki_vaccination_domain_model_star_schema.puml b/docs/blueprints/rki_vaccination/uml/rki_vaccination_domain_model_star_schema.puml
index 1286b52d..f0905b1e 100644
--- a/docs/blueprints/rki_vaccination/uml/rki_vaccination_domain_model_star_schema.puml
+++ b/docs/blueprints/rki_vaccination/uml/rki_vaccination_domain_model_star_schema.puml
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 left to right direction
-package covid19.blueprints.all {
+package covid19.blueprints.all.model {
-	entity ApplicationDateReported {
+	entity AllDateReported {
 	    id: Integer
 		date_reported:  String
 	    year_week:  String
@@ -22,36 +22,14 @@ package covid19.blueprints.all {
 		{classifier} my_year_week(my_iso_year: Integer, week_number: Integer)
 		{classifier} create_new_object_factory(my_date_rep: String)
-	class ApplicationServiceDownload << (S,red) Service >> {
-		-log_error()
-		-log_success()
-		-prepare_download()
-		-download_with_wget()
-		-download_with_subprocess_and_os_native_wget()
-		download_file()
-	}
-	class ApplicationServiceConfig << (T,#FF7700) Transient >> {
-		limit_nr: Integer
-	    data_path: String
-	    slug: String
-	    category: String
-	    sub_category: String
-	    tablename: String
-	    cvsfile_name: String
-	    url_src: String
-	    cvsfile_path: String
-	    msg_job: String
-	    msg_ok: String
-	    msg_error: String
-		create_config_for_who()
-		create_config_for_rki_vaccination()
-		create_config_for_owid()
-		create_config_for_ecdc()
-		create_config_for_rki_bundeslaender()
-		create_config_for_rki_landkreise()
+	interface AllData {
+	    id: Integer
-package covid19.blueprints.rki_vVaccination {
+package covid19.blueprints.rki_vaccination.model {
 	entity RkiVaccinationDateReported {
 	    id: Integer
 		date_reported:  String
@@ -70,6 +48,7 @@ package covid19.blueprints.rki_vVaccination {
 		{classifier} my_year_week(my_iso_year: Integer, week_number: Integer)
 		{classifier} create_new_object_factory(my_date_rep: String)
 	entity RkiVaccinationData {
 	    id: Integer
 	    dosen_kumulativ: Integer
@@ -102,154 +81,11 @@ package covid19.blueprints.rki_vVaccination {
 	    {classifier} find_by_id(other_id: Integer)
 	    {classifier} get_kurse_all()
-	entity RkiVaccinationImport {
-	    datum:  String
-	    dosen_kumulativ: Integer
-	    dosen_differenz_zum_vortag: Integer
-	    dosen_biontech_kumulativ: Integer
-	    dosen_moderna_kumulativ: Integer
-	    personen_erst_kumulativ: Integer
-	    personen_voll_kumulativ: Integer
-	    impf_quote_erst: Float
-	    impf_quote_voll: Float
-	    indikation_alter_dosen: Integer
-	    indikation_beruf_dosen: Integer
-	    indikation_medizinisch_dosen: Integer
-	    indikation_pflegeheim_dosen: Integer
-	    indikation_alter_erst: Integer
-	    indikation_beruf_erst: Integer
-	    indikation_medizinisch_erst: Integer
-	    indikation_pflegeheim_erst: Integer
-	    indikation_alter_voll: Integer
-	    indikation_beruf_voll: Integer
-	    indikation_medizinisch_voll: Integer
-	    indikation_pflegeheim_voll: Integer
-	    {classifier} remove_all()
-	    {classifier} get_all_as_page(page: Integer)
-	    {classifier} get_all()
-	    {classifier} get_by_id(other_id: Integer)
-	    {classifier} find_by_id(other_id: Integer)
-	    {classifier} find_by_datum(other_datum: String)
-	    {classifier} get_date_rep()
-	    {classifier} get_date_reported_as_array()
-	    {classifier} get_daterep_missing_in_vaccination_data()
-	}
-	entity RkiVaccinationFlat {
-	    id: Integer
-	    datum_reported: Date
-	    year: Integer
-	    month: Integer
