using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public enum UpgradeTypes
public enum FighterTypes
public struct FighterStats
public float healthMultiplier;
public float damageMultiplier;
public float armorMultiplier;
public class UpgradeData
public Upgrade upgrade;
public int count;
// How much it costs to purchase another one of this upgrade
public int GetNextUpgradeCost()
return StatsManager.instance.AdjustManaCost(GetUnadjustedNextUpgradeCost());
public float GetTotalEffectMultiplier()
return 1 + count * upgrade.effectMultiplier;
// You probably shouldn't call this outside this file.
public int GetUnadjustedNextUpgradeCost()
return (int)(upgrade.baseCost * (1 + count * upgrade.costMultiplier));
public class StatsManager : MonoBehaviour
public static StatsManager instance { get; private set; }
[SerializeField] int currentMana;
[SerializeField] List<Upgrade> availableUpgrades;
// The currently active statistics for each fighter type
public Dictionary<FighterTypes, FighterStats> fighterStats = new Dictionary<FighterTypes, FighterStats>();
// Information about currently available and purchased upgrades. Should only be read, not modified.
public Dictionary<UpgradeTypes, UpgradeData> upgrades = new Dictionary<UpgradeTypes, UpgradeData>();
public int GetMana()
return currentMana;
// Adjusts the given Mana cost based on the amount of Mana cost upgrades currently bought.
public int AdjustManaCost(int cost)
return (int)(cost * upgrades[UpgradeTypes.MANA_COST].GetTotalEffectMultiplier());
public int GetNextUpgradeCost(UpgradeTypes type)
return upgrades[type].GetNextUpgradeCost();
// Buys an upgrade, spending the required amount of Mana in the process. Returns false if not enough Mana is available.
public bool BuyUpgrade(UpgradeTypes type)
if (!ModifyMana(-GetNextUpgradeCost(type)))
return false;
return true;
// Add (positive value) or spend (negative value) Mana. Returns false if not enough Mana is available to spend.
if (!CanModifyMana(delta))
return false;
currentMana += delta;
return true;
// If `delta` is negative, returns this amount of Mana can be spent. If `delta` is positive, this will always return `true`.
public bool CanModifyMana(int delta)
return currentMana + delta >= 0;
void RecalculateStatMultipliers()
var enemyStats = fighterStats[FighterTypes.ENEMY];
enemyStats.healthMultiplier = upgrades[UpgradeTypes.ENEMY_HEALTH].GetTotalEffectMultiplier();
enemyStats.damageMultiplier = upgrades[UpgradeTypes.ENEMY_DAMAGE].GetTotalEffectMultiplier();
enemyStats.armorMultiplier = upgrades[UpgradeTypes.ENEMY_ARMOR].GetTotalEffectMultiplier();
fighterStats[FighterTypes.ENEMY] = enemyStats;
public float GetTotalEffectMultiplier(UpgradeTypes type)
return upgrades[type].GetTotalEffectMultiplier();
void Awake()
if (instance == null)
instance = this;
else if (instance != this)
foreach (Upgrade upgrade in availableUpgrades)
UpgradeData upgradeData = new UpgradeData();
upgradeData.upgrade = upgrade;
upgradeData.count = 0;
upgrades.Add(upgrade.type, upgradeData);
fighterStats.Add(FighterTypes.ANTI_PLAYER, new FighterStats()
healthMultiplier = 1f,
damageMultiplier = 1f,
armorMultiplier = 1f,
fighterStats.Add(FighterTypes.ENEMY, new FighterStats()
healthMultiplier = 1f,
damageMultiplier = 1f,
armorMultiplier = 1f,