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multifluid.cpp 3.7 KiB
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  • #include "teqp/core.hpp"
    #include <any>
    template<typename EOSCollection>
    class CorrespondingStatesContribution {
        const EOSCollection EOSs;
        CorrespondingStatesContribution(EOSCollection && EOSs) : EOSs(EOSs) {};
        template<typename TauType, typename DeltaType, typename MoleFractions>
        auto alphar(const TauType &tau, const DeltaType& delta, const MoleFractions &molefracs) const{
            using resulttype = decltype(tau*delta*molefracs[0]);
            resulttype alphar = 0.0;
            auto N = molefracs.size();
            for (auto i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
                alphar = alphar + molefracs[i]*EOSs[i].alphar(tau, delta);
            return alphar;
    template<typename FCollection, typename DepartureFunctionCollection>
    class DepartureContribution {
        const FCollection F;
        const DepartureFunctionCollection funcs;
        DepartureContribution(FCollection &&F, DepartureFunctionCollection&& funcs) : F(F), funcs(funcs) {};
        template<typename TauType, typename DeltaType, typename MoleFractions>
        auto alphar(const TauType& tau, const DeltaType& delta, const MoleFractions& molefracs) const{
            using resulttype = decltype(tau*delta*molefracs[0]);
            resulttype alphar = 0.0;
            auto N = molefracs.size();
            for (auto i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
                for(auto j = 0; j < N; ++j){
                    alphar = alphar + molefracs[i]*molefracs[j]*F[i][j]*funcs[i][j].alphar(tau, delta);
            return alphar;
    template<typename ReducingFunction, typename CorrespondingTerm, typename DepartureTerm>
    class MultiFluid {
        const ReducingFunction redfunc;
        const CorrespondingTerm corr; 
        const DepartureTerm dep;
        MultiFluid(ReducingFunction &&redfunc, CorrespondingTerm &&corr, DepartureTerm &&dep) : redfunc(redfunc), corr(corr), dep(dep) {};
        template<typename TType, typename RhoType>
        auto alphar(TType T,
            const RhoType& rhovec,
            const std::optional<typename RhoType::value_type> rhotot = std::nullopt) const
            RhoType::value_type rhotot_ = (rhotot.has_value()) ? rhotot.value() : std::accumulate(std::begin(rhovec), std::end(rhovec), (decltype(rhovec[0]))0.0);
            auto molefrac = rhovec / rhotot_;
            auto Tred = redfunc.Tr(molefrac);
            auto rhored = redfunc.rhor(molefrac);
            auto delta = rhotot_/rhored;
            auto tau = Tred/T;
            using resulttype = decltype(T*rhovec[0]);
            return corr.alphar(tau, delta, molefrac) + dep.alphar(tau, delta, molefrac);
    class DummyEOS {
        template<typename TType, typename RhoType>
        auto alphar(TType tau, const RhoType& delta) const{ return tau*delta;}
    class DummyReducingFunction {
        template<typename MoleFractions>
        auto Tr(const MoleFractions &molefracs) const
            return molefracs[0];
        template<typename MoleFractions>
        auto rhor(const MoleFractions& molefracs) const
            return molefracs[0];
    auto build_multifluid_model(const std::vector<std::string>& components) {
        std::vector<DummyEOS> EOSs(2);
        std::vector<std::vector<DummyEOS>> funcs(2); for (auto i =0; i < funcs.size(); ++i){ funcs[i].resize(funcs.size()); }
        std::vector<std::vector<double>> F(2); for (auto i = 0; i < F.size(); ++i) { F[i].resize(F.size()); }
        auto redfunc = DummyReducingFunction();
        return MultiFluid(std::move(redfunc), std::move(CorrespondingStatesContribution(std::move(EOSs))), std::move(DepartureContribution(std::move(F), std::move(funcs))));
    int main(){
        auto model = build_multifluid_model({"Methane", "Ethane"});
        std::valarray<double> rhovec = { 1.0, 2.0 };
        auto alphar = model.alphar(300.0, rhovec);
        return EXIT_SUCCESS;