-	    day_of_month: Integer
-		day_of_year: Integer
-	    day_of_week: Integer
-	    week_of_year: Integer
-	    year_week:  String
-	    day_of_week_str: String
-		month_str: String
-		location: String
-		location_group: String
-	    dosen_kumulativ: Integer
-	    dosen_differenz_zum_vortag: Integer
-	    dosen_biontech_kumulativ: Integer
-	    dosen_moderna_kumulativ: Integer
-	    personen_erst_kumulativ: Integer
-	    personen_voll_kumulativ: Integer
-	    impf_quote_erst: Float
-	    impf_quote_voll: Float
-	    indikation_alter_dosen: Integer
-	    indikation_beruf_dosen: Integer
-	    indikation_medizinisch_dosen: Integer
-	    indikation_pflegeheim_dosen: Integer
-	    indikation_alter_erst: Integer
-	    indikation_beruf_erst: Integer
-	    indikation_medizinisch_erst: Integer
-	    indikation_pflegeheim_erst: Integer
-	    indikation_alter_voll: Integer
-	    indikation_beruf_voll: Integer
-	    indikation_medizinisch_voll: Integer
-	    indikation_pflegeheim_voll: Integer
-	    date_reported: String
-		{classifier} import_file_flat()
-		{classifier} get_years(): Integer[]
-		{classifier} get_days(): Date[]
-		{classifier} get_days_for_year(year: Integer): Date[]
-		{classifier} get_location_groups(): String[]
-		{classifier} get_locations_for_location_group(location_group: String): String[]
-		{classifier} get_data_for_location(location: String): RkiVaccinationFlat[]
-		{classifier} get_data_for_day(datum_reported: Date): RkiVaccinationFlat[]
-	}
-	class RkiVaccinationService << (S,red) Service >> {
-	    pretask_database_drop_create()
-	    task_database_drop_create()
-	    run_download_only()
-	    run_import_only()
-	    run_update_dimension_tables_only()
-	    run_update_fact_table_incremental_only()
-	    run_update_fact_table_initial_only()
-	    run_update_star_schema_incremental()
-	    run_update_star_schema_initial()
-	    download_all_files()
-	    task_import_all_files()
-	    update_dimension_tables_only()
-	    update_fact_table_initial_only()
-	    update_fact_table_incremental_only()
-	}
-	class RkiVaccinationServiceImport << (S,red) Service >> {
-	    import_file()
-	}
-	class RkiVaccinationServiceUpdate << (S,red) Service >> {
-	    -update_date_reported()
-	    -update_region()
-	    -update_country()
-	    -update_data_incremental()
-	    -update_data_initial()
-	    -update_dimension_tables()
-	    update_dimension_tables_only()
-	    update_fact_table_incremental_only()
-	    update_fact_table_initial_only()
-	    update_star_schema_incremental()
-	    update_star_schema_initial()
-	}
-	class rki_vaccination_views_frontend << (B,orchid) Boundary >> {
-		url_vaccination_info()
-		url_vaccination_tasks()
-		url_vaccination_imported()
-		url_vaccination_data()
-	}
-	class rki_vaccination_views_for_tasks << (B,orchid) Boundary >> {
-		task_who_download_only()
-		task_who_import_only()
-		task_who_update_dimension_tables_only()
-		task_who_update_fact_table_initial_only()
-		task_who_update_fact_table_incremental_only()
-		task_who_update_star_schema_initial()
-		task_who_update_star_schema_incremental()
-	}
-	class rki_vaccination_celery_tasks << (B,orchid) Boundary >> {
-		url_vaccination_task_download_only()
-		url_vaccination_task_import_only()
-		url_vaccination_task_update_dimensiontables_only()
-		url_vaccination_task_update_facttable_incremental_only()
-		url_vaccination_task_update_facttable_initial_only()
-		url_vaccination_task_update_starschema_initial()
-		url_vaccination_task_update_starschema_incremental()
-	}
-RkiVaccinationServiceImport : SQLAlchemy database
