RkiVaccinationImport.get_daterep_missing_in_vaccination_data(): native SQL to SQLalechemy Query
Created by: thomaswoehlke
File: src/covid19/blueprints/rki/rki_vaccination/rki_vaccination_model_import.py
Created by: thomaswoehlke
File: src/covid19/blueprints/rki/rki_vaccination/rki_vaccination_model_import.py
mentioned in commit ff5a0d51
mentioned in commit aa2e1889
mentioned in commit fd88d54e
mentioned in commit c57ffcc7
mentioned in commit a77314db
mentioned in commit 8bfb459a
mentioned in commit 7ade9154
mentioned in commit e2745fbf
changed milestone to %0.0.33 Release
changed milestone to %0.0.35 Release