thomaswoehlke authoredthomaswoehlke authored
BACKLOG.md 10.13 KiB
0.0.1 Release
- Fixed #1 (closed) test 1 2 3
0.0.2 Release
- Fixed #2 (closed) start data update job via web ui
- Fixed #4 (closed) data update: who_country
- Fixed #6 (closed) data update: who_global_data
- Fixed #3 (closed) web ui: show table of who_region
0.0.3 Release
- Fixed #8 (closed) view_who_today_new_deaths
- Fixed #9 (closed) view_who_global_data
- Fixed #10 (closed) view_who_today_new_cases
- Fixed #11 (closed) view_who_germany
- Fixed #12 (closed) view_max_new_deaths_who
0.0.4 Release
- Fixed #13 (closed) Pagination for all Tables
- Fixed #14 (closed) Running on Windows and Linux
- Fixed #15 (closed) Navigation: Region, Countries, Data per Countries order by Date
0.0.5 Release
- Fixed #1 (closed) Async Tasks for import and update Data with Celery and RabbitMQ
- Fixed #2 (closed) Move Repo to github
0.0.6 Release
- Fixed #6 (closed) data of all reported countries for WHO date reported
- Fixed #7 (closed) WHO Countries all - data for Country
0.0.7 Release
- Issue #8 (closed) WhoServiceUpdate.update_db_short()
- Issue #9 (closed) URL: /who/update/short
- Issue #10 (closed) async who_update_short_task
- Issue #11 (closed) WhoServiceUpdate.__update_who_global_data_short()
- Fixed #12 (closed) better layout for flash messages
0.0.8 Release
- Fixed #13 (closed) /who/imported/
- Fixed #14 (closed) /europe/imported/
- Fixed #15 (closed) /who/update: Download
- Fixed #16 (closed) /who/update: Import File to DB
- Fixed #17 (closed) /who/update: Update DB
- Fixed #21 (closed) better templates for who_global_data tables
0.0.9 Release
- Fixed #18 (closed) /europe/update: Download
- Fixed #19 (closed) /europe/update: Import File to DB
- Fixed #20 (closed) /europe/update: Update DB
- Fixed #21 (closed) update_date_reported
- Fixed #22 (closed) update_continent
- Fixed #23 (closed) update_country
- Fixed #24 (closed) update_data
- Fixed #25 (closed) /who/update/initial update_data_initial
- Fixed #27 (closed) /admin/database/drop
- Fixed #3 (closed) ORM: 3NF for ecdc_europa_data_import
- Fixed #4 (closed) data update for 3NF ecdc_europa_data_import
0.0.10 Release
- Fixed #24 (closed) update_data
- Fixed #29 (closed) /who/info
- Fixed #30 (closed) /europa/info
- Fixed #31 (closed) /rki/info
- Fixed #32 (closed) /nrw/info
- Fixed #33 (closed) /europe/date_reported
- Fixed #34 (closed) /europe/continent
- Fixed #35 (closed) /europe/country
- Fixed #36 (closed) /europe/data
- Fixed #37 (closed) switch from RabbitMQ to Redis
- Fixed #38 (closed) update Celery from 4 to 5
0.0.11 Release
- Fixed #26 (closed) /admin/database/dump
- Fixed #43 (closed) /europe/date_reported
- Fixed #44 (closed) /europe/continent
- Fixed #45 (closed) /europe/country
- Fixed #46 (closed) /europe/country/germany
- Fixed #50 (closed) remove unused requirements from requirements.txt
- Fixed #51 (closed) /europe/imported
0.0.12 Release
- Fixed #55 (closed) /vaccination/tasks
- Fixed #56 (closed) /vaccination/info
0.0.13 Release
- Fixed #49 (closed) EuropeServiceUpdate.__update_data_short() (wontfix)
- Fixed #52 (closed) download vaccination timeline data file
- Fixed #53 (closed) import vaccination timeline data file into db
- Fixed #54 (closed) /vaccination/imported
- Fixed #57 (closed) frontend: use npm for handling 3rdParty css and javascript modules like jQuery, Bootstrap
- Fixed #58 (closed) frontend: remove jumbotron from all pageheader, put jumbotron as main content on home page
- Fixed #47 (closed) major refactoring: Routes from app.py to org...who,europe,... (Doublette von #65 (closed))
- Fixed #48 (closed) major refactoring: Tasks from server_mq.py to org...who,europe,... (Doublette von #65 (closed))
- Fixed #64 (closed) major refactoring: create two packages: for web app and for celery worker
- Fixed #68 (closed) TODO: move Queries from Services to Model-Classes
- Fixed #65 (closed) major refactoring: add flask-blueprints for admin, common, europe, rki, vaccination, who
