* @defgroup ECSSDefinitions ECSS Defined Constants
* This file contains constant definitions that are used throughout the ECSS services. They often refer to maximum
* values and upper limits for the storage of data in the services.
* @todo All these constants need to be redefined and revised after the design and the requirements are finalized.
* @{
* @file
* This file contains constant definitions that are used throughout the ECSS services.
* @see ECSSDefinitions
* The maximum size of a regular ECSS message, in bytes
* The maximum size of a regular ECSS message, plus its headers and trailing data, in bytes
inline const uint16_t CCSDSMaxMessageSize = ECSSMaxMessageSize + 6u + 6u + 2u;
* The maximum size of a string to be read or appended to a Message, in bytes
* This is used by the Message::appendString() and Message::readString() functions
* The maximum size of a string to be used by ST[13] \ref LargePacketTransferService, in bytes
* This is used by the Message::appendString() and Message::readString() functions
* The total number of different message types that can be handled by this project
* The CCSDS packet version, as specified in section 7.4.1
* The ECSS packet version, as specified in requirement
* The CCSDS sequence flags have the constant value 0x3, as specified in section 7.4.1
* @brief Maximum number of TC requests that can be contained in a single message request
* @details This definition accounts for the maximum number of TC packet requests that can be
* contained in the message of a request. This was defined for the time based command scheduling
* service and specifically to address the needs of the sub-services containing a TC packet in
* their message request.
* @attention This definition is probably dependent on the ECSS_TC_REQUEST_STRING_SIZE
* @brief Maximum length of a String converted TC packet message
* @details This definition refers to the maximum length that an embedded TC packet, meaning a TC
* packet contained in a message request as a part of the request.
* The maximum number of activities that can be in the time-based schedule
* @see TimeBasedSchedulingService
inline const uint8_t ECSSMaxNumberOfTimeSchedActivities = 10;
* @brief Time margin used in the time based command scheduling service ST[11]
* @details This defines the time margin in seconds, from the current rime, that an activity must
* have in order
* @see TimeBasedSchedulingService
* @brief Maximum size of an event's auxiliary data
* @see EventReportService
* @brief Size of the multimap that holds every event-action definition
inline const uint16_t ECSSEventActionStructMapSize = 256;
* The maximum delta between the specified release time and the actual release time
* @see TimeBasedSchedulingService
* The max number of simply commutated parameters per housekeeping structure in ST[03]
inline const uint16_t ECSSMaxSimplyCommutatedParameters = 10;
* The number of functions supported by the \ref FunctionManagementService
* The maximum length of a function name, in bytes
* @see FunctionManagementService
* The maximum length of the argument of a function
* @see FunctionManagementService
* @brief The maximum size of a log message
* @brief Size of the map holding references to each Parameter object for the ST[20] parameter service
inline const uint8_t ECSSParameterCount = 12;
* @brief Defines whether the optional CRC field is included
* Number of parameters whose statistics we need and are going to be stored into the statisticsMap
* Whether the ST[04] statistics calculation supports the reporting of stddev
* @brief Defines the max number of housekeeping structs that the housekeeping service can contain
inline const uint8_t ECSSMaxHousekeepingStructures = 10;
* Maximum number of ST[12] Parameter Monitoring Definitions.
inline const uint8_t ECSSMaxMonitoringDefinitions = 4;
/** @} */