// Only this file gets the implementation
#include "REFPROP_lib.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <chrono>
#include <iostream>
#include <valarray>
#include <random>
#include <numeric>
#include "teqp/models/multifluid.hpp"
int main()
// You may need to change this path to suit your installation
// Note: forward-slashes are recommended.
std::string path = "C:/Program Files (x86)/REFPROP";
std::string DLL_name = "REFPRP64.dll";
// Load the shared library and set up the fluid
std::string err;
bool loaded_REFPROP = load_REFPROP(err, path, DLL_name);
printf("Loaded refprop: %s @ address %zu\n", loaded_REFPROP ? "true" : "false", REFPROP_address());
if (!loaded_REFPROP){return EXIT_FAILURE; }
SETPATHdll(const_cast<char*>(path.c_str()), 400);
int ierr = 0, nc = 1;
char herr[255], hfld[10000] = "KRYPTON", hhmx[255] = "HMX.BNC", href[4] = "DEF";
SETUPdll(nc, hfld, hhmx, href, ierr, herr, 10000, 255, 3, 255);
char hflag[256] = "Cache ";
int jFlag = 3, kFlag = -1;
FLAGSdll(hflag, jFlag, kFlag, ierr, herr, 255, 255);
std::cout << kFlag << std::endl;
if (ierr != 0) printf("This ierr: %d herr: %s\n", ierr, herr);
double d = 1.0;
double z[20] = {1.0}, p = -1;
// Random speed testing
std::default_random_engine re;
std::valarray<double> taus(100000);
std::uniform_real_distribution<double> unif(2.0941098901098902, 2.1941098901098902);
std::transform(std::begin(taus), std::end(taus), std::begin(taus), [&unif, &re](double x) { return unif(re); });
std::valarray<double> deltas(taus.size()); {
std::uniform_real_distribution<double> unif(0.0015981745536338204, 0.0016981745536338204);
std::transform(std::begin(deltas), std::end(deltas), std::begin(deltas), [&unif, &re](double x) { return unif(re); });
for (auto repeat = 0; repeat < 100; ++repeat) {
std::valarray<double> ps = 0.0 * taus;
double rhoc = 10139.128;
double Tc = 190.564;
for (auto i = 0; i < taus.size(); ++i) {
double Ar01 = -10000;
PHIXdll(itau, idelta, taus[i], deltas[i], z, Ar01); ps[i] = Ar01; //ps[i] = (Ar01 + 1)*deltas[i]*rhoc*8.31451*Tc/taus[i];
/*idelta = 1;
PHIXdll(itau, idelta, Ts[i], ds[i], z, p); ps[i] += p;
idelta = 2;
PHIXdll(itau, idelta, Ts[i], ds[i], z, p); ps[i] += p;
idelta = 3;
PHIXdll(itau, idelta, Ts[i], ds[i], z, p); ps[i] += p;*/
//PRESSdll(Ts[i], ds[i], z, p); ps[i] = p;
double elap_us = std::chrono::duration<double>(toc - tic).count() / taus.size() * 1e6;
std::cout << "Repeat " << std::to_string(repeat) << ": " << elap_us << " us/call for PRESSdll; " << std::accumulate(std::begin(ps), std::end(ps), 0.0)/ps.size() << std::endl;
// And the same example with teqp
auto model = build_multifluid_model({ "Krypton" }, "../mycp", "../mycp/dev/mixtures/mixture_binary_pairs.json");
auto N = taus.size();
auto c = (Eigen::ArrayXd(1) << 1.0).finished();
// Get reference to pure fluid model
const auto f = model.corr.get_EOS(0);
for (auto counter = 0; counter < 100; ++counter)
double o = 0.0;
Timer t(N);
for (auto j = 0; j < N; ++j) {
o += f.alphar(taus[j], deltas[j]);
std::cout << o/N << std::endl;