Ian Bell
#include "pybind11_wrapper.hpp"
#include "teqp/models/multifluid.hpp"
#include "teqp/derivs.hpp"
#include <type_traits>
Ian Bell
void add_multifluid_mutant(py::module& m) {
Ian Bell
using MultiFluid = decltype(build_multifluid_model(std::vector<std::string>{"", ""}, "", ""));
// Wrap the function for generating a multifluid mutant
m.def("build_multifluid_mutant", &build_multifluid_mutant<MultiFluid>);
// The reducing function type and the departure function types are the same
// as the base model
using RedType = std::decay_t<decltype(MultiFluid::redfunc)>;
using DepType = std::decay_t<decltype(MultiFluid::dep)>;
// Typedef for modified mutant type
using BIPmod = std::decay_t<MultiFluidAdapter<RedType, DepType, MultiFluid>>;
// Define python wrapper of the mutant class
auto wMFBIP = py::class_<BIPmod>(m, "MultiFluidMutant")
.def("set_meta", [](BIPmod& c, const std::string &s) { return c.set_meta(s); })
.def("get_meta", [](const BIPmod& c) { return c.get_meta(); })
add_derivatives<BIPmod>(m, wMFBIP);
void add_multifluid_mutant_invariant(py::module& m) {
// A typedef for the base model from which we steal the pure fluids
using MultiFluid = std::decay_t<decltype(build_multifluid_model(std::vector<std::string>{"", ""}, "", ""))>;
// Wrap the function for generating a multifluid mutant
m.def("build_multifluid_mutant_invariant", &build_multifluid_mutant_invariant<MultiFluid>);
// Typedef for mutant with the invariant reducing function
using Mutant = std::invoke_result_t<decltype(build_multifluid_mutant_invariant<MultiFluid>), MultiFluid&, nlohmann::json&>;
// Define python wrapper of the mutant class
auto wMutant = py::class_<Mutant>(m, "MultiFluidMutantInvariant")
.def("set_meta", [](Mutant& c, const std::string& s) { return c.set_meta(s); })
.def("get_meta", [](const Mutant& c) { return c.get_meta(); })
add_derivatives<Mutant>(m, wMutant);