* A generic class responsible for the execution and the parsing of the incoming telemetry and telecommand
* packets
* This class is responsible for converting Packets and Messages to and from the internal representation used in this
* project. The following hierarchy is used between the different layers on ecss-services:
* \code
* -------------------
* | User data field |
* -------------------
* --------------------------- Application Layer
* | Packet secondary header |
* | (ECSS header) |
* --------------------------- --------------------------------
* -------------------------
* | Packet primary header |
* | (CCSDS header) | Network Layer
* -------------------------
* \endcode
* The service data is encapsulated within the, **ECSS packet** which is encapsulated within the **CCSDS packet**.
* The MessageParser class is responsible for adding and processing both the ECSS and CCSDS headers. The target it uses
* for the internal representation of all received Telemetry (TM) and Telecommands (TC) is the \ref Message class.
* This function takes as input TC packets and calls the proper services' functions that have been
* implemented to handle TC packets.
* @param message Contains the necessary parameters to call the suitable subservice
* Parse a message that contains the CCSDS and ECSS packet headers, as well as the data
* As defined in CCSDS 133.0-B-1
* @param data The data of the message (not null-terminated)
* @param length The size of the message
* @return A new object that represents the parsed message
static Message parse(uint8_t* data, uint32_t length);
* Parse data that contains the ECSS packet header, without the CCSDS space packet header
* Note: conversion of char* to unsigned char* should flow without any problems according to
* this great analysis:
static Message parseECSSTC(String<ECSSTCRequestStringSize> data);
* @brief Overloaded version of \ref MessageParser::parseECSSTC(String<ECSS_TC_REQUEST_STRING_SIZE> data)
* @param data A uint8_t array of the TC packet data
* @return Parsed message
static Message parseECSSTC(uint8_t* data);
* @brief Converts a TC or TM message to a message string, appending just the ECSS header
* @todo Add time reference, as soon as it is available and the format has been specified
* @param message The Message object to be parsed to a String
* @param size The wanted size of the message (including the headers). Messages larger than \p size display an
* error. Messages smaller than \p size are padded with zeros. When `size = 0`, there is no size limit.
* @return A String class containing the parsed Message
static String<CCSDSMaxMessageSize> composeECSS(const Message& message, uint16_t size = 0u); // Ignore-MISRA
* @brief Converts a TC or TM message to a packet string, appending the ECSS and then the CCSDS header
* @param message The Message object to be parsed to a String
* @return A String class containing the parsed Message
static String<CCSDSMaxMessageSize> compose(const Message& message);
* Parse the ECSS Telecommand packet secondary header
* As specified in section of the standard
* @param data The data of the header (not null-terminated)
* @param length The size of the header
* @param message The Message to modify based on the header
static void parseECSSTCHeader(const uint8_t* data, uint16_t length, Message& message);
* Parse the ECSS Telemetry packet secondary header
* As specified in section of the standard
* @param data The data of the header (not null-terminated)
* @param length The size of the header
* @param message The Message to modify based on the header
static void parseECSSTMHeader(const uint8_t* data, uint16_t length, Message& message);