-RkiVaccinationServiceUpdate : SQLAlchemy database
-RkiVaccinationService : SQLAlchemy database
-ApplicationServiceDownload : SQLAlchemy database
-ApplicationDateReported <|-- RkiVaccinationDateReported
+AllDateReported <|-- RkiVaccinationDateReported
+AllData <|-- RkiVaccinationData
 RkiVaccinationData "1" *--> "*" RkiVaccinationDateReported : date_reported
-RkiVaccinationService "*" *--> "1"  ApplicationServiceConfig : cfg
-RkiVaccinationServiceImport "*" --> "1"  ApplicationServiceConfig : cfg
-RkiVaccinationServiceUpdate "*" --> "1"  ApplicationServiceConfig : cfg
-ApplicationServiceDownload "*" --> "1"  ApplicationServiceConfig : cfg
-RkiVaccinationService "1" *--> "1" RkiVaccinationServiceImport : rki_vaccination_service_import
-RkiVaccinationService "1" *--> "1" RkiVaccinationServiceUpdate : rki_vaccination_service_update
-RkiVaccinationService "1" *--> "1" ApplicationServiceDownload : service_download
-rki_vaccination_views_frontend "1" --> "1" RkiVaccinationService : rki_vaccination_service
-rki_vaccination_views_for_tasks "1" --> "1" RkiVaccinationService : rki_vaccination_service
-rki_vaccination_celery_tasks "1" --> "1" RkiVaccinationService : rki_vaccination_service
diff --git a/docs/blueprints/who/uml/who_domain_model.puml b/docs/blueprints/who/uml/who_domain_model.puml
index 5f473d6a..9fc94a38 100644
--- a/docs/blueprints/who/uml/who_domain_model.puml
+++ b/docs/blueprints/who/uml/who_domain_model.puml
@@ -1,57 +1,6 @@
 left to right direction
-package covid19.blueprints.all.model {
-	interface AllDateReported {
-	    id: Integer
-		date_reported:  String
-	    year_week:  String
-	    datum: Date
-	    year: Integer
-	    month: Integer
-	    day_of_month: Integer
-	    day_of_week: Integer
-	    week_of_year: Integer
-		get_name_for_weekday()
-		{classifier} get_names_for_weekday()
-		{classifier} get_datum_parts(my_date_rep: String)
-		{classifier} get_datum(my_year: Integer, my_month: Integer, my_day: Integer)
-		{classifier} get_datum_as_str(my_year: Integer, my_month: Integer, my_day: Integer)
-		{classifier} my_year_week(my_iso_year: Integer, week_number: Integer)
-		{classifier} create_new_object_factory(my_date_rep: String)
-	}
-	interface AllLocationGroup {
-	    id: Integer
-	    continent:  String
-	    {classifier} remove_all()
-	    {classifier} get_all_as_page(page: Integer)
-	    {classifier} get_all()
-	    {classifier} get_all_as_dict()
-	    {classifier} get_by_id(other_id: Integer)
-	    {classifier} find_by_id(other_id: Integer)
-	}
-	interface AllLocation {
-	    id: Integer
-	    continent:  String
-	    {classifier} remove_all()
-	    {classifier} get_all_as_page(page: Integer)
-	    {classifier} get_all()
-	    {classifier} get_all_as_dict()
-	    {classifier} get_by_id(other_id: Integer)
-	    {classifier} find_by_id(other_id: Integer)
-	}
-	interface AllData {
-	    id: Integer
-	    continent:  String
-	    {classifier} remove_all()
-	    {classifier} get_all_as_page(page: Integer)
-	    {classifier} get_all()
-	    {classifier} get_all_as_dict()
-	    {classifier} get_by_id(other_id: Integer)
-	    {classifier} find_by_id(other_id: Integer)
-	}
 package covid19.blueprints.all.model_import {
@@ -109,96 +58,7 @@ package covid19.blueprints.all.model_import {
 		{classifier} get_data_for_day(datum_reported: Date): AllFlat[]
-package covid19.blueprints.all.service {
-	class AllServiceDownload << (S,red) Service >> {
-		-log_error()
-		-log_success()
-		-prepare_download()
-		-download_with_wget()
-		-download_with_subprocess_and_os_native_wget()
-		download_file()
-	}
-	class AllServiceConfig << (T,#FF7700) Transient >> {
