//#define USE_AUTODIFF
#include "teqp/models/multifluid.hpp"
auto build_multifluid_model(const std::vector<std::string>& components, const std::string &coolprop_root, const nlohmann::json &BIPcollection) {
auto [Tc, vc] = MultiFluidReducingFunction::get_Tcvc(coolprop_root, components);
auto F = MultiFluidReducingFunction::get_F_matrix(BIPcollection, components);
Ian Bell
auto funcs = get_departure_function_matrix(coolprop_root, BIPcollection, components);
auto EOSs = get_EOSs(coolprop_root, components);
auto [betaT, gammaT, betaV, gammaV] = MultiFluidReducingFunction::get_BIP_matrices(BIPcollection, components);
auto redfunc = MultiFluidReducingFunction(betaT, gammaT, betaV, gammaV, Tc, vc);
return MultiFluid(
std::move(DepartureContribution(std::move(F), std::move(funcs)))
template<typename ModelType>
void trace(std::vector<std::string> fluids, const ModelType& model, int i){
auto rhoc0 = 1.0/[0];
auto T = model.redfunc.Tc[0];
std::valarray<double> rhovec = { rhoc0, 0.0 };
for (auto iter = 0; iter < 1000; ++iter) {
auto drhovecdT = get_drhovec_dT_crit(model, T, rhovec);
rhovec += drhovecdT * dT;
T += dT;
int rr = 0;
auto z0 = rhovec[0] / rhovec.sum();
std::cout << z0 << " ," << rhovec[0] << "," << T << std::endl;
if (z0 < 0) {
template<typename Callable, typename Inputs>
auto NewtonRaphson(Callable f, const Inputs &args, double tol) {
// Jacobian matrix
Eigen::ArrayXd x = args, r0;
Eigen::MatrixXd J(args.size(), args.size());
for (int iter = 0; iter < 30; ++iter){
r0 = f(x);
for (auto i = 0; i < args.size(); ++i) {
auto dri = std::max(1e-3*x[i], 1e-8);
auto argsplus = x;
argsplus[i] += dri;
Ian Bell
J.col(i) = (f(argsplus) - r0)/dri; // Forward diff to avoid negative concentration possibility
Eigen::ArrayXd v = J.colPivHouseholderQr().solve(-r0.matrix());
x += v;
auto err = r0.matrix().norm();
if (err < tol) {
return x;
template<typename ModelType>
void trace_arclength(std::vector<std::string> fluids, const ModelType &model, std::size_t i) {
auto rhoc0 = 1.0 /[i];
auto T = model.redfunc.Tc[i];
double t = 0.0, dt = 100;
std::valarray<double> rhovec(2); rhovec[i] = { rhoc0 }; rhovec[1L-i] = 0.0;
// Non-analytic terms make it impossible to initialize AT the pure components
if (fluids[0] == "CarbonDioxide" || fluids[1] == "CarbonDioxide"){
if (i == 0) {
rhovec[i] *= 0.9999;
else {
rhovec[i] *= 1.0001;
double zi = rhovec[i]/rhovec.sum();
T = zi* model.redfunc.Tc[i] + (1-zi)* model.redfunc.Tc[1L-i];
auto dot = [](const auto& v1, const auto& v2) { return (v1 * v2).sum(); };
auto norm = [](const auto &v){ return sqrt((v*v).sum()); };
std::string filename = fluids[0] + "_" + fluids[1] + ".csv";
std::ofstream ofs(filename);
double c = 1.0;
ofs << "z0 / mole frac.,rho0 / mol/m^3,rho1 / mol/m^3,T / K,p / Pa,c" << std::endl;
auto rhotot = rhovec.sum();
auto z0 = rhovec[0] / rhotot;
if (fluids[0] == "CarbonDioxide" || fluids[1] == "CarbonDioxide") {
auto polish_x_resid = [&model, &z0](const auto& x) {
auto T = x[0];
std::valarray<double> rhovec = { x[1], x[2] };
auto z0new = rhovec[0] / rhovec.sum();
auto derivs = get_derivs(model, T, rhovec);
// First two are residuals on critical point, third is residual on composition
return (Eigen::ArrayXd(3) << derivs.tot[2], derivs.tot[3], z0new - z0).finished();
try {
Eigen::ArrayXd x0(3); x0 << T, rhovec[0], rhovec[1];
auto r0 = polish_x_resid(x0);
auto x = NewtonRaphson(polish_x_resid, x0, 1e-10);
auto r = polish_x_resid(x);
Eigen::ArrayXd change = x0 - x;
if (!std::isfinite(T) || !std::isfinite(x[1]) || !std::isfinite(x[2])) {
throw std::invalid_argument("Something not finite; aborting polishing");
T = x[0]; rhovec[0] = x[1]; rhovec[1] = x[2];
catch (std::exception& e) {
std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
auto write_line = [&rhovec, &rhotot, &z0, &model, &T, &c, &ofs](){
std::stringstream out;
out << z0 << "," << rhovec[0] << "," << rhovec[1] << "," << T << "," << rhotot*model.R*T + get_pr(model, T, rhovec) << "," << c << std::endl;
std::string sout(out.str());
ofs << sout;
std::cout << sout;
if (iter == 0) {
auto drhodT = get_drhovec_dT_crit(model, T, rhovec);
auto dTdt = 1.0 / norm(drhodT);
auto drhodt = drhodT * dTdt;
// Flip the sign if the tracing wants to go backwards, or if the first step would take you to negative concentrations
