#include "ECSS_Definitions.hpp"
#include <iostream>
* Implementation of a Parameter field, as specified in ECSS-E-ST-70-41C.
* Fully compliant with the standard's requirements.
* @author Grigoris Pavlakis <>
* Useful type definitions
* @typedef ParamId: the unique ID of a parameter, used for searching
typedef uint16_t ParamId;
* Parameter class - Breakdown of fields
* @private ptr: Pointer of the function that will update the parameter
* @private currentValue: The current (as in last good) value of the parameter
* Methods:
* @public Parameter(uint32_t initialValue = 0, UpdatePtr newPtr = nullptr):
* Create a new Parameter object with initialValue as its starting value and newPtr
* as its update function pointer. Arguments initialValue and newPtr are optional, and have default values of
* 0 and nullptr respectively.
* @public setCurrentValue(): Changes the current value of the parameter
* @public getCurrentValue(): Gets the current value of the parameter
// class DataField {
// protected:
// uint8_t sizeInBytes;
// void* dataFieldAddress;
// // possible race: setCurrentValue may be ran when dataFieldAddress is uninitialized
// public:
// template <typename DataType>
// void setCurrentValue(DataType newValue) {
// DataType* typedDataFieldAddress = reinterpret_cast<DataType*>(dataFieldAddress);
// *typedDataFieldAddress = newValue;
// }
// };
* Highly likely that valuePtr is redundant! Then, ParameterBase could only contain
* virtual methods and act as a mere interface, moving all specific functionality to
* the Parameter class and ensuring type safety.
uint8_t sizeInBytes;
void* valuePtr = nullptr;
virtual String<ECSS_ST_20_MAX_STRING_LENGTH> getValueAsString() = 0;
template <typename ValueType>
void setCurrentValue(ValueType newVal) {
if (valuePtr == nullptr) {
std::cout << "THIS IS NULL!" << std::endl;
*reinterpret_cast<ValueType*>(valuePtr) = newVal;
* setCurrentValue is templated. Since Parameter (a template class) inherits ParameterBase
* (a class containing a template member), does a specialization of Parameter also specialize
* setCurrentValue? If not, we have a problem, since Parameter won't necessarily specialize
* setCurrentValue with the correct type => our setter is *not* typesafe.
template <typename ValueType>
class Parameter : public ParameterBase {
void (* ptr)(ValueType*);
Parameter(ValueType initialValue = 0, void(* newPtr)(ValueType*) = nullptr) {
ptr = newPtr;
sizeInBytes = sizeof(initialValue);
// previously null valuePtr now points to the currentValue field
valuePtr = static_cast<void*>(¤tValue);
if (ptr != nullptr) {
(*ptr)(¤tValue); // call the update function for the initial value
} else {
currentValue = initialValue;
String<ECSS_ST_20_MAX_STRING_LENGTH> getValueAsString() override {
String<ECSS_ST_20_MAX_STRING_LENGTH> contents(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(¤tValue), sizeInBytes);
return contents;