-		limit_nr: Integer
-	    data_path: String
-	    slug: String
-	    category: String
-	    sub_category: String
-	    tablename: String
-	    cvsfile_name: String
-	    url_src: String
-	    cvsfile_path: String
-	    msg_job: String
-	    msg_ok: String
-	    msg_error: String
-		create_config_for_who()
-		create_config_for_rki_vaccination()
-		create_config_for_owid()
-		create_config_for_ecdc()
-		create_config_for_rki_bundeslaender()
-		create_config_for_rki_landkreise()
-	}
-package covid19.blueprints.who.model {
-	entity WhoDateReported {
-	    id: Integer
-		date_reported: String
-	    year_week: String
-	    datum: Date
-	    year: Integer
-	    month: Integer
-	    day_of_month: Integer
-	    day_of_week: Integer
-	    week_of_year: Integer
-	    {classifier} create_new_object_factory(my_date_rep)
-	}
-	entity WhoCountryRegion {
-	    id: Integer
-	    location_group: String
-	}
-	entity WhoCountry {
-	    id: Integer
-		country_code: String
-	    location: String
-	    {classifier} remove_all()
-	    {classifier} get_all_as_page(page: Integer)
-	    {classifier} get_all()
-	    {classifier} get_all_as_dict()
-	    {classifier} get_by_id(other_id: Integer)
-	    {classifier} get_germany()
-	    {classifier} find_by_country_code_and_country_and_who_region_id(i_country_code, i_country, my_region)
-	    {classifier} find_by_country_code(i_country_code)
-	    {classifier} find_by_country(i_country)
-	    {classifier} get_by_country_code(i_country_code)
-	    {classifier} get_by_country(i_country)
-	    {classifier} get_who_countries_for_region(region, page)
-	}
-	entity WhoData {
-	    id: Integer
-		cases_new: Integer
-	    cases_cumulative: Integer
-	    deaths_new: Integer
-	    deaths_cumulative: Integer
-	    {classifier} remove_all()
-	    {classifier} get_all_as_page(page: Integer)
-	    {classifier} get_all()
-	    {classifier} get_by_id(other_id: Integer)
-	    {classifier} find_one_or_none_by_date_and_country(my_date_reported, my_country)
-	    {classifier} get_data_for_country(who_country, page)
-	    {classifier} get_data_for_day(date_reported, page)
-	    {classifier} get_data_for_day_order_by_cases_new(date_reported, page)
-	    {classifier} get_data_for_day_order_by_cases_cumulative(date_reported, page)
-	    {classifier} get_data_for_day_order_by_deaths_new(date_reported, page)
-	    {classifier} get_data_for_day_order_by_deaths_cumulative(date_reported, page)
-	    {classifier} get_data_for_country_order_by_cases_new(who_country, page)
-	    {classifier} get_data_for_country_order_by_cases_cumulative(who_country, page)
-	    {classifier} get_data_for_country_order_by_deaths_new(who_country, page)
-	    {classifier} get_data_for_country_order_by_deaths_cumulative(who_country, page)
-	}
 package covid19.blueprints.who.model_import {
 	entity WhoImport {
@@ -211,16 +71,6 @@ package covid19.blueprints.who.model_import {
 	    cumulative_cases: String
 	    new_deaths: String
 	    cumulative_deaths: String
-	    # {classifier} remove_all()
-	    # {classifier} get_all_as_page(page: Integer)
-	    # {classifier} get_all()
-	    # {classifier} get_by_id(other_id: Integer)
-	    # {classifier} get_regions()
-	    # {classifier} get_dates_reported()
-	    # {classifier} get_for_one_day(day: String)
-	    # {classifier} get_dates_reported_as_array()
-	    # {classifier} get_new_dates_as_array()
-	    # {classifier} countries()
 		{classifier} download_file()
 		{classifier} import_file()
 		{classifier} full_update_dimension_tables()
@@ -262,135 +112,130 @@ package covid19.blueprints.who.model_import {
