Conversion from pypsa to backbone data
This repo serves the purpose of converting data from pypsa to backbone. Thus, we leverage their weather data aggregation utilites.
you are required to have run the pypsa tutorial. If necessary also take a look at the first part of the tutorial.
running the conversion
- clone this repo
- install necessary packages via
conda create -n pypsa-eur --file package-list.txt
. This involves packages for running pypsa and the conversion - activate conda env with
conda activate pypsa-eur
- create a
file in the base directory and add the following contents
"pypsa_model_filename": "PATH/TO/pypsa-eur/networks/",
"index_filename": "PATH/TO/pypsa_to_backbone/index_file.xlsx",
"backbone_filename" : "PATH/TO/pypsa_to_backbone/data/Deutschland.xlsx"
- run