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Created with Raphaël 2.2.04Apr327Mar2621201884224Jan2210327Dec2115116227Nov7Oct29Sep16May1511Apr711Sep22Aug1115Apr1310531Mar1514131227Sep18212131Aug30231817161211987630Jul4May323Apr201716151276545432131Mar30292625232221201918171615161514131211109864228Feb262529Jan282423161511109873131Dec27262524232220181614Finalization of the add report types to app process config functinoRemoved commentFinalized all unit testsAdded unit test for combined valid and invalid requestsAdded Unit test for the valid addition of all report types of a service typeAll contributors have approved of this. There is the relevant e-mail chain in acubesat.coosUnit tests additionChange license from GNU GPL v3 to MITAdded documentationFirst valid Unit Test for the ST-14Merge branch 'documentation' into 'master'Add some basic documentationAdded documentationSet-up the testing platform for the new serviceAdded test filesImplementation of error checking related helper functionsPlacement of the configuration inside the Service itselfInitialization of the ST-14 configuration typesUseful definitions related to the ST-14 configurationMerge branch 'timestamp-refactored' into 'master'Timestamp cleanupMerge branch 'add-tpp-to-clang-format' into 'master'Add .tpp files to files checked by clang-formatMerge branch 'clang-format' into 'master'Generate .clang-format through CLion XMLMerge branch 'st12-on-board-monitoring' into 'master'ST[12] On-board Monitoring Service Part 1ignoreignoreignoreignoreignorePartial implementation of the ST[14] header fileMerge branch '79-use-a-well-defined-time-storage-struct' into 'master'Resolve "Use a well-defined time storage struct"Merge branch 'ParameterService_changes' into 'master'ParameterService changes for ST[20] IntegrationMerge branch 'Housekeeping-revisited' into 'master'ST[03] Housekeeping Service (simply commutated parameters only)Merge branch 'ci-pipeline-update' into 'master'