 		{classifier} get_data_for_location(location: String): WhoFlat[]
 		{classifier} get_data_for_day(datum_reported: Date): WhoFlat[]
+AllImportFull <|-- AllImport
+AllImportIncrement <|-- AllImport
+AllImport <|-- AllFlat
-package covid19.blueprints.who.service {
-	class WhoService << (S,red) Service >> {
-		database_drop_create_pretask()
-		database_drop_create_posttask()
-		download_files()
-		import_files()
-		update_star_schema()
-		full_update_star_schema()
-	}
-	class WhoServiceImport << (S,red) Service >> {
-	    import_file()
-	}
-	class WhoServiceUpdateBase << (S,red) Service >> {
+AllImport <|-- WhoImport
+AllFlat <|-- WhoFlat
+WhoImport <|-- WhoFlat
+package covid19.blueprints.all.model {
+	interface AllDateReported {
+	    id: Integer
+		date_reported:  String
+	    year_week:  String
+	    datum: Date
+	    year: Integer
+	    month: Integer
+	    day_of_month: Integer
+	    day_of_week: Integer
+	    week_of_year: Integer
+		get_name_for_weekday()
+		{classifier} get_names_for_weekday()
+		{classifier} get_datum_parts(my_date_rep: String)
+		{classifier} get_datum(my_year: Integer, my_month: Integer, my_day: Integer)
+		{classifier} get_datum_as_str(my_year: Integer, my_month: Integer, my_day: Integer)
+		{classifier} my_year_week(my_iso_year: Integer, week_number: Integer)
+		{classifier} create_new_object_factory(my_date_rep: String)
-	class WhoServiceUpdateFull << (S,red) Service >> {
-		-full_update_date_reported()
-		-full_update_region()
-		-full_update_country()
-		-full_update_data()
-		full_update_dimension_tables()
-		full_update_fact_table()
-		full_update_star_schema()
+	interface AllLocationGroup {
+	    id: Integer
+	    continent:  String
+	    {classifier} remove_all()
+	    {classifier} get_all_as_page(page: Integer)
+	    {classifier} get_all()
+	    {classifier} get_all_as_dict()
+	    {classifier} get_by_id(other_id: Integer)
+	    {classifier} find_by_id(other_id: Integer)
-	class WhoServiceUpdate << (S,red) Service >> {
-	    -update_date_reported()
-	    -update_region()
-	    -update_country()
-	    -update_data()
-	    update_dimension_tables()
-	    update_fact_table()
-	    update_star_schema()
-		-who_import_get_new_dates_as_array()
+	interface AllLocation {
+	    id: Integer
+    }
+	interface AllData {
+	    id: Integer
-package covid19.blueprints.who.views {
-	class who_views_frontend << (B,orchid) Boundary >> {
-	    url_root()
-	    url_home()
-	    url_update_data()
-	    url_rename()
-	    url_kurse_all()
-	    url_kurse_workflow_lektionen(workflow_id: Integer)
-	    url_kurse_workflow_lektion_folien(lektion_id: Integer)
-	    url_abbbildung_id(abbildung_id: Integer)
-	    url_db_dump()
-	    url_db_reimport()
-	    task_data_update()
-	    task_rename_src_files()
+package covid19.blueprints.who.model {
+	entity WhoDateReported {
+	    id: Integer
+		date_reported: String
+	    year_week: String
+	    datum: Date
+	    year: Integer
+	    month: Integer
+	    day_of_month: Integer
+	    day_of_week: Integer
+	    week_of_year: Integer
+	    {classifier} create_new_object_factory(my_date_rep)
-	class who_celery_tasks << (B,orchid) Boundary >> {
-	    url_root()
-	    url_home()
-	    url_update_data()
-	    url_rename()
-	    url_kurse_all()
-	    url_kurse_workflow_lektionen(workflow_id: Integer)
-	    url_kurse_workflow_lektion_folien(lektion_id: Integer)
-	    url_abbbildung_id(abbildung_id: Integer)
-	    url_db_dump()
-	    url_db_reimport()
-	    task_data_update()
-	    task_rename_src_files()
+	entity WhoCountryRegion {