0.0.14 Release
- Fixed #69 (closed) Branch: ISSUE_66_ATTEMPT_01
- Fixed #70 (closed) load package.json from Bootstrap-Template sb-admin-angular into statics
- Fixed #67 (closed) implement Flask-Login (wontfix)
- Issue #159 (closed) merge Branch ISSUE_66_ATTEMPT_01 to master
0.0.15 Release
- Issue #39 (closed) SQLalchemy instead of SQL: AllModelClasses.remove_all()
- Issue #40 (closed) SQLalchemy instead of SQL: EuropeImport.get_date_rep()
- Issue #41 (closed) SQLalchemy instead of SQL: EuropeImport.get_countries_of_continent()
- Issue #42 (closed) SQLalchemy instead of SQL: WhoGlobalDataImportTable.get_new_dates_as_array()
- Issue #71 (closed) add python modules to requirements.txt for User Login, Authentication and Autorisation
- Issue #72 (closed) add python modules to requirements.txt for Ajax and other JS Features
- Issue #73 (closed) add python modules to requirements.txt for further research and development
- Issue #74 (closed) add Tasks to WHO Tasks Html
- Issue #75 (closed) add Tasks to Europe Tasks Html
- Issue #76 (closed) add Tasks to Vaccination Tasks Html
- Issue #77 (closed) add Tasks to RKI Tasks Html
- Issue #78 (closed) add PlantUML
- Issue #79 (closed) add Gaphor UML
- Issue #80 (closed) rename WhoGlobalDataImportTable to WhoImport
- Issue #81 (closed) change tablename from who_global_data_import to who_import
- Issue #82 (closed) BUG: change to ORM ClassHierarchy
- Issue #83 (closed) SQLalchemy instead of SQL in WhoGlobalDataImportTable.get_new_dates_as_array
- Issue #84 (closed) rename tablename from who_global_data to who_data
- Issue #85 (closed) rename WhoData to WhoData
- Fixed #86 (closed) rename VaccinationData to Vaccination
- Issue #87 (closed) change to: Vaccination.datum many to one VaccinationDateReported
- Issue #89 (closed) change tablename from vaccination_germany_timeline_import to vaccination_import
- Issue #90 (closed) refactor VaccinationService to new method scheme introduced 07.02.2021
- Issue #91 (closed) implement VaccinationService.run_download_only
- Issue #92 (closed) implement VaccinationService.run_import_only
- Issue #93 (closed) implement VaccinationService.run_update_dimension_tables_only
- Issue #94 (closed) implement VaccinationService.run_update_fact_table_incremental_only
- Issue #95 (closed) implement VaccinationService.run_update_fact_table_initial_only
- Issue #96 (closed) implement VaccinationService.run_update_star_schema_incremental
- Issue #97 (closed) implement VaccinationService.run_update_star_schema_initial
- Issue #98 (closed) refactor VaccinationServiceDownload to new method scheme introduced 07.02.2021
- Issue #99 (closed) refactor VaccinationServiceImport to new method scheme introduced 07.02.2021
- Issue #100 (closed) refactor VaccinationsServiceUpdate to new method scheme introduced 07.02.2021
- Issue #101 (closed) implement VaccinationsServiceUpdate.update_dimension_tables_only
- Issue #102 (closed) implement VaccinationsServiceUpdate.update_fact_table_incremental_only
- Issue #103 (closed) implement VaccinationsServiceUpdate.update_fact_table_initial_only
- Issue #104 (closed) implement VaccinationsServiceUpdate.update_star_schema_incremental
- Issue #105 (closed) implement VaccinationsServiceUpdate.update_star_schema_initial
- Issue #106 (closed) add Tasks and URLs for starting Tasks to vaccination_views
- Issue #107 (closed) SQLalchemy instead of SQL in: EuropeImport.get_countries_of_continent
- Issue #108 (closed) change to ORM ClassHierarchy in: EuropeImport.get_countries_of_continent
- Issue #109 (closed) SQLalchemy instead of SQL in: EuropeImport.get_date_rep
- Issue #110 (closed) SQLalchemy instead of SQL in: EuropeImport.get_continent
- Issue #111 (closed) refactor to new method scheme itroduced 07.02.2021
- Issue #112 (closed) implement EuropeService.run_update_dimension_tables_only
- Issue #113 (closed) implement EuropeService.run_update_fact_table_incremental_only
