kongr45gpen authoredkongr45gpen authored
ErrorHandler.hpp 7.09 KiB
#include <type_traits>
// Forward declaration of the class, since its header file depends on the ErrorHandler
class Message;
#include <stdint.h> // for the uint_8t stepID
* A class that handles unexpected software errors, including internal errors or errors due to
* invalid & incorrect input data.
* @todo Add auxiliary data field to errors
class ErrorHandler {
* Log the error to a logging facility. Platform-dependent.
template<typename ErrorType>
static void logError(const Message &message, ErrorType errorType);
* Log an error without a Message to a logging facility. Platform-dependent.
template<typename ErrorType>
static void logError(ErrorType errorType);
enum InternalErrorType {
UnknownInternalError = 0,
* While writing (creating) a message, an amount of bytes was tried to be added but
* resulted in failure, since the message storage was not enough.
MessageTooLarge = 1,
* Asked to append a number of bits larger than supported
TooManyBitsAppend = 2,
* Asked to append a byte, while the previous byte was not complete
ByteBetweenBits = 3,
* A string is larger than the largest allowed string
StringTooLarge = 4,
* An error in the header of a packet makes it unable to be parsed
UnacceptablePacket = 5,
* Asked a Message type that it doesn't exist
UnknownMessageType = 6,
* The error code for failed acceptance reports, as specified in ECSS
* Note: Numbers are kept in code explicitly, so that there is no uncertainty when something
* changes.
enum AcceptanceErrorType {
UnknownAcceptanceError = 0,
* The received message does not contain enough information as specified
MessageTooShort = 1,
* Asked to read a number of bits larger than supported
TooManyBitsRead = 2,
* Cannot read a string, because it is larger than the largest allowed string
StringTooShort = 4,
* Cannot parse a Message, because there is an error in its secondary header
UnacceptableMessage = 5,
* The error code for failed start of execution reports, as specified in ECSS
* Note: Numbers are kept in code explicitly, so that there is no uncertainty when something
* changes.
enum ExecutionStartErrorType {
UnknownExecutionStartError = 0,
* The error code for failed progress of execution reports, as specified in ECSS
* Note: Numbers are kept in code explicitly, so that there is no uncertainty when something
* changes.
enum ExecutionProgressErrorType {
UnknownExecutionProgressError = 0,
* The error code for failed completion of execution reports, as specified in ECSS
* Note: Numbers are kept in code explicitly, so that there is no uncertainty when something
* changes.
enum ExecutionCompletionErrorType {
UnknownExecutionCompletionError = 0,
* Checksum comparison failed
ChecksumFailed = 1,
* Address of a memory is out of the defined range for the type of memory
AddressOutOfRange = 2,
* The error code for failed routing reports, as specified in ECSS
* Note: Numbers are kept in code explicitly, so that there is no uncertainty when something
* changes.
enum RoutingErrorType {
UnknownRoutingError = 0
* The location where the error occurred
enum ErrorSource {
* Report a failure and, if applicable, store a failure report message
* @tparam ErrorType The Type struct of the error; can be AcceptanceErrorType,
* StartExecutionErrorType,CompletionExecutionErrorType, or RoutingErrorType.
* @param message The incoming message that prompted the failure
* @param errorCode The error's code, as defined in ErrorHandler
* @todo See if this needs to include InternalErrorType
template<typename ErrorType>
static void reportError(const Message &message, ErrorType errorCode);
* Report a failure about the progress of the execution of a request
* Note:This function is different from reportError, because we need one more /p(stepID)
* to call the proper function for reporting the progress of the execution of a request
* @param message The incoming message that prompted the failure
* @param errorCode The error's code, when a failed progress of the execution of a request
* occurs
* @param stepID If the execution of a request is a long process, then we can divide
* the process into steps. Each step goes with its own definition, the stepID. Each value
* ,that the stepID is assigned, should be documented.
static void reportProgressError(const Message &message, ExecutionProgressErrorType errorCode,
uint8_t stepID);
* Report a failure that occurred internally, not due to a failure of a received packet.
* Note that these errors correspond to bugs or faults in the software, and should be treated
* differently. Such an error may prompt a task or software reset.
static void reportInternalError(InternalErrorType errorCode);
* Make an assertion, to ensure that a runtime condition is met.
* Reports a failure that occurred internally, not due to a failure of a received packet.
* Creates an error if \p condition is false. The created error is Internal.
static void assertInternal(bool condition, InternalErrorType errorCode) {
if (not condition) {
* Make an assertion, to ensure that a runtime condition is met.
* Reports a failure that occurred while processing a request, in any of the process phases.
* Creates an error if \p condition is false. The created error corresponds to a \p message.
template<typename ErrorType>
static void assertRequest(bool condition, const Message &message, ErrorType errorCode) {
if (not condition) {
reportError(message, errorCode);
* Convert a parameter given in C++ to an ErrorSource that can be easily used in comparisons.
* @tparam ErrorType One of the enums specified in ErrorHandler.
* @param error An error code of a specific type
* @return The corresponding ErrorSource
template<typename ErrorType>
inline static ErrorSource findErrorSource(ErrorType error) {
// While this may seem like a "hacky" way to convert enums to ErrorSource, it should be
// optimised by the compiler to constant time.
if (std::is_same<ErrorType, AcceptanceErrorType>()) {
return Acceptance;
if (std::is_same<ErrorType, ExecutionStartErrorType>()) {
return ExecutionStart;
if (std::is_same<ErrorType, ExecutionProgressErrorType>()) {
return ExecutionProgress;
if (std::is_same<ErrorType, ExecutionCompletionErrorType>()) {
return ExecutionCompletion;
if (std::is_same<ErrorType, RoutingErrorType>()) {
return Routing;
return Internal;