+	    id: Integer
+	    region: String
-	class who_views_for_tasks << (B,orchid) Boundary >> {
-	    url_root()
-	    url_home()
-	    url_update_data()
-	    url_rename()
-	    url_kurse_all()
-	    url_kurse_workflow_lektionen(workflow_id: Integer)
-	    url_kurse_workflow_lektion_folien(lektion_id: Integer)
-	    url_abbbildung_id(abbildung_id: Integer)
-	    url_db_dump()
-	    url_db_reimport()
-	    task_data_update()
-	    task_rename_src_files()
+	entity WhoCountry {
+	    id: Integer
+		country_code: String
+	    country: String
+	    {classifier} remove_all()
+	    {classifier} get_all_as_page(page: Integer)
+	    {classifier} get_all()
+	    {classifier} get_all_as_dict()
+	    {classifier} get_by_id(other_id: Integer)
+	    {classifier} get_germany()
+	    {classifier} find_by_country_code_and_country_and_who_region_id(i_country_code, i_country, my_region)
+	    {classifier} find_by_country_code(i_country_code)
+	    {classifier} find_by_country(i_country)
+	    {classifier} get_by_country_code(i_country_code)
+	    {classifier} get_by_country(i_country)
+	    {classifier} get_who_countries_for_region(region, page)
+	}
+	entity WhoData {
+	    id: Integer
+		cases_new: Integer
+	    cases_cumulative: Integer
+	    deaths_new: Integer
+	    deaths_cumulative: Integer
+	    {classifier} remove_all()
+	    {classifier} get_all_as_page(page: Integer)
+	    {classifier} get_all()
+	    {classifier} get_by_id(other_id: Integer)
+	    {classifier} find_one_or_none_by_date_and_country(my_date_reported, my_country)
+	    {classifier} get_data_for_country(who_country, page)
+	    {classifier} get_data_for_day(date_reported, page)
+	    {classifier} get_data_for_day_order_by_cases_new(date_reported, page)
+	    {classifier} get_data_for_day_order_by_cases_cumulative(date_reported, page)
+	    {classifier} get_data_for_day_order_by_deaths_new(date_reported, page)
+	    {classifier} get_data_for_day_order_by_deaths_cumulative(date_reported, page)
+	    {classifier} get_data_for_country_order_by_cases_new(who_country, page)
+	    {classifier} get_data_for_country_order_by_cases_cumulative(who_country, page)
+	    {classifier} get_data_for_country_order_by_deaths_new(who_country, page)
+	    {classifier} get_data_for_country_order_by_deaths_cumulative(who_country, page)
-WhoServiceImport : SQLAlchemy database
-WhoServiceUpdateBase : SQLAlchemy database
-WhoServiceUpdateFull <|-- WhoServiceUpdateBase
-WhoServiceUpdate <|-- WhoServiceUpdateBase
-WhoService : SQLAlchemy database
-AllServiceDownload : SQLAlchemy database
 AllDateReported <|-- WhoDateReported
 AllLocationGroup <|-- WhoCountryRegion
 AllLocation <|-- WhoCountry
 AllData <|-- WhoData
+WhoCountry "1" *--> "*" WhoCountryRegion : region
+WhoData "1" *--> "*" WhoCountry : country
 WhoData "1" *--> "*" WhoDateReported : date_reported
-WhoCountry "1" *--> "*" WhoCountryRegion : location_group
-WhoData "1" *--> "*" WhoCountry : location
-WhoService "*" *--> "1"  AllServiceConfig : cfg
-WhoServiceImport "*" --> "1"  AllServiceConfig : cfg
-WhoServiceUpdate "*" --> "1"  AllServiceConfig : cfg
-WhoServiceUpdateFull "*" --> "1"  AllServiceConfig : cfg
-AllServiceDownload "*" --> "1"  AllServiceConfig : cfg
-WhoService "1" *--> "1" WhoServiceImport : service_import
-WhoService "1" *--> "1" WhoServiceUpdate : service_update
-WhoService "1" *--> "1" WhoServiceUpdateFull : service_update_full
-WhoService "1" *--> "1" AllServiceDownload : service_download
-who_views_frontend "1" --> "1" WhoService : who_service
-who_views_for_tasks "1" --> "1" WhoService : who_service