- Issue #114 (closed) implement EuropeService.run_update_fact_table_initial_only
- Issue #115 (closed) implement EuropeService.run_update_star_schema_incremental
- Issue #116 (closed) implement EuropeService.run_update_star_schema_initial
- Issue #117 (closed) refactor EuropeServiceUpdate to new method scheme introduced 07.02.2021
- Issue #118 (closed) implement EuropeServiceUpdate.update_dimension_tables_only
- Issue #119 (closed) implement EuropeServiceUpdate.update_fact_table_incremental_only
- Issue #120 (closed) implement EuropeServiceUpdate.update_fact_table_initial_only
- Issue #121 (closed) implement EuropeServiceUpdate.update_star_schema_incremental
- Issue #122 (closed) implement EuropeServiceUpdate.update_star_schema_initial
- Issue #123 (closed) split RkiService into two Services, one for bundeslaender and one for landkreise
- Issue #124 (closed) rename RkiBundeslaender to RkiBundeslaender
- Issue #125 (closed) implement RkiLandkreise
- Issue #126 (closed) implement RkiBundeslaenderImport
- Issue #127 (closed) implement RkiBundeslaenderImport.get_dates_reported
- Issue #128 (closed) add fields from csv to RkiLandkreiseImport
- Issue #129 (closed) change to ORM ClassHierarchy in: RkiLandkreiseImport.get_new_dates_as_array
- Issue #130 (closed) remove RkiGermanyDataImportTable
- Issue #131 (closed) change to ORM ClassHierarchy in: RkiGermanyDataImportTable.get_new_dates_as_array
- Issue #132 (closed) refactor RkiService to new method scheme introduced 07.02.2021
- Issue #133 (closed) implement RkiService.task_database_drop_create
- Issue #134 (closed) implement RkiService.run_update_dimension_tables_only
- Issue #135 (closed) implement RkiService.run_update_fact_table_incremental_only
- Issue #136 (closed) implement RkiService.run_update_fact_table_initial_only
- Issue #137 (closed) implement RkiService.run_update_star_schema_incremental
- Issue #138 (closed) implement RkiService.run_update_star_schema_initial
- Issue #139 (closed) refactor RkiServiceDownload to new method scheme introduced 07.02.2021
- Issue #140 (closed) move WhoGlobalDataImportTable to RKI in: rk_service_import.py
- Issue #141 (closed) implement RkiServiceUpdate.update_dimension_tables_only
- Issue #142 (closed) implement RkiServiceUpdate.update_fact_table_incremental_only
- Issue #143 (closed) implement RkiServiceUpdate.update_fact_table_initial_only
- Issue #144 (closed) implement RkiServiceUpdate.update_star_schema_incremental
- Issue #145 (closed) implement RkiServiceUpdate.update_star_schema_initial
- Issue #146 (closed) add Tasks and URLs for starting Tasks to rki_views
- Issue #147 (closed) refactor RkiServiceUpdate.__update_who_date_reported
- Issue #148 (closed) refactor RkiServiceUpdate.__update_who_region
- Issue #149 (closed) refactor RkiServiceUpdate.__update_who_country
- Issue #150 (closed) refactor RkiServiceUpdate.__update_who_global_data
- Issue #151 (closed) refactor RkiServiceUpdate.__update_who_global_data_short
- Issue #152 (closed) refactor RkiServiceUpdate.__update_who_global_data_initial
- Issue #153 (closed) refactor RkiServiceUpdate.update_db
- Issue #154 (closed) refactor RkiServiceUpdate.update_db_short
- Issue #155 (closed) refactor RkiServiceUpdate.update_db_initial
- Issue #156 (closed) run_web.sh
- Issue #157 (closed) run_worker.sh
- Issue #162 (closed) rename table vaccination_germany_timeline into vaccination_data
0.0.16 Release
- Issue #5 Visual Graphs for Data per Countries order by Date
- Issue #59 frontend: add correct breadcrumb to every page
- Issue #60 (closed) frontend: better design for tables
- Issue #61 frontend: better design for navtabs
- Issue #62 (closed) frontend: better design for pages
- Issue #63 frontend: add footer design
0.0.17 Release
- Issue #28 (closed) /admin/database/import
- Issue #66 (closed) frontend: migrate to Bootstrap Theme sb-admin-angular
- Issue #158 (closed) load Bootstrap-Template sb-admin-angular into static