This is a slightly modified version of the STP Solver.
For the Original see:
As the Oritinal this is distibuted under the MIT OSS License:
Original README
STP is a constraint solver (or SMT solver) aimed at solving constraints of bitvectors and arrays. These types of constraints can be generated by program analysis tools, theorem provers, automated bug finders, cryptographic attack tools, intelligent fuzzers, model checkers, and by many other applications.
- Homepage:
- Ubuntu PPA:
- Docker image:
docker pull msoos/stp
Build and install
For a quick install:
sudo apt-get install cmake bison flex libboost-all-dev python perl minisat
git clone
cd stp
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install
For more detailed instructions, see towards the end of the page.
Input format
The file based input formats that STP reads are the: CVC, SMT-LIB1, and SMT-LIB2 formats. The SMT-LIB2 format is the recommended file format, because it is parsed by all modern bitvector solvers. Only quantifier-free bitvectors and arrays are implemented from the SMTLibv2 format.
Run with an SMTLibv2 file:
stp myproblem.smt
Overflowing a 32b integer using the python interface:
import stp
In [1]: import stp
In [2]: a = stp.Solver()
In [3]: x = a.bitvec('x')
In [4]: y = a.bitvec('y')
In [5]: a.add(x + y < 20)
In [6]: a.add(x > 10)
In [7]: a.add(y > 10)
In [8]: a.check()
Out[8]: True
In [9]: a.model()
Out[9]: {'x': 4294967287L, 'y': 11L}
With Docker:
docker pull msoos/stp
echo "(set-logic QF_BV)
(assert (= (bvsdiv (_ bv3 2) (_ bv2 2)) (_ bv0 2)))
(exit)" | docker run --rm -i msoos/stp
The system performs word-level preprocessing followed by translation to SAT which is then solved by a SAT solver. In particular, we introduce several new heuristics for the preprocessing step, including abstraction-refinement in the context of arrays, a new bitvector linear arithmetic equation solver, and some interesting simplifications. These heuristics help us achieve several magnitudes of order performance over other tools, and also over straight-forward translation to SAT. STP has been heavily tested on thousands of examples sourced from various real-world applications such as program analysis and bug-finding tools like EXE, and equivalence checking tools and theorem-provers.
Detailed Building and Installation
STP is built with CMake, version 3.0.2 or newer. CMake is a meta build system that generates build files for other tools such as make(1), Visual Studio, Xcode, etc.
Configuration variables
Here are a few interesting configuration variables. These apply to all generators.
- The build type (e.g. Release) -
- The prefix for install (e.g. /usr/local ) -
- If TRUE STP will be built with asserts. -
- Enable running tests -
- Enable building the Python interface -
- Set python executable in case you have more than one python installed -
- Use Clang's sanitization checks -
- Build static libraries and binaries instead of dynamic
STP relies on : boost, flex, bison and minisat. You can install these by:
$ sudo apt-get install cmake bison flex libboost-all-dev python perl minisat
STP uses minisat as its SAT solver by default but it also supports other SAT solvers including CryptoMiniSat as an optional extra. If installed, it will be detected during the cmake and used:
$ git clone
$ cd cryptominisat
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
$ sudo make install
$ sudo ldconfig
Building a static library and binary
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ make
$ sudo make install
$ sudo ldconfig```
Configuration and build options
To tweak the build configuration:
cmake-gui /path/to/stp/source/root
instead ofcmake
. This user interface lets you control the value of various configuration variables and lets you pick the build system generator. -
instead ofcmake
. This provides an ncurses terminal interface for changing configuration variables. -
options tocmake
(not very user friendly). It is probably best if you only configure this way if you are writing scripts.
You can also tweak configuration later by running make edit_cache
and edit any configuration variables, reconfigure and then regenerate the build system. After configuration, build by running make
You can use the -j<n>
flag to significantly to decrease build time by running <n>
jobs in parallel (e.g. make -j4
git clone
git submodule update --init
pip install lit
mkdir build
cd build
make check
To install run make install
and to uninstall run make uninstall
. The root of installation is controlled by the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX
variable at configure time. You can change this by running make edit_cache
and editing the value of CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX
Building on Visual Studio
Let's assume you put STP's source into c:\projects\stp and you have cygwin and git installed. Get zlib:
cd C:\projects
git clone
cd zlib
git checkout v1.2.8
mkdir build
mkdir myinstall
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="..\myinstall" ..
cmake --build .
cmake --build . --target install
Get minisat:
cd C:\projects
git clone
cd minisat
mkdir build
mkdir myinstall
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="..\myinstall" -DZLIB_ROOT="..\..\zlib\myinstall" ..
cmake --build .
cmake --build . --target install
Get flex, bison, perl:
C:\cygwin64\setup-x86_64.exe -qnNd -R C:/cygwin64 -s -l C:/cygwin64/var/cache/setup --packages "flex,bison,perl"
Finally, Build STP:
cd C:\projects
git clone
git submodule update --init --recursive
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DBoost_USE_STATIC_LIBS=ON -DENABLE_TESTING=ON -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE="C:\Program Files\Python36\\python.exe" -DLIT_TOOL="C:\Program Files\Python36\Scripts\\lit.exe" -DMINISAT_LIBDIR="..\..\minisat\myinstall\lib" -DMINISAT_INCLUDE_DIRS="..\..\minisat\myinstall\include" -DZLIB_ROOT="..\..\zlib\myinstall" -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="C:\cygwin64" ..
cmake --build .
cmake --build . --target install
Building Docker
git clone
cd stp
docker build -t stp .
echo "(set-logic QF_BV)
(assert (= (bvsdiv (_ bv3 2) (_ bv2 2)) (_ bv0 2)))
(exit)" | docker run --rm -i stp
- Vijay Ganesh
- Trevor Hansen
- Mate Soos
- Dan Liew
- Ryan Govostes
- And many others...