-who_celery_tasks "1" --> "1" WhoService : who_service
-AllImportFull <|-- AllImport
-AllImportIncrement <|-- AllImport
-AllImport <|-- AllFlat
-AllImport <|-- WhoImport
-AllImport <|-- EcdcImport
-AllImport <|-- RkiVaccinationImport
-AllImport <|-- RkiImport
-AllImport <|-- OwidImport
-AllFlat <|-- WhoFlat
-AllFlat <|-- EcdcFlat
-AllFlat <|-- RkiVaccinationFlat
-AllFlat <|-- RkiFlat
-AllFlat <|-- OwidFlat
-WhoImport <|-- WhoFlat
-EcdcImport <|-- EcdcFlat
-RkiVaccinationImport <|-- RkiVaccinationFlat
-RkiImport <|-- RkiFlat
-OwidImport <|-- OwidFlat
diff --git a/docs/blueprints/who/uml/who_domain_model_import.puml b/docs/blueprints/who/uml/who_domain_model_import.puml
index 342a1daa..3549f540 100644
--- a/docs/blueprints/who/uml/who_domain_model_import.puml
+++ b/docs/blueprints/who/uml/who_domain_model_import.puml
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 left to right direction
 package covid19.blueprints.all.model_import {
 	interface AllImportFull {
diff --git a/docs/blueprints/who/uml/who_domain_model_star_schema.puml b/docs/blueprints/who/uml/who_domain_model_star_schema.puml
index 2768c3ac..135b736f 100644
--- a/docs/blueprints/who/uml/who_domain_model_star_schema.puml
+++ b/docs/blueprints/who/uml/who_domain_model_star_schema.puml
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 left to right direction
 package covid19.blueprints.all.model {
 	interface AllDateReported {
@@ -20,24 +21,7 @@ package covid19.blueprints.all.model {
 		{classifier} my_year_week(my_iso_year: Integer, week_number: Integer)
 		{classifier} create_new_object_factory(my_date_rep: String)
-	interface AllDateReported {
-	    id: Integer
-		date_reported:  String
-	    year_week:  String
-	    datum: Date
-	    year: Integer
-	    month: Integer
-	    day_of_month: Integer
-	    day_of_week: Integer
-	    week_of_year: Integer
-		get_name_for_weekday()
-		{classifier} get_names_for_weekday()
-		{classifier} get_datum_parts(my_date_rep: String)
-		{classifier} get_datum(my_year: Integer, my_month: Integer, my_day: Integer)
-		{classifier} get_datum_as_str(my_year: Integer, my_month: Integer, my_day: Integer)
-		{classifier} my_year_week(my_iso_year: Integer, week_number: Integer)
-		{classifier} create_new_object_factory(my_date_rep: String)
-	}
 	interface AllLocationGroup {
 	    id: Integer
 	    continent:  String
@@ -48,66 +32,15 @@ package covid19.blueprints.all.model {
 	    {classifier} get_by_id(other_id: Integer)
 	    {classifier} find_by_id(other_id: Integer)
 	interface AllLocation {
 	    id: Integer
 	interface AllData {
 	    id: Integer
-	interface AllImportFull {
-		{classifier} download_file()
-		{classifier} import_file()
-		{classifier} full_update_dimension_tables()
-		{classifier} full_update_fact_table()
-		{classifier} full_update_star_schema()
-	}
-	interface AllImportIncrement {
-		{classifier} download_file()
-		{classifier} import_file()
-		{classifier} update_dimension_tables()
-		{classifier} update_fact_table()
-		{classifier} update_star_schema()
-	}
-	interface AllImport {
-	    datum_reported: Date
-		location: String
-		location_group: String
-		{classifier} download_file()
-		{classifier} import_file()
-		{classifier} full_update_dimension_tables()
-		{classifier} full_update_fact_table()
-		{classifier} full_update_star_schema()
-		{classifier} update_dimension_tables()
-		{classifier} update_fact_table()
-		{classifier} update_star_schema()
-	}
-	interface AllFlat {
-	    id: Integer
-	    datum_reported: Date
-	    year: Integer
-	    month: Integer
-	    day_of_month: Integer
