thomaswoehlke authored
* Fixed #123 split RkiBundeslaenderService into two Services, one for bundeslaender and one for landkreise * Fixed #128 add fields from csv to RkiLandkreiseImport * Fixed #139 refactor RkiBundeslaenderServiceDownload to new method scheme introduced 07.02.2021 * Fixed #140 move WhoImport to RKI in: rk_service_import.py * Fixed #125 implement RkiLandkreise * Fixed #126 implement RkiBundeslaenderImport
thomaswoehlke authored* Fixed #123 split RkiBundeslaenderService into two Services, one for bundeslaender and one for landkreise * Fixed #128 add fields from csv to RkiLandkreiseImport * Fixed #139 refactor RkiBundeslaenderServiceDownload to new method scheme introduced 07.02.2021 * Fixed #140 move WhoImport to RKI in: rk_service_import.py * Fixed #125 implement RkiLandkreise * Fixed #126 implement RkiBundeslaenderImport
run_setup.sh 1.77 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo "--------------------------------------------------"
echo "rm -rf venv"
echo "--------------------------------------------------"
rm -rf venv
#python3 -m venv venv
echo "--------------------------------------------------"
echo "virtualenv venv"
echo "--------------------------------------------------"
virtualenv venv
echo "--------------------------------------------------"
echo ". venv/bin/activate"
echo "--------------------------------------------------"
. venv/bin/activate
export FLASK_ENV=development
export FLASK_APP=covid19
echo "--------------------------------------------------"
echo "--------------------------------------------------"
echo "pip install -r requirements.txt"
echo "--------------------------------------------------"
pip install -r requirements.txt
echo "--------------------------------------------------"
echo "pip install -r requirements-tools.txt"
echo "--------------------------------------------------"
pip install -r requirements-tools.txt
echo "--------------------------------------------------"
echo "pip install -e ."
echo "--------------------------------------------------"
pip install -e .
echo "--------------------------------------------------"
echo " DONE"
echo "--------------------------------------------------"
pip-compile requirements/docs.in
pip-compile requirements/tests.in
pip-compile requirements/dev.in
cat requirements/docs.txt | grep -v '#' | sed 's/^/\t"/g' | sed 's/$/",/g' > requirements/req_docs.py
cat requirements/tests.txt | grep -v '#' | sed 's/^/\t"/g' | sed 's/$/",/g' > requirements/req_tests.py
cat requirements/dev.txt | grep -v '#' | sed 's/^/\t"/g' | sed 's/$/",/g' > requirements/req_dev.py
pip install -e . --compile --progress-bar pretty