#include <cstdint>
#include "Message.hpp"
class ServicePool;
* @defgroup Services Services
* ECSS Services implementations, as defined in ECSS-E-ST-70-41C. These services receive TC Messages, and output TM
* Messages.
* A spacecraft service, as defined in ECSS-E-ST-70-41C
* A member of the Service class should be used as a singleton, i.e. must be created only once in
* the code
class Service {
uint16_t messageTypeCounter = 0;
* The service type of this Service. For example, ST[12]'s serviceType is `12`.
* Specify this value in the constructor of your service.
uint8_t serviceType{};
* Creates a new empty telemetry package originating from this service
* @param messageType The ID of the message type, as specified in the standard. For example,
* the TC[17,3] message has `messageType = 3`.
* @todo See if the Message must be returned by reference
* @todo Set the application ID to the current application
Message createTM(uint8_t messageType) {
return Message(serviceType, messageType, Message::TM, 0);
* Stores a message so that it can be transmitted to the ground station
* Note: For now, since we don't have any mechanisms to queue messages and send them later,
* we just print the message to the screen
void storeMessage(Message& message);
* This function declared only to remind us that every service must have a function like
* this, but this particular function does actually nothing.
* Default protected constructor for this Service
Service() = default;
Theodoros Katzalis
* @brief Unimplemented copy constructor
* Does not allow Services should be copied. There should be only one instance for each Service.
Service(Service const&) = delete;
* Unimplemented assignment operation
* Does not allow changing the instances of Services, as Services are singletons.
void operator=(Service const&) = delete;
* Default destructor
~Service() = default;
* Default move constructor
Service(Service&& service) noexcept = default;
* Default move assignment operator
Service& operator=(Service&& service) noexcept = default;