-		day_of_year: Integer
-	    day_of_week: Integer
-	    week_of_year: Integer
-	    year_week:  String
-	    day_of_week_str: String
-		month_str: String
-		location: String
-		location_group: String
-		{classifier} import_file_flat()
-		{classifier} get_years(): Integer[]
-		{classifier} get_days(): Date[]
-		{classifier} get_days_for_year(year: Integer): Date[]
-		{classifier} get_location_groups(): String[]
-		{classifier} get_locations_for_location_group(location_group: String): String[]
-		{classifier} get_data_for_location(location: String): AllFlat[]
-		{classifier} get_data_for_day(datum_reported: Date): AllFlat[]
-	}
 package covid19.blueprints.who.model {
@@ -124,10 +57,12 @@ package covid19.blueprints.who.model {
 	    week_of_year: Integer
 	    {classifier} create_new_object_factory(my_date_rep)
 	entity WhoCountryRegion {
 	    id: Integer
 	    region: String
 	entity WhoCountry {
 	    id: Integer
 		country_code: String
@@ -145,6 +80,7 @@ package covid19.blueprints.who.model {
 	    {classifier} get_by_country(i_country)
 	    {classifier} get_who_countries_for_region(region, page)
 	entity WhoData {
 	    id: Integer
 		cases_new: Integer
@@ -167,74 +103,8 @@ package covid19.blueprints.who.model {
 	    {classifier} get_data_for_country_order_by_deaths_new(who_country, page)
 	    {classifier} get_data_for_country_order_by_deaths_cumulative(who_country, page)
-	entity WhoImport {
-	    id: Integer
-	    date_reported: String
-	    country_code: String
-	    country: String
-	    who_region: String
-	    new_cases: String
-	    cumulative_cases: String
-	    new_deaths: String
-	    cumulative_deaths: String
-	    # {classifier} remove_all()
-	    # {classifier} get_all_as_page(page: Integer)
-	    # {classifier} get_all()
-	    # {classifier} get_by_id(other_id: Integer)
-	    # {classifier} get_regions()
-	    # {classifier} get_dates_reported()
-	    # {classifier} get_for_one_day(day: String)
-	    # {classifier} get_dates_reported_as_array()
-	    # {classifier} get_new_dates_as_array()
-	    # {classifier} countries()
-		{classifier} download_file()
-		{classifier} import_file()
-		{classifier} full_update_dimension_tables()
-		{classifier} full_update_fact_table()
-		{classifier} full_update_star_schema()
-		{classifier} update_dimension_tables()
-		{classifier} update_fact_table()
-		{classifier} update_star_schema()
-	}
-	entity WhoFlat {
-	    id: Integer
-	    datum_reported: Date
-	    year: Integer
-	    month: Integer
-	    day_of_month: Integer
-		day_of_year: Integer
-	    day_of_week: Integer
-	    week_of_year: Integer
-	    year_week:  String
-	    day_of_week_str: String
-		month_str: String
-		location: String
-		location_group: String
-	    date_reported: String
-	    country_code: String
-	    country: String
-	    who_region: String
-	    new_cases: String
-	    cumulative_cases: String
-	    new_deaths: String
-	    cumulative_deaths: String
-		{classifier} import_file_flat()
-		{classifier} get_years(): Integer[]
-		{classifier} get_days(): Date[]
-		{classifier} get_days_for_year(year: Integer): Date[]
-		{classifier} get_location_groups(): String[]
-		{classifier} get_locations_for_location_group(location_group: String): String[]
-		{classifier} get_data_for_location(location: String): WhoFlat[]
-		{classifier} get_data_for_day(datum_reported: Date): WhoFlat[]
-	}
-AllImportFull <|-- AllImport
-AllImportIncrement <|-- AllImport
-AllImport <|-- WhoImport
-AllFlat <|-- WhoFlat
 AllDateReported <|-- WhoDateReported
 AllLocationGroup <|-- WhoCountryRegion
 AllLocation <|-- WhoCountry