if (iter == 0 && any(rhovec + c*drhodt*dt < 0)) {
c *= -1;
else if (iter > 0 && dot(c*drhodt, last_drhodt) < 0){
c *= -1;
rhovec += c*drhodt*dt;
T += c*dTdt*dt;
z0 = rhovec[0] / rhovec.sum();
if (z0 < 0 || z0 > 1) {
auto polish_x_resid = [&model, &z0](const auto& x) {
auto T = x[0];
std::valarray<double> rhovec = { x[1], x[2] };
auto z0new = rhovec[0] / rhovec.sum();
auto derivs = get_derivs(model, T, rhovec);
// First two are residuals on critical point, third is residual on composition
return (Eigen::ArrayXd(3) << derivs.tot[2], derivs.tot[3], z0new - z0).finished();
try {
Eigen::ArrayXd x0(3); x0 << T, rhovec[0], rhovec[1];
auto r0 = polish_x_resid(x0);
auto x = NewtonRaphson(polish_x_resid, x0, 1e-10);
auto r = polish_x_resid(x);
Eigen::ArrayXd change = x0 - x;
if (!std::isfinite(T) || !std::isfinite(x[1]) || !std::isfinite(x[2])) {
throw std::invalid_argument("Something not finite; aborting polishing");
T = x[0]; rhovec[0] = x[1]; rhovec[1] = x[2];
catch (std::exception& e) {
std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
rhotot = rhovec.sum();
z0 = rhovec[0] / rhotot;
if (z0 < 0 || z0 > 1) {
Ian Bell
class Timer {
int N;
decltype(std::chrono::steady_clock::now()) tic;
Timer(int N) : N(N), tic(std::chrono::steady_clock::now()){}
~Timer() {
auto elap = std::chrono::duration<double>(std::chrono::steady_clock::now()-tic).count();
std::cout << elap/N*1e6 << " us/call" << std::endl;
void trace_critical_loci(const std::string &coolprop_root, const nlohmann::json &BIPcollection) {
std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> pairs = {
{ "CarbonDioxide", "R1234YF" }, { "CarbonDioxide","R1234ZE(E)" }, { "ETHYLENE","R1243ZF" },
{ "R1234YF","R1234ZE(E)" }, { "R134A","R1234YF" }, { "R23","R1234YF" },
{ "R32","R1123" }, { "R32","R1234YF" }, { "R32","R1234ZE(E)" }
for (auto &pp : pairs) {
using ModelType = decltype(build_multifluid_model(pp, coolprop_root, BIPcollection));
std::optional<ModelType> model{std::nullopt};
try {
model.emplace(build_multifluid_model(pp, coolprop_root, BIPcollection));
catch (std::exception &e) {
std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
std::cout << pp[0] << "&" << pp[1] << std::endl;
for (int i : {0, 1}){
trace_arclength(pp, model.value(), i);
std::string coolprop_root = "C:/Users/ihb/Code/CoolProp";
coolprop_root = "../mycp";
auto BIPcollection = nlohmann::json::parse(
std::ifstream(coolprop_root + "/dev/mixtures/mixture_binary_pairs.json")
// Critical curves
Timer t(1);
trace_critical_loci(coolprop_root, BIPcollection);
Ian Bell
auto model = build_multifluid_model({ "methane", "ethane" }, coolprop_root, BIPcollection);
std::valarray<double> rhovec = { 1.0, 2.0 };
double T = 300;
const std::valarray<double> molefrac = { rhovec[0]/rhovec.sum(), rhovec[1]/rhovec.sum() };
const double rho = rhovec.sum();
volatile double T = 300.0;
constexpr int N = 10000;
volatile double alphar;
double rrrr = get_Ar01(model, T, rho, molefrac);
double rrrr2 = get_Ar02(model, T, rho, molefrac);
Timer t(N);
for (auto i = 0; i < N; ++i){
alphar = model.alphar(T, rho, molefrac);
std::cout << alphar << std::endl;
Timer t(N);
for (auto i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
alphar = get_Ar01(model, T, rho, molefrac);
std::cout << alphar << "; 1st CSD" << std::endl;
Timer t(N);
for (auto i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
alphar = get_Ar01ad(model, T, rho, molefrac);
std::cout << alphar << "; 1st autodiff::autodiff" << std::endl;
Ian Bell
Timer t(N);
for (auto i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
alphar = get_Ar01mcx(model, T, rho, molefrac);
std::cout << alphar << "; 1st MCX" << std::endl;
Ian Bell
Timer t(N);
for (auto i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
alphar = get_Ar02(model, T, rho, molefrac);
std::cout << alphar << std::endl;
auto alphar = model.alphar(T, rhovec);
auto Ar01 = get_Ar01(model, T, rhovec);
auto Ar10 = get_Ar10(model, T, rhovec);
auto splus = get_splus(model, T, rhovec);
std::valarray<double> molefrac = { 1.0/3.0, 2.0/3.0 };
auto B2 = get_B2vir(model, T, molefrac);
auto dilrho = 0.00000000001 * molefrac;
auto B2other = get_Ar01(model, T, dilrho)/dilrho.sum();
auto Ar01dil = get_Ar01(model, T, rhovec*0.0);
int ttt =0 ;