* Massive re-working of the c++ interface. There is now a "public interface" of teqp defined in the ``teqp/cpp/teqpcpp.hpp`` header, with the model contained in a private type-safe variant. This results in much faster incremental compiles in C++ (in general).
* [Breaking]: Functions ``get_Ar10iso`` and ``get_Ar00iso`` removed, superceded by ``get_Ar00`` and ``get_Ar10``. Function ``get_Psiriso`` removed.
* [Breaking]: ``rho`` keyword argument to isochoric derivatives replaced with ``rhovec``
* [Breaking]: ``convert_CoolProp_format`` static method of IdealHelmholtz hoisted to free function ``convert_CoolProp_idealgas``
* [Breaking]: Format of ideal-gas Helmholtz term is changed to include gas constant R everywhere
* 0.13.0 :
* Added 2-center Lennard-Jones models to the C++ code (thanks to Sven Pohl)