"aliasmap.keys()[0:30] # the first 30 aliases in the dict"
"list(aliasmap.keys())[0:10] # the first 10 aliases in the dict"
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# Multi-fluid EOS
Peering into the innards of teqp
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``` python
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## Ancillary Equations
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Ancillary equations are provided along with multiparameter equations of state. The give a good *approximation* to the phase equilibrium densities. There are routines in teqp to use the ancillary equations provided with the EOS. First a class containing the ancillary equations is obtained, then methods on that class are called
Estimation of interaction parameters can be used when no mixture model is present. The ``flags`` keyword argument allows the user to control how estimation is applied. The ``flags`` keyword argument should be a dictionary, with keys of ``"estimate"`` to provide the desired estimation scheme as-needed. For now, the only allowed estimation scheme is ``Lorentz-Berthelot``.
If it is desired to force the estimation, the ``"force-estimate"`` to force the use of the provided esimation scheme for all binaries, even when one is available. The value associated with ``"force-estimate"`` is ignored.