This library implements advanced derivative techniques to allow for implementation of EOS without any hand-written derivatives. The name TEQP comes from Templated Equation of State Package. A paper about teqp is published in Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.:
So far the following EOS are implemented:
- van der Waals
- Peng-Robinson
- Soave-Redlich-Kwong
- cubic plus association (CPA) for pure fluids
- multi-fluid model in the form of GERG
- ammonia+water model of Tillner-Roth and Friend
- Exp-6 (modified Buckingham) from Kataoka
- square-well from Espíndola-Heredia et al.
- Implementing an EOS is an error-prone and boring exercise. Automatic differentiation packages are a mature solution for calculating derivatives
- Algorithms can be implemented in a very generic way that is model-agnostic
Written by Ian Bell, NIST.
0.12.0 :
- Added Exp-6 (modified Buckingham) from Kataoka and square-well from Espíndola-Heredia et al.
0.11.0 :
Move all module-level free functions to bound methods of instances in Python
Update the C++ packaged interface of teqp to enable almost-zero-cost rebuilds of the exposed methods of C++ interface
Merge sphinx docs branch into main
Add the hardcoded Tillner-Roth and Friend model for ammonia + water (see AmmoniaWaterTillnerRoth class)
Add method for dp/dT along critical locus
Add method for pure-fluid endpoint solving for critical locus (opt-in)
0.10.0 :
Add isobar tracing for VLE of binary mixtures (exposed to Python)
class for ideal-gas Helmholtz energy contribution (exposed to Python) -
Bugfix: Fix order of coefficients in one departure term. See f1da57. Had been wrong in CoolProp for many years.
0.9.5 :
- Bugfix: Fix the eigenvector orientiation as well when taking the temperature derivative in critical curve tracing. See b70178f7
0.9.4 :
- Expose the a and b parameters of cubic EOS. See 84ebc0fb
0.9.3 :
- Bugfix: Fixed stopping condition in
was negative, automatic stop, missingabs
). See d87e91e
- Bugfix: Fixed stopping condition in
0.9.2 :
- Bugfix:
can be set also when specifyingsigma
with PC-SAFT
- Bugfix:
0.9.1 :
- Transcription error in a coefficient of PC-SAFT
0.9.0 :
Add ability to obtain ancillaries for multifluid model (
see teqp/models/multifluid_ancillaries.hpp
) or thebuild_ancillaries
method in python -
Enable ability to use multiprecision with PC-SAFT
0.8.1 :
- Replace the
function that was erroneously removed
- Replace the
0.8.0 Significant changes include:
kij can be set for PC-SAFT and cubics (PR & SRK)
Added Lennard-Jones EOS from Thol et al.
Partial molar volume is now an available output
Added solver for pure fluid critical point
Added 2D Chebyshev departure function
Starting work on a C++ wrapper in the hopes of improving compile times for C++ integration
0.7.0 Significant changes include:
generalized to allow for any derivative -
Local stability tests for critical points can be enabled
Critical curve polishers much more reliable
Add a method for dp/dT along isopleth of phase envelope of mixture.
Estimation is not enabled by default by the
flag. If that is desired, useforce-estimation
0.6.0 Add VLLE from VLE routine based upon
0.5.0 Add VLE polishing routine 50b61af0, fix bug in critical curve tracing misalignment of eigenvectors f01ac7be, assorted issue fixes, especially support for javascript
0.4.0 Add VLE tracing, code coverage and valgrind testing, fugacity_coefficients, generalize loading of multifluid models
0.3.0 Add integration options to the tracing of the critical curve; fix
0.2.0 Add fluid files to the python package
For all users, you should be able to install the most recent version from PYPI with
pip install teqp
Build (cmake based)
Be aware: compiling takes a while in release mode (multiple minutes per file in some cases) thanks to the use of generic typing in the models. Working on making this faster...
For example to build the critical line tracing example in visual studio, do:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build . --target multifluid_crit --config Release
On linux/OSX, similar:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build . --target multifluid_crit
Random notes for future readers:
- When building in WSL via VS Code, you might need to enable metadata to avoid pages of configure errors in cmake:
- Debugging in WSL via VS Code (it really works!):