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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. May 02, 2021
  2. Apr 28, 2021
  3. Apr 04, 2021
  4. Feb 26, 2021
  5. Feb 25, 2021
  6. Feb 18, 2021
  7. Feb 14, 2021
    • thomaswoehlke's avatar
      ### 0.0.17 Release · 7a1b5038
      thomaswoehlke authored
      * Fixed #123 split RkiBundeslaenderService into two Services, one for bundeslaender and one for landkreise
      * Fixed #128 add fields from csv to RkiLandkreiseImport
      * Fixed #139 refactor RkiBundeslaenderServiceDownload to new method scheme introduced 07.02.2021
      * Fixed #140 move WhoImport to RKI in:
      * Fixed #125 implement RkiLandkreise
      * Fixed #126 implement RkiBundeslaenderImport
      ### 0.0.18 Release
      * Fixed #39 SQLalchemy instead of SQL: AllModelClasses.remove_all()
      * Fixed #40 SQLalchemy instead of SQL: EcdcImport.get_date_rep()
      * Fixed #41 SQLalchemy instead of SQL: EcdcImport.get_countries_of_continent()
      * Fixed #107 SQLalchemy instead of SQL in: EcdcImport.get_countries_of_continent
      * Fixed #109 SQLalchemy instead of SQL in: EcdcImport.get_date_rep
      * Fixed #110 SQLalchemy instead of SQL in: EcdcImport.get_continent
    • thomaswoehlke's avatar
      * Fixed #123 split RkiBundeslaenderService into two Services, one for... · c961783d
      thomaswoehlke authored
      * Fixed #123 split RkiBundeslaenderService into two Services, one for bundeslaender and one for landkreise
      * Fixed #128 add fields from csv to RkiLandkreiseImport
      * Fixed #139 refactor RkiBundeslaenderServiceDownload to new method scheme introduced 07.02.2021
      * Fixed #140 move WhoImport to RKI in:
      * Fixed #125 implement RkiLandkreise
      * Fixed #126 implement RkiBundeslaenderImport
  8. Feb 08, 2021
  9. Feb 06, 2021
  10. Jan 30, 2021
    • thomaswoehlke's avatar
      ### 0.0.13 Release · 016f3fd8
      thomaswoehlke authored
      * Fixed #49 EuropeServiceUpdate.__update_data_short() (wontfix)
      * Fixed #52 download vaccination timeline data file
      * Fixed #53 import vaccination timeline data file into db
      * Fixed #54 /vaccination/imported
      * Issue #57 frontend: use npm for handling 3rdParty css and javascript modules like jQuery, Bootstrap
      * Issue #58 frontend: remove jumbotron from all pageheader, put jumbotron as main content on home page
      * Issue #59 frontend: add correct breadcrumb to every page
      * Issue #60 frontend: better design for tables
      * Issue #61 frontend: better design for navtabs
      * Issue #62 frontend: better design for pages
      * Issue #63 frontend: add footer design
      * Issue #47 major refactoring: Routes from to org...who,europe,...
      * Issue #48 major refactoring: Tasks from to org...who,europe,...
      * Issue #64 major refactoring: create two packages: for web app and for celery worker
      * Issue #65 major refactoring: add flask-blueprints for admin, common, europe, rki, vaccination, who
      ### 0.0.14 Release
      * Issue #66 frontend: migrate to Bootstrap Theme sb-admin-angular
      * Issue #67 implement Flask-Login
      ### 0.0.15 Release
      * Issue #5 Visual Graphs for Data per Countries order by Date
      ### 0.0.16 Release
      * Issue #28 /admin/database/import
      * Issue #39 SQLalchemy instead of SQL: AllModelClasses.remove_all()
      * Issue #40 SQLalchemy instead of SQL: EuropeDataImportTable.get_date_rep()
      * Issue #41 SQLalchemy instead of SQL: EuropeDataImportTable.get_countries_of_continent()
      * Issue #42 SQLalchemy instead of SQL: WhoGlobalDataImportTable.get_new_dates_as_array()
      ### 0.0.17 Release
    • thomaswoehlke's avatar
      Work · c87733fb
      thomaswoehlke authored
  11. Jan 29, 2021
  12. Jan 21, 2021
    • thomaswoehlke's avatar
      ### 0.0.10 Release · 53f3b127
      thomaswoehlke authored
      * Issue #24 update_data
      * Issue #26 /admin/database/dump
      * Fixed #29 /who/info
      * Fixed #30 /europa/info
      * Fixed #31 /rki/info
      * Fixed #32 /nrw/info
      * Fixed #33 /europe/date_reported
      * Fixed #34 /europe/continent
      * Fixed #35 /europe/country
      * Issue #36 /europe/data
      * Fixed #37 switch from RabbitMQ to Redis
      * Fixed #38 update Celery from 4 to 5
    • thomaswoehlke's avatar
      ### 0.0.10 Release · 2100a7ba
      thomaswoehlke authored
      * Issue #24 update_data
      * Issue #26 /admin/database/dump
      * Issue #28 /admin/database/import
      * Fixed #29 /who/info
      * Fixed #30 /europa/info
      * Fixed #31 /rki/info
      * Fixed #32 /nrw/info
      * Issue #33 /europe/date_reported
      * Issue #34 /europe/continent
      * Issue #35 /europe/country
      * Issue #36 /europe/data
      * Fixed #37 switch from RabbitMQ to Redis
      * Fixed #38 update Celery from 4 to 5
  13. Jan 18, 2021
    • thomaswoehlke's avatar
      ### 0.0.8 Release · d96ec671
      thomaswoehlke authored
      * Fixed #13 /who/imported/
      * Fixed #14 /europe/imported/
      * Fixed #15 /who/update: Download
      * Fixed #16 /who/update: Import File to DB
      * Issue #17 /who/update: Update DB
      * Issue #3 ORM: 3NF for ecdc_europa_data_import
      * Issue #4 data update for 3NF ecdc_europa_data_import
  14. Jan 14, 2021